HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/1984 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTBS • CITY OF COLLBGB STATION, TBXAS Planning and Zoning Commission December 20, 1984 7:00 P.M. MBMBBRS PRBSBNT: Chairman Hansen, Members Stallings, Brochu, MacGilvray, Martyn, Kaiser MBMBBRS ABSBNT: Tongco STAFF PRBSBNT: Director of Planning Mayo, Zoning Official Ree, City Bngineer Pullen, Planning Assistant Longley AGBNDA IT$M NO__1: Approval of Minutes _ meeting of December 61 1984 Mr. MacGilvray asked to append item no.8 to include the date the preliminary plat of Woodson Village 5th Installment Section 2 was last seen by the Planning and Zoning Commission (Jan. 20, 1983). Mr.Brochu asked that the minutes reflect that he was in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Raiser asked to clarify his statement in item no.5 by indicating that he was intrigued with the request seeking to develop apartments when the market is currently saturated. • Mr. MacGilvray moved to approve the minutes with the changes mentioned. Mr. Kaiser seconded the motion which passed unanimously. AGBNDA ITEM N0_2_ Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGBNDA ITEM NO_3_ 84-805: Continuation of a public hearing to consider an ordinance replacing Section 8 of Ordinance 85_0_ of the City of College S_t_ation1 Texass relating t_o sigmas generally regulating their locations height and areas and providing for an effective dat_e_ Item tabled at meeting of 12~6~84 with public hearing held open until 12~20~84~_ Mr. Mayo summarized the differences in the proposed ordinance and the current one and indicated that the staff and the sign committee members do not support the amortization of signs that are greater than 35' in height. Mr. Martyn moved to remove the item from the table, Mr. MacGilvray seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hansen informed the audience that the public hearing was still open and asked for comments on the proposed ordinance. • Steve Parker (1105 San Saba) spoke basically in favor of the ordinance with the following suggestions: • 1. Section 2.L. Attached Signs should be clarified so that people understand that the name of a business is allowed on an attached sign. 2. The amortization of signs higher than 35' is not a policy that he (Mr. Parker ) would like to see or support. Jim Gardner (1216 No. Ridgefield) also spoke basically in favor of the proposed ordinance and made the following comments and suggestions: 1. Definitions of billboard, off-premise sign, setback, banner and flag area should be clarified. 2. The addition of graphics would be helpful. 3. Banners should be prohibited altogether. 4. Amortization as proposed is just a token gesture. 5. Allowing low profile or freestanding signs in the A-P zone is detrimental to the City's goals and policies. The Public Hearing was closed. Mr. Hansen suggested that P&Z members give written suggestions or comments to the staff by January 4th, 1985. Mr. Martyn and Mr. Hansen agreed that Mr. Gardner's comments were helpful. Mr. MacGilvray commented that he is concerned with how exempt • signs will be handled if and when one becomes prohibited or non- conforming in the future. Mr. Kaiser stated that amortizing some 10 or 20 signs and the burden placed on those owners would not serve the public interest and he sees no safety problem and does not support amortizing signs in excess of 35' in height. Mr. Martyn took the opposite view and stated that because there are so few signs over 35' in height they will be all that more conspicuous. Mr. Hansen agreed with Mr. Kaiser and feels that amortization would put the City in turmoil for no reason. Mr. Martyn stated that significantly damaged signs should have a limit imposed on the amount of repair that can be done. Mr. Kaiser said that he thinks banners should be banned as he sees the benefit to the merchants as small compared to the visual clutter imposed on the public. Mr. Brochu agreed that banners should be defined and then banners and pennants should be prohibited in all zones. Mr.Kaiser then moved to approve the ordinance in concept as • proposed, subject to the staff receiving comments from the Commissioners dealing with minor procedural changes and with the ~~ 1 ~~ ~~~. following substantive changes: • 1. Amortization should be limited to off-premise and prohibited signs as proposed in the ordinance and should not affect signs exceeding 35' in height, and 2. Banners, pennants and streamers should be defined and then prohibited in all zones. Mrs. Stallings seconded the motion. Mr. Martyn stated that he wants to approve the ordinance and prohibit banners but does not agree that amortization should be limited as proposed. The question was called and the motion passed with all in favor except Mr. Martyn. (5-1) Mr. MacGilvray and Mr. Martyn left the meeting at this point. AGBNDA ITBM N0.4_ 84-130_ A public hearing on the guestion of rezoning approximately 10_88 acres of land on th_e south side of S_H_ 30 Harvey Rd_~ at the intersection of Stallings Dr_ and S.H_ 30 from Administrative-Professorial District A_P to General Commercial District C=1_ Application is in the name of Gary Payne. This item was withdrawn