HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/1985 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission May 2, 1985 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: .Retiring Chairman Hansen, Members Kaiser, Stallings, Brochu, new members Paulson, Dresser and Wendler MEMBERS ABSENT: Retiring Member Martyn, Member MacGilvray STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo (arrived approximately 8:00 P.M.), Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Zoning Official Kee, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Attorney Clar and Planning Technician Volk. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 1: Presentation of Plaques to retiring commissioners. Mayor Gary Halter presented plaques to retiring Commission Chairman Hansen. (Retiring Member Martyn was absent, as was Councilman Tongco who was being replaced). Mr. Hansen then turned the meeting over to Member Kaiser. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 2: Administration of Oath of Office to new commissioners. • Mayor Halter administered the Oath of Office to reappointed Commissioner Kaiser who became the new Chairman of the Commission, then to new Commissioners Dresser, Paulson and Wendler. He expressed appreciation to retiring Commissioners and greetings to the new Commissioners and offered best wishes for a fruitful, fulfilling term on this Commission. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 3: Approval of Minutes - meetings of April 4 and April 24, 1985. Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve the minutes of both meetings as presented. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). AGBNDA ITBM N0. 4: Hear visitors. No one spoke. Chairman Kaiser announced that he would be moving to Agenda Item No. 14 to accommodate Committee Member Jerry Miller who will be presenting the item, and who is required to leave the meeting earlier than would be allowed if the item were considered in the order specified. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 14: Consideration of the Bast Bypass Land Use Recommendations. . Mr. Jerry Miller came forward to present a verbal outline of the report presented by the East Bypass committee. Mr. Kaiser directed the Commission to take no action on the report at this time, but rather to study the report 1 P&Z Minutes 5-2-85 • for another two weeks, and directed staff to put this item on the agenda for the meeting of May 16th, with action to be considered at that time. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Miller if residential use is being recommended right up to the frontage road along the Bypass, and Mr. Miller explained that much of the land at the location of future intersections would be used for interchanges, but that because there is currently no physical boundary (creeks, trees, etc.) to divide existing residential areas away from the area bordering the frontage road, no divisions were made in the recommendations. Mr. Kaiser then pointed out that this is a committee report rather than a staff report, but that any questions could be addressed to the either committee or staff in the next two study weeks. AGBNDA ITEM N0. 5: 85-111: A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 1, 2 A part of Lot 3 Block C College Heights subdivision (304 University Drive) fro' Duplex District R-2 to Administrative-Professional District A-P. Applicant is Myrna Hughes. Mr. Callaway presented the request, pointed out area zoning as being A-P, C-1 and R-2, and explained that although the subject tract is residential, area land uses include commercial, office and residential. He explained that the approved land use plan reflects this area along University Drive as commercial and that staff recommends approval of this request as it is compatible with both zoning and uses in the area. The public hearing was opened. Myrna Hughes, applicant, came forward to explain her plans for this • property if this request is approved, adding that an office would definitely be developed at this location. Delbert Holbrack, the previous owner of this property came forward stating that in 1972 it was recommended that this land be changed from residential to commercial zoning, but his father chose not to make the zoning change at that time. He offered to answer any questions the Commission might have. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Members Brochu and Stallings indicated they had no problem with this request as it appeared that this would clearly be an appropriate use. Mrs. Stallings then made a motion to approve this request with Mr. Brochu seconding the motion. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGBNDA ITEM N0. 6: 85-702: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Persit for a filling station (retail) in a C-3 Planned Coaaercial zoning district. Applicant is John W. Haney. Mr. Callaway explained the area zoning, existing uses and the approved Land Use Plan which reflects the area as office/commercial. He further explained that a filling station in a C-3 zoning district requires a conditional use permit which must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and includes not only approval of the use, but site plan approval as well. He then gave a brief synopsis of the background of the existing zoning on this land, adding that the C-3 zoning at this particular location was approved by • the Council contingent upon the filing of a final plat of the land, as well as approval of a conditional use permit for development of the C-3 zoned