HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission~w • MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission March 3, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Kelly, Members Fleming Bailey, Miller ~ Hall; also Council Liaison Boughton MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Behling and Member Hill STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Community Development Planner Stevens, Assistant to the Zoning Official Dupies and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of February 17, 1983 Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the minutes as shown; Mr. Fleming seconded. Motion carried unanimously (4-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-102: A public hearing on the question of rezoning the following 2 tracts in the Woodcreek Subdivision: Tract A: a 6.96 acre tract approximately 200 feet north of Woodcreek Drive and approximately 2200 feet east of Texas Avenue, and Tract 6: a 6.95 acre tract on the north side of Woodcreek Drive approximately 3600 feet east of Texas Avenue, from Agriculture-Open District A-0 to Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3. Application is in the name of Woodcreek Joint Venture. Mr. Callaway explained, located the tracts on a map and indicated staff recommends approval as this rezoning is in compliance with all plans and all preliminary plats and plans as presented previously by the Woodcreek Joint Venture development corporation. The public hearing was opened. (Mr. Hall came in at this time). Eddie Schultz, a representative of the Woodcreek Joint Venture group came forward and informed the Commission this rezoning would make this land comply with the Master Preliminary Plat, and offered to answer any questions. Mr. Miller then made a motion to recommend approval of this rezoning with Mr. Bailey seconding the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Mr. Hall abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 83-206: Final Plat - A vacatin and replat of Part of Lot B Court- yard Apartments. Mr. Mayo explained this plan, referred to the Presubmission Conference report, and stated that all recommendations had been done on this revised plat and advised that staff recommends approval. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve with Mr. Hall seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-207: Final Plat - Marion Pugh Blvd. Office/Service Center. • Mr. Mayo explained this plat, and further explained that staff recommends approval on the condition that some type of access to the neighborhing property (Drew Wood's) be worked out and guaranteed to the satisfaction of the City Attorney. The Commission asked staff how this would be handled and Mr. Mayo explained the applicant is reluctant to plat an easement, but is working with an attorney to come up with a document. Mr. Kelly said P&Z Minutes 3-3-83 page 2 that if access is not provided by these people, it should be the problem of the neigh- . bor who created the problem in the first place. Mr. Mayo said he is not sure how much responsibility the City should take in solving this problem since neither the City nor this applicant has caused the problem. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve this plat with Mr. Miller seconding the motion. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-208: Final Plat - Resubdivision of Reserve E Plantation Oaks Addition, Section 1. Mr. Hall asked to be excused completely from participation in Commission's discussion of or action on this plat. He was excused and took a seat in the audience. Mr. Mayo explained staff's problem with giving access to Lot 3 on this plat and pointed out a letter from the City Engineer (which was passed around to Commission members, and is included with these Minutes) to the potential buyers of this lot, which states that no direct curb cuts will be given to this lot from either the Frontage Road or Harvey Road. He continued explaining that if Lot 3 is subdivided as shown on this plat, access will have to be taken through the apartment parking lot, and staff has major concerns with this type of access to a commercial property, and would recommend approval of this plat with the exception of Lot 3. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve this plat with the condition that Lot 3 be deleted from the plat. Mr. Hall requested to speak from the floor and Commission agreed to hear him (3-1) with Mr. Kelly opposing. Mr. Hall was given 5 minutes to speak on this subject, and he came forward and identified himself as a representative of the owner of Lots 2 ~ 3 and stated that his client wants to make a previous sale of these lots legal. He stated that by deleting Lot 3, this Commission would be condemning the land since it has no access and is not being allowed to be platted. Mr. Kelly asked if Lots 1, 2 ~ 3 were not platted originally and then had • been sold without platting and Mr. Hall answered that this is what had happened. Mr. Kelly asked how this had happened and Mr. Mayo explained that the property had been sold by metes and bounds and in this case the City's Subdivision Regulations cannot be applied because the City never knew about this sale, and it had been registered with the County only. Mr. Hall stated that the City had issued building permits for Lots 1 ~ 2, which was in violation of the subdivision regulations. Mr. Miller