HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission • CITY OF COLLEGE STATIOPJ, TEXAS January 20, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Members Kelly, Fleming, Hill, Bailey, Miller, Hall, and Council Liaison Jones MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant to Zoning Official Dupies, and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: Approval of Minutes - meeting of January 6, 1983. Mr. Hall referred to Agenda Item No. 4, page 2, first paragraph, 2nd line, and asked that "in Raintree Subdivision" be inserted after the words "the existing Appomattox Drive". Then Mr. Hill made a motion to approve minutes with this insertion and Mr. Hall seconded. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM P10. 2: Hear Visitors. Someone (not identified) in the audience asked if he could address issues as they came up and Mr. Behling answered that if the items were public hearings, he would be able • to do so. The man then referred to Agenda Item No. 9 and then another person indicated he, too, would like to address that item, and Mr, Behling said these requests would be handled as the agenda items came up. No one else spoke about issues not covered on the agenda. Public invitation to visitors to speak was closed. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-100: A public hearing on the question of rezoning Tract A t; Tract D Ponderosa Place Section 2 from Agriculture-Open astrict A-0 to General Commercial District C-1 and Apartments Medium Density District R-5. Application is in the name of the Tiller Corporation. Mr. Callaway explained the request and located the land on a map. He explained that staff supports the requested changes on both tracts as they are compatible with current zoning in the area, and utilities in the area for both requests are available. Mr. Y.elly asked about the availability of utilities and Mr. Callaway said this had been discussed with the City's consultants and they see no problems. Some specific questions were asked concerning surrounding zoning areas and were answered by Mr. Callaway who referred to the map in locating each tract. Public hearing was opened. Bill Fitch, applicant came forward and said the reason these rezoning requests had not been placed at an earlier time when surrounding tracts had been rezoned was that one of the tracts had an occupied residence then, but now the residence is vacant. Mr. Hall asked him why the requested R-5 tract was being located where it is, instead of lining up with the adjacent R-2 tract line, and Mr. Fitch answered that the existing C-2 zoning at that location had been requested because that was the existing use at the time the rezoning request was processed, and further indicated there is a possibility a request to rezone that area<:would follow at a later date and the mining line would change. Ralph White came forward and identified himself as a neighboring resident and said it was his understanding that land neighboring his is being rezoned to commercial, but PAZ Minutes 1-20-83 page 2 after locating his land on a map, it was determined that medium density apartments • zoning was being requested adjacent to his land. He said that he thinks he is still against this rezoning request. No one else spoke, so public hearing was closed. Mr. Fleming asked Mr. White why he would be against this request and Mr. White said that he preferred it to stay Agricul- ture Open Space because of the proximity of any development to his home, and the possible danger of heavier traffic to his children. Mr. Hall asked if screening would be required between R-5 and R-2 zoning and was informed by Mr. Mayo that this would not be necessary, but the PAZ could request it if desired. Mr. Fitch said that a fence has already been built on one section. Mr. Miller asked if Mr. Callaway knew of any sewer problems which would arise as a result of this rezoning and Mr. Callaway reiter- ated that the consultants have indicated they see no problem. Mr. Hill made a motion to recommend approval with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion to approved carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 83-101: A public hearin on the question of rezoning Tracts A, D ~ E Southwood Valley Section 30 from Single Family Residential District R-1 to ~artments Medium Density District R-5 and General Commercial District C-l. Application is in the name of Area Progress Corporation. Mr. Callaway located the tracts on a map, explained the size of each and pointed out zoning of neighboring properties. He said the City's consultants had informed him that the water and sewer capacity for the proposed zoning was generally acceptable; then he dis- cussed the current comprehensive plan and the preliminary plan recommendations for this area and informed the Commission that staff is able to support the request for rezoning • tracts D ~ E to R-5, but cannot support the request to rezone tract A to C-1 for several reasons which include the fact that this zoning is not on either of the plans, it is adjacent to a park, (although the Parks Depart~7ent has indicated this