HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1984 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission June 21, 1884 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESEPJT: Atl present. MEPIBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Planning Analyst Longley, Zoning Official Kee and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of June 7, 1984 Mr. Kaiser pointed out a typographical error and asked that it be corrected ("Z-P" to "A-P" on page 1). Mrs. Stallings made a motion to approve the minutes as amended; Mr. Martyn seconded the motion which carried 6-0-1 (MacGilvray abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0, 2: Hear Visitors Jim Fry, 315 Amherst came forward to request a waiver to the 180 day time limit imposed by ordinance before re-presenting a rezoning request to the Commission, referring to a request which was heard and dented on 2-16-84 on a tract of land at the northeast corner of Holleman and Wellborn Road. He explained that his request is to submit a new application altogether. Mr. Hansen instructed staff to provide the minutes from the February meeting, • as well as other background material covering that particular request so that the new commissioners can be acquainted with the request which had been denied, adding that a ruling will be made on July 5th concerning this request to waiver. Mr. Fry added that the applicant is not trying to make application now, but wants the waiver granted prior to un- dertaking engineering studies of the tract. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 84-111: A pu-blic: hearing on the question of rezoning a 6.56 acre tract_ of land located west of Cornell Drive, north of and adjacent to Block 3 Lots 1-5 Brent- wood Section I subdivision, from Apartments Low Density District R-4 to Apartments Medium Density District R-5. Application is in the name of David B. Lewis. Mr. Callaway explained the request, located the tract, pointed out area zoning and uses, stated this area is reflected as medium density residential on the approved land use plan, and indicated thafi R-5 zoning would be compatible with adjacent uses and would also be consistent with the City's plan and development policies. Mr. Kaiser stated that the application indicates the applicant is interested in develop- ing fihe area with fraternity or sorority houses, and asked if they would also need a Condi- tional Use Permit if the area remains R-4, Mr. Callaway stated in order to allow that type of development, an area must be zoned R-5, and further indicated that a Conditional Use Permit will have to be granted as well, Mr. Martyn asked if R-5 zoning and develop- ment other than Greek houses would cause any constraints. Mr. Callaway indicated that if the adjacenfi R-2 remains R-2, there would be no appreciable increase in density. Mr. Martyn asked if changing the R-2 tract to R-4 would change the overall density, to which Mr. Callaway replied that would be possible. Mrs. Tongco asked if the only access to this • tract is to Cornell. Mr. Callaway replied that is so at the present time. P&Z Minutes 6-21-84 page 2 The public hearing was opened. Bill Scasta, 2724 Briargate, Bryan, came forward stating • he is the owner of the property which he originally bought to develop for apartments, but since that market is now saturated, he has found several interested parties for sorority and fraternity houses, and has been instructed that R-5 zoning is necessary for that type of development. He went on to indicate plans would include 4 to 6 Greek houses with a row of duplexes to form a buffer. Hae-shin Hwang of 2807 Normand Drive came forward stating he is the owner of one of the duplexes adjacent to this tract and asked the procedures he should take if he is against this rezoning. Mr. Mayo, Mr. Hansen and Mr. Martyn explained steps he can take, with Mr. Martyn advising him that if he has objections he should voice them now. He stated that his tenants like the quietness and separation, and when he had purchsed the land he had understood that there would not be any heavy traffic, so has a concern that the traffic volume wilt increase, and would like to suggest that a different access be developed. Mr. Hansen then atfiempted to explain that there will be more public hearings on this re- quest, and then with assistance from Mr. Martyn, explained the difference in density bet- ween R-4 and R-5 zoning, Mr. Scasta pointed out there would be access to both Brentwood and Manuel from Cornell. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mrs. Tongeo said she had concern regarding access for emergency vehicles, but Mr. Scasta had answered that. Mr. MacGllvray and Mr. Mayo discussed the possibility of another Greek Village development, with Mr. Mayo indicating that the City considers the original village a success, but developers make development decisions rather than the City. Mr. Kaiser said it should be kept in mind that if this request is approved, this Commission is prob- ably agreeing to the location of Greek houses there, Mr. Hansen said the development is not to be considered at this rezoning hearing. Mr. Kaiser pointed out that all uses in R-5 districts are possible. • Mr. MacGi1vray then made a motion to approve this rezoning request with Mrs. Stallings seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AG~NQA ITCM N0. 