HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission May 5, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hill, Members Kelly, Hansen, Martyn, Bailey, Miller ~ Kaiser MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Asst to Zoning Official Dupies and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: Approval of Minutes - meeting of April 21, 1983 Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Miller seconding. Motion to approve carried 3-0-4 (Bailey, Hansen, Martyn ~ Kaiser abstained). Mr. Hill then announced that Agenda Items 2-6 would be postponed until later in the meet- ing, and the next item of business would be Agenda Item #7, Other Business. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: Other Business Mayor Halter came forward to thank the retiring Commission Members Hall and Fleming who • were present in the audience, and presented them with paperweights with the College Station logo. He also announced that plaques recognizing their service to the City would be forth- coming at a later date. He then said that Past Chairman Behling would be given the same tokens of appreciation at a later date, as he was not in attendance at this meeting. The Mayor then administered the Oaths of Office to the incoming Commissioners Hansen, Kaiser and Martyn and expressed gratitude for their willingness to serve the City. Mr. Hill then announced the agenda would go back to the right order of business. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3~ 83-702: Reconsideration of the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a church to be located between Arizona and Phoenix Streets, on Lots 10, 11, and 3 Block 2 McCullou h Addition. A lication is in the name of Christ Hol Missionar Baptist Church The Rev. M. E. Wells . Mr. Hill gave background of this request, stating that this item had been tabled at the last PAZ meeting with the request that the applicant have a revised site plan to present on this date and expressed hope that all new Commissioners had gained sufficient background on this request to take part in this hearing. He then invited one spokesman for the pro- ponents of the request to come forward and explain the request. Mr, Kelly moved to take this item off the table. Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). The Rev. M. E. Wells came forward to speak briefly explaining that an attempt had been made • to revise the site plan, but each revision created the need fora variance request, there- PAZ Minutes 5-5-83 page 2 fore he was submitting the same site plan for consideration which had been considered at the last meeting. He said the only reason for establishing a church in this neighborhood was to serve the community and to help people straighten out their lives. He described the exterior of the church they are planning. Mr. Hansen asked about the seating capacity of the proposed structure, and the Rev. Wells answered that attendance at gatherings varied from 70 to 105 and that parking was being provided for 105 seats. Mr, Kelly asked if any changes at all were being proposed since the last meeting to which Mr. Wells replied that there are no changes. Mr. Hill then invited a spokesman far the opponents of this proposed church to come forward and Mr. Tyree Thomas came forward and repeated many of the problems mentioned at the pre- vious meeting which included traffic hazards, disturbances in the neighborhood, possible parking problems and suggested that if a church is needed, it should go on a different site because this neighborhood is too tight for a church. Mr. Hill asked if many residents now park on the street in the evening and Mr. Thomas replied that some people have on-site parking at the homes, but some have to park on the street which is too narrow for any additional parking. Mr. Martyn spoke of the signatures on the petition and asked the number of people who had signed it. (The petition had not been included in packets for the Commissioners). Mr. Ke lly asked if Mr. Thomas is aware that 23 parking spaces on-site are being provided and Mr. Thomas said he understands that from this night's discussion. Mr. Ke11y then explained the proposed parking lots. Mr. Thomas said he didn't see how the num- ber of cars could be limited to only 23. Mr. Bailey asked how far Mr. Thomas' property is from this proposed site and Mr. Thomas replied he lives right across the street. Mr. Hill then explained the Ordinance requirements which must be met before the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Martyn asked about the fire hydrant which would be required, and who would be responsible for the cost of that. He was told the applicant would be required to bear the cost of an additional hydrant. Mr. Miller expressed concern over the split parking lot and reiterated his desire that the building be shifted to cause access to one street to be cut off. Mr. Hill asked about parking lot standards and Mr. Mayo said that the ordinance requires one space per 5 seats, and if too many seats are in the building, the Certificate of Occupancy can be held up. Mr. Hansen referred to any possible future expansion which had been mentioned previously, and stated that would require even more parking. Mr. Bailey said that a site plan must stand on its own merits, and he does not thinks this one does; that there are a large number of churches already in a very small area; that the P.R.C. recommendations have not been met; therefore, he opposes this request, and then made a motion to deny this conditional use permit. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Mr. Kaiser asked about any other churches in the area and Mr. Mayo pointed them out on a map (3). Mr. Miller said there is no time limit for re-application should this request be denied. Votes were cast, and the request for the conditional use permit for a church at this site was denied unanimously (7-0). The Rev. We11s came forward again and said the church is not going to give up, and asked if the permit would be approved if certain changes in the site plan were made. Mr. Hill informed him it would 6e impossible to give an opinion without actually seeing a site plan, but cautioned that the parking problem would still remain in that area due to the street sizes. Mr. Wells said that Mr. Bailey had said one reason he was against this project was because the P.R.C. recommendations had not been met, and informed the Commission that these recommendations had all been met, and Mr. Mayo agreed that they had been. Mr. Hill then pointed out that t1r. Bailey had pointed out other problems as well. Someone from the audience spoke up and said he lives in the neighborhood and is a member of PAZ Minutes 5-5-83 page 4 about limitations on the number of signs in this area and Mr. Mayo explained that this site falls out of the area where limits were placed, and that standards of the current sign ordinance have been followed on this site. Mr. Miller then made a motion to approve the parking lot plan and Mr. Martyn seconded. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-421: Revised Parkin Lot Plan - Jade Garden Restaurant located in the Brentwood Shopping Center. Mr. Mayo located the site on a map and explained the location of an existing building, gave background information concerning problems the developer had incurred which concern this existing building because it is built on the property line, rather than 12 feet away as was shown on the previously approved site plan. He explained how the applicant had finally solved all the problems and stated that staff now recommends approval. Mr. Miller mentioned the possible joint access addressed previously and Mr. Mayo explained that had become impossible due to differences of opinions between different owners. Mr. Miller then asked about screening the dumpsters, and Mr. Mayo said that could be required by the Com- mission, as it has been in the past. Mr. Mayo also pointed out that the location of the dumpster was designated by the Director of Public Services. Mr. Mayo referred to the location of possible future expansion which had been approved on the original plan, and Mr. Hill asked how expansion would affect parking. Mr. Mayo advised if a problem arose, the number of seats allowed could be limited. Mr. Martyn questioned the courtyard in the rear indicating it could become a collector of refuse, and Mr. Mayo said the Fire Marshal has looked at these plans and has informed the developer that this courtyard must be kept clear of debris. Mr. Miller then made a motion to approve with P.R.C. recommendations plus the addition of a screen fence on 3 sides of the dumpster. Mr. Hansen seconded. Motion carried unanimously (7-O). • AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Continuation of Other Business Mr. Miller brought up the subject of open dumpsters at the Best Western Inn and said he did not think these were on the approved site plan. Mr. Mayo said the dumpster locations had been determined by the Director of Public Services after site plan approval. Mr. Dupies explained that the pads provided had been too small for the size dumpster required, and the pads themselves are being enlarged, but will still not be screened. Mr. Bailey announced a Northgate Committee meeting on May 6th at 2:00 p.m., and also a meeting with the City of Victoria Planning Department at 10 a.m. on May 6th. Mr. Kelly recommended rotating turns by members of the Commission to serve on the P.R.C. and Mr. Hill agreed. Mr. Hill said he would try to set up a schedule and the Planning Technician will call the member. He pointed out that if it is a Commissioner's turn to serve and he cannot, he must find his own replacement. Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. were chosen as the best day and time for the meetings. Mr. Mayo asked if consideration had been given for a Vice Chairman, and Mr. Hill said he would appoint one later. Mr. Mayo also expressed a desire to take the Commission on a tour of projects in the City, and said he would work toward setting up a date for this. Mr. Miller made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: r • • David ill, Chairman ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • p. z ~~w Yh~ r ~ ~ ~-- /~1,/~CMA ~i~L.~ ~„i~v „c 9 ~Q ~ ~ , ~1 l /~ ~ v~ ' '' ,, i ~ . ~- ~ (~_ 1 ~.~,~-~ vwti-~~.~ ,lI",~ ~'~(,~. ~-~~ I ~" C ,,. .G~h~ ~~~ f / a ~<l~z~-~ ~ ; ~ ~.. ~~ r s~~~3 •