land. He referred to the Landscape Legend on the site plan which indicates 2 P&Z Minutes 5-2-85 • the juniper shrubs will be 1-3 foot shrubs, and instructed that size of shrubs should be indicated by gallons, and in this instance should be 5 gallon size shrubs. He added that with this change, staff would recommend approval with P.R.C. recommendations, which have all be met on the site plan being reviewed at this meeting. Mr. Dresser asked where the entrance to this project lines up with the exit from the Bypass and Mr. Callaway replied that he does not know the exact location, but it is to the east. Mr. Kaiser asked for an explanation of the sign issue and Mr. Callaway replied that this lot is only a part of a larger area (premise) and will have a limitation on freestanding signage, then followed with a brief explanation of the new sign ordinance, further explaining that attached signage will not be limited. The public hearing was opened. Ron Cruse, 8601 Creekview Court came forward as a representative of the applicant, John Haney, and explained the plan being presented has been developed with help from staff, local area residents and the applicant. He stated that the developers would rather the sign questions not be addressed tonight, adding that he acknowledges that only one freestanding sign will be allowed on the building plot, but pointed out that the location may be changed from that shown. He said that he is able to address the problem with landscaping tonight, and the junipers will be 5 gallon size. Gail Griffin, 10$ Mile Drive came forward to relate some history of this land, adding that in the recent past, proposed development or zoning on this land has been considered 8 times. She stated that area residents have agreed • to the proposed deed restrictions developed for this land, as well as to this request being presented, and would urge the Commissioners to grant approval. She added that area residents still have some concerns regarding the vacant, undeveloped land which surrounds this small, established neighborhood which has existed for 19 years, and would hope that the "domino effect" will be prevented. She asked City Engineer Pullen about signalization at the intersection and Mr. Pullen replied that signalization at that intersection is a highway project rather than a City project, so he is unable to state particulars of it, but he is aware that funding has been allocated and he believes the project is planned for next year. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Brochu made a motion to grant the Conditional Use Permit as requested tonight, with P.R.C. recommendations and landscaping to include 5 gallon junipers. Mrs. Stallings seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). AGBNDA ITBM N0. 7: 85-803: A public hearing on the question of amending Section 1-D, Definitions and the District Use Schedule Table A of Ordinance No. 850, the Zoning Ordinance, revising definitions of and rear setbacks for accessory uses, structures or buildings. Zoning Official Kee explained the proposed ordinance amendment and the reasons for its preparation and presentation. Mr. Dresser asked if accessory uses include portable metal buildings which are not on foundations or slabs. Mrs. Kee replied that they do, but locations have been difficult to enforce • below a certain size building because building permits are not required if buildings are under a certain square footage. Mrs. Stallings asked if this ordinance includes control of satellite dishes and Mrs. Kee stated that it 3 P&Z Minutes 5-2-85 • does not specifically address dishes and staff is still researching that subject, but speculated that they could be included in this ordinance. Mr. Callaway explained that City Council has received a petition from citizens regarding control of these dishes which will be referred to the Planning Commission. Mr. Brochu asked if satellite dishes could be included in the definitions in this ordinance and then fall under those regulations. Mrs. Kee stated that is possible. The public hearing was opened and Ron Cruse came forward to ask about decks, hot tubs, gazebos, etc. Mrs. Kee explained they would be governed by this ordinance if there was a roof, but stated that a deck with no roof would not be governed by these regulations. Mr. Pullen asked if this ordinance covers only above ground structures and Mrs. Kee replied that is correct. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve this ordinance amendment. Mr. Paulson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). AGBNDA ITEM N0. 8: 85-109: Reconsideration of the question of rezoning 41.574 acres of land at the southwest corner of the intersection of Graham Road and S.H.6 Eros Agriculture-Open District A-0 to Cossercial Industrial District C-2 (10.689 acres) and Apartments High Density District R-6 (25.165 acres). Applicant is Willias Terrell Aycock III. (This ites was tabled at the meeting on April 4, 1985). • Mr. Callaway briefly re-explained this request, area zoning and uses for the benefit of the new Commissioners. Mr. Dresser asked why all this land is zoned A-0 and Mr. Callaway replied that in this case, A-0 zoning is an interim zoning for land when it is annexed. Mr. Dresser also asked about the C-1 zoning across S.H. 6 and to the south of this land, and Mr. Callaway replied that there were prior uses on that land at the time of annexation which may have influenced zoning on those tracts. Mr. Kaiser asked the location of the City Limits line and about a warehouse which is under