4: 84-112: A ublic hearing on the uestion of rezoning a 3.76 acre tract of land located-approximately 00 feet east of Texas Avenue, north of and adjacent to the Lakeview Acres Subdivision, from Admin-strative-Professional District A-P to General Com- mercial District C-1. Application is in the name of Carl L. Moore. Mr. Callaway located the land on an aerial map, pointed out area zoning and current uses, indicating also that this area 1s reflected as medium density residential with commercial uses to the west on the approved Land Use Plan. He went on to explain that staff recom- mends retention of the existing A-P zoning, as the existing C-t depth is consistent with the land use plan as well as the previously established C-1 zoning in the area, the A-P provides a buffer between the existing residential area~and the City warehouse facility to the north, as well as being compatible with the existing and planned residential uses in the area, whereas C-1 zoning would not. Discussion followed regarding the existing C-1 zoning and the depth of that zoning, with Mr. Mayo adding that the Development Policies in the approved Gomprehensive Plan reflect larger tracts of commercial zoning at major inter- sections is a pQiity which-has been put into effect in this area, and further, that staff beii-eves there will be more than. en©ugh commercially zoned property to handle the needs of the city for many years without the addition of this tract which, in all probability, would lead to even. more commercial zoning between this tract and the extension of Millers Lane. Mr. Hansen .speculated that C-1 zoning on this narrow tract of land which connects to an- • Qther C-i zoned tract which has only one curb cut onto Texas Avenue for access, may well have better traffic patterns than A-P zoning with heavy concentrated peak hour traffic patterns, Mr. Pullen replied that theory may be correct. Mr, Mayo expressed fear of PAZ Minutes 6-21-84 Page 3 setting a precedent for future C-1 zoning, Mrs. Tongco said that if the City is trying • to get away from strip commercial areas, it might be a good idea to look at large commer- cial areas at major intersections along major arteries such as this area. Mr. Mayo said this area is too large an area to be considered as commercially zoned land (apex. 100 acres) because less than half of the commercially zoned land in the City is developed and another area as large as this is not needed. Public hearing was opened. Gary Carpenter, 1603 Woif Pen, came forward stating he is a representative for the applicant, Mr. Moore and International Equities. He spoke of the planned development of this tract and the adjacent tract to the west, stating that since this tract backs up to a flood zone and a City warehouse facility, there seemed to be no need for an A-P zone to serve as a buffer in those directions. He added that although staff has indicated there is abundant C-1 alnd available (n the City, some is not attrac- tive to developers for various reasons. He went on to explain the mixed uses planned for this tract and the one to the west, stating that both C-1 uses and A-P uses would be included. He added that there is a natural buffer to the south of this tract, which the developer plans to retain. He explained that C-t zoning would help alleviate a potential traffic problem through these tracts, as the uses can then be mixed rather than having to group together all retail uses separate from all office uses. Size of the tracts, loca- tion of uses, leasing costs, etc., was discussed, after which the public hearing was con- tinued. John Jordan, 11~ M111ers lane came forward saying that his west property line is contiguous with this property and that he would prefer that residential development take place at that location, but since this tract is already zoned A-P, he would prefer it to remain and that offices and professional buildings be developed rather than commercial uses. • Mr. Carpenter assured him that the buffer will be retained and maintained, and Mr. Jordan stated that if that is so, there should be no problem then, Alice Jordan, (Mrs. John) carne forward to express concern over the large amount of hard surface which will be developed and how that will affect their property. Mr. Hansen assured her that an engineered drainage report must be prepared, reviewed and approved by the City prior to approval of any project. She asked then how it is possible to build 1n a flood zone and Mr, Martyn said that insurance is the answer, but Mr. Pullen added that building in a fl©od zone is not prohibited, but building in a flood way is. Mrs. Jordan said this Project would ruin their property