will not adversely affect th,~ location of a park) but pri~~arily because of its location right across the major thoroughfare from the high school. He reported t;~~~ Trai=Fic Engineer has predicted a tr:3~fic signal will be established at this intersection sometime later in 1983. Mr. Bailey asked about the policy of having access roads along F.M.2818 and Mr. Mayo said there is nothing in the plans for this, and although these access roads do help to move traffic, they also cause the development of dangerous intersections. Mr. Kelly asked about the 300 ft. right-of-way, and Mr. Mayo said that this would someday be widened. Mr. Miller asked about sewer capacity and Mr. Pullen said any limiting factors would be caused by infiltration, and that in the next 5 years a funding project fora relief sewer system is planned which would provide more capacity to this area. He said that if there was a project proposed for an additional 400 units, then this would have to be studied thoroughly, and a limit of density might have to be imposed, and each project will be studied on an individual basis. Mr. Hall asked if staff would consider this same argument if A-P zoning had been requested, and P1r. Callaway said that A-P is not on any plan either, but an A-P development probably would not attract pedestrian traffic cross- ing the street as this proposed commercial development most likely will. Public hearing was opened and Bill Fitch came forward and said he is surprised that staff cannot support the C-1 request, then asked Mr. Pullen about the proposed sewer project he mentioned earlier. Mr. Pullen explained that presently there appears to be adequate sewer capacity for current zoning in the area and the development which is there, but further high density development upstream could cause a problem and a relief sewer pro- ject is being planned for the future. Mr. Fitch then went to maps and pointed out sewer • lines and development in the area. He said the number of residents in the already developed area warrants a convenience store. Mr. Hall said that he believes a commercial development would serve the residents well, but questioned the advisability of the loca- tion right across this busy street from the high school. Mr. Mayo said he believes a PAZ Minutes 1-20-83 page 3 better plan would be a C-N tract at Deacon and Welsh. Mr. Miller asked Mr. Fitch if • he could think of another location fora convenience store. Mr. Hill reminded Mr. Fitch Dr. Nye of the College Station Independent School District came forward to answer any questions, but stated that he was not here as a representative of the administration to either support or oppose this proposed commercial rezoning. Mr. Mayo asked him if he is aware of the projects which could go into C-1 zoning, and Dr. Nye answered in the af- firmative. Mr. Kelly asked how many children leave the school during the lunch hour, and Dr. Nye said the high school would have a closed campus after the new construction is complete, and projected either next fall or January 1984 as the latest date for comple- tion. Mr. Fleming asked what the school's position had been on previous rezoning re- quests, and Dr. Nye said that traffic density as it related to bus transportation had been the concern, but the school had neither strongly opposed nor favored those requests in the past. He further said that students would be transported because of the uncon- trolled intersection, and the school sees almost no more impact than it would have any- way. Public hearing was closed. of how protective he had been of his land when the question of the location of a power station had come up, and Mr. Fitch said that he had tried at that time to avoid having 2 power transmission lines going through a residential area. Mr. Mayo again pointed out that a more convenient and safer place for a convenience store would be at Welsh and Deacon Streets. He also referred to some commercial zoning south of the residential development which would be convenient. Mr. Hall pointed out that C-1 zoning could not only have a convenience store, but also a fast food restaurant, the location of which across from a high school could create a safety hazard. Mr. Kelly asked staff if it would have problems with any type of commercial zoning, and • Mr. Mayo said only A-P might be acceptable due to safety, but that even A-P is not in any comprehensive plan. Mr. Hill pointed out that just recently C-1 and C-N requests were turned down on University Drive due to the possibility of a traffic safety hazard, and this had not yet been mentioned tonight. Mr. Mayo said that C-1 zoning not only creates pedestrian traffic, but vehicular traffic as well, which is also a major concern at this location. Commissioners asked about a projected date for the widening, of F.M.2818 and Councilman Jones said he would estimate that it would, take place in 2 years time. Mr. Miller asked if there would be a turn lane after it is widened, and Mr. Jones said the City has requested it. Mr. Miller said he believes the concerns of the staff are valid, and further believes that the location of the