HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/04/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission August 4, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hi11, Members Kelly, Hansen, Bailey, Miller, Kaiser ~ Martyn MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF ATTENDING: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Asst Zoning Official Dupies and Planning Tech Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: Approval of Minutes - meeting of July 21, 1983 Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Martyn abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-113: A public hearin on the question of rezonin Lots 1516 West Park Subdivision from Sin le Family Residential District R-1 to Sin le Family Resi- dential District R-lA. Application is in the name of Joseph L. Mashburn. • Mr. Gallaway explained the request, pointed out that this is the third request for R-lA zoning in this area in 18 months and located the lots in question. He repeated the recommendation that sfiaff has given in the past regarding a detailed study of this area being made to determine the best uses for this area in the event that additional requests for rezoning arise. He further stated that staff has no problem with this particular request, and would recommend approval. Mr. Miller asked if this zoning change would allow additional structures and Mr. Callaway said that the applicant has already received a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment regarding required set- backs, which will allow an additional structure on the lots without this rezoning. Mr. Miller asked what advantage this rezoning request would give the applicant, and Mr. Callaway replied that he could only determine that rezoning would allow the appli- cant to replat these lots to accommodate any structures, and further, that this request for rezoning had been received before the ruling had been made for the variance. He further stated that it is his understanding that the lots could be replatted with the variance received from the ZBA, but that he would have to check with the City Attorney before making a definite statement. Mr. Hill opened the public hearing and Joseph Mashburn, 401 Highland came forward to explain that rezoning would offer him more flexibility with development on these tots, and further stated that he has a legal question regarding being able to replat these lots without rezoning them to R-lA, which would allow development of smaller lots. Discussion followed after which the applicant requested that the Commission table this item until after the study is done which the staff recommended regarding land uses and desirable zoning in the area. He further stated that he agrees with Mr. Callaway that this study needs to be done concerning use and revitalization of this area, and tabling • his request would give the Commission time to make this study and offer suggestions. P&Z Minutes 8-4-83 page 2 • He then sfiated that he definitely wants to replat these lots, but now has the under- standing that he can do this without the benefit of rezoning. Mr. Callaway repeated that he could not say definitely that these lots can be replatted without benefit of rezoning, but that he believes that they can be. Mr. Mayo agreed that this is his understanding also. No one else spoke, and the public hearing was closed. Further discussion followed concerning the merits of tabling, approving or denying this request, after which Mr. Bailey made a motion to rezone from R-1 to R-lA, which died for lack of a second. Then Mr,Kelly made a motion to table this at request of applicant and-Mr. Hansen seconded the motion which carried 6-1 (Bailey). AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 83-223: Final Plat - Vacating and Resubdivision of Lot 24 Block 1 Emerald Forest Phase I and Lot 1 Block 1 Emerald Forest Phase II. Mr. Mayo explained that the concerns pointed out in the Presubmission Conference report had been taken care of, therefore staff recommends approval. Discussion followed and Mr. Pullen was asked to explain the reasons for his concerns. He explained that the easement had previously been designated a utility easement, and he required that it be a drainage and utility easement which would preclude the building of anything in the easement, including a fence, therefore staff is now satisfied with this replat. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the plat as shown with Mr. Martyn seconding. Motion carried unanimously 7-0, AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-309: Preliminary Plat - Woodway West Phase Mr. Mayo explained this plat and located the area on a map. He further indicated staff recommends approval of this plat as shown. Mr. Bailey asked about curb cuts, and Mr. Mayo referred to a site plan which is agenda item #10 which shows the access points, and • then located approximately where they would fall on this plat. Mr. Kelly asked if all easements requested had been included and. Mayo replied tfiey have been. Mr. Kelly then made a motion to approve the plat with Mr. Hansen seconding. Mr. Bailey asked if the public should be put on notice that the curb cuts will be limited