construction. Mr. Callaway explained the location of the City Limits line by referring to a map on the wall, and further explained the warehouse under construction is outside the City Limits. Mr. Brochu asked why the Commission at the last meeting had suggested that all this land might be zoned C-2 and Mr. Kaiser explained that discussion had revolved around the development along Graham Road to the west and the possibilities of the existing C-2 there expanding further east. He added that the appropriateness of locating a residential. area along a major highway had also been discussed, as well as whether or not Lick Creek would be an adequate buffer between C-2 and R-6 development. Mr. Brochu stated that if all of this is zoned C-2, then much more than this 41 acres would be available for development. Mr. Callaway agreed and then explained how that would deviate from the accepted Land Use Plan. Mr. Kaiser asked how Rock Prairie Road will be developed in the future and Mr. Callaway and Mr. Pullen explained its future location. Mr. Dresser asked what plans are made for Graham Road and Mr. Callaway replied that it could • become a minor thoroughfare and as needs demand, will increase in priority regarding width, etc. Mr. Brochu asked how far this land is from Shenandoah and Nantucket subdivisions and Mr. Callaway explained that it is over one 4 P&Z Minutes 5-2-85 • mile to Shenandoah which is inside the City, and approximately 5 miles to Nantucket subdivision which is outside the City Limits. Mr. Kaiser stated that the reason for asking staff and the applicant to reconsider the request is because some Commissioners felt there to be a liklihood of sandwiching in a residential area between industrial development if existing development expands. Mr. Brochu replied that without knowing what the future will bring, he believes this is a good plan, and a buffer area can be developed later. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Aycock if he proposes any straightening of the natural stream bed of Lick Creek, or if he proposes to remove the trees. Mr. Aycock replied that the natural buffer will be left and asked Mr. Callaway to explain why this type of residential and industrial development is preferred over lower density residential at this location. Mr. Callaway complied by stating that due to the amount of floodway along this creek, C-2 and R-6 zoning would offer more flexibility in development than a lower intensity use. Mrs. Stallings made a motion to approve this request as presented. Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). AG$NDA ITBM N0. 9: 85-202: Final Plat - Haney Highway 6. Mr. Mayo explained the plat, adding that the sign note on the plat must be changed to comply with the current ordinance. Mr. Wendler asked the significance of the sign easement on the plat and Mr. Mayo explained that this sign easement had been planned before the current ordinance, and • location of a sign would not be restricted to that easement. Mr. Cruse concurred that the easement had been left on this revision inadvertantly. Mr. Kaiser asked if a 50 foot sign could be used since part of this land is on the Bypass and Mrs. Kee stated that if the sign meets all ordinance requirements, that might be possible. Mr. Kaiser asked if that would be possible on this site and Mrs. Kee replied that she could not specifically say at this time, but she does know that if ordinance requirements could be met for a 50 foot sign, there would only be one allowed, but more than one business could be advertised on that sign. Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve this plat with the condition that the signage note is changed to meet ordinance requirements. Mr. Wendler seconded the motion. Mr. Dresser stated he had a couple of questions regarding contour lines on the plat and an easement for the City of Bryan which is referred to in the notes but which he could not locate. Mr. Mayo replied that the easement is a recorded instrument, and because it is a blanket easement does not need to be shown on this plat. Chris Galindo, engineer for the plat asked to address the contour lines, and permission was granted. He explained that they were inadvertantly left over from the Preliminary Plat and would be removed prior to filing the plat. He further explained that the blanket easement is not shown, but actually covers existing lines. Votes were cast on the motion. Motion carried unanimously {6-0). • AGgNDA ITBM N0. 10: 85-203: Final Plat - Replat Lot 4 Block 4 Southeast College Park Addition. 5 P&Z Minutes 5-2-85 • Mr. Mayo explained this replat simply makes two lots out of one large one, and both are larger than required minimum size, therefore staff recommends approval as shown. Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve the plat; Mr. Dresser seconded the motion to approve which carried unanimously (6-0). AGBNDA ITBM N0. 11: 85-302: Preliminary Plat - Glenhaven Bstates Phase VII. Mr. Mayo explained that the Master Preliminary Plat of this subdivision showed the entire plan and each small cul-de-sac has been coming in on a Preliminary Plat. Mrs. Stallings made a motion to approve this plat; Mr. Dresser seconded the motion and then stated that some contour lines were incorrect on this. plat and there is something wrong with the dimensions of the cul-de-sac. Mrs. Stallings made a motion to amend the motion to approve to include language that the contour lines must be corrected as well as the distance lines around the cul-de-sac. Mr. Brochu seconded the motion to amend the original motion to approve. Motion to approve as amended carried unanimously (6-0). AGBNDA ITBM N0. 