HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission May 19, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hill, Members Kelly, Hansen, Martyn, Bailey, Kaiser t; Miller (who came in late) MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Director of Capital Improvements Ash and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of May 5, 1983 Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes as shown with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion carried unanimously (6-0 with Mr. Miller absent during voting). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-108: A public hearing on the question of rezoning 4.084 acres • of land in Woodway West II Subdivision located south of and adjacent to Luther Street and a roximatel 219.17 feet south of Luther Street from Sin le Famil Residential District R-lA to Apartments Low Density District R- Application is in the name of Building Crafts, Inc. Mr. Callaway located the area on a map, explained adjacent area zoning and various land uses, explained there is water available, but possible sewer constraints, informed the Commission how access is taken to the tract, that the request is in compliance with plans and that staff recommends approval, but also will retain control over project density due to the possible sewer constraints. Mr. Kelly asked what happened to Luther Street on the Plat and Mr. Callaway explained, but also stated that plat has never been submitted as a Final Plat. Mr. Martyn asked for more information regarding the possibie sewer constraints and City Engineer Pullen explained that the way sewerage would be handled would be that each proposal would be considered on a project-by-project basis as to the density proposed and the available sewer capacity. Mr. Ash, Director of Capital Improvements further explained that men- tioning possible sewer constraints at this time merely serves as a "red flag" and puts everyone on notice that there may be a problem in the area. The public hearing was opened and proponents representative of the owner and engineer on any questions the Commission might have. were called to speak. ~1ike McClure, a the project came forward to offer to answer Opponents were called, however none came forward. The public hearing was closed. • P•1r. Bailey spoke of a personal aversion to changing zoning until sewer problems are rectified. Mr. Kaiser asked for a brief history of existing zoning in the area and Mr. Callaway supplied the information. Mr. Martyn spoke of personal problems with R-1 PAZ Minutes 5-19-83 page 2 zoning mixed with medium and low density apartment zoning. Mr. Mayo explained the • Master Preliminary Plan which had been presented by the developer some years ago for the entire area. He also pointed out a proposed City park on a sizeable tract. He said that some of the original plans for the area had changed; causes varied but some changes were due to different owners of certain tracts. Mr. Hill and Mr. Bailey discussed sewer constraints and Mr. Hill asked him if he was against rezoning anything where there are constraints instead of leaving control up to the staff. Mr. Bailey said he is generally against changes which might allow a higher density than the sewers could han- dle. Mr. Pulteiaddressed potential sewer constraints and plans for alleviating some problems, then explained normal sewer use as opposed to peak capacity, and various methods of handling peak times. Mr. Bailey spoke of his concern regarding development in this area because of problems it could cause downstream, and then referred to one particular plat which has been denied by the City because of the same type of sewer constraints. Mr. Martyn made a motion to deny this rezoning with Mr. Bailey seconding. Mr. Kelly asked for an explanation and Mr. Martyn explained that the possible sewer constraints and the possible density which would be allowed, plus the fact that he could see no need for additional R-4 zoning in this area were the reasons he is against this rezoning. Mr. Miller arrived at this time. Mr. Hansen pointed out that this rezoning complies with the Comprehensive Plan and also said there will be possible sewer constraints in this area no matter what the zoning is and each project must be approved by the City prior to issuance of a building permit. Votes were cast and the motion to deny was defeated 2-4-1 with Kelly, Hansen, Hill and Kaiser voting against and Miller abstaining. Mr. Hansen then made a motion to approve the rezoning request with Mr. Kaiser seconding. • Motion carried 4-2-1 with Mr. Martyn and Mr. Bailey casting negative votes and Mr. Miller abstaining. AGENDA ITEM N0, 4: 83-109: A public hearin on the question of rezonin Lot 31, 32 and the south or southwest 25 feet of Lot 30 Block 9 West Park Addition from Sin le Family Residential District R-1 to Administrative-Professional District A-P. Application is in the names of Marie C. Lyles and Eu ene D. Lyles, Jr. Mr. Callaway located the tract on a map, explained the current existing zoning in the area as well as land uses in the area. He indicated that the current Comprehensive Plan reflects the area as Low Density Residential with commercial uses at Jersey and Luther, and industrial uses west of F.M. 2154. He spoke of possible sewer constraints in the area but said R-1 or A-P development would not be affected. He informed the Commission that staff does not see the need for any additional A-P zoning in this area, therefore staff cannot recommend approval. He conceded that staff recognizes that A-P is compatible with low density uses, and can serve as a very effective buffer between more intense uses and residential uses, but the staff is also concerned with the possi- bility of setting a precedent for additional rezoning and redevelopment in this older area, and would recommend that a detailed study of this particular area be made. Mr. Hill asked about specific rezoning