HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission September 1, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESf=NT: Vice Chairman Miller, Kelly, Hansen, Martyn ~ Bailey MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Hill and Member Kaiser STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Zoning Official Kee, Planning Assistant Longley, Asst. Zoning Official Dupies and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0, 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of August 22, 1983 Mr, Hansen made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Martyn seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3~ A public hearing to consider the annexation of an area of approximately 3800 acres located generally along the State Highway 6 corridor for a distance of approxi- mately 3.5 miles south of Rock Prairie Road and along the Rock Prairie Road corridor for a distance of approximately 5 mites south of State Highwav 6. Mr. Mayo referred to a map on the wall, explaining the areas shown in yellow and blue repre- sent land for which petitions for annexation have been received. The pink areas indicate land for which no petitions for annexation have been received, but represent areas in which development is likely to occur and have been included in the plan for annexation. He pointed out that since this map was developed, the Fire Department has indicated that the proposed City limits line would be so irregular that it would be difficult for that department or the police department to service, and would recommend that the City limit line have a more regular pattern. Staff has no recommendation to cover this suggestion at this time, but will offer more information at the City Council public hear- ing next week. He said the total annexation would constitute 3850 acres and this would represent 24.$% of the present City limits. He stated there are approximately 10 businesses in this area currently, and annexation would allow more land use control regarding develop- ment. He then referred to a Service Plan which is available on the table~.at the rear of the room, Discussion followed from the Commission, after which Mr. Miller explained that prior to the public hearing, he would be limiting each speaker to approximately 5 minutes before the Commission, and that the Commission requests that repetition of subjects be avoided, He further explained that annexation does not take place tonight, and also that this Commission has no authority to annex land, but rather the actual annexation will be in the hands of the City Council. Mr. Mayo briefly explained what takes place and referred again to the service plan available to the public. He touched on water lines, proposed package sewer treatment plants, the electrical plan, and then • stated that although those services would not be available immediately to the newly annexed area, police protection, fire protection, garbage collection and ambulance service would be available immediately. Mr. Bailey asked when taxation would begin, but Mr. Mayo P&Z Minutes 9-1-83 page 2 was not able to furnish that information. • Bill Greenen, General Manager of General Telephone came forward to explain that telephone service will be provided to the area as development occurs. "Mr. Miller referred the public to the telephone company if they have any questions, because that company is a private entity, and the City has no connection to it. The public hearing was opened. Proponents for the annexation were called and no one spoke. Opponents were called, and the following people came forward to speak: 1. Anther Oden, Rt. 3, College Station - referred to a statement concerning development along Rock Prairie Road, asking Mr. Mayo for clarification. Mr. Mayo explained that the statement was made in error, and that most of the development is along Hwy. 6. 2. John Otts - asked why the Nantucket Subdivision is not being included and Mr. Mayo explained that there is already a developed subdivision there and either all of that subdivision should be annexed, or none of it, and at this point, staff recommends stopping before getting that far south. Mr. Otts then complained that the City has been burning brush and leaving it without supervision at night, causing a hazard. He also asked when the City had plans to add a Fire Department substation, and Mr. Mayo replied that would take place as development demands it. Mr. Ott then con- tended that the existing volunteer fire department gives faster response than an emergency vehicle from within the current City limits. 3. Don Arnold, Rt. 6 - agreed with the City Fire Department that the second line for the proposed City limits would be better than that originally shown. He then asked Mr. • Mayo a question regarding strip development, and Mr. Mayo referred to the proposed Comprehensive Plan land use map, and pointed out that it does not indicate strip commercial development down the highway, but rather larger type developments. 4, Sill Harris, Rt. 6 - asked about development along the highway, and Mr. Mayo explained that the plan shows commercial, administrative-professional or higher density resi- dential development along the Highway at major intersections. Mr. Harris asked what is planned to go between these larger shopping centers and Mr. Miller referred to the Comprehensive Plan which shows some low density residential development along the highway. Mr. Harris asked what would be allowed in Agriculture-Open zoned areas, and if he would be allowed to continue junking cars on his land. He then suggested the annexation stop at Green"s Prairie Road, and stated that he doesn't think he needs the City in his location, and further that there is already good police and fire protection. 