12: 85-303: Master Preliminary Plat - Family Tree. Mr. Mayo explained that Phase I of this plat has no changes from the originally approved Master Preliminary Plat, but since some changes have been made to Phase II, this Master Replat was required. Staff recommends approval as shown. Mr. Dresser asked why some streets are 50 feet in width, and some • are 60 feet. Mr. Mayo explained that the number of dwelling units on a street, or if the street is a collector street determines the required width. Mr. Dresser asked why there is a turn-around on Jamin but not on Shane and Mr. Mayo explained the distance from a major intersection governs that requirement. Mr. Pullen interjected that is a fire code regulation; a street cannot be more than 150 feet long without a turn-around. Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve this plat with Presubmission Conference conditions. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion to approve which carried 5-0-1 (Paulson abstained). AGBNDA ITBM N0. 13: Consideration of a request to waive the required 180 day waiting period between rezoning requests on the same property to allow resubmittal of a request to rezone Lot 1 Block 3 Prairie View Heights subdivision (618 Banks). Mr. Kaiser explained that this item had been withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the applicant earlier in the day. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 15: Other business. City Attorney Cathy Locke introduced herself to the Commission, and then introduced the new Assistant City Attorney, Barry Clar to the Commission, adding that he would most likely be attending the meetings in the future. Mr. Dresser asked staff why Welsh Street and Rio Grande Boulevard have been • stopped or offset in the vicinity of Family Tree, and Mr. Mayo replied that the Comprehensive Plan shows street corridors through this area, although it does not show the exact location of those streets. He explained that Rock 6 P&Z Minutes 5-2-g~ • Prairie Road will be extended to Wellborn Road as development takes place and those roads are planned to carry the majority of the traffic. Therefore, staff and the developers in the area have worked closely on plans to offset some of streets to encourage traffic to move over the major streets. He went on to explain that the extension of Welsh Street had previously been taken off the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Dresser asked then if plans are for traffic to either go through to S.H.6 or Wellborn Road for north/south movement, and Mr. Mayo replied that is correct. Mr. Dresser said that he has concern that Wellborn Road will not be able to handle the traffic load and Mr. Mayo replied that major improvements will have to be made sometime in the future to that street. Mr. Brochu asked the status of the University Drive study committee and Mr. Callaway replied that staff can meet anytime with the committee, but that another member will have to be appointed to fill a vacancy. Mr. Kaiser replied that he would appoint Steve Hansen as a permanent member of that committee. Mr. Kaiser then directed staff to prepare a P.R.C. meeting schedule using Wednesdays at 10 a.m. for the day and time to meet. He also instructed staff to schedule a meeting between the Commission and the legal staff for instruction in carrying out duties of the Commission. He further requested that staff schedule a workshop tour for the new Commissioners as has become the custom. He then announced that there would be a joint workshop of the P&Z Commission, the City Council and the drainage committee/consultants • at 4 P.M. on May 22nd. Mr. Kaiser stated he would publically like to recognize the help and direction retiring Commissioner Ray Martyn acting as chairman had given the East Bypass Study Committee and to thank him for his guidance during that study. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 16: Adjourn. Mrs. Stallings made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Paulson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). APPROVED: - O --- --------- -- a-~~------ Chairman, Ronald Kaiser ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • 7 :.•:,.s• .7 STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) AFFIDAVIT BEFORE ME personally appeared /~'/,4~jfL ~igt~L ~~,/ a local public official on the h ~ ~ ryJ ~~~ Board/City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, and stated the nature and extent of his/her interest in the following matter, to-wit: 1. . K~' vl~,ecl l3. 33 °/a i ~k ~~~s~" ~h t° ~~t TvL°c SdpG• 4oGGFZ~~C! ~t1 C,'O~/~9e L~~ay 7~~5 • to be as follows: ~ ~ The Affiant further told me that he/she would abstain r: from any vote or decision concerning same because of the above-mentioned interest in the action. Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas , ~ My Commission Expires : 0~, Gc~ ~'~ `~ , TIiIS AFFIDAVIT MUST BE FILED WITH THE ~ ~ ~! CITY SECRETARY FOR THE CITY OF COiLEGE STA`1'ION PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • GUEST REGISTER NAM ~~, 1. ~:4 5. ~ 6. ~~it ~_ DATE MAY 2, 1g85 ADDRE/SS 6= / ~ ~ stir -'~' ` ' ~" - ~' ~ ,~. Z4!'~ ~ 'h ~~ S~ r ~ ~ 9. lo. i 11~ ~ ~z. 13. 14. ~~ ~ 16. ~;d~ '..~ ~~~~~~~ 19. i i`iLy ~~ AFL (9kTl,~F/N Zo. 21 . `^ 22. ~ . . ~ /fIN~1I ~ ~,~Z, - (..~ 77. .c' r ,~_ , , 5 6 ~ t~, r_~ I,'G1 ~~~ Y~r ~, ~ ,~ ~, l /! r '~U2 ~ yii~:,,,~ L~so~+ ~7U~ y~r/"~~~~ ~~- ~ ~Zi ~! ~l ~~~rnJ ~; S. ~~ :-, ., ^. ~.