requests in the area and Mr. Callaway explained. Mr, Kelly gave his opinion that when Wellborn Road becomes a 4-lane highway the City will receive more requests for rezoning in the area. Mr, Miller asked how access would be taken to the tract and Mr. Callaway said it would not be to Wellborn Road. • The public hearing was opened and proponents of the request were called. Cathy Lyles came forward to explain that the request for rezoning is to accommodate a proposed jazzercise studio which she is planning. Mr. Lyles then came forward and explained that the maximum size of the proposed building is shown on a conceptual plan on the wall. Mr. Hill reminded the Commission that the project should not be taken into con- sideration, but rather if rezoning is suitable fora certain area. P&Z Minutes 5-19-$3 page 3 Mr. Miller asked why this property was chosen and Mr. Lyles explained that the location suited them but also that economics have been a consideration. He said that currently his wife has her classes meeting at the Unitarian Church across the street. Mr. Hansen asked that Mr, Lyles locate property lines and he explained that Lot 30 is split and that part of Lot 30, plus all of Lots 31 ~ 32 are included in the request. Opponents were called forward and Greta A. Fryxell came forward as a representative of the Unitarian Fellowship which is located across the street from the tract under consider- ation, and stated that the church leases space to Mrs. Lyles for her classes, and the church is now requesting a delay in any action taken by the Commission on this request to accommodate a congregational meeting of the church which would give an indication of whether the church is for or against this rezoning. She said such a meeting would require 14-day written notice, and that action by the Commission would be delayed approximately one month if her request is 'complied with. Mr. Mayo pointed out at this time that the church exists in a residential neighborhood because of the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit which had been issued fora church, and that any commercial uses under this permit could possibly be an alleged violation of ordinance. Mr. Lyles said he had spoken with several members of the church and had taken into con- sideration their concerns, which mainly dealt with overflow parking, but the conceptual drawing presented shows there would be ample parking on-site. No one else spoke so the public hearing was closed. Mr. Martyn said that he had spoken with several area residents and their comments had been rather non-commital concerning this request. Mr. Bailey read the list of uses allowed in A-P zones from Zoning Ordinance 850 and then stated he has personal problems with rezoning such a small tract, but had • no problem with any possible traffic which might be created by any of the A-P uses. Discussion followed concerning economics involved in locating a small business in a shopping center type situation, and then Mr. Bailey made a motion to recommend approval of this request. Mr. Miller seconded. Mr. Kaiser then spoke of the movement from more intensive uses at the large intersection to less intensive uses away from the inter- section as being good general planning practice, and Mr. Mayo said staff's main concern is whether there is a need for rezoning and redevelopment in this older neighborhood. Votes were cast and the motion to recommend approval carried 6-1 with Mr. Martyn against. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-208: Final Plat - Reconsideration of the Resubdivision of Reserve E Plantation Oaks Addition Section One 0,5207 acres and 0. 39 acres . • Mr. Mayo explained that this Final Plat is again before the Commission because the City Council had approved the plat including Lot 3, which the Commission had omitted from the plat at the time of its approval, and further explained that staff's interpretation of state law is that any Final Plat must be identically approved, therefore staff recommends approval as Council has approve the plat. Mr. Bailey voiced the same reservations he had previously concerning the inclusion of Lot 3 and Mr. Hansen agreed, stating that access from this lot to a public street could certainly cause traffic flow problems. Mr. Miller said he certainly hoped any prospective buyer would read the note which the Council asked to 6e included on the plat concerning possible access problems. Right to access to a public right-of-way was discussed and Mr. Mayo pointed out that access can be given to this lot but perhaps not directly to a public street, and with reconstruction of streets in that area, it would be hard to predict what might happen in the future. He explained other problems with Lots 1 ~ 2, but stated staff still recommends approval. Mr. Miller asked if at least one curb cut would be guaranteed to Lot 3 and Mr. Mayo explained that as staff understands it, there is no guarantee that there will be direct access to a public street. Mr. Bailey disagreed with the note on the plat referring to P&Z Minutes 5-1g-83 page 4 P.R.C. approval of access and Mr. Mayo pointed out that ultimately approval of access lies with the City Engineer. • Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the plat as shown and as approved by the City Council with the note concerning access problems and Mr. Hansen seconded. Motion carried 5-2 with Mr. Hill and Mr. Bailey voting against the plat. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-215: Final Plat - Ashford a roximatel 560 feet east. of the intersection o Preliminary Plat approved under the name "Southw qua re located on Southwest Parkwa Texas Avenue ~ Southwest Parkwa t Village" . Mr. Hansen asked to be excused from participation and left the Commission for this item and sat in the audience. Mr. Mayo explained that staff recommends approval of this plat as all recommendations made at the presubmission conference on the Preliminary Plat were met, and further recommended that signage for this tract be worked out between the developer and the staff. Mr. Miller asked if a note concerning the possiblity of limited signage could be included on the plat and Mr. Mayo agreed that it could. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the final plat with a note indicating "signage may be limited" to be included on the plat and instructions to the developer that this be worked out with staff. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion which carried 6-0-1 with Mr. Hansen not taking part in the discussion and abstaining from voting. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-305: Preliminary Plat - Emerald Forest Phase 8 Mr. Mayo explained that all presubmission conference requirements have been met with the exception of additional access, that meetings were set up to discuss this with the • developer next week and therefore, staff recommends approval of the plat as shown. Discussion followed concerning street configuration and Mr. Miller then made a motion to approve the plat as shown with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 83-422: Parking Lot Plan - Warehouse located on Lot 5 Block 19 Ponderosa Place. Mr. Mayo explained that landscaping has not been designated and should be required, and with that addition, staff recommends approval. Discussion followed concerning land- scaping preferences and W.D.Fitch, applicant, offered to come forward to help answer any questions. He said trees shown would be live oaks, shrubbery shown would be a low- growing type of evergreen and the grass would be sprigged Bermuda grass. Mr. Bailey asked about a sign and Mr. Fitch indicated a detached sign would not be necessary. Mr. Martyn asked about dumpster locations and pointed out that none were shown. He also questioned the surface used on the private drive. Mr. Mayo said the dumpster location and size would be determined by the Director of Public Services, but should have been shown on the site plan, but then recommended the PAZ let the Director approve the loca- tion later. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the site plan with P.R.C. recommenda- tions, plus the following additions: (1)that the dumpster is to be located by the Director of Public Services and screened; (2)that the shrubs indicated are to be changed to trees; (3)that all trees are to be l~" caliper Live Oak trees, and (4)that ground cover will be sprigged Bermuda grass. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 83-507: Site Plan Permit - Sturbrid a Condos located in Eastmark • Subdivision Phase II. Mr. Mayo explained the project and located it on a map. He indicated that all P.R.C. recommendations have been met and staff recommends approval of the plan as shown. Mr. Hill addressed the notes concerning utilities in easements and wondered if both cable TV PAZ Minutes 5-19-$3 Page 5 companies would be included. Mr. Mayo said he could not answer that, but would check into it. Mr. Bailey then made a motion to approve the plan with P.R.C. recommendations • and Mr. Miller seconded. Discussion followed and Mr. Miller asked Mr. Bailey to amend the motion to require screening of dumpsters. Mr. Bailey agreed to the amendment and made the motion which Mr. Miller seconded. Amended motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: Other business Mr. Miller spoke of the landscaping at Ofc-Com and indicated that it is commendable and should serve as an example to developers. Then he spoke of representatives of the PAZ to the P.R.C. and Mr. Martyn asked for a weekly rotating schedule. Mr. Hill agreed and Mr. Bailey offered to be representative on May 24th. Mr. Bailey spoke of the Northgate Committee meeting on May 25th, indicating it may be the last meeting which would be followed by a public meeting. He then handed out a brochure concerning city council meetings and expressed a desire for the Commission to develop something similar. Mr. Hill spoke of disturbances by dirt bikes and the fact that unlicensed areas are being used. Mr. Mayo said he would check into this. Mr. Hill then spoke of parkland which should be dedicated in Emerald Forest and the possibility that a construction site for Alders- gate Methodist Church had perhaps not complied with a PAZ requirement that certain vega- tation be left. He requested staff to investigate. Mr. Hansen asked about the PAZ/staff tour and was informed that attempts would be made to schedule it during the week after the next PAZ meeting. • Mr. Kelly spoke of dirt bikes using private land, and said that unless the landowner files a complaint, there is nothing anyone can do, and that several organizations and the City are trying to work out a workable plan. Mr. Pullen addressed the all-weather surface required by Ordinance. Mr. Miller made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). APPROVED: David B. Hill, Chairman ATTEST: Dian Jones, Cjty Secretary -~ Unitarian Fellowship - P. O. Box 9844 #:'` (305 Wellborn Road) College Station, Texas 77840 713 - 696-5285 17 May 1983 Planning and Zoning Commission College Station, TX 77840 Dear Commissioners: On behalf of the Unitarian Fellowship of College Station, we request that the Planning and Zoning Commission de~l~e=:to~ '~ :~:~ :~~~ delay a decision on the rezoning of the property at the corner of Wellborn Road and Grove, adjacent to our property which we use for worship.. and religious education. Because ours is a congegational society, we are unable to reach a decision. on whether or not to agree to a proposed change affecting our property without a congregational meeting. Such a` meeting requires 14 days written notice to our 118 members, as stated in our bylaws. Sincerely Rev. D r . ~ Cl. ~ i~~~~ n, President ~izz~~ Dr. Greta A. Fryxell, President-Elect %~:~~ ~~~~ Dr. F. W. Plapp, I~ ber, Long Range Planning Committee • J • l_. ,-,~ .~, ~l'-- ~ •