HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/1984 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission February 16, 1884 7:00 P.M, MEMBERS PRESENT: All present. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Zoning Official Kee, Planning Assistant Longley, City Forester Ploeger and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: Approval of Minutes - February 2, 1984 Mr. Martyn made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Hansen abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0, 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0, 3: 84-105: A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 2.56 acre tract of land located at the corner of Wellborn Road. and Holleman Drive from Apartments Medium Density District R-5 to Planned Commercial District C-3. Application is in the name of Henry W. Parkman • Mr. Callaway described the tract, pointing out area land uses and zoning while referring to a map on the wall. He informed the Commission that the Land Use Plan. reflects this area as medium density residential; then explained plans for future street expansions and signalization at the 'rntersection of Wellborn ~ Holleman. He stated staff recommends denial of this request for the following reasons: (1)The request does not comply with the Land Use Plan; (2)No buffer is provided between the proposed C-3 and existing resi- dential area; (3)Other areas along Wellborn Road have been identified as more appropriate for commercial uses; and, (4)The recently established C-N area on the south side of Holle- man at Wellborn provides an area for neighborhood/convenience sales and services. Mr. Bailey asked if a site plan had been reviewed for this tract. Discussion followed and agreement was reached that a site plan had been approved for this tract within the past 12-15 months. Existing neighborhood uses were discussed, with the opening of the public hearing following this discussion. Felix Manka of McClure Engineering, acting agent for this request came forward, stating that he bell-eyed that C-3 development on this tract would be more appropriate than R-5 development, that C-3 development is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and would serve as a buffer at a major intersection, and disagreed with R-5 zoning at an inter- section of this type with an industrial area right across Wellborn Road from this tract. He explained there would be no duplication of services .with the C-N tract across the street. Mr, Bailey disagreed with him, stating that C-3 development next to a residen- tial development with no buffering between them does not comply with any City policies. Mr. Hill then pointed out that staff had indicated that this request does not comply • with the Land Use Plan rather than the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Mayo clarified by ex- plaining that the Comprehensive Plan refers to large commercial tracts at major inter- sections, rather than small, individual commercial development. PAZ Minutes 2-16-84 page 2 • The applicant, Henry W. Parkman came forward to speak in behalf of this request, stating that he wants only to establish his own business on this corner. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Mayo explained that a C-N zone is not limited to neighborhood retail uses only, and could vary from one neighborhood to another, being controlled by the PAZ which must approve the use and the site plan. Mr. Martyn addressed commercial uses at major inter- sections, stating that this is a goal, but then pointed out that there are two major commercial tracts within one mile of this tract and sees no need for making this a commercial tract, He went on to say that although he does not think this would be the besfi area for R-5 development, it would serve as a buffer to the existing residen- tial area adjacent to this tract. Mr. Hansen pointed out that although this tract is in close proximity to an industrial area, the railroad and this major intersection, it is also adjacent to an existing residential area. Mr, Martyn asked if the applicant had been contacted by any person within 200 feet of this property, and he said that he had not. Staff said they also had not been contacted by any person within 200 feet. Mr. Kaiser pointed out that commercial uses at a potential major intersection would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, but Mr, Bailey reminded him that there is already residential development existing adjacent to this tract. Mr. Kaiser said that he still agrees with the applicants statement regarding the location of commercial development at a major intersection. Mr. Bailey said in principle he does too, however there already is R-1 development in the area, and it looks as if this development is permanent. Mr. Bailey then made a motion to recommend denial of this request with Mr. Martyn seconding. Motion to recommend denial carried 5-2 (Kelly ~ Hansen). . AGENDA ITf=M N0. 4: 84-701: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Mr. Martyn asked the approximate square footage of this church and Mr. Mayo replied that he is pot sure. Mr. Martyn asked about future expansion plans but Mr. Mayo pointed out that any changes to an approved site plan/Conditional Use Permit would be required to come back before this Commission for review and approval. Mr. Bailey asked about the groundcover and Mr. Mayo replied that the legend on the plan indicates that ground- cover will be seeding with Bermuda grass. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve this Conditional .Use Permit with Mr. Miller seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). Use Permit for the Twin City Church of Christ to be located on Lot 2 Block 10 Phase 2 Southwest Crossing subdivision. Application is in the name of T.G.I. Vaughn. Mr. Callaway explained the area uses, site plan and stated staff recommends approval of the plan with PRC recommendations, such recommendations are all reflected on this revised site plan which was included in the Commissioners packets and appears on the wall. Public hearing was opened.. No one spoke. Public hearing was closed. AGENDA ITEM Np. 5: 84-702: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for the First Ba fist Church Colle a Station to be located on Tract F South- wood valley Section 30 SW corner of Welsh ~ FM 2 1 Application is in the name of Mr. Callaway located this proposed church site and informed the Commission that the plan on the wall and which had been included in the packets is a conceptual plan only and the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit fora church to be located on this tract, but a site plan will have to be reviewed and approved at a later date by • the Commission. Staff recommends approval of this permit with the condition that the Pi;Z Minutes 2-16-84 page 3 site plan and landscape plan wltl be required to be presented, reviewed and approved • by this Commission prior to any construction on this site, Mr. Hill asked about the possibility of a large sign, but was informed by staff that a sign would have to become part of the site plan, and was not being reviewed at this time. Public hearing was opened. James Hull, 1403 Todd Tra11 (chairman of the Transitional Committee for this church) came forward to make 2 points; those being that long and thorough consideration had been given to this site and that he wanted to thank the planning staff and the PAZ Commission for their help and guidance during the processes covered to date. Mr. Martyn asked if this church is one of the largest in the area and Mr. Hull replied that it probably is the second largest in the area. Mr. Martyn asked about probable future growth and Mr. Hull explained that this project should take care of future growth for some time to come. Mr. Miller asked when the site plan might be expected and Leon Williamson, architect, spoke from the audience stating that they are now awaiting reports, and expect to be able to finalize plans within 1 to 1~ months, Mr. Hill asked if the number of curb cuts had been discussed and Mr. Mayo informed him that the subject had been discussed, but until fihe final site plan comes in, no decisions can be made. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit at this location with Mr. Bailey seconding. Mr, Martyn addressed the probability of this church being an extremely high traffic generator and stated this potential problem should be anticipated. Mr. Batley Bald he believes the problem has been anticipated, and pointed out there is already a 4 way stop at this intersection, with signalization planned in the future. Votes were cast with the motion to approve the use permit carrying unanimously (7-0). • At this point on the agenda, Mr. Hill announced that he was reversing the order of Agenda ~fiems 7 ~ 8, thus the next item to be heard is Agenda Item No. 8. AGENDA ITEM N0, 8: 82-430: Reconsideration of a landscaping plan for the FedMart Shopping Center. Mr. Mayo explained the currently approved landscape plan for the FedMart Shopping Center which [s now called the Chimney HillRetail Center, then pointed out what the developers are now proposing, explainFng that many of the trees which were planted have since died. He went on to say that staff recommends approval of this newly proposed landscaping plan as this plan will exceed even the new proposed landscape ordinance requirements. Mr. Hill requested that if this plan is approved, the color coded plan on the wall is to become the officially apps©ved plan, Mr. Martyn referred to the note concerning "sglid seeded" areas of landscaping as well as to the note denoting "winter rye" and Mr. Kelly explained the rye is used for erosion control and color. Mr. Hill asked about the type of C,O, which has been issued for part of this center and Mr. Mayo said the Fire Department has discovered a possible problem with this center, and future C.O.'s may be withheld, Zoning Official Kee spoke from the floor suggesting that building per- mits be held for placement of sod rather than C.O.'s if any type of restriction is imposed, Mr. Hansen asked the representative of the developer, Robin Bruno, if Bermuda seed has been planted now along with the rye in the areas he referred to on the plan on the wall, Mr. Bruno said that it had, and further that there will be sod in the islands in front of Building A, Mr, Hansen made a motion to approve this color coded landscaping plan which appears on the wall at this meeting with the addition of the note that the areas in which this plan indicates rye is planted will have the Bermuda grass ground- • cover In place by warm weather, Mr, Martyn seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-0) - P&Z Minutes 2-16-84 page 4 AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 84-800: Consideration of an ordinance amendin Section 7 of • Ordinance 50 of the Ctty of College Station, Texas relating to landscaping. The purpose of the amendment to the ordinance is to establish unambiguous regulations pertaining to landscaping in College Station. Mr. Mayo explained his recommended changes which appear on the memo handed out at this meeting. Mr. Hi11 asked why the PRC was referred to rather than the PAZ and Mr. Miller explained that with this ordinance, some of the load will be lifted from the PAZ as the PRC will rule on most landscaping plans presented. Mr. Hill asked if there would be a recorded vote, and was told the PRC report will indicate either .approval or condi- tions to be met. Mr. Mayo then explained that the PRC will follow the ordinance re- quirements, and if the applicant requests a variance to the ordinance or an appeal of the conditions imposed, some .other body will have to rule because the PRC cannot grant variances. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the proposed landscaping ordinance with the inclu- sion of Mr. Mayo's changes, stopping above the paragraph that begins with "Some con- sideration...". Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Kelly asked why parking-lot requirements had been included as they already appear in the current zoning ordinance, and Mr, Mayo and Mr. Miller pointed out that if this ordinance is approved, all of Section 7 of the current ordinance wit) be replaced by this one, and that is where. the parking requirements are covered. Mr. Martyn mentioned some concerns which had been brought up at fihe public hearing and asked why all of them had not been addressed- in this ordinance. Mr. Miller made an attempt to explain. Mr. Bailey suggested that the appeals and variance process could be followed should i • anyone disagree with fihe requirements. Mr. Martyn pointed out that winter delays for planting have not been addressed and Mr. Miller explained that perhaps a written vehicle for inclement weather which cannot be predicted would be better than a concrete instrument in the ordinance. Mr. Martyn then said that the requirement that islands must have a soil bottom has not been addressed, and then made a motion to amend the motion to add "...with a bottom contiguous with existing soil..." to 7-D.8. Mr. Miller seconded the motion to amend. Motion to amend the motion carried unanimously (7-0). Mr. Kaiser then said he has concern with surrounding land uses and proposed a language to include adjacent development, adjacent land uses and existing roadways to be included on site plans, He then made a motion to amend the amended motion to include "an indication of adjacent land uses, existing development and roadways" to 7.D.3.(i). Mr, Martyn seconded this motion to amend and the motion to amend the amended motion carried 6-1 CBalley against). Discussion followed concerning the penalties section, with Mr, Kaiser suggesting the maximum to be changed to comply with what is allowed by State. statutes and to include no minimum penalty, Mr. Martyn said all of this could be deleted and covered by a requirement of a security bond. Mr. Martyn then made a motion to amend the penalties section to require a security bond, Mr. Hill asked for precise language for the amend- ment and Mr. Martyn withdrew his motion to amend because he had not prepared precise language to be included. Mr. Kaiser then made a motion to amend the amended motion, allowing for striking the language of "of no less than $25.00 or more than $200.OQ'' and to substitute "liable for a fine up to .fihe maximum authorized by State statutes,." Mr. Martyn seconded this • motion to amend. Discussion followed prior to voting. Votes were cast and the motion to amend the amended motion failed by a vote of 2-5 (Kaiser ~ Martyn for). Votes were cast to recommend approval of the ordinance as amended with the inclusion of Mr. Mayo's recommendations, and the additions to 7.D .3.-1 and 7.D.8. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). PAZ Minutes 2-16-84 page 5 _AGENDA ITEM NO 9: 84-100: Reconsideration of the question of rezoning a 7.00 acre • tract of land lying and being situated in the Robert Stevenson League and more speci- ficall located on the east side of State Highwa 6 a proximate) 400 feet north of the intersection of Barron Road and SH Request is to change from Agriculture-Open District A-0 to General Commercial District C-l. Application is in the name of Charles Lee Ellison. Request was denied without prejudice by PAZ on 1-5- Mr. Callaway explained fihe Council returned this request to the Commission for considera- tion of C-3 and A-P zoning, and the applicant has indicated he would prefer that 3.00 acres of C-3 be located on the northern portion of the land with A-P being located on the remaining southern por#ion of the land. He pointed out that staff had recommended denial of the C-1 request while advising that A-P zoning would be more in compliance with the Land Use Plan. He went on to inform the Commission that the City Planner has since studied this request and the plans for the area, and has determined that the pro- posed thoroughfare will be shifted