HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1985 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission June 6, 1985 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Kaiser, Members MacGilvray, Paulson, Wendler, Brochu and Dresser MEMBERS ABSENT: Member Stallings STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITBM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of May 16, 1985. Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Paulson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITBM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITBM N0. 3: 85-703: A public hearing on the question of • granting a Conditional Use Permit for expansion of an existing daycare center from 72 children 2 mornings a week to 87 children 2 mornings a week and 36 children 1 morning a week. Applicant is Aldersgate United Methodist Church. Mr. Callaway explained the request, further explaining that this addition does not involve any site changes. Mr. Dresser asked if the expiration date of the previously granted Use Permit will change and Mr. Callaway stated the Commission can either leave it or change it as the Zoning Ordinance gives the Comm:isson that option. The public hearing was opened. Richard Feldman, a representative of the church, came forward to speak in favor of this permit, stating that it is being requested due to increased demand for the service the church provides. Mr. Paulson asked what days they are requesting and Mr. Feldman replied they now meet on Monday and Wednesday mornings and want to add Friday mornings for at least 36 children, as well as to increase the number of children allowed on Mondays and Wednesdays. Mr. MacGilvray asked how many children the State would allow them to care for and Mr. Feldman stated that initially the State said they could have 200 children, but then ruled that this church would not require licensing by the State, so now the church does not have an up-to-date ruling, and cannot answer the question. Mr. MacGilvray said that he is mostly concerned with future requests, as it has not been very long since this Commission granted the first use permit. Mr. Feldman stated that the center has been running very smoothly and there have been more requests than was previously anticipated. Mr. MacGilvray asked if there have been any complaints from neighbors and Mr. Feldman stated he knows of none. Mr. Brochu asked if the children are mostly from the church's membership, and Mr. Feldman said that originally it had started that way, but now requests are being received from the 1 Windwood and Raintree subdivisions. Mr. Kaiser referred to the minutes from the meeting when the daycare use permit was originally considered and reported that • those minutes state that the State had set the maximum number of children at 125. Susan Simpson spoke from the audience stating that number had not been set by the State and Mr. Feldman added that the church had been under the impression that the maximum would be 125 children, but it turned out to be 200 children. Mr. Kaiser asked if this request is approved, would this daycare center be the largest in the area, and Mr. Feldman stated he did not know, but added that the church board had been concerned that it might be in competition with members of the church who had daycare centers, but that has proven not to be the case. Mr. Brochu asked if this is strictly daycare with no school and Mr. Feldman replied. that it is, but with a churchlike atmosphere. Mrs. Simpson again spoke from the audience adding that they teach biblical things, and it would be more like a mothers-day-out than a regular daycare center. Mr. MacGilvray said the previous request must have been for 125 children, and he wonders where the 72 children maximum came from. Mrs. Simpson then came forward to state that she probably offered that number as a minimum to be considered. Mr. MacGilvray stated that he is concerned that for every new number, a new request must be filed and this Commission's problem is that it really does not know the maximum number which could be handled, and it's main concern is supposed to be the impact on the neighborhood. Mrs. Simpson stated that if the center fills 8 rooms, it will have 87 children but it is hard to predict a full year in advance. She added that although the State had previously approved them for 200 children, new regulations are now being reviewed which may change those figures, and the church is now in the process of applying to the State and will be governed by the new regulations. Mr. MacGilvray said that our ordinances do • not tie in with the State and Mr. Mayo clarified by stating that the lowest allowable number of children will rule, whether it is from the State or this Commisson. Mr. Kaiser stated that the State judges applications and qualifications by different standards than does the City. Mr. Paulson said he would rather have his children in this type of an area rather than an industrial or commercial area of the City. Mr. Brochu said that it appears that this center is growing naturally from the neighborhood rather than from "out of town", and since there have been no complaints received, he is comfortable with the request. Mrs. Simpson clarified by stating that although this daycare center primarily serves their congregation, the waiting list includes people from both Bryan and College Station. Mr. MacGilvray asked why this request is for only 36 children on one day and Mrs. Simpson said the plans are to only have the older children on the third day. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. MacGilvray said he is concerned with the church's interest, so they don't have to keep coming back with requests for additional children. Mr. Brochu suggested approving the request as it has been presented. Mr. Kaiser asked if anyone has considered setting a time limit. Mr. MacGilvray said that may well be prudent as this area is still developing and the circumstances could change. Mr. Wendler said that an additional 2 years might be reasonable, and them after State licensing and a maximum number of children is set, the church can come back and request that maximum number if it desires. • 2 PAZ Minutes 6-6-85 Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve this conditional use permit for a daycare center for 3 days a week, not to extend past 1:00 P.M., with 90 children allowed . on 2 days a week and 40 children allowed on one day a week, for a period of 2 years. Mr. Wendler seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 85-704: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for establishing a church on Hrenek Tap Road appx. 1209 feet west of the intersection of Krenek Tap Road and the S.H.6 Bypass Frontage Road (across the street from Central Park). Applicant is Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. Mr. Callaway explained area zoning and existing land uses. He further explained that the area is reflected as low density residential on the approved land use plan and that the Commission approved a conditional use permit for a church to be located on this site on May 3, 1984 with the stipulation that the site plan must come back before the Commission for approval whenever it is p~°epared. He stated that staff recommends approval of this Use Permit/Site Plan with P.R.C. recommendations. He pointed out that the landscape plan has not been finalized, and the Commission can approve this Use Permit with the condition that the landscape plan is approved by (1)staff, (2)P.R.C., or (3)the full Commission. Mr. Dresser asked about the location of a sign for this church and Mr. Mayo pointed out that if the church wants a sign, it should be on this site plan but it is not. He went on to explain that now, if the church determines it wants a sign, it will have to come back before this Commission and be considered as a • separate Conditional Use Permit. Mr. MacGilvray asked why no landscape plan has been submitted and Mr. Mayo explained that a landscape architect is working on it but it has not been finalized, and the applicant has requested that the sample landscape plan submitted with the application not be considered tonight. Mr. MacGilvray then asked about phasing on this site and Mr. Mayo replied that staff has recommended the inclusion of a phase line to help the applicant with site development. Mr. Kaiser asked if the church has adequate parking on this plan and Mr. Mayo said that this site plan just meets requirements of the ordinance. He went on to explain that under the proposed ordinance being drafted at this time, parking requirements for churches such as this will be increased, but further explained that the City Attorney has instructed him that the City cannot require more than the minimum required by ordinance, and this plan meets that requirement. He added that potentially this could become the same type of complex with the same problems as the Aldersgate site, and the applicant should be aware of the potential. problems. Mr. Kaiser asked if Aldersgate met only the minimum requirements and Mr. Mayo replied that Aldersgate had :more parking available than the absolute minimum required at the time of site plan review. Mr. Wendler said that requirement should be looked at very closely since family sizes tend to be smaller than they were when the current ordinance was written. Mr. MacGilvray stated that there could be a larger problem at this location as Krenek Tap Road would not offer street parking as well as the Frontage Road. Mr. Kaisers asked what the plans are for Krenek Tap Road and City Engineer Pullen • replied that it is under design now with plans for it to be 39 feet back-to-back pavement width, as opposed to approximately 20 feet now. 3 The public hearing was opened. Loren Fritz, pastor of this church came forward to answer any questions the Commission may have. Mr. Kaiser asked if the church • still has plans for a school or daycare center as was discussed in the past. Mr. Fritz said the church cannot build everything at once, but the buildings are being planned for that in the future; that is, they are being developed away from the street. He added that because the church cannot build those facilities at this time, it will have to come back to the Commission for additional Conditional Use Permits when it has hard facts and figures to present. Mr. MacGilvray asked if the buildings shown reflect only a church and Mr. F~°itz replied that the buildings reflect a sanctuary and a fellowship hall (to be used for a Sunday School), and the dots indicate future plans. Mr. Kaiser s~iid he would have a problem with any possibility of approving a daycare center with no limits set. Mr. MacGilvray said the motion could be phrased to permit only the church, and then asked if this is for a use permit or site plan or both and Mr. Mayo replied it is for both, as the old permit has expired. Mr. Wendler. asked Mr. Fritz what he thought about the discussion this Commission had earlier regarding parking and Mr. Fritz said he has taken a few notes in that regard, as the church definitely does not want the congregation to park on Krenek 'Pap Road. Mr. MacGilvray offered the thought that the access drive might be widened to accommodate some parallel parking. Henry Etta Madison came forward saying she is neither for or against this permit, but owns some land in the area and would like to ask a few questions regarding the possibility of getting land along the Frontage Road rezoned. Mr. Callaway replied that would be up to the City Council and then explained the steps which must be taken to get land rezoned in the City. Mr. MacGilvray asked if she is happy or unhappy about the zoning of her land and she said her property per se is o.k., but her family has some land which they would like to have zoned for commercial uses. Mr. Kaiser referred to the "Golden Triangle" study, and Mr. Callaway assured Ms. Madison that he would forward all available information to her. Mr. Dresser asked if she is not unhappy with the church's plans and she replied that she is not, and then asked how that would affect the sale of alcoholic beverages. Mr. Brochu explained the regulating ordinance. Mr. MacGilvray said if a motion is phrased in such a way to include only a church, he would not have a problem with it, and added that he also sees no problem with staff reviewing and approving a landscape plan rather than to require that this Commission review it. He further added that he believes that all P.R.C. conditions should be met. Mr. MacGilvray then made a motion to approve this Conditional Use Permit for a church only, pending approval by staff of a landscape plan and coupled with the condition that all P.R.C. conditions must be met. Mr. Paulson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6--0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 5. 85-208: A public hearing to consider a final resubdivision plat of Lot 1 Block 1 Chimney Hill Retail Plaza Subdivision. Applicant is Chimney Hill Retail Plaza Joint Venture. This item was withdrawn from the agenda by the applicant. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6. 85-209: Final Plat - Oak Lake Estates - ETJ adjacent to Quail Run Estates subdivision. • Mr. Mayo explained that the only difference between this plat and the approved preliminary plat is that this plat does not include part of Quail Run lots; he 4 PAZ Minutes 6-6-$5 then pointed out that the requested variances which were previously approved remain the same and staff recommends approval of the plat as shown. Mr. Paulson • asked what the irregular shapes are on the plat and Don Garrett spoke from the audience informing the Commission those shapes are existing lakes. Mr. Paulson asked if easements along lot lines are not required and Mr. Mayo said they are on some ETJ plats when the City anticipates annexation, but this property is not included in annexation plans. Mr. Paulson then made a motion to approve the plat as shown; Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 85-210: Final Plat - Resubdivision plat of Lots 3 thru 7 Block 2 Woodway Village Section Two. Mr. Mayo explained the plat, adding that the possible density problems mentioned on the Presubmission Conference report had been resolved as the area is zoned R-5, therefore staff recommends approval. Mr. Paulson made a motion to approve this plat with the condition that the curve data is added to match the metes and bounds description. Mr. Dresser se>conded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0}. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: 85-211: Final Plat - Southwood Valley Section 25A. This item was withdrawn from the agenda by the applicant. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 85-212: Final Plat - Resubdivision plat of Lot 1 Block 1 Schick Addition subdivision. Mr. Mayo explained that this plat represents final platting of the corner lot which was on the recently approved Master Preliminary Plat of this subdivision, pointing out the notes which have been included on this plat were required by the Council at the time the Preliminary Plat was approved. Mr. Dresser asked for clarification of "Lot 6R" which is referred to in the notes and Mr. Mayo stated that lot is shown on the Master Preliminary Plat. Mr. Paulson asked how that could be controlled since only final plats are filed at the courthouse. Discussion followed regarding how this could be handled with a note with Mr. Paulson ending the discussion by making a motion to approve this final plat with the condition that the note regarding access be changed to read as follows: "Upon the future subdivision of any lot adjacent to Lot 1R, that lot will be required to provide private access from Lot 1R to proposed Lot 6R as shown on the approved Master Preliminary Plat as filed in the Planning Division of the City of College Station, for the purpose of establishing internal project access and circulation so that once traffic enters any lot in this subdivision, the traffic may maneuver to any other lot in this subdivision without being forced to return to a public street." Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: 85-213: Final Plat - Petterak Subdivision. Mr. Mayo explained the location of this land and the plat itself, adding that all Presubmission Conference conditions have been met and staff recommends • approval of this plat as shown. 5 PAZ Minutes 6-6-85 Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve this plat with Mr. MacGilvray seconding the motion. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). • AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: 85-305: Master Preliminary Plat - Fraternity Row subdivision. Mr. Mayo explained this plat and located the land for the Commission, adding that staff recommends approval of this plat as all Presubmission Conference conditions have been met. Discussion followed regarding the fact that Southwest Parkway ends at Luther and does not cross the railroad tracts, and whether or not it should have the name "Southwest Parkway". Mr. Mayo explained that at one time it was planned for Southwest Parkway to have a crossing at the railroad tracks, but those plans would seem to have fallen through. Mr. Paulson suggested a name change of the street may well be in order. Mr. Wendler then made a motion to approve this plat as shown with Mr. MacGilvray seconding the motion. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: Other business. Mr. Paulson asked if there is some way to incorporate all the amendments into the Zoning Ordinance and Mr. Mayo replied that review is being made of a draft ordinance at this time, and hopefully that ordinance will be passed by late summer. Mr. Wendler asked about parking requirements for fraternity/sox•ority houses and Mr. Mayo explained. Mr. MacGilvray asked if the Northgate Ordinance would be addressed in the new ordinance, and Mr. Mayo replied that hopefully it would be. • Mr. Kaiser reminded the Commissioners to sign and file the conflict of interest affidavit with the City Secretary prior to abstaining from voting on any agenda item. Mr. Kaiser then asked staff to arrange a tour for the P&Z. Date of the first meeting in July was changed from July 4th to July 2nd, AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: Adjourn. Mr. Wendler made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). APPROVED: "~~ ---- - --- a - - --------- Chairman, Ronald Kaiser ATTEST: ------------------------------ • City Secretary, Dian Jones 6 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE June $, 1985 NAME /} ADDRESS 1. ~ /~ ,~~ ~, ice, ~ , 3~ ,, ~, ~~~ ~~~ 6 . ~~-l~> ~ , ~~.~ - 7. V ~P ~'~ 8. 2 Io. • 11. C 12. 13. 14. -5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. 25. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WNO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting (g/(r /,T~ J Commission Agenda Item No. Name ~GIr~ ~~ //~. l/ ~ ~C~/h+-rGH Address ~ ~ ~ /`Yl~f T "~n C J House No. Street City IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name Jof~ Organl1zatlon: ) J/ ~(GI C rS ~G- ! "t ~j~ ; '~rr~ ~j~ ~~tCP • f ~ ~~N is /, And, Speaker's Officljjai Capacity: // // G~uern;n~ UPGr~ o-f ~~C/e/sf,;~i. Cl:~/ ~n ~%Oif7`r-`r1 SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK .~ U r r ~~ d~ , ~z~. ~ ~ 7~ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Comnlsslon will eppreclate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) l Date of Meeting / ~~~ Commission Agenda Item No. Name ~~I ~~~,/ Y~ J~~/ ~IJ ~~ ~ ,,, ~ Address JOf~() ~~/~1~teG~C/ 'I"~Sf~/~ _ ~/r~ House No. Street CI IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speaker's Official Capael,ty: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Cl~t~d ~ ~~'~~~~ ~ P~~:~ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting .J ~nt~ c- 6 l )~5 Commission Agenda Item No. ~ ~ - ~~ ~-~~ Name ~ C.U ~ oj~/c.~.-~ f~y! 7 Z / ~ ~- Address f (J ~ O ' ) v ~"+~ ! n ! ~ Ci 11 "--t.~ '-W'^-4"11^ House No. Street City • IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organlzattrron: 3ec.v.+~ i~ SgV141r ~ln And, Speaker'~CLs-~1Off~lecj}~l al Capacity: '''~ /~~-J:_ . SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the CaYmission, PLEASE FURNISH AN E%TRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. • *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting ~~ta!'1f} ~: ~ ~ ~ ~~ 5 Commission Agenda Item No, Name 1'~ QYl i^t.,P C +-fi ~~ m a , ~ [~ ,-~ ``JJ ,~// ~- Address ~'Si ~ 111r'~1.~ iCl~ ~/~~ ~ ~r1 ~ IC~X. ~~ ~~ House No. Street City • IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speaker's Official Capacity: ~1~~: n ~ r'-~ vt ~~li ~ t' / -'-r ~ SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK ~, _ (°_~-vlt~! t ~c. u~ c.. ~ i.l'Sl-' ~~e'~ m i'1" - ~:~e~ :~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~Ac; , o~'_ ~v i.~ f h P rc•,,~,-~ ~ ~n 4, r ~ h Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. •