HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/03/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission November 3, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Miller, Members Kelly, Hansen, Martyn, Bailey Z; Kaiser MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Hi11 • U STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Asst. City Attorney Locke, Ass 't. Zoning Official Dupies, Supt. of Forestry Ploeger, and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - October 20, 1983 Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr, Kelly seconding. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-211: Deleted from agenda at request of applicant. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 83-240: Southwood Valley Section 9 Mr. Mayo explained this replat, informing the Commission that staff recommends approval as shown. A utility easement was discussed, with Mr. Mayo stating that staff has no problem with the plat. Mr. Kelly made a motion to recommend approval of the plat with Mr. Bailey seconding... Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-241: Final Plat - Southwest Crossing Phase III Mr. Hansen was excused from the Commission for this item. Mr. Mayo explained this final plat, stating that staff recommends approval as shown. Mr. Bailey asked about a utility easement shown on the plat and Mr. Mayo explained that it is fora water line which serves several fire hydrants. Mr. Martyn made a motion to recommend approval of this plat with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried 5-0-1 (Hansen abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-243: Final Plat - Revised Plat Lot 1 Block 2 Woodway West Phase I Mr. Mayo explained that this is a replat of an approved plat which includes a street R.O.W. for future improvements and additional utility easements as requested, and staff recommends approval as shown. Mr. Kelly asked about the future location of Luther Street and Mr. Mayo explained. Discussion followed concerning size of streets, location of streets, numbers and locations of curb cuts. Mr, Bailey asked about the significance of the R.O.W, noted as "Parcel A and Parcel B", and Mr. Mayo explained it is the old railroad R.O.W. and this is how it will be divided. Mr. Bailey made a motion to recommend approval of this plat with Mr. Kelly seconding. Mr. Pullen pointed out that some drainage ease- ments will have to be added before the filing of this plat, and Mr. Bailey amended his motion to recommend approval with the drainage easements as required by the City Engineer added before filing, with Mr. Kelly seconding this amended motion. Motion, as amended, Final Plat - Vacate & Resubdivide Lots 12R ~ 13R Block 28 PAZ Minutes 11-3-83 page 2 carried unanimously (6-0). • AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-442: Parkin Lot Plan - J. J. Muggs (Steak ~ Ale) Mr. Mayo located this project on a map, explained the project and the adjacent uses. He referred to the P.R,C. report and pointed out that Item #2 regarding the g ft. wide island with the screen fence along the west property line had not been included; that the access from Block 6 to the rear warehouse service area had not been deleted as required in Item #3; that a 10 ft. utility easement, which he believes has been approved by the Utility Department has been shown instead of the 20 ft. easement required under Item #4; that landscaped islands adjacent to the dumpster to help keep vehicles from parking right next to the dumpster as required by Item #7 had not been included; that the existing utility easements as required by Item #10 have not been shown, but indicated that staff recommends approval with the P.R.C. recommendations and staff will check with the utility department regarding this requirement, and further, that staff still expresses concern over the uses of this proposed 10,000 sq. ft. building (refer to Item #15) and would like for this Commission to limit uses if it is legal, to lower intensity type uses, Mr. Bailey asked if it would be a better idea for this project to be platted as 2 pro- perties. Mr. Mayo stated that doing this may not solve the potential parking problem. Mrs. Locke stated that she does not see how this Commission or the City can control parti- cular uses if a project falls Into a category (zoning) as an allowed use. Mr. Kelly asked for clarification, and Mrs. Locke explained that if anything is a conforming use as it is zoned, there is no way for the City to control specific uses. Mr. Kelly said that if this is approved as shown, then the Commission could be denying use of the 10,000 sq. ft. build- ing to the owner due to a lack of parking. Mr. Miller said that parking for the restaurant could be separate, and the rest could be for use for that other building. Mr. Bailey said • that if this plan is approved tonight, it's forever, whatever the use. Mr. Miller asked Mrs. Locke if the spaces left on the lot (after the number necessary for the restaurant are deleted) could be designated for use for the 10,000 sq. ft. building, and the uses would have to conform, and Mrs. Locke answered that she does not think this is possible. Discussion followed concerning parking which might be needed in the future for various uses and Mr. Mayo stated that he only wanted to point out that there may be a problem, but he agrees with Mrs. Locke that there is no way to control this. Mr. Kaiser stated that normally, when approving a project, the Commission knows the use of a building. Mr. Mayo stated that fihis is not true in a shopping center situation. Mr. Kelly made a motion to table this item until an official recommendation is received from the Legal Department with Mr. Bailey seconding. Mr. Mayo pointed out that it is not the intention of the staff to hold up the approval of this parking lot plan, but to merely point out that there is a problem, and further, that staff would recommend approval of the parking lot plan with P.R.C. recommendations. Votes were cast on the motion to table, and failed (3-3) with Kelly, Kaiser ~ Bailey voting for, and Hansen, Martyn and Miller voting against. Mr. Kaiser stated that a formalized opinion from the Legal Department is preferred be- cause of the unique situation of this project, and Mr. Hansen pointed out that under the current, existing ordinance, this site plan complies. Mr. Hansen made a motion to approve this site plan with P.R.C. recommendations excluding Item #15. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Mr. Miller asked about the screen fence requirement, and how this fence would affect 20 parking spaces. Mr. Mayo said it appears that there is enough dimension avail- able to include it. Discussion followed concerning the islands, the fence, and the park- ing spaces. Mr. Hansen asked to amend P.R.C. Item #2 to a 4 ft. island, rather than a 9 ft. island. • Greg Morgan with Spencer Buchanan ~ Associates came forward and asked to speak. Permission was granted, and he explained that there is a drainage problem regarding the 100 year flood hazard, and this is the reason this island was not included in that area. Mr. Miller PAZ Minutes 11-3-83 page 3 asked if an island on the restaurant side only could be worked in and Mr. Morgan said that perhaps a 4 ft. Island could be worked in, but a g ft, island could cause difficulties • because of a difference in elevation. Mr. Pullen pointed out that the engineers on this project have done a fine job In planning flood control, and cautioned any redesign in that area. Mr. Miller asked if a 4 ft. island would be a problem, and Mr. Pullen said that any dimension taken off the proposed channel might get critical. Mr. Kaiser asked if Mr. Pullen had expressed a reservation at the time the P.R.C, met and Mr. Pullen answered that he had not, and only wanted now to point out a potential problem. Mr. Morgan pointed out that an Island would cause a rise in the surface elevation, but he could not at this time state how much that rise would be. Discussion followed concerning what could be done to protect the fence, and Mr. Morgan proposed islands on the Safeway side and an extension of the drainage inlet boxes. Direction of the flow of surface water was discussed. Mr. Bailey then made a motion to table this item, pointing out that a tabling motion super- cedes any other motion on the floor. Mr. Kelly seconded this motion to table after with- drawing his previous second. Mr. Kaiser requested a written report from the Legal Depart- ment concerning options on both this project and the similar problem which had been dis- cussed at the last-meeting. Votes were cast with the motion to table carrying 5-1 (Martyn voting against). AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 83-445: Parking Lot Plan - Deleted at the request of the applicant AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 83-447: Parking Lot Plan - Timewise Food Store #301 Mr. Mayo presented this plan, explaPning how it is located in relation to other stores in the shopping center, pointing out that the western-most curb cut had been meant for • a service drive originally, and will now be used for some public ingress/egress. Mr. Bailey again requested a site plan which would include adjacent structures, pointing out this request had been made In the past in a shopping center situation. Positioning of the 1~" caliper Live Oak trees was discussed, as well as sodding, and a suggestion was made that perhaps the trees would be better spread out at 30 ft. on-center intervals rather than at 5 ft. on-center. Mr. Kelly then made a motion to approve the plan with P.R.C. recommendations and the stipulation that the l~" caliper Live Oak trees be placed at 30 ft. on-center intervals. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion which carried 5-1 with Mr. Bailey voting against it because he would prefer seeing a site plan which showed the relationship of this project to the rest of the shopping center. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: Consideration of a draft proposal of landscape ordinance c: Mr. Miller explained that the landscape committee made up of Mr. Kaiser, Mr. Hansen, staff members and himself would like to present to the Commission a draft, or general concept of a proposed landscape ordinance, and would also be presenting this same draft to the City Council and a group of developers, and would like to get some feedback from each group prior to drafting an ordinance for consideration of approval. He explained how the point system proposed would work. Discussion followed concerning placement of tand- scaping evenly around a project, indicating that more points should be allowed for larger trees, and perhaps variances on parking requirements might be given for attempts to save large trees. Mr. Mayo and Mr. Galley said they would encourage more study to find a method to compensate the developer for saving large, existing canopy trees. Mr. Mayo also suggested that a presentation of this proposal be made to the Homeowners Association. Mr. Martyn suggested the inclusion of instructions concerning optimum planting times and Mr. Mayo indicated that it is current practice now to allow a developer to get a C.O. and defer planting until the optimum season upon receipt from that developer of a letter of guarantee concerning his landscaping, which letter would serve as a contract. Enforce- ment of the ordinance was discussed, as well as size of shrubs, sodding, etc. Mr. Miller thanked the Commission for their input, stating than an effort to incorporate their sug- gestions would be made by the committee. P&Z Minutes ti-3-83 page 4 AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Other business • Mr. Martyn informed the Commission that he had checked into state requirements for day- care facilities after the last meeting, and had found that the applicant had not even come close to meeting the standards required by the State. Mr. Hansen thanked Mr. Martyn for his information, pointing out that the State will govern this daycare center, and all this body had done was to approve a site for the proposed project. Mr. Bailey concurred, stating that meeting state standards is not the responsibility of this Commission. Mr. Batley asked the status of the Implementation Plan for the northgate ordinance, and Mr. Mayo replied that .staff will present it to Council on November 22nd. Mr. Kaiser spoke of a land use study which had been made of the area bounded by Krenek Tap Road, the East By-Pass and Texas Avenue, and asked fora reiteration of this study to be given to the near future. Mr. Martyn made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion to adjourn carried unantmousty (6-0). nwRnv~n ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones PLANNING AND ZONING CpMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE ~f ' 3 - ~ ~ NAME ADDRESS 2. ~~ s ms' ~ .~ ~ ~ (M 4 • ~`;'~~~ ~ ld~lil~'~r~ ~'~ ~~ ~' , 5. n'~~ wl ~~-~f~ ~~ zz ~2oA~~~~~e , ~52Y,a,~, T~, 6 ~ ~ ~-.N~AtNI~,I t~ l 722 8. ~- - 9. lo. 11. i 12 . . 13. 14. 15. 16. 1 ~ . -. 18. .. 19 . .. 20. 21. 22. - 23. z4. 25.