explained that staff's recommendation is that this Lot 3 not be developed separately, and not whether it should be replatted. Mr. Kelly explained that if this lot was subdivided out and sold, the buyer would think he could have curb cuts, and the possibility is that he may not be able to have access from the 2 major streets to .this lot. Mr. Hall said he could understand this, but it does not apply because Lot 3 was subdivided and sold to the present owner prior to this time, and what the Commission fears, has in fact already happened. Mr. Fleming asked if a title search would show this information, and Mr. Kelly said it would not if there was a clear title. Mr. Hall stated that when his client acquired this land he was unaware of any illegalities which had already occurred. Mr. Bailey asked if ignorance of the law is defensible. Mr. Hall said that his client is only trying to comply with the statues of the City and he (Mr. Hall) had first heard of staff's recommendation during this discussion tonight. He indicated that by denying this plat as shown, the actual lawbreaker is being rewarded and his client is being penalized. Mr. Kelly called for votes. Mr. Miller seconded Mr. Bailey's motion to approve the plat with the condition that Lot 3 be deleted and lots 1 ~ 2 be approved. Motion carried unanimously (4-0).(Mr. Hall did not take part in voting). AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-209: Final Plat - A portion of Richards Addition Subdivision Mr. Mayo explained that the subdivision of these lots is for the Community Development • Block Grant Program which is federally funded, and will have homes the City has purchased moved to them. Mr. Kelly asked if any previous subdividing had been done there and Mr. Mayo said this part has never been subdivided. Mr. Fleming made a motion to approve with Mr. Hall seconding the motion. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). PAZ Minutes 3-3-83 page 3 AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 83-407: Consideration of a revised Parking Lot Plan - Ramada Inn. • Mr. Mayo explained that a parking lot plan had previously been approved and pointed out the approved plan on the wall. He then showed the plan which covers what is actually on the ground, pointed out the differences, and informed the Commission that the P.R.C. has made further recommendations on this "as built" plan which are listed in the report they have received in their packets. He explained that the rear curbing is missing and the P.R.C. has recommended that this be required. Mr. Bailey pointed out there are long rows of parking which do not have end islands on the old lot. Mr. Mayo said the shortage of parking spaces is probably the reason islands were not required at the time of approval, and that staff would still not recommend going in to the old section and adding islands because of the closeness of the number of required spaces and the number of actual spaces provided. Mr. Miller said that a green area along the Sands Motel would be nice. Mr. Fleming said that in the past the Commission has made mistakes, and this area is already existing. Mr. Bailey asked how many spaces are required for the entire complex and Mr. Mayo said the new lot will still barely cover the needs of the tower and overall the old and new lots would be short a few spaces, and for that reason staff does not recommend additional islands. Mr. Bailey asked what kind of pine trees are being planted and Mr. Ferreri informed the Commission they would be the same as those in front of the hotel and would be fast growing and the easiest type grown in this area. Mr. Bailey then said that with reservations, he would make a motion to approve this revised parking lot plan with all P.R.C. recommendations and changes; Mr. Fleming seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 83-408: Consideration of a Parking Lot Plan - Texana National Bank of College Station located on Part of Lot B Courtyard Apartments • Colored up site plans which were not included in the Commissioners' packets were passed around by one of the developers which included the changes recommended by the P.R.C. Mr. Mayo further requested that dimensions of islands be shown on the plan. Mr. Bailey asked the caliper of the multi-trunk Live Oak. Mr. Mayo also stated that the dumpster location apparently had been approved by the Director of Public Services, but that staff would still request dimensions of the dumpster pad be shown on the plan. He also pointed out that the required drainage study had not been received by the City Engineer. Also, he informed the Commission that location and number of fire hydrants must be approved by the Fire Marshal. Mr. Mayo summarized by saying that staff recommends approval of this parking lot plan with the following conditions: (1) the City Engineer receives a drainage study which meets all requirements; (2) island dimensions and dumpster pad loca- tions and dimensions be shown on plan and approved; (3) fire hydrant locations and numbers be approved by Fire Marshal. Mr. Bailey asked about the sign location and Mr. Jett spoke from the audience and said that a sign is not allowed in A-P zoning districts, and this would be brought before the Zoning Board of Adjustment at a later date. Mr. Miller asked if all live oaks and red oaks indicated on plans were new trees and Mr. Jett said there is only one large existing tree and the rest would be new. Mr. Miller also asked for the inclusion of a note indicating caliper of the trees. Mr. Mayo said if a note is not included, they will have to conform with Ordinance. Mr. Kelly said that numbers 7 ~ 10 on the P.R.C, report address staff's concerns. Mr. Bailey then made a motion to approve with P.R.C. recommendations and the requests Mr. Mayo had added tonight. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: 83-4og: Consideration of a Parking Lot Plan - Valley Business Park • located on Tract E, Section 2 Ponderosa Place Mr. Mayo explained the plans and located the land on a map. Discussion followed con- cerning the sign location referred to in the P.R.C. report. Mr. Hall then made a motion to approve the plan with Mr. Fleming seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). PAZ Minutes 3-3-~3 page 4 AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: 83-403: Reconsideration of a Parking Lot Plan - Marion Pugh • Office/Warehouse located on the proposed Marion Pugh Drive between Luther ~ Jersey Mr. Kelly informed the Commission the applicant had requested this item to be taken from the agenda at this time. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: 83-502: Consideration of a Site Plan Permit for Spring Loop Four- plexes Phase II, located on Lots 7-11 Block T, University Park II Replat Mr. Mayo explained the plans and located the land on a map. He informed the Commission the P.R.C. had requested one additional parking space per lot, although the proposed plans themselves meet Ordinance requirements. Availability of space for these additional parking spaces was discussed. Mr. Bailey then made a motion to approve the plans with the addition of one extra parking space per lot, as the P.R.C. had recommended. Mr. Fleming seconded. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: Other Business Mr. Mayo pointed out that, contrary to news media reporting, the City Council did not adopt the Comprehensive. Plan, a Zoning Map or a Land Use Map at the workshop on Wednesday, but rather they reviewed an updated version of a proposed land use map and the consultant's proposed land use map, and decided to use staff's updated version fora brochure to be distributed to the citizenry of the City. Mr. Miller said that he was under the impres- sion that the PAZ would be invited to a joint workshop with Council to see exactly what changes had taken place with the Plan 2000 since the Commission had last seen it. Mr. Mayo explained the modifications which had been incorporated to date are those the • Commission had requested. Of course, Council had pointed out some areas of concern, i.e., Lincoln Street and Northgate which have triggered considerable activity, but that he is under the impression that after distribution of the brochure, additional public hearings will probably be held. Mr. Bailey called to the Commission's attention the minutes of the 2 special Northgate Committee meetings which had been handed out. Mr. Hall expressed continued concern about City-owned land adjacent to the water tower and its unsightly appearance. He requested a cleanup of the area and some landscaping on this land. Mr. Kelly asked Mrs. Boughton to bring this up at a Council meeting, and she said this has already been discussed. Mr. Bailey made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Miller seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0) . APPROVED: V Vice C ai n, Roy K lly ATTEST: • City Secretary, Dian Jones r e.{ 7 • Cl March 1, 1983 City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 National Convenience Stores Incorporated 1505 Nevada Houston, Texas 77006 ATTENTION: Mr. David Desforges Division Real Estate Representative RE: Proposed use of property at the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Harvey Road (State Highway 30) and State Highway 6 Bypass Frontage Road Dear Mr. Desforges: Our Director of Planning, Mr. Albert Mayo, forwarded your material regarding the above property to me for .consideration. You have two problems to overcome with this property: • (1) This is not a lot of record on an approved subdivision in the City of College Station and as such no building permit can be issued for building on it. (2) This piece of property lacks sufficient frontage on either the frontage road or highway 30 for me to permit access for the high traffic generating use you have proposed. I cannot recommend the subdivision of Reserve "E" as platted into the size lot you have proposed for this use or for any use which is not primarily directed to the adjoining residential property and taking access through the existing highway access points. Your proposed usage might be considered with one access point on Harvey Road located at least two hundred feet westerly from the Highway 6 right-of-way intersection. I hope this letter will assist you in solving these major problems before you proceed too far with this project. Sincerely,. ~ ~ ~ _{ David J. Pullen City Engineer • Er-E~,u~c~ : 83 ~a8 ~.cl •qc. ~A i ~0 z I ruu '~. •~ow~ Harve~r 11d ~ Hwy 3~ N ~' 6wood Sa aeu-~ ~ ~ e,,,,~~ ~ 4~~4 135 ~ • ' V v '~'` ~% 11~ I LRt[N /'CNCLOSGd ~SA~iA/ v~y- ` i~ ~~ J9I *' ~ V X , ~iiOt .S~ ~~ ~~ 1 ~ 3~ , b.-. s ~ _-~.y r.- - - - ~ ~ 90' ~i ~: ~~~~..1//4,' f I~~;,~~. .... ~ ~ P „" ~ ,~,^~; a' { ...: j •,.A , .r .. ~ -~ .. ~ ~~~. -yv~ ` s `~. ~.4 . rt~? ~ P ~ ~5;~ i ~~J •