HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/16/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission June 16, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hill, Members Kelly, Hansen, Martyn and Kaiser MEMBERS ABSENT: Bailey z; Miller STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst Director of Planning Callaway, Asst to the City Engineer Smith and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: A royal of Minutes - meetin of June 2 1983 and S ecial Worksho meeting of June l 19 3. June 2 meeting - Mr. Hill requested the phrase "by tenant" be added on page 2, second line of the first paragraph after the words "would be required". He also asked that the word "ordinance", last line of first paragraph on page 4 be changed to "policy". Mr. Martyn made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). June 14, 1983 Special-Workshop - Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Kaiser seconding. Motion carried unanimously (4-0-1 with Mr. Martyn abstaining). • AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors Reverend Searcy of 1106 Phoenix came forward to address a Conditional Use Permit for the Christ Holy Missionary Baptist Church which was denied in the recent past. He said that the church members had discussed reworking the site plan, but had not been assured that doing this would guarantee the granting of the permit in the future. He also said the members had discussed getting permission to park any overflow parking on the lot adjacent to the church's tract, but had also not received any guarantee that this would assure the granting of the permit. He indicated that he had reviewed the petition the Commission had received in opposition to the establishment of his church, and had ascertained that some of the signatures were forgeries, and the other had been obtained by giving the people signing it very little information. Mr. Hill told the Rev. Searcy that the Commission would not be able to commit to anything at this time without the availability of a site plan and the necessary steps in the appli- cation procedure having been followed, however pointed out that some of the problems with the previously submitted site plan included the possibility of overflow parking on the narrow streets in the neighborhood and the traffic which might be generated by church members attending meetings. The Rev. Searcy said that the overflow parking could be handled on the adjacent lot if he could obtain an agreement from the owners and that most of the members could walk to the services, with perhaps only ten cars being driven to any of the services at the church. Mr. Hill suggested that if the church decided to re-apply fora Conditional Use Permit that the Rev. Searcy make a complete presentation, including the numbers of members and • the possible number of cars to generate any extra traffic in the neighborhood or which might have to park on the streets. He further indicated that Mr. Callaway and Mr. Mayo can help with any recommendations to make the site comply with regulations, but that PAZ Minutes 6-16-83 page 2 neither of them would be voting on the permit because they are staff members and not • members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Martyn said that Rev. Searcy and the church had been notified of some concerns the Commission has, and until these concerns are re-presented in some way, this Commission cannot give a commitment. He repeated that the narrow streets do exist, and will still be a problem which must be addressed. Mr. Hill stated this Commission would like to see this church find a location and site plan which would enable the church to exist peacefully in a neighborhood, and that the Commission must consider any opposition which is presented to any type of conditional use permit requested. He said he would be happy to talk with Rev. Searcy at a later time about this, and invited comments from the Com- mission. Rev. Searcy said he had talked with some contractors who had indicated the site plan he has is not a bad site plan, and Mr. Martyn said one of the Commission's major concerns was the split parking lot, which would necessitate backing onto a street should the lot a person entered be al-ready full, and Rev. Searcy asked why, then, had the P.R.C. approved the site plan presented. Mr. Hill pointed out that the P.R.C. reviews plans to make sure that City standards are met, and then only recommends to the Commission what action should be taken. He said further, that in many cases, the Commission has other con- cerns and consequently, frequently turns down plans which the P.R.C. has recommended for approval. Mr. Hill cautioned the Rev. Searcy that bringing back the same site plan which had been denied previously might very well have the same results as previously given. Rev. Searcy asked about a parking agreement with the owner of the adjacent lot, and Mr. Mayo pointed • out that this is not a satisfactory arrangement because that agreement could not guarantee that parking would be available for this church forever. No one else spoke and the open public hearing was closed. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-704: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for. an expansion of the existing facilities of St. Mary's Church at 103 Nagle. Application is in the name of St. Mary's Church. Mr. Kelly asked to be excused and the Chair excused him. Mr. Callaway explained the request, indicated that item number 1 on the P.R.C. had not satisfactorily been met, but with clarification of the landscaping, staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit and site plan. Mr. Mayo pointed out that what is needed is the size and designation of the type of trees. Public hearing was opened and Tom Parker offered to answer any questions. No one spoke. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Martyn asked how much additional space was being proposed and Mr. Parker said it would be approxi- mately 450 sq. ft., and that no additional rooms were being added, but rather enlargement and rearrangement of existing rooms was being planned. Mr. Hill asked if Mr. Parker could be specific about the type and caliper of the trees shown on the plans, and Mr. Parker said although the priests had different preferences, if the Commission desired, he could designate the type and size tonight. The Commission requested that he do that, so Mr. Parker stated the 8 new trees shown would be 1~" caliper Live Oak trees. Mr. Hill asked Mr. Mayo to address the parking requirements, and Mr. Mayo explained that the additional parking included is voluntary because parking requirements for a church are based on the seating capacity in the main structure, and the main structure for this church and the parking provided are across the street. He also pointed out that • future plans for this church include an addition to the main structure and additional parking at that ti me. Mr. Martyn made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit and site plan with P.R.C. PAZ Minutes 6-16-83 page 3 • • recommendations with t Oak trees. Mr. Hansen Kelly abstaining). e stipulation that the 8 new trees are to be 1~" caliper Live seconded the motion which passed unanimously (4-0-1 with Mr. AGENDA ITEM -N 0. 4: 83-21 on Hwy. 230 & Count Final Plat - Revised plat of Polo Park Place (6.164 acres o,. _., Mr. Mayo explained that most of Polo Park Place was vacated in 1974. This plat would vacate most of what was left, and further, that the proposed subdivision shown on the original plat was never developed. Mr. Martyn asked about the 7 residential lots re- maining, and what would happen to them if this unplatted land goes commercial later to which Mr. Mayo replied that most of that entire area is zoned for high density apart- ments, however any development will encounter sewer problems, as there is none provided. Further discussion followed concerning the lots already sold, and Mr. Mayo indicated that some had been sold by metes and bounds and perhaps represent illegal sales. Mr. Hill asked if those 7 remaining lots should be numbered on this plat to which Mr. Mayo replied that they should not. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the plat with Mr. Martyn seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-220: Final Plat - Replat of Lots 20, 21, 22 ~ 23, Southwest Crossing. Mr. Hansen was excused from participation in this discussion. Mr. Mayo explained that when the townhouse site plan was approved in this area, these four lots were not town- houses, but rather duplexes. They are of the same unit design as the townhouse, but because the lots are on this curve the builder could only attach two units. This replat makes the lots legal duplex lots and will allow the builder to construct the units which should fit into the development well. Staff recommends approval. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with Mr. Martyn seconding. Motion to approve carried unanimously (4-0-1 with Mr. Hansen abstaining). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-221: Final Plat - Replat of Lots 9, 10 ~ part of Lot 8 Block 2 West Park Addition. Mr. Mayo explained that this is an older subdivision and the applicant owns Lots 8, g and 10, and the three houses. The replat would create legal lots around the existing single family houses and create a new lot for an additional house to be built. He reminded the Commission that these lots had recently been rezoned from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Single Family District R-lA. He stated staff recommends approval of this replat with the condition that filing of the final plat be held up until utility easements are established which meet the approval of the Water ~ Sewer and Electrical Departments. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hansen made a motion to approve the plat with staff's recommendation concerning holding up filing of the plat until satisfactory utility easements are established and Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Motion to approve with staff's recommended condition carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-425_: Parking Lot Plan - Storage/Parking for Repossessed Vehicles and Equipment, Lots 8 ~ g, Block 2 Cooner Addition corner of Jane ~ Cooner . Mr. Mayo explained the site plan, located the tract on a map and pointed out the revised site plan addresses most of the P.R.C. recommendations with the exception of item number 2 which points out that a solid screen fence is required by ordinance to separate this • lot from neighboring residences, and it is staff's opinion that the proposed slats in the chain link fence do not meet the spirit of the ordinance. He further pointed out that a rezoning request has been received in the Planning Department and will be heard PAZ Minutes 6-16-83 page 4 • on July 7th regarding changing the current zoning of R-5 to A-P. Mr. Kaiser asked if staff had conferred with the City Attorney concerning the propriety of approving a site plan prior to establishing proper zoning, and P1r. Mayo said staff had not, and that this is not a problem in this case because a permit cannot be issued for the parking lot until the property is properly zoned, and this zoning is now pending. He further pointed out that the bank had developed this gravel lot and installed the fence without being aware of the required zoning and site plan approval, and staff notified the bank of the steps to be taken, and this site plan and the pending rezoning request are the results of notification. Mr. Hill expressed a desire to receive input from area residents concerning this proposal prior to approval. Mr. Mayo pointed out that this is only a security lot and there will be a bare minimum of traffic and no public use of the lot. Mr. Martyn pointed out that the wheelstops have been offered to meet the 8 ft. setback requirements. Mr. Hill expressed an opinion that a 6 ft. fence without landscaping is not a very good buffer in a residential neighborhood, and Mr. Mayo said the problem with providing landscaping would require backing the fence off the property line, and could create a maintenance problem. Mr. Hansen asked about the 8 ft. setback and curbing requirements and Mr. Mayo explained the fence is within the 8 ft. setback, but the wheelstops have been added to create the 8 ft. setback. Mr. Martyn asked the applicant representative why the revised plan was redrawn without the solid screening fence on 2 sides, and Mr. Arrington said it was the result of a misunderstanding with the architect who drew up the plans and that the bank is planning to include the solid 6 ft. screening fence on two sides as recom- mended in P.R.C. Mr. Kelly stated he has no problem with this site plan if the screen fence is included • so would make a motion to approve the plan with all P.R.C. recommendations. This motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Kelly then made a motion to table this item until the rezoning request is heard at the public hearing. Mr. Martyn seconded this motion which carried unanimously (5-O). AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: Other Business Mr. Kaiser asked about the proposed tour of projects for the new Commissioners and Mr. Mayo asked the Commission to pick a time and date for the tour. They chose Thursday, June 23 at 4 P.M., and Mr. Mayo said he would make the arrangements. Mr. Hill announced he will soon be appointing a vice-chairman for P~ Z; also he is working on a booklet concerning public hearing procedures. Mr. Martyn asked for replacements for P.R.C. and Mr. Kaiser chose July 12th and Mr. Han- sen chose July 26th. Mr. Martyn then made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Kaiser seconded. Mo- tion carried unanimously (5-O). APPROVED: ATTEST: David B. Hill, Chairman Dian Jones, City Secretary i• i• ~~ i ~ /' ~ ~ C%2 f C' ~v`s). .. -'t ~6 c I ._.., I r r I f '~ ~... 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