and the area and she is against it. No one else spoke. Public hearing was closed. Mr. MacGilvray asked for clarification of a portion of the staff report, and Mr. Calla- way complied. Mr, Kaiser stated this current A-P zoning is the result of a compromise reached a year ago by this Commission and the Council, and stated that he hopes this Com- mission will not get into that again. He then spoke against this request, as he believes this tract can be developed as A-P and the traffic created (appx. 60 cars) would not create a bottleneck as the Commission is being led to believe, Mr. Mayo reminded the Commission that all uses allowed in C-1 districts would be allowed on this tract should this request be approved and there is no guarantee the plan being presented by the developer will be done. Mr, Martyn said that after weighing advice of staff and the concerns of the resi- dents in the neighborhood against the fact that the tract is already A-P and the project proposed can be built anyway, and against his belief that mixing the location of the uses may be a better plan, he finds himself in a dilemna. Mr• Kaiser made a motion to deny this request with Mr. MacGilvray seconding the motion. • Mr. Hansen said he tends to agree with Mr, Martyn in that all presentations have valid points, but that for an irregular shaped tract of land such as this, whatever C-1 uses are developed would certainly have to tie Pn with the project. Mr. Brochu said he had '_ PAZ Minutes 6-21-84 page 4 driven through this area and found it very long and narrow, and it appeared to him that • any structures which could be built could be done with the present zoning, but he also did not see how any large undesireable commercial use could possibly be built at the eastern part of the tract given the size and configuration of the tract. Mr. Hansen pointed out that buffering can be handled at site plan review. Mr. Kaiser said this plan may not be developed as it is being shown and although there may be advantages of mixing uses, he is concerned with setting a precedent of a long narrow tract of C-1 and the possi- ble negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood, as well as the possible encourage- ment of further conversion of surrounding property. Mr'. MacGilvray said the best use of this property may well be residential, but that it is zoned A-P and even if that was a mistake, C-1 zoning would only compound the error. Mr. Martyn said that the overa9l flow of traffic will have to be through one access point on Texas Avenue, and should probably flow through the entire project in a loop-type configura- ti®n, which could probably better be accomplished through one zone. He added that this is a unique piece of property and that although the current zoning may welt be an error, he does not think C-1 zoning would compound the problem, Mr. Brochu said the applicant could come back at a later time (after the building fact) and get the zoning on the project changed. Mr. Kaiser said that this could be done. Mr. Carpenter stated from the audience that this plan will be slightly altered if this request is not granted, and then showed the change which would be made. Votes were cast and the motion to deny failed by a vote of 2-5 (Kaiser ~ MacGilvray for). P1rs. Stallings then made a motion to approve this rezoning request with Mr. Brochu second- ing the motion which carried by a vote of 5-2 (Kaiser ~ MacGilvray against). • AGENDA ITEM N0, 5: 84-.704: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for construction of a religious/educational facility at 100-106 Dexter Drive. Request is in the name of Edgar Wolferts, Mr. Callaway explained the request and the accompanying site plan, locating the tract and the area uses. He referred to a note on the revised site plan concerning the removal of the existing building after renovation, and asked that the~Commission ask the applicant for clarification. He further indicated that all P.R.C, conditions had been met. Public hearing was opened., Andy Wisnoski, 2301 Broadmoor, Bryan, came forward represent- ing the Church of the Latter Day Saints, stating that the site plan presented is the result of much work and study, and pointed out that a great deal of the existing landscaping is 6efng saved to help keep the park-Like atmosphere, and the note refers to the fact that plans are to remove the ex i. sting building after the new facility is complete and to create a park area at that location, He said the building is designed in a residential character which would be in keeping with the residential neighborhood. Mr. Martyn asked if the exist- ing building will be removed and he answered that it will after completion of the new facility. Mr. MacGilvray asked how large the existing building is and how large the new facility will be to which Mr. tJisnoski answered the new building will be approximately "4560 sq, ft. and Edgar Wolferts answered from the audience t~,at the existing building is approximately 2500 sq. ft, Mr, Hansen reminded