HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES SPACIAL NORTHGATE COMMITTEE MEETING College Station, Texas August 17, 1983 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Pat Boughton PLANNING ~ ZONING MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Roy Kelly ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Dan MacGilvray, Vi Cook ~ Gale Wagner CITY STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Al Mayo, Jane Kee ~ Shirley Votk In addition fio the above, there were numerous others, including merchants, media, land- owners and residents of College Station in attendance. Dan MacGilvray opened the meeting and gave background of the Committee's work since its Inception in October of 1982. He handed out the results of surveys which had been taken in the area, and highlighted some of the information they contain. He pointed out that the "Northgate" area comprises less than 2% of the land area of the City, but represents 4~% of the total population. He pointed out several other facts in- cluding 5% of the dwellings are vacant, 97.7% of the dwellings are occupied by renters; the area supplies 5% of the tax revenues of personal property, white 10% of the sales tax comes from that-area; police expenditures in the area represent 15% of total expendi- tures while fire expenditures represent 5% of total. He discussed several problems in the area including setbacks, non-conformity of existing structures and landscaping problems as defined by the current Zoning Ordinance. • During open discussion, several suggestions were made including changing the timed parking from 2 hours to a 1 hour limit in certain areas; changing the direction of traffic on certain one-way streets and the installation of a scramble walk light at the intersection of University Drive and College Main. Mr. MacGilvray said the plans include one more meeting of the Northgate Committee, then presentation of findings to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council during their regular meetings. Several area merchants and landowners thanked the Committee for the time and effort put forth in this study, and all hoped for changes in the area which would benefit the most citizens. ~`; •