HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/1984 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES n U CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission March 1, 1884 7:00 P.M. PIEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hill, Members Kelly, Hansen, Bailey, Miller and Kaiser MEMBERS ABSENT: Member Martyn STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, City Attorney Denton, Asst. City Attorney Locke, Zoning Official Kee, Plan- ning Assistant Longley, Asst. Zoning Official Johnson, and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - February 16, 1984 Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visifiors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: A public hearing on the question of rezoning 89.24 acres in the Robert Stevenson League, more specificall located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Green's Prairie Road and State Highway in the newly annexed area from Agriculture- Open District A-0 to General Commercial District C-l. Application is in the name of United Four Joint Venture. (84-106) Mr. Callaway presented the request, locating the land, the area zoning and uses on a map, stating the location of the requested C-1 zoning complies with the Comprehensive Plan although the amount of land included in this request exceeds the Land Use Plan. He then informed the Commission that the applicant has presented an alternate request which is for fewer acres (52.16) and uses the existing creek and a utility easement as a barrier (buffer) between the C-1 and the adjacent A-0. Mr. Kaiser asked for an explanation of zoning in the vicinity and Mr. Callaway explained. The public hearing was opened. Larry Wells of Jerry Bishop and Associates came forward as a representative of the appli- cant, stating that the applicant totally agrees with staff as to the amount of C-1 zoning which should be requested at this time, and has changed the request from 89.24 acres of C-1 ', to 52.16 acres. General discussion followed concerning step-down zoning which might be required in the future and Mr. Wells stated the applicant is aware that this may be possible. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Bailey asked what the area indi- cated as "public land" is to be used for and Mr. Mayo explained that will be the location of a City water tower. Mr. Miller stated that the land to the north may require step-down zoning and that he is concerned with the overall plan for this southern area of the City. Mr. Wansen said this should be covered as it comes up. Mr. Kelly made a motion to recommend approval of the request to rezone 52.16 acres as indicated on the revised proposal presented by the applicant, to C-1 zoning. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion which carried unanimously (6-0). P&Z Minutes 3-1-84 page 2 AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 84-703:. A ublic hearin on the uestion of rantin a Conditional • Use Permit for a daycare center Kiddie Castle Children's Center to be located on lots 4A ~ 46 Block 186 Treehouse Place, which is at the corner of the Texas Avenue Frontage Road and Sara Drive. Application is in the name of Kiddie Castle Children's Center. Mr.Callaway explained that this request had been approved over one year ago, but construc- fiion had not begun prior to the expiration date of the use permit, therefore, the appli- cant had to reapply for this Conditional Use Permit. He went on to explain that the PRC had reviewed this new plan (which has no changes from the original) and had recommended approval of this current plan. He stated that staff also recommends approval of the plan as shown. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve this Conditional Use Permit with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion to approve carried unanimously (6-0), AGENDA IT1=M N0. 5: 84-204: Consideration of a re lat of Lots 1-f9 Block E Universit Park Section I and Lot Block V University Park Section II. Mr. Mayo explained that the reason this replat is being submitted is to solve setback problems the developer encountered when requesting building permits. He further explained that fihese problems are handfed by developing a parking easement. He stated staff recom- mends approval of this plat as shown. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the plat with Mr, Bailey seconding, Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGCNDA ITEM N0. 