to this land, and requested that the note "access may be limited by the City Engineer" be added to this plat. After discussion Mr. Miller made~a motion to amend the previous motion to include this note, with Mr, Bailey seconding. Further discussion followed after which the amended motion was withdrawn by Mr. Miller t; Mr. Bailey, and votes were cast on the original motion. The original motion to approve this preliminary plat as shown passed unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-428: Parking Lot Plan - Brazos Savings 12 Lane Drive Thru Facility located in the Ashford Square Subdivision. Mr. Hansen was excused from the Commission; Mr. Mayo explained the plan, stating that the recommendation on the P.R.C. report concerning changing the 9 ft. driveway to 20 ft. is still a recommendation which the Fire Marshal has made. He stated that the Fire Marshal has pointed out that this 20 ft. driveway is not required by Ordinance, but rather is a recommendation from the Flre Department which has been made to provide emergency vehicles better access to this structure. Mr. Mayo further pointed out that the trees which are shown on the plan are not l~ inch caliper, and staff recommends that they be changed to meet the Ordinance requirements. Other than these 2 changes, staff recom- mends approval of the plan. Discussion followed concerning fire hydrants, and Mr. Pullen explained that fire hydrants for this entire subdivision have been spaced to cover all areas. Mr. Bailey then made a motion to approve this plan with all P.R.C. recommenda- • b ons, including the 20 ft, driveway and the addition of the requirement that the trees must meet Ordinance requirements of 1~" caliper in size. Mr. Martyn seconded the motion which passed 6-0-1 (Hansen abstained). PAZ Minutes 8-4-83 page 3 • AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-429: Parking Lot Plan - Brazos Savings College Station Renovation and Expansion located at the corner of Southwest Parkway and Texas Avenue Mr. Mayo explained the site plan, stated that staff recommends additional landscaping along Texas Avenue and with that addition to the P.R.C. recommendations, staff recom- mends approval. Discussion followed concerning the number of parking spaces and those allocated for handicapped spaces, shrubbery (both existing and planned) and additional trees, after which Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the plan with P.R.C. recom- mendations plus the additional. conditions that additional shrubbery be required along the west side of the new expansion to coordinate with existing landscaping along the west side of the existing building, that two (2) trees be included in the islands or in the vicinity of the islands along Texas Avenue to comply with Ordinance requirements and that the 2 handicapped spaces indicated by the applicant as existing be so marked on the spaces and shown on the site plan on the north side of the building. Mr. Bailey seconded this motion which was approved unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 83-431: Parking Lot Plan - BrazosBanc Savin s Association of Texas proposed ATM building located on the Exxon Service Station site at the corner of Texas Avenue S Millers Lane. Mr, Mayo explained that what is being .proposed on the approved site plan is a slight shifting of the parking area and the inclusion of an ATM building, and further explained that staff does not think this site can handle any additional activity beyond what had been previously approved, therefore staff recommends dental of this proposed, revised site plan. Mr. Kelly asked how the public would be made aware of this building and Mr. Bailey said Pt would be advertised on the 80 ft. sign proposed by Exxon. Mr. Kelly • also asked about traffic counts for this site, and Mr. Mayo explained that service station sites typically generate large numbers of cars, and the car wash on this site in addi- tion to the service station would create additional numbers of vehicular traffic, as would any additional commercial development which would have to share the curb cuts to this site, therefore staff is of the opinion that this site cannot handle any addi- tional traffic which the addition of an ATM building would likely generate. Discussion followed concerning possible land uses, curb cuts in the area and on the plat, the fact that the City Engineer controls numbers and locations of curb cuts, choice of this parti- cular location for an ATM building, traffic flow on site and possible traffic generated. Matt Seymour of the BrazosBanc came forward at the request of Mr. Hansen to answer questions concerning traffic information, and he explained that this building at this site would help alleviate congestion at the Southwest Parkway ~ Texas Avenue site of the permanent facility. He also presented a chart to the Commission depicting actual numbers and predicted numbers of vehicles at both sites. Mr. Miller stated that he is not only concerned with traffic numbers and the flow of traffic, but also with the cars which are normally parked at a service station, and asked where these cars would go since this building would take up proposed spaces for the station. Mr. Mayo