the applicant that the landscaping shown on this plan must be completed and maintained. Mrs. Stallings asked what the access would be to the parking spaces and Mr, Mayo said from Dexter and Jersey. Mr. Kaiser asked how many spaces are being planned and what the use of the new facility will be. Mr. Wisnoski answered there are 50 spaces shown on this plan and the new building will be used for • religious education, Mr. Wolferts stated the uses will be the same as are in the existing building, with weekday and evening religious instrucitons to approximately 150 students, and that there are usually no meetings on Sundays. Mr. Kaiser informed the applicants P&Z Minutes 6-21-84 Page 5 that this Commission can attach conditions to a Conditional Use Permit, and then asked if • they would object to a condition that before the C.O, is issued for the new facility, that the old building must 6e removed. Mr. Wotferts stated it would be more suitable if re- moval came after they had moved into the new facility. Mr. Kaiser said that perhaps a 60 day limit would be better. Mr, MacGilvray asked why so many parking spaces are being planned and Mr. Wotfert said the determination of enrollment in classes is beyond his con- trol, but the large parking lot would eliminate possible on-street parking and congestion. Mrs. Tongco said a main concern is that there must be no on-street parking in this area. ~I Mr. MacGilvray disagreed. Mr. Hansen asked if the size of the parking lot can be limited and Mr. Kaiser read from the ordinance and likened that type of condition to the limita- tion of the number of children to 6e allowed in a daycare center, stating this Commission has imposed those restrictions in the past, Size of staff, how parking spaces would be allocated, excessive use of this land and the large amount of concrete was discussed, along with the size of the classrooms and possible restrictions which may be imposed by this Commission. Mr. Wisn©ski said the parking lot was designed from projected parking require- ments based ©n other facilities which 'indicated 50 spaces would be a mini-mum number for this type of facility. Mr. Mayo said that staff had determined 50 spaces would be more than adequate with both buildings being used, Mr, MacGilvray said that more spaces were being provided for this facility than would be required for a movie house, and that he fears this loft provi-des an excessive amount of parking and the use of it will be abused by area stu- dents, Mr, Hansen said if a major concern is the amount of concrete and its effect on aesthetic value, the total amount of landscaping planned far exceeds the Ordinance require- ments. Mr. Kaiser said the possible misuse of the lot and whether it could be injurious to the neighborhood should be considered. Mr, Wisnoski said there are solutions to the problem of misuse of the lot, Mr, MacGilvray said the Impermeable surface will probably affect the drainage in the existing • creek and aggravate possible flooding condi'ti'ons. Mr. Wisnoski said that an engineering study has been done and detention or retention is being planned to control the flow rate. Tim Middleton came forward stating he is not a member of this congregation, but the land- scaping plan presented seems. better than many others, and the size of the parking lot should not matter because people w111 always try to use empty spaces no matter how many or how few are there, Mr, Wolfert said this institute has existed at this location for 7 years, and there has been no abuse so far, and they plan to protect the area, as they love it, David Woodcock came forward to speak against the permit citing the number of parking spaces would Increase traffic and the visual appearance of a parking lot would be unsightly, the retaining wall will cause tree loss and the additional amount of hard surface will have an adverse affect on the amount and rate of runoff, He requested investigation of (1) a possible land swap, (2) the impact on parking, (3) the possible addition of under- brush as a puffer, (4) a redesign of the retaining walls, and (5) a more porous parking surface, Dwayne Cote came forward stating this represents poor use of the land, the hard surface would contribute to flooding and there would be loss of oxygen in the area from the loss of the trees; he then suggested the parking loft be developed on the existing building site and that this request be tabled pending further study. R. E, Vrooman came forward to speak for his son, an area resident, in his absence, stating he Is against the parking lot, against the large assemBly place, against the loss of trees • and fihinks fihe area should remain residential. He is also against the number of cars and against the possibility of any additional flooding in the area and would suggest limiting the s(ze if this request is granted. Jim Bassett came forward stating he is against because of the additional flooding possibility which would be caused by a 50-car parking lot. PAZ Minutes 6-21-84 Page 6 • • • No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mrs. Stallings asked the City Engineer about flooding in the area, and Mr. Pullen said this is a flood prone area, but it is his opinion that a parking lot could be developed so Pt would not add to any flood- ing. He then referred to the required P,R,C, drainage report which has not yet been received by the Clty, and stated that until this report is submitted, reviewed and approved, the project will not receive his approval. Mr. Kaiser stated that since there have been so many Issues presented here tonight, he requested staff's opinion regarding the tabling of this matter to enable the applicant to work more closely with the neighborhood to alle- viate some of the problems. Mr. Mayo said that would cause no problem, Mr. MacGilvray suggested that if this is tabled, the applicant supply some verification of the existing parking flow and project the actual number of spaces which should be required for a facility of this type, Mr. Martyn added that if this is tabled, he would suggest that the site plan Is redesigned because he and others have concern with the overall size of the project and the impact it will have on the neighborhood, He added that unless the plan is significantly reduced, he would have to be against lt, although he is not generally against this type of use in a residential neighborhood. Mr. Kaiser made a motion to table this request with a recommendation to the applicant to study the parking, the construction of the lot, the size of the facility and the possibility of restriction in classroom size. Mrs. Tongco seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0, 6: 84-712: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for placement of a storage building for use by Alders ate Church on land north of and adjacent to the existing church site; east of Windwood Phase 6 Request is in the name of Alders ate Methodist Church, Mr, Callaway explained that this request is for the location of a 12x32-foot storage building on a tract adjacent to this church site, adding the church does not own this tract, but does have an option to buy the land. He explained the building will be used to house food and clothing for distribution through mission activities. Mrs. Tongco asked the exact location, and Mr. Callaway explained, Mr. Mayo added that part of the original use permit was that none of the phase 2 land was to be cleared until building was ready to begin, and stated that staff has concern that this "temporary" building, which is too close to a proposed residential property, could become permanent. He said staff recommedds denial because the contents are already housed somewhere and that use could be continued, with phase 2 designed for a permanenfi location for~this use; or that the building is placed on phase one of this existing site, away from the adjacent residential area, with a time limit set for the use of the building. Violation of the original use permit was discussed. The public hearing was opened. Judy Wadding, a representative of the applicant and a social worker for Aldersgate, came forward to state the reason for locating the building as proposed is because it seemed to be the least offensive location. She added that she preferred to have the building on this site so she can confer with the pastors when necessary, and further that the current location of the grocery supplies will no longer be available when the move is made to the new site. Discussion followed concerning the old location, the new location, the possibilities of putting the storage of supplies in the new building, what is planned for phase 2. Mr. Hansen and Mr. Martyn asked why there had been no P.R.C. review of this proposal, adding that many of these questions could have been answered at that time. Patricia Hunt came forward stating that this proposed 12x32 building represents only a small part of the area which will be needed in the future, and that already part of the mission is being phased out until the new phase is built. She explained the various mission projects currently existing. PAZ Minutes 6-21-84 Page 7 • Mrs. Tongco asked if the building could be placed somewhere on the existing parking lot rather than at the proposed location, and Mrs. Hunt replied that if this building is permitted, she'll see that a suitable spot on the parking lot is found. Mr. Kaiser said he is concerned with the possibility of this temporary building being located on the parking lot fora long period of time, and asked if a time limit of 180 days would be suitable, after which, if the new phase is not ready, the church will have to come back fora request to extend the time. Mrs. Hunt said that 180 days would probably not be long enough because the church is trying to raise enough cash to build the next phase, and it would probably take longer than that. No one else spoke, and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Martyn said again that a P.R.C. review should have been held on this where these