HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/1985 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission April 4, 1985 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hansen, Members Martyn, Kaiser & Tongco MEMBERS ABSENT: Members MacGilvray, Stallings & Brochu STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Assistant City Engineer Smith and Planning Technician Volk AGBNDA ITBM NO. 1: Approval of Minutes - aeeting of March 21, 1985. Mr. Martyn made a motion to approve the minutes. Mrs. Tongco seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGBNDA ITBM No one spoke. AGBNDA ITBM rezoning Lo • Eros Duplex Application N0. 2: Hear Visitors. N0. 3. 85-108: A public hearing on the question of t 1 Block 18 W. C. Boyett Subdivision (502 Boyett St.) District R-2 to Apartaents Mediua Density District R-5. is in the name of A. P. Boyett, Jr. Mr. Callaway pointed out area zoning on an aerial photo, explained the existing area land uses, and further explained that this area of the City is reflected as Medium Density Residential on the approved Land Use Plan. He went on to state that although the request is in compliance with the land use plan with respect to the type of zoning sought, rezoning this one lot in an area which is already platted for residential use and zoned R-2 duplex, would have some impact on adjacent lots, but would not be inconsistent with uses found throughout this part of the Northgate area. Mr. Hansen asked if this lot, if rezoned, would be used for a fraternity house, and Mr. Callaway replied that the applicant has so indicated, but reminded the Commission that would be a separate issue, because to develop a plan for a fraternity house, application would have to be made for a Conditional Use Permit, and the Commission does review and approve Conditional Use Permit requests. Mr. Martyn asked if on-street parking at this location would be a detriment and Mr. Callaway explained that for whatever use this lot is put in the future, on-site parking would have to be provided and would, perhaps, be the one limiting factor of redevelopment of this lot. Mr. Kaiser asked about required setbacks in R-2 and R-5 zoning districts, and Mr. Callaway stated that is governed by Table A of the Zoning Ordinance, and to his recollection, the setbacks in those districts are very similar, perhaps within 5 feet. Mr. Kaiser asked what the existing conditions on this lot are and Mr. Callaway explained there are now some encroachments, but a change of zoning classification would not affect those setbacks. • The public hearing was opened. An adjacent landowner, Bran Johnson, 306 Spruce, came forward stating his main concern is what impact a fraternity house or any allowed use in an R-5 district would have on his home. He requested that the Commission take into consideration that there are still • approximately 3 single family dwellings in this immediate area, and his question would be regarding property value of those residences should this request be approved. He went on to add that he is neither totally for or against this request, but that he does have some concern regarding the development of a fraternity house on that lot. Mr. Hansen pointed out that there would be more public hearings if that type of development is requested, and perhaps Mr. Johnson could develop a firm opinion between now and when that request is heard. Mr. Johnson agreed, adding that one problem lies in inability to get illegally parked cars moved in this neighborhood in the past, and he would not look forward to this same type of problem in the future. He stated he also has some concern regarding a possible garbage problem, but added that he realizes that all this has to do with land use and enforcement rather than zoning. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Kaiser asked for clarification of area zoning and uses and Mr. Callaway complied by pointing to locations on the aerial map. Mr. Martyn stated that this Commission recognizes problems in the Northgate area, and some may say "because some R-6 development is there, we can add more", but he would rather take the stand "there's a problem in this area, so why add to an existing problem". Mr. Hansen said that to put a fraternity house in the middle of this highly dense area would be poor planning and could cause many problems and he does not think this is an appropriate area for a fraternity house. Mrs. Tongco stated that there does not appear to be enough land/area for that type of development. Mr. Martyn reminded everyone that although a fraternity house • is a possibility if this lot is rezoned, the real question is whether or not this is a good area for R-5 zoning. Size of the lot, parking requirements for R-5 development, and density regulations were discussed, with Mr. Kaiser stating finally that this request would appear to represent an encroachment into a small R-2 zoned area, and would seem to be a request for "spot zoning"; further, that he is aware of many problems in Northgate, but that from a planning standpoint, this request is not a good one. Mr. Kaiser then made a motion to deny this request for rezoning this lot from R-2 to R-5 for the reasons stated above. Mrs. Tongco seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGgNDA ITBM N0. 4: 85-109: A public hearing on the question of rezoning 41.574 acres of land at the southwest corner of the intersection of Graham Road and S.H.#6 frog Agriculture-Open District A-O to Co~aercial Industrial District C-2 (10.689 acres) and Apartaents High Density District R-6 (25.165 acres). Application is in the name of Williaa Terrell Aycock III. Mr. Callaway explained the request, pointed out area zoning is mostly A-0, with land uses including auto body and repair shops to the north (across Graham Road), with the balance of the area including scattered agricultural and residential uses. He stated the adoped Land Use Plan reflects this area as high density residential from Graham Road south to Lick Creek with low density residential uses south of Lick Creek, which would mean that the proposed commercial zoning requested does not comply • with the land use plan, although it does comply with the commercial development policies established with respect to the location of commercial development at the intersection of thoroughfares. He went on to explain 2 that the proposed commercial tract also is in compliance with commercial • development policies with regard to the depth proposed. He further explained that the proposed high density residential zoning provides a breaking point for commercial zoning along the highway which would be in compliance with the Development Strategies stated in Plan 2000, and would also act as a buffer to the planned low density residential areas to the south. He indicated