6: 84-403: Parking Lot Plan - Mission Car Wash • Mr. Mayo explained the plan, lQCated the site and the area uses, He stated staff recom- mends approval of the site plan, with landscaping plans to be presented and approved at a later meeting. Mr. Hill asked if a building permit could be issued prior to approval of a landscaping plan and Mr. Mayo said it could not. Mr. Bailey referred to the temporary curb cut at th,e southern part of the tract, and asked where this access drive would be moved when relocation took place. Mr. Mayo explained that it would be moved slightly south of the temporary location, and would cross property lines between this site and the adjacent tract to the south at the time development plans for that tract are formulated. Mr. Bailey expressed concern with enforcement of this type of agreement, but Mr. Mayo said the City Attorney and the City Engi-Weer would be developing a Tegal document to cover this agreement which would be enforceable. Mr. Miller asked if there would be any problem with approving a site plan, but withholding a building permit until a landscaping plan was approved, and Mr. Mayo indicated he believed there would be no problem, but City Attorney Denton asked fora brief recess so he could quickly study this and bring a recommendation to the Commission. Mr. Hill proposed recessing the meeting for 10 minutes while Mr. Denton researched the matfier, but Mr. Miller suggested moving on to the next agenda item while the Commission waited for Mr. Denton~s recommendation. The Commission agreed. r1 I~ AGENDA IT[;;M N0. 7: Other Business Mr. Kaiser asked staff if the sight distance triangle had been maintained at the corner of Southwest Parkway and Glade when the wall there had been constructed. Staff said they believed it had been kept clear, but that the corner would be checked. PAZ Minutes 3-1-84 Page 3 General discussion concerning agenda item no. 6 followed and Mr. Mayo explained that he • had requested the applicant to bring in a new landscaping plan which would comply with the new landscaping ordinance and he had agreed to, but there was not time before this meet "rng for a new-plan to be developed. Mr, Mayo went on to explain the proposed land- scaping plan does comply with the current ordinance. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve this site plan but to withhold the building permit until a revised landscaping plan gets Commission approval. Mr. Hansen seconded this motion. Mr, Kelly said he thinks there is no reason for holding up a building permit on this project because the proposed landscaping meets the current ordinance which is still in effect. Mr. Kaiser said that if the project meets the current ordinance, it should be approved now. Mr. Hansen withdrew his second to Mr. Miller's motion. Mr. Miller would not agree to withdraw his motion until after further discussion, but then agreed to with- draw it, stating the plan presented does not comply with the current ordinance. Mr. Han- sen made a motion to approve this plan with the landscaping as shown. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Mr, Batley asked for the addition of one canopy tree to be .included in the motion as Mr. Miller has indicated that would make the plan comply with the current ordi- nance. Mr, Bailey so moved to amend the motion. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion to amend the ordinance. Motion to amend the motion to include one additional canopy tree in the right-of-way passed unanimously (6-O). Mr. Denton returned and advised that this plan should either be approved or denied as it is shown. Mr. Kaiser asked J,, P, Watson, the applicant, if he would shown with the addition of one canopy tree in the R.O.W., a more extensive landscape plan, Mr. Watson advised that • addition of one canopy tree would pose no problem to him. what kind of sod he is planning, and Mr, Watson replied t in squares, with seeding in between. prefer approval of this plan as or if he would rather bring in approval of this plan with the Mr. Bailey asked Mr. Watson hat St. Augustine would be applied Votes were cast on fihe amended motion, which carried unanimously (6-O). AGENDA ITEM N0, 8: Adjourn Mr. Bailey made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unanimously (6-0) . APPROVED: r David B. Hlll, Chairman ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER _ ~~~ DATE ~C-~L NAME ~ f ADDRESS ,,/ 1. ~~ ~ Gt/ a, 6~l ~~ r g ~ ~ : ~ ~'t~x (~'' 'g ~S ~ : ~ ~~ r s~v ~K~~ l e `I cs ?. S~Q-mot' /~'~-~- ~~id-v- ~~~--., ~ . S , 4 . ~p b(-x.l. CL. A ~~ ~ U~.t i~ L. 'I~`nl ~' ~ S~sc7~ • 1 ? Z a~~-d/1~>~2 ~2 yA~.( 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lo. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16: 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ~ 24. 25. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) i Date of Meeting Commission Agenda Item No. Name ii Address Z (~ I~irYG Cps; ~ • House o. Street City IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: c J~V~tf ~(, ~6~~ ~4cY ~~t Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before Deglnntng your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Canmisslon, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Comnlsslon will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. And, Speaker's Official Capaclt SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK