HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission SPECIAL WORKSHOP June 14, 1983 4:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hill, Members Kelly, Hansen, Kaiser, & Miller MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Bailey and Martyn STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, City Attorney Denton, Assistant City Attorney Locke and Planning Technician Volk ALSO PRESENT: Dennis Goehring, President of the Development Foundation; Larry Wells, representative of Bishop ~ Associates; and Randall Prichett, representa- tive of JAC Developers Chairman Hill brought the meeting to order and turned it over to City Planner Mayo who briefly spoke of plans for development of the 2300 acres to the south of the City Limits, the funding and location of Green's Prairie Road to the north of the area and the possible future location of State Highway 30. He then turned the meeting over to Larry Wells, • who spoke of the proposed thoroughfare locations in this development and referred to Green's Prairie Road as the "Front Door" to the development. He pointed out proposed locations of commercial tracts, the 100 year flood plain, the areas designated for mixed residential uses and the location for development of high technology industry. He said that plans for the Gulf States easement which runs through the entire tract will be to develop a linear park along that easement. Questions were asked by the Commission concerning public parks and Mr. Mayo replied that there are no exact acreage fugures, but less than 40 acres would be required accord- ing to the formula based on residential uses, and many more than 40 acres of parkland are being proposed. Questions were raised regarding the amount of land the JAC developers will be required to dedicate, and City Attorney Denton informed the Commission that any residential areas in this development will require the same type of parkland arrange- ment as required in any other residential areas in the City. Density of residential areas was discussed, and Mr. Wells said that at this point the plans are that a lower density type mixed use "neighborhood" would be developed, but also that this would be governed by the needs arising from technical development. Relocation of industrial uses and residential uses for certain tracts was discussed, including the possibility of "flip-flopping" locations on certain tracts. The location of the proposed internal commercial tracts was discussed and the opinion was offered by Mr. Miller and Mr. Mill that these locations and in particular, the size of the tracts, are not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and that there is a possibility that these tracts will meet with some opposition in the future. Mr. Prichett pointed out that part of this plan for each phase of development includes building a tax base for the • water district. Mr. Hill pointed out that he is not suggesting subtracting from the total PAZ W rkshop 6-14-~3 page 2 amount of commercial area in the interior of this development, but rather questions the wisdom of the two smaller tracts which may meet with opposition at a later date because • this type of planning might not be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and that this discussion should serve as a warning or "red flag" to the planners of this develop- ment that opposition to this may come up in the future. Mr. Mayo briefly spoke of planned deed restrictions for the commercial tracts being different from any which are currently in the City at this time. He also informed the Commission that nothing which is being shown here today has been finalized, .however the developers and the staff have begun to consider even more detailed plans and wanted to hear comments from the Commission before planning progresses any further. Mr. Kaiser went over the Commission's concerns which included the proposed location of the residential tracts along Green's Prairie Road, the location of the residential tract in the center of the development adjacent to industrial tracts, the possible problem with 2 small commercial tracts in the center of the development (but indicated that when combined with the location of the convention center and other higher uses and referred to as a "complex of high usage", he was not bothered by this), and lastly, he suggested "flip-flopping" some of the industrial tracts to the south with the residential tracts along Green's Prairie Road. After some further general discussion of this proposed development, Mr. Kelly made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Miller seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-O). APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • .~-- Davi Hill, Chairman