staff finds this request to be in compliance with development policies with respect to the location of the types of zoning districts requested although it does provide for a larger area of high intensity uses than is reflected on the land use plan. Mr. Callaway pointed out that this request is different from the first proposal the applicant came in with and it would appear that the applicant has made an effort to present a formal request which is more in line with accepted policies and the actual Plan 2000. Mr. Hansen asked if the industrial park located along Graham Road had been developed at the time the land use plan was adopted and Mr. Callaway replied that is was under development at that time. Mr. Kaiser asked what plans are for the alignment of Rock Prairie Road and Mr. Callaway explained it will be realigned to the north of this tract with an interchange developed. Mr. Hansen asked what the plans for Graham Road are and Assistant City Engineer Smith replied that it will probably be upgraded to a collector street, and as such would be able to handle this type of traffic. Mr. Martyn asked when this would be done, and Mr. Smith replied that it would probably be more than 5 years but less than 10 years when it is done. • The public hearing was opened. Bill Aycock, 303 University Drive East came forward to point out that the existing C-2 use would be in compliance with this request, and with the expansion of the road this type of development would be beneficial to the growth of that area. He then pointed out that the creek will serve as a better buffer than the existing road, and that the proposed R-6 development along the highway would represent abetter use at that location than the low density development which has been recommended. He also stated that the R-6 would serve as a buffer between commercial development and the low density development to the west of this land. He went on to say that this type of zoning would aid the City in attracting new investors to the area. Mr. Kaiser asked him why he proposes R-6 development rather than low density and Mr. Aycock replied that normally higher density zoning is located along major thoroughfares and tends to serve as a buffer between the thoroughfare and lower density residential development. Mr. Kaiser referred to R-1 zoning along the East Bypass and asked why this area is different, and Mr. Aycock answered that although the Windwood subdivision does have some homes which are located rather close to the Bypass, as a rule, there are no homes abutting the bypass. He asked if there isn't a buffer zone between the bypass and Raintree and Emerald Forest subdivisions and Mr. Martyn stated there is not. Mr. Aycock then asked if the land is being used as it is zoned and Mr. Martyn agreed that it is not. Mr. Aycock stated that is his point, that the logical location for higher density residential development is along busy thoroughfares which will serve as buffers to lower density development. Mrs. Tongco interjected that she does not think the homes close to the bypass in Windwood subdivision are • particularly happy about their location, but added that she does not understand why anyone would want to develop R-6 along a major highway. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Hansen stated that 3 the proposed C-2 would seem to be compatible with the University's industrial park and the auto body repair business, so he sees no problem • with that request, but he would like to hear discussion regarding the proposal for R-6 zoning. Mr. Martyn stated he would tend to agree with Mr. Hansen regarding the location of the proposed C-2 district, but he does have a problem regarding the proximity of the C-2 and the R-6, adding that either alone would be acceptable, but the combination causes him some concern as he does not think the creek will be an adequate buffer. Mr. Kaiser stated that the existing development along Graham Road seems to be leaning toward a pattern of light industrial, and therefore, he would feel more comfortable with a request for all C-2 rather than this proposed C-2/R-6 conflict. He would recommend that this Commission table this request to allow staff and the applicant more study time and perhaps to provide additional input. Mr. Aycock indicated all commercial zoning would agreeable with the applicant. Mr. Kaiser then made a motion to table this request until the next meeting. Mr. Martyr seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGBNDA ITEM N0. 5: Consideration of Bast Bypass Land Use Reco~~endations. Mr. Callaway reported the background for forming this study committee which has functioned for the past year. He added that this report represents results of study by the committee with input from the staff taken into consideration, and staff would support this committee's recommendations. Mr. Martyrs then made the presentation of the recommendations regarding land • use along the East Bypass, indicating that what is being presented tonight represents the majority but not necessarily the unanimous opinion of the committee. Mr. Hansen said that he objects to the large amount of land along the Bypass being reserved for only residential development. Mr. Martyrs and Mr. Kaiser explained why that had been done, and then Mr. Martyrs requested that the Commissioners study this report for the interim between this meeting and the next one, and on April 18th to be prepared to present any differences of opinion formally, afterwhich hopefully, action can be taken by this Commission in the form of a recommendation to Council. Mr. Hansen stated that he does not believe any zoning districts in this area should "be set in concrete", and if a good, well-planned industrial project such as Westinghouse which would not negatively impact the area should come along, it should be considered. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 6: Other business. Mr. Martyrs said he had spoken with Mr. Broach, the applicant for the C-N projects at the last meeting, regarding the pennants at one of his projects, and Mr. Broach had .indicated those pennants were temporary, and within 48 hours from the time of their conversation, the pennants were down. There was no other business. r~ U 4 AGBNDA ITBM N0. 7: Adjourn. • Mr. Martyn made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Tongco seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (4-0). APPROVED: Chairman, ATTEST: -------------------------------- City Secretary, Dian Jones • 5 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE April 4, 1985 NAME 2. ~ l 3 . ~ ;,r ;~ ~.,;~ _. 4 . ~,z- ~ ~ -~-y_,2 5. ~~-~-,..~ ~ .. "~ 9• 10. i 11~ C 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23• 24. ADDRESS ~ '~ ~ C S ~~ ~o .~ -~ ~ -' _~ ~/~// Y ,~, ~~,- ~, ., .~ , -~_~_ -> } ~:~ 25•