by the applicant. AGBNDA ITBM NO_5_ 84-717_ A public hearing on the guestion of • granting a conditional use permit for a clinic for Scott & White to be located in the Glenhaven gstates Subdivision at th_e intersection of Glenhaven Drive and University Dr. Application is in the name of Scott & White Memorial Hospital_ Mr. Mayo indicated that the staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit at this location as this use is consistent with the land use plan. He stated that only the use is being proposed at this time and that the applicant will present a site and landscaping plan in the near future to the Commission. Mr. Hansen opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Clark Potter who represented the applicant, spoke in favor of the request and answered questions from the Commission. He indicated that the facility will accommodate as many as 25 doctors and will treat out-patients only. Steve Ardan told the Commission that he was available to answer questions on behalf of the applicant as well. The public hearing was closed as no one else spoke. Mr. Kaiser and Mr. Mayo discussed the differences in doctors' offices, medical clinics and medical office complexes as • addressed in the current Zoning Ordinance. \Z° 1~ Mr. Brochu moved approval of the conditional use permit with the condition that a site plan and landscape plan be approved by the • P&Z. Mrs. Stallings seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (4- 0) Mr. Kaiser asked the staff to take a look at the ordinance and to try to clarify the gray area surrounding the definitions discussed earlier to ensure that everyone is treated the same in terms of having to apply for and receive conditional use permits. AGBNDA ITEM NO_6_ 84-_240_ Final Plat = Lots 1&2 Block One South Park B_st_at_eg Phase 1_ Mr. Mayo told the Commission that this plat includes the City's water tower site and a tract for a General Telephone equipment building. It was reviewed and approved by the Council on December 13, 1984 and this reversal was done in order to avoid a three week delay in getting final approval. The staff has no problem with this plat as all presubmission comments have been taken care of. Mr. Kaiser expressed his concern at the way this plat had been handled. He wondered why the Commission had not seen a preliminary plat and he did not like the special treatment given to this applicant by allowing the plat to go before the Council • prior to P&Z consideration. Mr. Mayo explained that this had been done in the past and always at this time of year due the cancellation of the last Council meeting in December because of Christmas. He further explained that a simple resubdivision does not require a preliminary plat as a matter of policy. Mr. Kaiser and Mr. Brochu both indicated that they do not like this procedure. Mr. Hansen agreed, but has no problem with this particular plat. Mrs. Stallings moved approval of this final plat with Mr. Brochu seconding. The motion passed with Mr. Kaiser voting against for the reasons previously stated. (3-1) AGBNDA ITEM NO_?t 84_316: Preliminary plat = Haney HWY 6 Sub division X8_58 acres~_ Mr. Mayo said that all presubmission conference notes had been met and that the staff recommends approval of this plat. He did mention that Block A has a rezoning request pending. Mr. Mayo further pointed out that the note concerning signage needed to be changed to read Lots 1&2 Block A and Lots 1&2 Block • B shall be treated as one premise for the purpose of signage. 2~~ 3~- Mr. Brochu moved to approve this preliminary plat with the change . in the signage note as indicated by staff. - Mrs. Stallings seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (4 0) AGENDA IT$M NO_8: 84-317: Preliminary plat _ Remainder of Reserve Tract 3 A_uail Run Estates _ Phase 1 X32.50 acres~_ Mr. Mayo stated that the staff recommends approval and pointed out the following two variances: 1. Streets have 60 foot right-of-way rather than 70 foot and 2. Frontage widths of Lots 13 and 2 are less than the 100 foot minimum required. Mr. Hansen asked if other streets in this B.T.J. subdivision have only 60 foot right-of-way and Mr. Mayo said yes. Mrs. Stallings moved approval with the variances as indicated. Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (4-0) AGENDA ITEM NO_9_ Other Business_ Mr. Kaiser extended his appreciation to the sign committee and the staff for an excellent job done on the proposed sign ordinance. Mrs. Stallings seconded this comment and Mr. Hansen agreed. Mr. Mayo extended his appreciation to the sign committee for the hard work and long hours they put in. Mr. Hansen again urged the Commissioners to be as detailed as possible on their comments on the sign ordinance. Mr. Kaiser then moved to adjourn and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. The motion was seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. APPROVED: -------------------------------- Steve Hansen, Chairman ATTEST: ------------------------------- Dian Jones, City Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. DATE ~~ ADDRESS ~.~-II~J ~"~N ~1~J /~ ~~,~~ M ~ ~ '/ 5 . ~~ S . 6. ~ S 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. GUEST REGISTER