HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/1984 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission January 19, 1984 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Miller, Members Kelly, Hansen, Martyn, Bailey, Kaiser MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Hill STAFF PRESENT: Director of P1annPng Mayo, Asst Director of Planning Callaway, Zoning Official Kee, Assistant City Attorney Locke, Planning Assistant Longley, Assistant Zoning Official Dupies and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - January 5, 1984 Mr. Martyn made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried 5-0-1 (Kaiser abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. Use Permit for Mr. Callaway explained this request for a use permit does not Pnclude a site plan for site development, but rather approval of the proposed use at this location, which if granted, would necessitate submission of a complete site plan at a later date for Com- mission approval. He explained area uses and area zoning, stating the Engineering Depart- ment has identified the proposed location as a "good overall location for the site...", streets and utilities within the area are adequate for the proposed use, the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and allow flexibility for site development and further that staff recommends approval of this conditional use. General discussion followed concerning access, area uses, distance to Highway 6, and noise from emergency vehicles. The public hearing was opened. W. D. Fitch of 1712 Glade came forward as a proponent of this project, stating he is president of Area Progress Corporation, and also the applicant of this request. He stated he owns this land and the size of the site was determined to accommodate future growth of this proposed hospital, which has plans to move from Bryan to College Station. Ray Anheiser of Sugarland, Texas came forward as an opponent of the project, stated he is not actually against it, but has concern about the amount of traffic and the noise which may be generated by emergency vehicles in the area, and that he owns duplexes in the area which creates his concern. The Commission advised that the Engineering Depart- mend has determined that streets in the area will be able to accommodate the traffic which may be generated from the proposed project, and further, that this Commission is unable to address the issue of emergency vehicle noise as that would not be under this Commission's jurisdiction. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Kelly stated that since this request proposed project, he would make a motion the motion. General discussion followed is simply fora Conditional Use Permit for a to grant this permit with Mr. Bailey seconding concerning the location of the park in proximity .i.... .ate v~ .~~v~c ~~~yi~wgy v Vii ~~IC ~VUUI aIUC VI RVGK rrdlr~e ROaO h1pp~~caL~on I$ in the name of Area Progress Corporation. P&Z Minutes 1-19-84 page 2 • to this project, and the possible noise generated from vehicles. Votes were cast, and the motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 84-300: Master Preliminary_Plat - Southwood Valley Section 25. Mr. Mayo explained this plat and located the land on a map. He stated all Presubmission Conference recommendations have been met, but that staff still has some concern over the large number of cul-de-sacs fn the area. He explained the developer has indicated the reason for inclusion of the cul-de-sacs is because the land backs up to a drainage area at the rear. Mr. Mayo went on to Pnform the Commission that other than that concern, staff would recommend approval. Depth of the cul-de-sacs was discussed with Mr. Mayo pointing out that they are less than 600 feet in length, and are legal cul-de-sacs. Mr. Batley asked about the street names, and Mr. Mayo said that both the Post Office and the Fl re Department have indicated they prefer that each end of a cul-de-sac have the same name. He went on to explain that staff's recommendation was to loop some of the streets in the development, but the developer has chosen to have cut-de-sacs. Mr. Hansen made a motion to approve the plat with Presubmission Conference recommendations with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried 6-0 (unanimously). AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-448: Reconsideration of a Parkin Lot Plan for Alfredo's Tacos Al Carbon. Tabled 11/17/ 3 . Mr. Martyn made a motion to take this item off its tabled position with Mr. Kelly second- ing. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). Mr. Mayo explained the site plan, pointing out that several variances will be requested • at the next Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting, including setback and parking variances. He went on to say that staff would recommend that an island on either end of a parallel parking space on the west side of the project be included, each of approximately 4 ft. in width, explaining that these islands would serve to protect cars on either side of this parking space. He stated t-hat staff would recommend approval of this site plan, reminding the Commission that if it approves the plan, it will still have to go before the ZBA regard- ing variances to setback and parking requirements. Mr. Bailey asked about the location of the dumpster and the number of dumpsters proposed, and Mr. Mayo said that the location and numbers have been approved by the Assistant Director of Public Services, Bob Epps. Mr. Mayo then stated that staff will begin preparing an ordinance for the Northgate area in which fewer required parking spaces will be recommended, so at this time staff does not know exactly what variances will have to be requested, but that staff is not especially concerned about that as it perceives that the applicant is making great efforts to upgrade this business and make the best use of this property which is what the City would like to see more of. Discussion followed concerning the area available to tack out of the parking spaces on the west side of the project, the location of the fire hydrants, which Mr. Mayo said the Flre Department has no problems with, the inclusion of a sprinkler system in the building (which is based on size of building and governed by ordinance) and the type of groundcover propooed. Mr. Kelly then made a motion to approve with PRC recommendations due to the fact that the applicant will stilt have to go before the ZBA to request variances to this project, and also with the inclusion of 2- 4 ft, islands on either end of the parallel parking space on the west side of the project, and the deletion of the land- scaping note on the plan which indicates "Red Bud trees of at least 8'-0" in height and a trunk approximating 2~" diameter", leaving %`note #2 "all trees shown are 6'-8' high red bud with at least 2~" diameter." Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Mr. Martyn said he has ,• problems with the number of variances which will be requested and disagrees with the policy of approving a project which obviously has so many problems. Mr. Bailey said that the Northgate committee has recommended that the ordinance regarding setbacks and parking ~~~ PAZ M~i nutes 1-1g-84 ~ Pa9e 3 requirements for the Northgate area only be changed, and therefore it is his belief that • Mr. Guitierrez' request for variances has been tabled by the ZBA pending action by this body, and he is In limbo at this time. Mr, Martyn stated that he believes problems in the Northgate area will be intensified by this type of enlargement of a business. Mr. Bailey said that this project is unique as it is one of the few which has any on-site parking provided and this body should give the applicant a chance to upgrade his business. Motion to approve carried 5-1 (Martyn against). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-453: Reconsideration of a Parkin Lot Plan - The Omni Center formerly "Columbia Park"; considered and denied 1/5/ Mr. Mayo explained this revised site plan represents replacement of one which was denied because of illegible landscaping plans, and that this one has been coded and numbered, staff has reviewed It and has no problem. He also pointed out the proposed phasing of this project, the second phase being shown in red. He stated that staff recommends approval of this plan as shown. Mr. Kelly asked if the whole plan is being considered tonight, and Mr. Mayo said that if approved, the entire project will be approved, including all phasing shown, and the plan will .not have to come back before this Commission. General discussion followed concerning the location of the water line and the trees along the front of the project, which had been concerns at the previous review of this project. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the water line is In the right-of-way and is not on this property, and the pro- posed trees should not pose a problem for it or the maintenance crews. Size of the pro- posed trees on the project was discussed, with Mr. Miller asking the applicant for clari- fication. He stated that the caliper size indicated will be the planting size. Mr. Mar- tyn questioned the appropriateness of a project of that magnitude in that area and Mr. Bailey pointed out that should not be this Commission's concern at this time as the area is • currently zoned C-1 for General Commercial development. Mr. Martyn said that perhaps this particular piece of property has not been correctly zoned as it is surrounded by residential development, and that he thinks this Planning Commission has the right to discuss rezoning of this land, Mr. Bailey said that it is his personal opinion that a high rise development should not be next to a residential area, but because this property has been zoned C-1, the City is locked into a commercial development of this land. Mr. Miller pointed out that most of the land around this project is currently vacant, but concurred that the Comprehensive Plan shows that it should be low density residential development. Mr, Hansen pointed out that there is a major commercial area directly across the Bypass from this project. Mr. Miller said that because the area is less than fully developed and the land is currently zoned C-1, he does not oppose this project. Mr, Mar- tyn asked if the City had ever received any requests for rezoning of this property and Mr. Mayo indicated It had not. Mr. Martyn then asked if the City has any plans of its own to rezone this land and Mr. Mayo replied that it does not. Mr. Miller pointed out that the land is being used commercially now and this project is commercial, so he thinks a change would be difficult. Mr. Martyn asked what would happen if the area residents applied for rezoning. Mr. Mayo pointed out that unless the residents own the land, they cannot request rezoning, but can only petition the City to tnitPate rezoning. Mrs. Locke spoke then referring to Article 1011E for clarification of Mr. Martyn's question and Mr. Mayo's statement. Mr. Kelly asked for further clarification, and Mrs. Locke explained. Following this discussion, Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve this revised site plan with PRC recommendations and Mr. Hansen seconded.. Motion carried 5-0-1 (Martyn abstained). AGEN lnit Plan for, and as Avenue. SH Mr. Callaway stated that in June and July of 1982 a study had been made by a committee which included Mr. Fleming, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Miller, as well as mem- bers of the Planning staff, and the report had been made at a Commission meeting in July. P&Z Minutes 1-19-84 page 4 He referred to a map on the wall which had been prepared for that report, stating that it reflects thoroughfare plans for Morgan Lane and Dartmouth, with commercial development on larger tracts and at major intersections. He pointed out the plan includes A-P zoning to act as a buffer to this commercial use. A-P is reflected In the area south of Berna- dine Estates. Medium density residential areas were reflected adjacent to the commercial area and north of Dartmouth Drive. Central Park was identified and the balance of the area was reflected as Low Density Residential. He further indicated the City did not, as a result of this study, initiate any rezoning in that area for several reasons including the fact that the Comprehensive Plan had not yet been adopted, and that requests had been made to hold workshops including City Council and this Commission to develop a zoning use map. Mr. Callaway then said that the Comprehensive Plan and a Land Use Map had been adopted, but that the workshops referred to had never been held. Discussion followed, with several Commissioners indicating there had been another map for the area just north of this area prepared, but Mr, Callaway said he had been unable to locate that map. As he recalled, that map reflected almost exactly the same uses as the adopted Land Use Plan. Mr. Kaiser asked the location of the flood plain and several people went forward to point it out. Mr, Mayo said that much of the flood plain includes standing water rather than rapidly moving water, Mr. Hansen asked if the corner is C-1 and Mr. Mayo said that it's all A-P. Mr. Kaiser asked what could happen in this area based on what happened in the past along Krenek Tap Road and Mr. Miller said that development along Krenek Tap had only been held up until a compromise. was reached, and that since Dartmouth has not yet been extended, development in this area would probably be slower here as development plans have not yefi been approved, AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 'Other Business Mr. Kelly stated that Friday, January 20th is the final day for absentee voting for the • election on January 24th. Mr. Marlyn referred to a recently approved project named Schooner's Landing, stating that in his opinion, the privacy fence is not up to specifications of this Commission, that parking at the project is a problem and that the oyster shells being used for groundcover are pretty, but fears they will draw cats and flies. Mr. Mayo said he would check the dimensions of the drive/parking area but that if the fence is the right height and is a solid screening .fence, materials used are hard to govern. Mr. Miller announced the public hearing will be held at the next PAZ meeting regarding the proposed landscape ordinance. Mr. Bailey made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Kelly seconding; motion carried unanimously (6-0) . APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER ) -I DATE ~J~1 ~t/fJ~j~ ~ 7, / 98~ NAME ADDRESS 1 . 1~ ~' a ~t..~ .- 4. 5. 6. A `/ ~ .r i i e ~` , ~.~:.. 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