HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission September 15, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hili, Kelly, Hansen, Bailey ~ Kaiser MEMBERS ABSENT: Miller ~ Martyn STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0, 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of September 1, 1983 Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Hansen seconding. Results were 3-0-2 (Hill ~ Kaiser abstained), Minutes were not approved, and this item will be re- constdered at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM N0, 2: Hear Visitors Al Guiterrez of Alfredo's Tacos Al Carbon on University Drive came forward to ask how he would go about being allowed more seats in his restaurant. He spoke of monies invested in a parking tot which no one uses, as most of his business comes from walk-ins. Mr. Mayo suggested that he submit a revised site plan and go through the regular channels to get it approved, Mr. Mayo explained that required parking is based on seats available, • and if this business has already been approved with conditions that the applicant dis- agrees with, he can always go to the ZBA and request a variance. However, there is still the parking moratorium in the Northgate area, and at this time, until at least the end of September, the ZsA can grant no parking variances in that area. No one else spoke. AGENDA ITEM Np, 3: 83-232: Final Plat - Walden Pond Townhomes (21.64 acres) Mr. Mayo explained that this Final Plafi agrees with the Preliminary Plat which has been approved by both PAZ and Council, and staff would recommend approval as shown. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0) , AGENDA ITEM N0, 4: 83-233: Final Plat - One Lincoln Place (9.03 acres) Mr. Mayo explained that this Final Plat agrees with the previously approved Preliminary Plat and pointed out the note regarding "private" access easements as recommended, rather than the "public" access easements which were on the Preliminary Plat. He further re- minded the Commission and applicant that the City legal department still requires a document from the Homeowners group showing who will maintain the brick wall which was required, and how maintenance will be handled. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the revised plat with the condition that the Homeowners' document is submitted to and approved by the City legal department, Mr. Bailey seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0) , • AG~NpA ITEM N0, 5: 83-312: Preliminary Plat - Family Tree (165,09 acres) Mr, Mayo explained this plat and located the area on a map, and pointed out there is a note on fibs C-N designated tract on this revised plat which indicates the tract will P&Z Minutes 9-15-83 page 2 comply with Ordinance requirements. Staff recommends approval with Presubmission Con- ference conditions. Discussion followed .concerning "Victoria Street" and item #8 on the • report which states that "both Welsh Street and Rock Prairie Road extensions should be in place prior to any substantial occupancy of individual lots in order to provide two means of ingress and egress for emergency vehicles". After discussion, Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with Presubmission Conference conditions and Mr. Bailey seconded. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6• Proposed pamphlet for Commission meetings Mr. Hill explained the changes which had been made since the Commission reviewed the pam- phlet previously and discussion followed, with Mr. Bailey making a motion to approve this pamphlet and to ufiilize it as soon as possible. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion which carried unanimously.(5-0), Staff was then directed to locate funding for printing and to have the pamphlet printed as soon as possible. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: Other Business Mr. Mayo presented the final recommendations presented by the Nouthgate Committee, covering the report step-by-step and answering questions as they were brought up. (Report covering final recommendations attached to these minutes). Mr. Kaiser asked how many other streets in the City prohibit parking from 2 a.m. until 5 a.m., and Mr. Mayo said he did not know of any, but knew that the Council has discussed using them in the past in certain areas, Mr, Mayo discussed parking which is taking place on pri- vate lots, pointing out that in the past the owners have tried to stop parking there by means of posts and cables, but nothing is up now to discourage parking. There is no pavement on these lots, and no parking lot plan or curb cut approval has been given, • therefore staff considers use of these lots as commercial lots as ordinance violations. When discussion reached the recommendation to rezone this area to a special district, Mr. Hill questioned the reasoning which included results of surveys indicating that approximately 40% of the patrons of businesses walk, therefore parking requirements might be lowered, Mr. Hili asked specifically how many people walk to other shopping centers, citing Culpepper Plaza and Post Oak Mall as examples, and Mr. Mayo said there had been no studies done on walk-in traffic at these centers because there have been no other requests of this nature. Mr, Bailey said that the only other comparable area would be Southgate. Mr, Hill said that if parking requirements were reduced by 40% in this area, then the number of spaces required in other areas might be reduced also b~ a certain percentage. Mr. Mayo said this report does not recommend reducing required parking in Northgate by 40% wl.thoufi doing something else to provide parking at a removed, but close-by area. Mr. Hill speculated that a reduction in the required parking in this area might attract more development, thereby making a larger problem than currently exists. He repeated that he could not understand how reducing the required number of parking spaces would help solve a parking problem in this area. Mr. Bailey said that the long term answer might be creating parking lots somewhere in the area, and that the Committee has tried to look at the entire area, not just the commercial area. Mr. Hill pointed out that this rezoning phase comes in "phase I", and if dialogue with the University does not work out, or other parking