5. Jim Gardner, 1216 N. Ridgefield - stated he is concerned with the motive behind the annexation.. He referred to the phases of annexation proposed and questioned the legality of such phasing. He stated he is against any annexation of this magnitude as, in his opinion, it is not warranted, and asked if there are any supporting mater- ials for high tech development in this area. Mr. Kelly said he did not think this is the point to be covered, and general discussion followed. Mr. Gardner then referred to compact, orderly growth as good planning practice, and stated that this proposed annexation would stimulate the opposite kind of growth. He asked what the phasing period of highways, etc. would be, and stated definitely that he still objects to the proposed area included in this annexation. • 6, Michael Murphy, 305 Pershing - stated that he is against this annexation for several reasons, citing one being the cost of running the city now, and referred to the PAZ Minutes 9-1-$3 page 3 partial defeat of the bond election as a result of this opinion, as well as the • type of "leap-frog" development which would result. He then mentioned that the cost of sewer treatment plans is very high, and although the cost has not been discussed, he would like to be furnished with more information along these lines. 7. Cindy Crater, Rt. 6 - asked if her home, which is now under construction, would have to have a building permit and Mr. Miller replied that it would not, since construction has already begun. She asked if her family would still be able to hunt on their own property, and Mr.~Miller answered by referring to the law regarding prohibition of firing fire arms within the City limits. 8. Duane Cote, 302 W. Dexter - referred to a large tract of land which is outlined in yellow and asked who the owner of that tract is and Mr. Mayo replied that the acreage in question is owned by JAC developers. Mr. Cote then referred to the "doughnut hole" in the center which is not included in the proposed annexation and Mr. Mayo said that area is owned by several different people, and that they had been notified because the proposed annexed land is adjacent to their land, but that he had not heard from any of those people. Mr, Cote made a plea for common sense to rule over civic ego when addressing proposed annexation of land. 9. David Pugh, 1200 Timm - asked if this plan is predicated on the assumption of results being a positive cash flaw. He then asked what the cost of infrastructure would be and Mr. Mayo replied that he does not have those figures. Mr. Pugh asked what the cost of the extension of lines to the 2300 acres at the furthest point south would be and Mr. Mayo said there would be no extension of sewer tines from the current City limits south, but rather a plant would be built toward the southern edge • of the proposed annexation and sewer lines would go from this point back toward the current C1ty limits, and further indicated that a package treatment plant is being planned in Phase 1. Mr. Pugh asked what would happen if this plant is not built, and what if development takes place along Texas Avenue rather than in large chunks of development and Mr, Mayo explained that should that happen, an example of how that is handled can be studied right now, as one developer is currently lifting sewage back to the existing Cifiy plant. Mr. Pugh stated that it is his opinion that the proposed annexation is an exercise in urban sprawl, and further that too many of the costs involved are hypothetical at this time. 10. Spencer Wendt, 3011 Brothers - stated that he is involved in the development of Tract F, which is the Shenandoah subdivision, and that the developers are covering the cast of the sewer 11ne and will run the line one mile from the City limits to this project. He said also that the developer is paying for a 6" gas line along the same area to service the project. He stated that in his opinion, putting this area on a Master Development Plan can help direct development. Someone asked from the audience what the law is concerning services furnished to the annexed area and Mr. Mayo replied that the law says the area must be serviced in 3 years. Mr. Wendt went on to report that sanitary sewers are much better than percolation systems, and further that the 2'' Wellborn water line which runs through the area is not adequate supply for. protection, thus the cost of fire insurance will decrease. He said that in his opinion, this proposed annexation is a good plan and is necessary as the City is landlocked due to topographical constraints in any other direction. 11. Polly eider, Rt, 3 - stated that she is against this annexation and further, that the Rock Prairie Church area was annexed in 1976 and still has no sewer, water or • anything from the City. PEA Minuges 9-1-$3 page 4 12. Allen Brown, 18 South Oaks Drive - asked who had been responsible for public notices • in the newspaper and said that he had trouble locating the land from the description given. He then staffed that he is happy that his subdivision is not included in the proposed annexation. 13. Don Arnold came forward again to ask why the are and Mr. Mayo explained that the intersection at be the largest major intersection to the south, use control. 14. Terry Jones, 910 Navarro - referred to the area planned there, and stated he believes this is a sa shown as Section J is being annexed, Green's Prairie Road is likely to and annexation would help with land marked Section J and the development good plan and he is in favor of it. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Miller then explained to the public that the City is limited in the amount of land it can annex, and the inclusion of the doughnut shaped area probably would make the total acreage exceed the allowable area the City can annex. He further explained that this plan shows annexation along major roads, and has been implemented for the purpose of land use control. Someone from the audience asked what could happen in the unannexed area and Mr. Miller speculated that major development is not likely to occur that far in from any major road. Mr. Martyn said that he believes that he should set the record clear by stating that he is against this proposed annexation because he thinks it is basically strip annexation and he fears it has not been well thought out. He further thinks that City services will not 6e extended to the far areas for years, and that the 3 year law has been a "joke" and that it will be many years before development will get that far south of the current • City limits. he speculated that this annexation is a means of getting the proposed high tech park into the City limits. Discussion followed between Commission members with opinions offered that perhaps resi- dential development such as the Shenandoah subdivion will cease as land becomes more valuable and tends to develop as commercial land. Mr. Hansen specifically disagreed with this stating that he believes strip commercial development will happen without annexa- tion, and the annexing of this land would allow at least some type of land use control. Mr. Martyn said that he believes that this annexation would not offer anything to land- owners in fihe area for their tax dollars. Mr. Kelly said he could not understand the annexation along Rock Prairie Road, and would favor eliminating the area from Highway 6 along the Rock Prairie Road to Green's Prairie Road, and also the deletion of the area on the southwest corner of Green's Prairie Road and Highway 6, and would make a motion to that effect. Mr. Hansen seconded this motion and the motion carried by a vote of 4-1 with Martyn against. AGENpA ITEM N0. ~: 83-708: A public hearing on the question of a conditional use permit for a day care facility located in lease space number 5010 in Post Oak Mall. Application is in the name of Stay N'Play. Mr. Callaway explained the request and stated that it is very similar to a recent facility which was approved in another shopping center and that staff recommends approval. The question was asked if this facility has an outside door, but Mr. Callaway did not know the answer. Public hearing was opened. No one spoke. Public hearing was closed. • Mr. i3ailey offered the information that this space is adjacent to a fire lane, so there would not be the parking problems which were addressed when consideration was given to the previous request, thus the safety hazard has been r?moved. Mr. Miller asked about ordinances and square footages required for day care facilities and Mr. Mayo pointed out that the State regulates day care facilities. Mr, Bailey made a motion to approve the use permit with Mr. Ke11y seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). P&Z Minutes g-1-83 Page 5 AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-231: Final Plat - Agency Records Control - 36.740 Acres • Mr, Mayo explalned the request;, stating fihat the plat the Commission has been handed is a revised plat which takes care of most of staff's requests, however the City still needs a total of 20 ft. along the property line for easements. Mr. Kelly clarified by stating there is one along Sebesfia, and the one adjacent to Foxfire belongs to Foxfire. Mr. McClure, engineer for the project was asked to clarify, and he explained that this has been a metes and bounds division and there can be no sale legally of the land until it is properly platted. Mr. Pullen pointed out that the City still needs some interior easements for water lines and would propose that all easements be shown on the plat. He furfiher instructed that theCity Engineer must approve the easements before filing the final plat, and that the i0 ft. easement along Foxfire must be dedicated to the City, and musfi total 20 ft, before he will sign the plat. Discussion followed with Mr. Kelly making a motion to recommend approval of this plat with the condition that a 20 ft. easement is dedicated from Highway 6 along the property line to Sebesta Road. Mr. Hansen seconded. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0, 6: 83-426: Parkin Lot Plan (Revised) Southwest Crossing Office Build- ing locafied fn the Southwest Crossing Phase III Subdivision~on Soa~thr~est Parkway. Mr. Hansen was excused from the Commission. Mr. Mayo explalned that all PRC recommendations have been met, therefore staff recommends approval. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with PRC recommendations; Mr. Martyn seconded. Mr. Bailey discussed landscaping. Votes were cast and motion to approve carried 4-0-1 (Hansen abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-431: Reconsideration of a Parking Lot Plan - BrazosBanc Savings - __ Association o Texas ro osed ATM building located on the Exxon Service Station site at • the corner of Texas Avenue ~ Millers Lane. Tabled at August th meeting . Mr. Kelly made a motion to take this item off the table. Mr. Bailey seconded. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). Mr. Mayo reiterated that staff would recommend denial of this plan for several reasons, including the fact that when fully developed, this will be an extremely busy site; the amount of through traffic which will be generated will make conditions unsafe; and the traffic flow through the already busy site will conflict with the traffic from this proposed addition. Mr. Kelly asked how much wider Highway 6 will be and Mr. Mayo said staff has received no definite design from the Highway Department. Mr. Kelly asked if a deceleration lane would be beneficial and Mr. Mayo replied that he did not have the concern of traffic on and off the site that he has for on-site circulation. Discussion followed concerning possible changes on site to compensate for this proposed building. Mr. Martyn said he agrees with staff's concern with overdevelopment on this site. Mr. Kelly said he did not think this building would generate very much traffic, and presented some figures he had gathered from studies in other cities. Mr. Hansen said he believes this site could handle the traffic, and that the proposed plan would work. Mr. Kelly then made a motion to approve this plan with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion was defeated by a vote of 2-3 with Mr. Bailey, Martyn ~ Miller voting against. Mr. Bailey then made a motion to deny this plan with Mr. Martyn seconding. Motion to deny carried 3-2 with Kelly ~ Hansen voting against. AGENDA ITEM N0, 8: 83-435: Reconsideration of a Parkin Lot Plan fora Professional Office Building located on Part of Lot 1 Lakeview Acres Tabled at August 22nd meeting • Mr. Martyn made a motion to bring this item off the table with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). PAZ Minutes 9-1-83 page 6 • Mr, Mayo then explained the plan and located the site verbally, stating this had been tabled for add 'rtiona) landscaping plans and all other PRC recommendation have been met, therefore staff recommends approval. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with PRC recom- mendations and 18 ft, parking spaces wifih a 2 ft, overhang on the north side of the building. Mr, Martyn seconded, Mr. Miller asked if the motion could designate that the crepe myrtles will be 5 gallon bucket size and the trees will be 1~" caliper; Mr. Kelly so amended his motion and Mr. Martyn seconded the amended motion. Motion to approve carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0, 9: 83-513: Site Plan Permit - Walden Pond Townhomes located between FM 2818 and the extension of Southwest Parkway west of Holleman. Mr. Mayo located the site on a map and explained, pointing out the complete phase plan, but informing the Commission that Phase I only is being considered tonight. He stated that all PRC recommendations have been met, therefore staff recommends approval. Mr. Bailey asked about the note "typical existing trees" and Mr. Mayo referred to the new landscaping plan which shows that there are groves of trees which will be saved (or replaced should that be necessary). Discussion followed concerning what can replace a large i2 or 18" oak that dies during construction, and Mr. Mayo agreed that there can be no exact replacement, but staff has in the past required the replacement of 2 or 3 trees of l~" caliper for one large one, and in lieu of an ordinance to follow, staff would recommend that this be done in the future. Mr, Miller said that 2" trees may be required under the new ordinance and wondered which ordinance would apply to replace- ment of these trees. Mr, Martyn said he hoped the developer would try to save all large, existing trees possible, but should they die, further landscaping would be required. General discussion followed after which Ralph Reser, the applicant was asked to come • forward. He did and answered the Commission's concerns by stating that should the large trees die, the developer would replace each one with more than one small tree. Mr. Martyn asked if a landscape consultant had helped with the plans and Mr. Reser answered in the affirmative, adding that solid sod is planned, Bishop ~ Associates are doing a tree survey, and the developer hopes that all the trees shown will be saved. Mr. Bailey asked the applicant if he was satisfied with the recommendations of the PRC and Mr: Reser replied that he is, Mr. Bailey then made a motion to approve the site plan with Mr, Martyn seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. l0: Proposed pamphlet for Commission meetings. This item was postponed until a later meeting, AGENDA iTEM N0. il: pther Business Mr. Mayo asked that the Commission pick a date for a workshop with the Northgate Committee and Wednesday, September 14th at 3:30 P.M. was chosen. Mr, Mayo also reported that the City Attorney has requested that a regular time or regular agenda item be included during which time the Chairman of the Commission signs site plans which were approved at previous meeting. Discussion followed with the suggestion that this will be done at a regular time, but not included as an agenda item. Request was made that a general note to the developer on PRC reports that a revised plan which includes the exacfi requirements of the Commission is required and must be turned in to the Planning Deparfiment for signatures indicating approval. PAZ Minutes 9-1-$3 page 7 Mr. Martyn explained that his personal objection to the annexation does not reflect • any personal problem with staff, but is only his personal opinion. Mr. Bailey made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unani- mously (5-0). appRrn~Gn . • ATTEST: Dian Jones • PLANNING AND ZONING CpMMISSION NAME GUEST REGISTER 1. r ~.a`-f 2 . ~ ~ ,~/ eMnti~ -E ~-~2 3 . ~',1.~~~--~ DATE % ~ ~ -~~ ADDRESS ~, ~/ ~~/"1~rca~z~~, !i~' o y~~ ~ 700 ',7 5 . ,~,> G L ~ Iz~ N eve ~a l.~n ~ !~~ ~d~ ~ Lit ~ ~ ~~ ~ 6. 7 ; ~~~~d C~~,~- 7 • ~../4 v /.D ~D~~~ 10. . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ~ y 17. c.lr-f e~r~,~.. ls. ig. 20. ~,G.GG.`~ ~' 21 . '~~ 2 2 . ~~r- , --- ~~~-mot ,/,~!~-.,~! -~..~. 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