park, churches in the area and residences should be considered. He further added that he has no problem with the request for rezoning the two tracts to R-5. He then (Mr. Miller) made a motion to ap- prove the rezoning requests of Tracts D ~ E from R-1 Single Family Residential to R-5 Apartments Medium Density. Mr. Fleming seconded; motion carried 6-1 with Mr. Kelly opposing. Mr. Bailey made a motion to recommend rezoning of Tract A from Single Family Residential District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1. Mr. Hall seconded. Mr. Kelly asked about C-2 zoning, and Mr. Mayo explained what could be developed in C-2 zoning. Mr. Hill asked about size restrictions and was told there is none, but that C-3 zoning has restrictions concerning size. Mr. Behling discussed the problems presented and gave his opinion, which is that he is generally for this request. Mr. Hill said he totally dis- agrees due to the proximity to the park, pointing out the possibility of excessive trash accumulating in the park, and further believes that the proximity to the only high school in College Station should be considered. Mr. Hall said that asthetically a C-1 develop- . ment can be done as well as an R-5 development, and further believes that the traffic problems explained will be solved in the near future. Vote was taken with motion carrying 4-3. Mr. Fleming, Mr. Hill ~ Mr. Miller voted in opposition. PAZ Minutes 1-20-83 page 4 AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: A Final Plat - Emerald Forest Phase VII - Haldec, Inc. (83-200) • Mr. Mayo presented the request, located the subdivision on a map, and stated that staff recommends approval because presubmission conference recommendations have been met. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the plat with presubmission conference recommenda- tions being met; Mr. Miller seconded. h1r. Jones pointed out that Sebesta Road does not go as far as Sandstone and Mr. Mayo said that the plan for the area shows that it will 6e extended that far. Votes were cast, and motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: A Final Plat - Woodway West Phase I - Building Crafts, Inc.(83-201) Mr. Mayo presented the plat, located the subdivision on a map and informed Commission that all Presubmission Conference requests had been done on this plat. Mr. Behling asked about direction concerning plats in this area handed down in previous meetings, and Mr. Mayo explained that this could be handled by approving this plat but holding the filing of it until Holleman is completed or else by approving the plat, filing it, and putting a restriction on the issuance of Building Permits until the street is com- pleted. Mr. Kelly asked if Council had any information on the railroad, and Mr. Jones said he understood that the railroad had approved the plan, but the holdup is now con- cerning the question of who pays for signalization of the new crossing. Mr. Kelly asked if an agreement or bank credit had been received. Mr. Kelly then asked about a 10 foot easement on the tract and Mr. Mayo pointed it out and said that it could be extended if the utility department needs it. Mr. Kelly asked about the extension of Luther St. and Mr. Mayo said this is on the developer's property and the developer would do it, and could be so required at the time of platting. Mr. Behling said he would rather instruct staff not to file the plat, but for the Commission to approve it now to protect potential • builders. He clarified by explaining that if the plat is approved, filing of it could be held until the railroad crossing requirements are met. Mr. Bailey asked what would happen if it was approved and then not filed for 22 years. Mr. Mayo said that legally, once a plat has been approved, it's approved, but that he personally would request reapproval if a period of 2~ years lapsed before all requirements were met, but that he would not request reapproval if the time lapse was up to one year. Mr. Hall made a motion to approve this plat subject to a "hold being placed on filing until the Holleman extension is completed". Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). At this time Mr. Fleming asked to be excused from the meeting for a short period of time. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: A Final Plat - Quail Run Estates Phase II (ETJ) - Ted Vaughn.(83-202) Mr. Mayo explained there was only a slight change in a lot line from the approved plat. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with Mr. Hill seconding. Motion carried unanimously. (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 83-203: A Final Plat - Lake View Acres (vacatin and resubdivision of Lots 8A, B, 9A & l0A -Home Finder Realty. Mr. Mayo explained the replat and said staff recommends approval. Mr. Kelly asked about fire hydrant location and Mr. Mayo pointed out that the Fire Marshall governs this and it should come up at the site plan review. Mr. Hall asked about future development of F.M.2818 and wondered if this plat would interfer. Mr. Mayo explained that 25 ft. of • right-of-way is reserved on the plat for the proposed widening. Mr. Fleming returned to the meeting at this time. Mr. Behling explained that the highway department plan which would have required a 300 ft. r.o.w. has been abandoned, and now a 100 ft. r.o.w. as shown will be sufficient for its plans. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with Mr. Miller seconding. Motion carried 6-0 plus one abstention (Mr. Fleming). P&Z Minutes 1-20-83 page 5 • • • AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 83-300: A Preliminar Plat - Woodson Villa e - 5th Installment - Section 2 6.25 A -Woodson Lumber Co. of Cameron. Mr. Mayo explained the plat and said that the City Engineer has discussed the need for additional drainage information with the project engineer. Mr. Pullen, the City Engineer stated that projected costs for solving problems on the existing sewer would be approxi- mately $40,000. Mr. Mayo said that staff recommends approval of this plat because it complies with the governing ordinance. Mr. Miller asked if this preliminary plat is basically identical to one that was previously denied by the City Council because of the problems, and was told that it is. He said it is his understanding that nothing has been done in this area to alleviate the problems. Mr. Pullen explained that sewer rehabilitation in that area is included in a 5 year plan, and that when that is done, the near capacity sewer problems will be relieved. Mr. Behling asked if capital dollars are now available without a bond issue, and Mr. Pullen answered that they are not, and a bond issue would be required, but that this project is included in the next Capital Improvements Projects to be presented. Mr. Hall said then that the bottom line is that sewer problems in this area still exist and if someone were to build they could experience plumbing problems at the start. Mr. Pullen said that the addition of 17 units would not substantially make the problem any worse, but the problem is already there. This would apply also to 25 units. Mr. Miller recalled that infiltration had been a problem, and Mr. Pullen concurred, and said that infiltration is currently being worked on and some work has been done in this area. Mr. Hall asked about the location of the flood plain on many of the lots and wondered if there are any City ordinances to govern this. Mr. Mayo said the project engineer would have to certify the exact flood plain elevation and the first floor of any building would have to be at least one foot above flood plain. Mr. Hall asked about the flood plain in relation to Haw- thorne street, and Mr. Mayo said elevations and plans for carrying drainage are controlled by the City Engineer, but that streets can be in the flood plain. Mr. Miller asked how long it had been since the Council denied this plat and Mr. Mayo said he believed it was in late 1981. Citizens from the floor protested a violation of their rights by the lack of notification, and Mr. Behling pointed out a public hearing is not required on plats, but that absolutely nothing has changed since the plat was denied previously except for 2 new Commission members, so he will allow one citizen of the area to speak for the entire group simply as a courtesy, and not because it is required by law. Photos were brought forward to show the Commission by one resident of the neighborhood, and Garland Canon came forward to act as spokesman for the neighborhood and to speak against this plat. Mr. Canon stated that conditions in the area had changed, not for the better, but have deteriorated since the plat was denied the last time. He further stated that at that time Mr. Dozier had said the neighborhood would be contacted should this come up again, and quoted an article from the City Charter concerning health, safety and morals of the citizens. He also said the neighbors had understood at that time that no building could be done until the sewer problems had been alleviated. He then spoke of some of the problems he has with plumbing in his home, especially during rains. Mr. Fleming then informed Mr. Canon that what the Commission is doing tonight is not illegal and he resents the statement made indicating it is. Mr. Canon said he thought the citizens would have the right to speak and Mr. Fleming pointed out that the Commission is not required to hear anyone when ruling on a plat, and is only allowing a representative of the neighborhood to speak tonight out of courtesy. Mr. Canon then again asked that this plat be denied until the problems in the area are resolved. Mr. Hall asked if Mr. Canon had heard Mr. Pullen's statement that 25 dwelling units would not substantially change the problem and Mr. Canon said that he had, and that as a laymen he would disagree. Mr. Hall also pointed out that no formal notice is required on considera- tion of a plat. Mr. Canon then apologized to the Commission for his statement. Mr. Jones said that Mr. Ringer had said he would notify the neighbors at the time it comes to the City Council, and Mr. Mayo informed everyone that this item would go to the City Council for consideration on 1/27/83. Mr. Mayo further pointed out that both bodies PAZ Minutes 1-20-83 page 6 (Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council) have to approve, so if this body denies the plat, it will not go to the Council. • Robert Harris, an attorney on behalf of Woodson Lumber Company of Cameron came forward and asked to speak. He was recognized by the Chair, and then stated the plat meets all requirements of the City and has been withheld fora long period of time to allow the City time to correct any problems in the area, and further delay is unfair. He then quoted Mr. Pullen's statement that the addition of 25 dwelling units would not substan- tially affect the sewer. Mr. Kelly asked who would pay the $40,000 to correct the problems, and Mr. Bailey said it was a City sewer, and the City's responsibility. Mr. Miller said he agreed that 25 homes would not substantially affect the sewer, but thinks that perhaps to delay the approval of this plat until the sewer is fixed would be the best way to handle this. Discussion by the Commission followed concerning the various ways to handle this plat, and Mr. Pullen pointed out that if this development is developed, it will not relieve any problem, and will probably not add any problems, but the downstream homes would most likely have the same type problem as the upstream homes are having now as a result of further development. Mr. Miller asked Mr. Jones what could be expected from Council to correct the problems and he explained additional funding from bonds would be necessary and that no money is available now and it could not be done before the next C.I.P. pro- gram and a bond election. Mr. Pullen expects Council would anticipate this need and put it before the citizens as a bond issue. Mr. Mayo said he did not believe there is a time limit before consideration of the plat can again come before Commission. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve this preliminary plat, and stated he has a recommenda- • tion to make also. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Mr. Fleming said he thinks this is the best way to get the sewer fixed. Motion to approve carried 5-1-1 with Mr. Hall opposing and Mr. Behling abstaining. Mr. Bailey then said he wanted a recommendation to go to Council to either rule that no building permits be issued until the sewer problems are solved (if this plat is approved) or to approve the plat, but not file a Final Plat until the sewer is corrected. Mr. Jones advised to make the latter recommendation. Mr. Kelly disagreed with the first recommendation because he believes this will accomplish nothing. Mr. Miller said he didn't care how it is handled, just as long as no building takes place until the prob- lems are corrected. Mr. Hall agreed with Mr. Jones. Mr. Bailey said he would agree to that. It was then decided that a note should go to Council with a recommendation to approve the Preliminary Plat but a ruling be attached precluding the filing of a Final Plat until all sewer problems in the area are corrected. June Treyling of 912 Pershing spoke about flooding problems in the area and begged the drainage problem be considered also. Mr. Miller explained that this Commission can do nothing. Mr. Behling expressed his opinion that what the solution is should be deter- mined before any restrictions on the Plat are made. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: 83-400: Consideration of a Parkin Lot Plan for Anderson Rid e a commercial development located at Holleman ~ Anderson.) Mr. Mayo explained the plan and stated that all P.R.C. recommendations had been met on this revised plan with .exception of a curb 2 feet from the fence and the developer • had requested he be allowed to use wheel stops at this location which would solve the same problem. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with P.R.C. recommendations. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). PAZ Minutes 1-20-83 page 7 AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: 83-401: Consideration of a Parkin Lot Plan for Exxon located at Texas Avenue and Millers Lane. • Mr. Mayo explained the plan and stated the revised plan meets all P.R.C. recommendations. He pointed out one proposdd sign had been removed at request of P.R.C., and the developer had eliminated the proposed sign closest to the street. The P.R.C. had advised the developer than an ordinance amendment soon to be passed would place a maximum height and Mr. Mayo assumes the developer will comply with the proposed new ordinance. Mr. Behling asked if this plan is approved tonight, what ordinance would the developer be required to comply with. Mr. Mayo said the developer had been told a building permit for a taller sign than the proposed new ordinance amendment allows would be denied and his request would have to be taken to the City Council fora ruling. Mr. Hill made a motion to approve this plan and Mr. Bailey seconded. Mr. Kelly said he is having second thoughts about this plan with a sign on the drying shed which might not meet the new sign ordinance, but rather the current one. Mr. Mayo told him again the developer has been informed. Mr. Miller asked if