lots are not created, and required parking spaces are reduced, he believes a greater mess than already exists will be created. Mr. Bailey said that restricted parking on streets in the area might cause more of a parking problem for the University or even for other residential areas in close proximity, and suggested perhaps • a parking sticker for area residents might be in drder. P&Z Minutes 9-15-$3 Page 3 Mr. Hill conceded that setback requirements and landscaping requirements might be • changed, however, pointed out that he still is not sure if any new buildings in this area should be exempted from the setback requirements. Mr. Mayo cited an example of the ' lot on which the burned out building is located, stating that the lot is so small, if setback requirements were met there would be no space left for a building, therefore nothing could be built on this lot at all. Mr. Hansen suggested that perhaps this area zoning could be handled like a residential PUD which our ordinance allows. Mr. Hill then referred to Phase I and stated that perhaps the parking changes could be carried out in this phase and the rezoning could be considered in Phase II, allowing time to see what problems are created or solved with the parking changes in Phase I. Mr. BaPley said that Pf rezoning is seriously considered, he would suggest that the existing "mix of uses" is looked at, and any rezoning could prohibit any more intense use of the buildings than currently exists, and therefore the same "mix" would result. Mr. Hill addressed the suggestion of creating a PUD, stating that a PUD deals with one property owner, whereas this situation would involve separate owners who may not take kindly to being dictated to concerning what they can do with their property, to which both Mr. BaPley ~ Mr. Hansen pointed out fihat the City is already dictating uses to the owners and cited the case of the burned out building which cannot be rebuilt. Mr, Kaiser suggested handling this as two separate problems: (1) parking problems as they currently relate to existing uses, and (2)future development of land in the commercial area which may cause parking problems. He said the City could begin by imposing traffic and parking changes and restrictions immediately and take no steps to rezone or to develop a PUD until a later time when results of the first steps taken are in. Mr. KaPser said that he is concerned with the timing of the phases, and believes • that rezoning should come later as a separate phase. Mr. Hill said he believes parking will be lost by painting spaces and by limiting park- ing and Mr. Bailey agreed, but stated these changes will help "trafficability". Mr. Mayo pointed out that one-hour parking would create additional parking by turnover of vehicles which can be accommodated if this parking limit is strictly enforced. Mr. Hill said he believes that this type of restriction will only move those parking all day into another area further north. Mr, Mayo stated that the merchants in the area have indicated they are willing to work with the City to help solve some problems, but that someone has to take the first step, and a unified plan which will be carried out must be agreed upon. Mr, Mayo then addressed the proposed rezoning in the residential area from R-6 to R-5, stating that the City does not have the utility service capacity for this area if it were to be developed to the density allowed in R-6 zones, therefore staff agrees with this recommendation. He added that Pn fact, perhaps R-4 zoning would be a better solution, but that staff will stand behind the Committee's recommendation of R-5. Discussion followed concerning creation of either City or commercial parking lots, a mini-mall (which had been presented some years ago), patio malls along University Drive, curbing and gutters along streets, and how the one-way streets would work. Mr. Mayo said that staff would make an additional recommendation that a study should be done concerning possible rezonPng of land which currently has one use, but is zoned for another use.- Mr. Hill suggested that the rezoning from R-6 to R-5 of the residential area should be handled independently of any other recommendations. Mr. Bailey pointed out that another recommendation the Committee has offered is that the City begin to • enforce existing ordinances concerning required maintenance of property. PAZ Minutes 9-15-83 page 4 Mr. Kelly recommended that the PAZ propose to the Council adoption of all phases of • Phase I which cover parking and street changes (elimination and restriction of parking) to see what happens. Mr. Bailey agreed that perhaps this would be the better plan, which would be all of the Phase I recommendations with exception of the rezoning portion. Mr. Mayo requested that PAZ make some sort of recommendation to the Council concerning this moratorium, and if the Commission is not ready to make a recommendation concerning this final report, then staff would like some sort of policy recommendation to the ZBA to follow when requests for parking variances are presented. Staff would recommend that ZBA is instructed that no parking variances are to be granted to any businesses which would create a more intense use than is already existing in the Northgate area. Mr. Bailey made a motion to recommend to the Council that a policy is established that no parking variances will be granted to any businesses which would create a more intense use than is already existing in the Northgate area, thus maintaining the "status quo". Mr. Hansen seconded this motion which carried unanimously (5-0). Staff was than instructed to include these final recommendations from the Northgate Committee as an agenda item to be considered at the next PAZ meeting (October 6th). AGENDA STEM N0. 7: Other Business There was no other business, so Mr, Bailey made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Kaiser seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). APPROVED: • David B. Hill, Chairman ATTEST: Dian Jones, City Secretary • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE ~J ~ ~ . NAME ADDRESS 1 • _ _ T'_ ~. Ci f rn 17 3. _ f2 4t.DH ~~s ~rz. ~ - 6. ~ C~ ~. 7 • ~ O-e. ~ ~ l ~C.v~~ ~'f ~--~ 10. r 11. 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 1 ~ . .. 18. ,: 19 . .. 20. 21. 22. - 23. 24. 25.