questions could have been answered. He then asked what would be done if the 180-day limit was violated. Mrs. Kee indicated that notification of the violation, and perhaps even the imposition of a fine if the City chose to file a complaint. More discussion followed concerning what should have been done, what could be done, with Mr. Kaiser making a motion to approve the conditional use permit for this temporary building to be located on the existing parking lot in phase 1 fora period not to exceed 180 days. Mr. MacGilvray seconded the motion. Mr, Martyn said he believes a specific location should be designated. Mr. MacGilvray withdrew his second; Mr. Kaiser withdrew his motion, then proposed the following motion: "Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for this temporary building fora period of 180 days on the Phase 1 site to be located at the Northeast corner within the setback requirement as is shown on the site plan which has been modified by Ray Martyn to indicate the location." Mr. MacGilvray seconded this motion, which carried unanimously (7-0). • AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 84-214: Final Plat - Replat of Lots 18 ~ 19 Block 1 Emerald Forest Phase III_ Mr. Mayo explained this plat is to relocate a lot line between lots on which there are two existing homes, one of which is in violation of setback requirements without this property line relocation. This replat will make both structures conform to ordinance requirements. Mrs. Stallings made a motion to approve the p}at as shown with Mr..~Brodhu seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: Other Business Mr. MacGilvray announced that the Rock Prairie Baptist Church had been denied an historical marker because of alterations made to the building. Mr. Hansen announced that Ray Martyn is the new Vice Chairman of this Commission. Mr. Martyn stated that staff needs to concern itself with violations of this Commission's rulings, citing violation of the number of approved curb cuts at Buff's. City Engineer Pullen replied that the restaurant has 3 curb cuts and was approved with 3 curb cuts, 2 of which were approved by the Highway Department prior to annexation, one of which was to be relocated to become joint access with the adjacent property. Mr. MacGilvray made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Martyn seconding. Motion carried • unanimously (7-0). • PAZ Minutes 6-21-84 Page 8 ATTEST: Dian Jones, City Secretary APPROVED: r~ '^ St~h n Hansen, Chairman • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • 7. 8. 9. lo. I1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ls. i9. 20. 21.. 22. 23. • GUEST REGISTER DATE /UN~ p2~, ~70 NAME ADDRESS ~ ~~.. ,~T ~~ ~ ~"~ ~r- ~, 1 '~ . . 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The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. CIID IC(`T lflJ WV11`/! DCDCflY WICLICC Tn CDCA1f • *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting Commission Agenda Item No. Name ~ '~;~~d,ls~ll~° Address ~~~ ~~ 1/x/46-®(~ ,~,(i2~ ~YI/lj,~l House No. Street C ty IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: ~,~.R.i„~,~'V And, Speaker's Official Capacity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES~TO SPEAK -~. Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before Degtnntng your presentation. If you • have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting Commission Agenda Item No, r Name Address c5 House No. Street City IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speaker's Official Capacity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and • state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. • *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) i G Date of Meet(ng C..Qi ~/ ~O Commission Agenda Item No. ~l~-7/~, Name ,,~~tt~..__ Address ~Q~~o ~;(/j ~ p0 ay/l~,i House No. Street Clty IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organlzatton: And, Spea~ke~r'~s~~OfQficial~/Capac®ity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. • *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting ,(~~/~//~C/'~ L Commission Agenda Item "~' '~,F~~ Name ~[~ ~~ /~~ l~ -'py'~(~'~C~fG ~^ Address ~ ~L~T~~ ~C~ House No. Street ~~ City IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speaker's Official Capacity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before Deglnntng your presentation. If you • have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILE4. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Oate of Meeting ? I ,~U~~ ~~U`{-- Commisslon Agenda Item No. Name t 1.>,(~ '~o iZ 1Y1Zet'JM1111 ~ C.1z . Address (~!`~/.~ _1~~P_~tJ L Nouse No. street City IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And , Speaker's Official Capacity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK ~1>~S ~ ~'o}JIS Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commisslon, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commisslon will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation.