HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/19/1985 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTBS • CITY OF COLLBGB STATION, TBXAS Planning and Zoning Commission December 19, 1985 7:00 P.M. MBMBBRS PRBSBNT: All present MBMBBRS ABSBNT: None STAFF PRBSBNT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, City Bngineer Pullen and Planning Technician Volk AOE~IDA I?BM XO. 1. Approval of llinutea - nesting of December 5, 1985. Mr. MacGilvray requested that a change be made on page 6, the middle of the page where reference is made to one-way streets rather than two-way. With that change he moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-0). AaBXDA I?BM NO. 2. Hear 1liaitora. No one spoke. Ati=l~DA I?EM N0. 3. 85-807: A public hearing to coaaider • granting Pro3ect Plan Approval for a proposed pro3ect in a C-N ~teig-borhood-Braineaa District located on the proposed Lot 2B (a lot on the reaubdivision plat of Lot 28 Courtyard Apartaenta) Mtiich is located on iarvey 8oad, Meat of and ad3acent to the ?exana National Bank. Proposed pro3ect is a Tenneco Oil Coapany store. Applicant i• Bandy Aaen, ?enneco Oil Company; of-ner of land is Ja~ea E. Jett, ?ruatee. Mr. Callaway explained this request, briefly referring to the staff report included in the packets and the fact that the P.R.C. has recommended approval with 10 conditions which have since been met and are reflected on the site plan being reviewed at this meeting. The public hearing was opened. Larry Wells of Jerry Bishop & Associates, Inc., and representative of the applicant came forward to request approval and referred any questions regarding this proposal to Randy Amen of Tenneco who was in the audience. No one else spoke. Mr. MacGilvray asked about the sign referred to in the P.R.C. report and Mr. Callaway explained that freestanding signs are not allowed at all in C-N zoning districts, and the sign referred to is a fuel price sign which is allowed. He explained the proposed location is within an easement and must be reviewed and approved by the Bngineering Department prior to issuance of a permit. Mr. MacGilvray asked if that should be included in a motion and Mr. Callaway replied it is not necessary. Mr. Paulson then made a motion to grant project plan approval for the Tenneco Oil . Harvey Road Store as requested, with P.R.C. conditions. Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-0). 1 P&Z Minutes 12-19-85 • AaBHDA I?BM HO. 4. 85-125: A public hearing on the question of reaoning a 0.687 acre tract in the Pecan Tree Bstatea Phase TNo subdivision which is located north of and adjacent to the Parkway Circle Apartaent cosplex ~roa B-2 Duplex to B-6 Mediua Density Apartaents. Applicant is Jerry Bishop ~ Associates for owner, Parkway Circle Apartaents. Mr. Callaway explained that the subject tract of land was purchased from the City of College Station by the applicant to provide additional parking for the Parkway Circle Apartments, however this zone change is required because the current zoning would not allow the proposed use. Mr. MacGilvray asked how come the apartment project had been approved without enough parking and Mr. Callaway explained the apartment project does meet ordinance requirements, however it still has more vehicles than parking spaces and the owners are trying to help alleviate a problem by providing more than the required amount of parking. He went on to explain that the Fire Department has expressed great satisfaction when reviewing this request, as many tidceta have been issued to vehicles parking in fire lanes at that project, and this addition will help alleviate a potentially hazardous situation. Mr. Brochu added that he was present at the P.R.C. review of this proposed lot, and all staff members expressed gratitude and relief that something was being proposed to help a parking problem at this complex. Mr. MacGilvray asked if there is a problem granting rezoning for a specific use when conditions could change and the tract could be developed as something else, and Mr. Callaway replied that is always a potential problem. • The public hearing was opened. Larry Wells of Jerry Bishop & Associates came forward as a representative of the applicant and explained that this project would be sasiewhat different than other requests to rezone for specific projects, as this tract is covered by easeaents and in order to actually build any structure, the eases~ents would have to be abandoned by the City. Mr. Mayo explained that is correct, and is the main reason that the developer had dedicated that tract to the City as a park ea®e years ago. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Wandler made a motion to approve this rezoning request. Mrs. Stallings seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-0). A6SIt~1 IlBM 1t0. 5. 85-418: Consideration of a request for variance to parking lot island in a parking lot addition for Parkway Circle Apartaents. Mr. Callaway explained that this parking lot plan is being proposed for the tract of land just considered in the last agenda item for rezoning, and the plan represents one which would require a variance to be granted by the P&Z to the ordinance requirement that an island must be located after each 15 parking spaces on interior parking rows. He pointed out that the P.R.C. has recommended approval of this variance request because the project has been designed with more than the required setback and therefore will have an ample amount of greenspace without the interior islands. Mr. MacGilvray asked if tenants will be forced to park on this lot or would it be a vehicle storage lot and Mr. Callaway replied he has no way of knowing how it will be used, but he pointed out that it is located close to the • clubhouse which has caused parking problems at many apartment complexes. Mr. MacGilvray then stated that it looks as if the applicant is trying to do the right thing at this project. ' 2 P&Z Minutes 12-19-85 • Mr. Brochu made a motion to grant this variance request regarding interior islands. Mrs. Stallings seconded the motion which carried unanimously (?-0). A6BlitDA ITEM N0. 6. 85-804: Consideration of an aaendsent to Ordinance Iio. 850, the Zoning Ordinance, establishing a nep toniag district, District C-NQ Comaercial Korthgate, Which pill be a special coning district and shall apply only in the Korthgate area, the legal description of which is included in the ordinance atend~ent. (Public hearing held 12-5-85) Mr. Mayo explained this ordinance which will become a section of the newly revised zoning ordinance if it is approved, and referred to a map on the wall which reflects the legal description included in the ordinance. Mr. Raiser explained that the required public hearing had been held at the previous meeting, but action on the ordinance had been postponed to allow further discussion and study. Mr. MacGilvray suggested that perhaps the actual intersections might be included in the district as they do not always line up. Mr. Raiser stated that concern had been expressed at the last meeting regarding review of projects and the parking requirements. Discussion followed specifically referring. to the proposed Section C and Section H of the ordinance. Mr. Kaiser expressed concern over the possibility of requiring ease specific uses to provide parking and other uses to be exempt from providing off-street parking. He suggested that perhaps requiring 50~ of the required parking in other districts might be appropriate. Mr. Mayo replied that the whole purpose of this special zoning district is to allow flexibility. Mr. • MacGilvray stated he believes it is a bold move and certainly not the first special district created in the country, but he would like to see better shuttlebus service to this area and perhaps a regulation requiring a certain amount of money paid toward establishing a City parking lot in lieu of off-street parking places for businesses in this area. He did acknowledge that the City's legal department has advised this is not possible, but he still feels the idea should be pursued much in the same manner as parkland dedication. Mr. Kaiser again stated that this ordinance does not set any standards to follow from one property owner to another, and that fact still bothers him. Mr. Dresser said he thinks the City should give this ordinance a try if total flexibility is granted to the P.R.C., adding that if the ordinance does not work, it can always be changed. Mr. Dresser then made a motion to approve this ordinance with the condition that Section C. be changed as follows: Bliminate the entire first paragraph, and change the second paragraph to indicate that "All projects require P.R.C. review."; and Section H. be changed fra® "None" to "As required by P.R.C." Mr. Brochu seconded the motion. Mr. MacGilvray said he would like to hear Mr. McGuirk's questions addressed and Mr. Mayo replied that Mr. McGuirk has some good points, but lines must be drawn somewhere and the area reflected is the area which has been studied by the Committee and the staff for a number of years. Votes were cast on the motion to approve with conditions, and the motion carried by a vote of 6-1. Mr. Raiser voted against the motion, indicating his reasons as being that he has concerns about arbitrary parking requirements, equal protection for applicants and • the ordinance does not conform to the report of the Korthgate Committee which recommended a proportional reduction in parking requirements. Mr. MacGilvray challenged Mr. Raiser's concerns and Mr. Kaiser explained that at the bottom of 3 P&Z Minutes 12-19-85 • page 2 of the Final Recommendations of the Northgate Coa~ittee the recommendation of reducing parking requirements because approximately 40~ of the people using the retail/dining facilities during the day in this area arrive by means other than sutosobile. A(iBNDA I?BM NO. 7. 85-804: Consideration of an anendaent to Ordiasaee lio. $50, the Boning Ordinance, establishing a ne~v sonins district, District C-P.II.D. Commercial Planned IInit Devslopaent, the purpose of which is to provide an opportunity for flexible, responsive commercial developments Mhich Mili encourage creative snd efficient nae of commercial sites, proaote innovative nse of modern developmeat concepts and encourage nixed use development. (Public hearing held 12-5-85) Prior to staff explanation, Mr. Raiser referred to Mr. Paulson's question at the last seating regarding the parking requirement reduction on the chart snd Mr. Paulson explained that sole possible uses might be included in a development which would only require parking during daytime hours, and the chart requires 100 of the required parking for each use at night on all uses which might be included under the "other" category. Mr. Paulson then asked if "Other uses" could reflect a requirement of 100X of required parking at night "unless otherwise determined". Mr. Kaiser asked if "dance studio" could be considered the same as "health studio". Mr. Raiser then asked if all documents would go to the P&Z, or if only the rezoning request and the preliminary plat would go to P&Z with the preliminary site plan only • being reviewed by the P.R.C. unless an issue is raised. Mr. Mayo said that is correct, and has been so specified to shorten the process time. He added that the Preliminary Development Plan would probably be proposed with the rezoning request. Discussion followed regarding how Conditional Uae Permits would be handled, whether dance/aerobic studios would be considered the same as Health Studios, (with the consensus being that they would), how to handle variances to parking requirements as listed under Table 7, with the discussion ending with Mr. Paulson making a motion to approve this ordinance establishing a Commercial Planned Unit Development zoning district, with the condition that language is included under "Other uses" in Table 7 to reflect that percentages of required parking can be adjusted only if a variance is granted by the P.R.C. or P&Z. Mr. Wandler seconded the motion which carried unanisously (7-0). A~$iA I?EM gO. 8. Other basiness. It was announced that due to a lack of quotas on the deadline day for advertising public hearings for the seating of January 2, 1986, that meeting would be cancelled and the next seating would be held on January 16, 19~. • 4 ~i~ • • P&Z Minutes AaBNDA ITBM K0. 9. Adjourn. 12-19-85 Mr. MacGilvray made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried unanimously (?-0). . ATTEST: -------------------------- City Secretary, Dian Jonea APPROVED: ~~ ~ ---- - _w~~.~-~~ - Chairman, Ronald Kaiser n 5 i• i• PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE December lg, 1985 NAN ADDRESS 1 . ~//- ~'S S~~lJCC. C. S 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. ; 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.