pointed out there are designated parking spaces on site. Mr. Bailey made a motion to deny this revised plan with Mr. Miller seconding. More discussion followed concerning the type of machine and access to it as compared to one at another facility in Bryan. Votes were cast, and the motion to deny failed by a Vote of 2-4-1 (Bailey ~ Muller for; Martyr abstaining for lack of information). • Mr. Kelly then made a motion to table this item for further study due to the size of this site and the need for additional traffic count information. Mr. Martyr seconded this motion, which carried with a vote of 4-3 (Hansen, Bailey ~ Miller). PAZ Minutes 8-4-83 page 4 • AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 83-433: Parking Lot Plan - Revised Landscaping at Woodstone Commerce Center. Mr. Mayo explained that this work has already been done, and staff recommends approval. Mr. Hill asked why changes had been made before this Commission approved a plan, and Mr. Mayo explained that a City Inspector had noticed work being done on the site, and the applicant was notified that a revised site plan was required to be approved. The City Legal Department was contacted and advised that the City should notify the appli- cant that work should be stopped, or a stop work order would be issued. After noti- fication, the representative of the applicant indicated that they were not aware that they were in violation, and explained that landscaping had already been ordered for this project, there was no way to keep it alive, and so chose to go ahead with the work with the full knowledge that the Commission could deny the revised plan and the work would have to be torn out. Mr, Hilt said that this Commission resents being presented with a fait accompli, although he understands this was done out of ignorance, but he wants to make it clear that people cannot revise sites without first coming before the Commission for approval. Mr. Martyn agreed that this could be denied, but in fairness because the applicant is ultimately doing the right thing, he thinks it should be approved, but wanted it known that this project is being judged on its individual merits and not on the fact that the work has already been done. Mr. Martyn then made a motion to approve this plan with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: 83-509: Site Plan Permit - Treehouse Village Apartments located in Woodway West Phase II Subdivision between Holleman Drive, Luther Street and Jones Butler Road. • Mr. Mayo explained the plans, located the 2 phases on the plan and indicated staff recommends approval with P.R.C. recommendations which have all been met. Discussion followed concerning the driveways and cul de sacs and the proposed uses of each. Mr. Kelly referred to a note on the bottom of the plan concerning the R.O.W., and Mr. Mayo advised that he had spoken to the applicant's representative prior to this meeting, who had agreed to remove that note. Item #20 of the P.R.C. report was discussed, and Mr. Mayo explained that the City Legal Department had determined that a moratorium on Building Permits had never had legal action taken on it, therefore there is no mora- torium. After further general discussion, Mr, Miller made a motion to approve with P.R.C. recommendations excluding item #20, the removal of the note concerning the 20 ft. setback, and the addition of a note that landscaping is to include solid sod of either St. Augustine or Bermuda. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 5-1-1 (Mr. Bailey - no; Martyn - abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Other Business Mr. Hill referred to a memo regarding Tacos Al Carbon site plan and Mr. Mayo replied that he had no other information except that the applicant has been to the Planning Department to discuss various problems of the site and has decided to go to the ZBA with an appeal of the PAZ ruling in August. Mr. Hill announced he has been working with the City Attorney to prepare some kind of handout to be available to the public concerning PAZ procedures regarding public meet- ings and public hearings, requested staff to invite the City Attorney to make a pre- sentation at the next regular meeting, and instructed that he be put on the agenda. • A committee was appointed to study the West Park Subdivision area, consisting of Mr. Kelly (Gh,ai~man), Mr. Martyn, Mr. Mayo, Mr. Callaway and staff. Results of the P&Z Minutes 8-4-83 page 5 • study with recommendations are to be presented at the meeting on October 6th. Mr. Hill then directed the Commissioners to study the impact automatic teller machines have on traffic counts, and traffic counts in particular In the Miller's Lane ~ Texas Avenue area on an individual basis, invited each to contact people at the BrazosBanc, staff and the Engineering Deaprtment for any information they wanted, and to be prepared to bring the tabled item concerning the ATM building off the table at the August 18th meeting. Mr. Miller then made a motion to adjourn with Mr, Bailey seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). APPROVED: r David B. Hill, Chairman ATTEST: Dian Jones, City Secretary • U }~ /~ ~f G.. ~~,~ . .. ~. -~ r l r ~ <J c~~~.. Via' ~.~~, •