further south than originally anticipated, thus the intersection will be shifted further south and the area which had been reflected as A-P will also be shifted further south, City Planner Mayo then explained that the changes in roadway plans were due to the location of the floodway in the area, and when this intersection is moved, the proposed commercial land would also move, With that information considered, Mr, Bailey made a motion to recommend denial of this revised request to C-3 and A-P zoning, based on the information presented that this land will not be located at an intersection, Mr, Hansen seconded the motion which carried 6-1 (Kelly). Mr, Kaiser requested that Council be informed that the Commission's recommendation of denial was based on staff's information regarding relocation of the proposed roadway/ • intersection. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: 84-102: Reconsideration of the uestion of rezonin a 14.489 acre tract in the Richard Carter Surve , located on the east side of SH East B pass) approximately 1700 feet north of the intersection of SH6 and SH30 Harvey Road from Single Family Residential pistrict R-1 fio General Commercial_ District C-1. Application is in the name of Joe A. Ferreri, Request was tabled by PAZ on 2-2-$4. Mr. Miller made a motion to take this item off its tabled position; Mr. Kelly seconded. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). Mr, Callaway explained that the applicant's representative has indicated that the C-1 zoning request should be considered on its own merits and the applicant does not desire to change his request, He went on to state that staff had previously recommended that A-P zoning would 6e a better choice of zoning at this location, due to the size, shape and location of the land,. Mr. Martyn stated emphatically that this request for C-1 zoning had been adequately discussed at the previous meeting, the applicant was given the opportunity to resubmit a request, and since he has continued to request C-1 zoning, it is his Opinion that there is no need for further discussion as the same problems considered at the earlier meeting still exist. Mr. Kaiser asked staff how much more depth wou ld be necessary to consider the tract adequate for C-1 zoning, and Mr. Mayo said that this tract is approximately one-half the required depth for C-1 zoning. MrR Miller then made a motion to recommend denial of this request with Mr, Bailey seconding. Motion tQ recommend denial carried unanimously (7-0). • P&Z Minutes 2-16-84 Page 6 AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Discussion of Land Use along. the East .Bypass .from FM60 south . to Emerald Parkway. Mr. Hill said that there are a number of tracts along this area which are still zoned A-0 and recommended that 3 Commissioners volunteer to serve on a committee to study this area, along with necessary staff representation. Mr. Martyn, Mr. Kaiser and Mr. Miller volunteered. Mr. Martyn was appointed chairman of this study committee. Mr. Mayo suggested that the study include the area north to the northern City limits on the east side of the Bypass, AGENDA ITEM N0.12: Other Business Mr. Miller thanked all who had helped prepare the Landscape Ordinance. Mr. Hill announced the Sign Committee has more meetings scheduled. Mr. Bailey made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unani- mously (7-0). APPROVED: David B. Hill, Chairman • ATTEST: Dian Jones, City Secretary • PLANNING AND ZONING CQMMISSION s i • GUEST REGISTER v~ DATE °~- ~ 6 a ~`' NAME ADDRESS 1. ~ _I~.~o+~ ultcGt~ern 11~1,~ ~ ,13`~~2r~"~t~t ~y~ ~fi7~ 2. ~ ~- ~ 3. 4 • ,~ ~S ,~ !/LG 5• ~~(i crnkcc^ 6. 7. 8 . '~~~J ~/~S ! 7 2 2- 3 t~~''r ©t~/2 ST~"~/0,,~~30° ~~/~4 'S/ 7?c~^ ~, ~Gt~o ~. ~~~ 't~'' 1 '1"t~2 ~T ~3 ,~~~LL ,. ~aGCEGE.1 T~ITit'kl ~76~a %O Q ~~'L1~C~1 ~i~ ~. ~F Io57 ~ .~ 10. ' 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17_ .. 18. •• 19. 20. 21. 22. • 23. 24. 25. • *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSIOrN~) i Date of Meeting Z~ ("~ l Commission Agendajltem No, ` ~~~~v~? Name ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 L I~ Address /,~~~ ~ ~ ~n~ I [~ House No. Street City IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of 0 ganlzation: And, Speaker's Official Capacity: ~ ~ ~ ~ C. SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK U ~~ V K" ~ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to five minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting 1 ~~ ~~~ Commission Agenda Item No. ~ T I l~ Name ~ ~~ W ~1'7 {I~ 1~ (M ~ ICJ Address ~~ ( 1JOX ~ ~' (~ {-~ Q(,/~IJ ~ ~.Q ~_ House No. Street Ctty IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: {~~ a~ VZ-~-P ~ ~ ~1 ~Z K vr~ q~ And, Speaker's Official Capacit PEQ.SP~c`T~~+E ~y2c~~2`~AN~ ~wN'~-5 SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Q ~~~} S Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before Deglnning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Name Addre IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organlzatton: And, Official Capacity: ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before Deglnning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission wll.l appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. ~./£ Date of Meeting ~ /~ " 8'~ Commission Agenda Item No. ~~- ~02