this item could be tabled. Mr. Behling said we could eliminate the sign location or allow staff to withhold building permits, or simply turn it down or approve it. Mr. Kelly said he thinks approval would give the impression that the developer could follow the current Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Jones said he thinks the site plan could be approved and a maximum height of a sign would be governed by the new amendment. Jimmie Jackson came forward and identified himself as the developer of this plan, and said that one of the problems had been that planning had been done around the current zoning ordinance and at that time, he did not know that a new zoning ordinance is in effect. He further said he had been told at the P.R.C. that if he put up a taller sign • than the new proposed amendment allowed, he would have time before amortization of that sign took place. Mr. Hill said he believes the PAZ would be approving a site plan unde the current zoning ordinance. Mr. Miller said the Commission could approve the plan bu remove the sign. Mr. Hill disagreed. Mr. Hall asked how tall Mr. Jackson planned for his sign to be, and Mr. Jackson replied that 97~ feet was allowed by current ordinance, but he is planning en 80 foot sign. Votes were cast and the parking lot plan was appro unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: 82-534: Consideration of a Site Plan for the Cherr Street Apart- ments at 07 Cherry Street. r t ved Mr. Behling asked the results of a sewer study in the Cherry Street area and Mr. Pullen advised that the addition of 14 units would not overburden the system according to con- sultants, and that maintenance of the system has been planned. He further advised that no drainage plan had yet been provided. Mr. Mayo pointed out that staff's reasons for not approving this plan included the necessity of having fire lanes, the density planned for this small lot, the poor traffic circulation provided, the removal of largetrees to be replaced with small shrubs, the drainage problems already existing in that area and the possible sewer problems in the area. Generally speaking, staff is recommending denial because of over-use of the site. Mr. Miller asked if the units were to be located over the parking spaces and was advised this is so. He said that would cause destruction of privacy to adjacent single family residences. Mr. Behling invited Mr. Merrill, developer of this site, to speak and he came forward and said he had met with staff and pointed out parking for each unit is being provided, • that he needed the number of units being proposed to make a viable project, and pointed out apartments in close proximity which had been allowed. He further said he had attempted to cover all ordinance requirements to develop this proposed plan. Mr. Behling asked about a drainage study and Mr. Merrill said it would not be necessary according to Mr. Pullen until building permits were applied for. Mr. Hall asked about the possibility PAZ Minutes 1-20-83 page 8 of consolidation of several properties for a project and Mr. Merrill said he had that in • mind when he originally bought the property, but his parents are living on the other pro- perty now. Mr. Miller then made a motion to deny this plan; Mr. Hilt seconded the motion. Motion to deny carried unanimously (7-0). Mr. Merrill asked what he could propose that would be approved, and Mr. Behling advised that the P.R.C. would be willing to meet with him to help develop a workable plan for that site. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: Other Business. Mr. Bailey reported that another questionnaire had been sent out concerning. the parking problems in the Northgate area, but that results were not in yet. He said that most of the committee believes the recommendations should go to City Council before the mora- torium has expired, and perhaps even by July, but the Chairman of the committee seems to be moving slower than that. Mr. Callaway answered four questions concerning the sign ordinance which had been asked at the previous meeting: (1)maintenance of signs - the Building Official is working with the City Attorney to have these signs repaired or removed; (2)safety standards - the Building Codes regulate this; (3)Sign Ordinance Amendment - will come to PAZ on February 3, 1983, has been advertised, and will contain more than the PAZ has requested; (4)a list of specific signs in the City, their height, area size, distance from curb and whether or not they conform to ordinance has been prepared and passed around as requested. Mr. Mayo reported the Comprehensive Plan will probably go back to the City Council with- out the Northgate Plan. He said other big projects the staff has been working on are the design of Lincoln Street and a final recommendation fora land use plan as was sub- • mitted by the consultants for presentation. There was no other business and the motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Kelly and seconded by Mr. Bailey. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: ..~ ~,. 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