HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/06/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES SPECIAL NORTHGATE COMMITTEE MEETING • College Station, Texas April 6, 1983 10:00 A.M. Council members in attendance: Pat Boughton, Lynn Nemec Mcllhaney ~ Council Elect Vicky Reinke Planning & Zoning members: Roy Kelly, Gerald Miller ~ E. Murl Bailey Zoning Board of Adjustment members: Dan MacGilvray, Jack Upham, Vi Cook, and Mary Kaye Donahue Staff members: Jim Callaway, Jane Kee ~ Shirley Volk In addition to the above, there were numerous others, including merchants, media, land- owners and residents of College Station in attendance. A group of citizens numbering approximately 45 met at the Presbyterian Church to discuss problems in the Northgate area and possible solutions to these problems. Chairman of the Northgate Study Committee, Dan MacGilvray opened the meeting, identified himself and listed as four major problems of the area, Traffic, Parking (student parking and lack of parking in the business area), Restrictions in the Current Zoning Ordinance and Maintenance (streets, trash accumulation, lack of curb and gutters, sidewalks). He then opened the meeting for discussion. • Possible solutions to problems addressed included establishment of tax accessment (incre- ment) districts, no parking signs in clogged areas, street repairs, creation of a special zoning district, more parking on campus at the University, better enforcement of parking regulations, better enforcement of maintenance (streets, trash, weeds; both public S pri- vate), additional public trash containers, wider sidewalks (thereby disallowing parking on streets in certain areas), creation of an ordinance to prevent open containers of al- coholic beverages on the streets which would also allow sidewalk cafes, extension of "walk" time on pedestrian lights at College Main and University Drive, relax landscaping requirements which take up parking spaces, relax setback requirements, relax off-street parking requirements, and appeal to the University for shuttlebus stops in Northgate. Further discussion followed, with the suggestion of creating a special zoning district or an ordinance which would outline exceptions to the regular ordinance in a specified area (Nagle to railroad tracks). One other suggestion which was offered was that if a variance would be required to pay money to a special account to help provide parking lots and street repairs in this Northgate area. This idea was likened to developers in new subdivisions who are required to dedicate parkland to the City or pay money in lieu of land. One citizen expressed an opinion that the City ignores Northgate and wishes it would go away, but other citizens stated the City had been as cooperative as possible while working with an ordinance which does not suit an area as old as Northgate. Another person said the real question is whether or not the Northgate area should grown, and still another suggested that problems be addressed one at a time, and a decision should be made as to what is wanted in the future before the growth takes place. To date the committee has identified a number of problems that need to be dealt with in the Northgate area. Please indicate which of these problems are a concern to ~ and your congregation and the relative importance you attach to them by circ ing the appropriate response (0=never a problem; 1=se dom; 2=sometimes; 3=often; 4=always a problem). If you are unfamiliar with a certain problem, leave it blank. Write your comments/suggestions in the space provided below each specific problem. Traffic-Related Problems One-way street system: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Church/College Main Interection: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? University/College Main Intersection: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? University/Wellborn Intersection: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Wellborn Road/Church Street Intersection: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Other Intersection (Specify: ) 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Parking Problems ' Too little customer parking: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Too little employee parking: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? • University students' parking on Northgate streets: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? University students' parking on vacant lots: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? University employees parking in Northgate area: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Lack of city enforcement of parking regulations: 0 .1 2 3 4 Comment? Other parking-related problems: (Specify: ) 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Would you be in favor of installing parking meters in the Northgate are a? On city streets? On city-owned parking lots? Maintenance Problems Accumulation of trash on city streets: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Accumulation of trash on private property: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Deterioration of street pavement: _ _ 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Lack of=curb and gutter system: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Other maintenance problems (Specify: ) 0 1 2 3 4 Zonin4 Ordinance Problems Current zoning of Northgate property (R-1, R-2, C-1, etc.) 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Current set back requirements (side yard, rear yard): 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Current sign regulations: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Current off-street parking requirements: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Current variance request requirements: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Current landscaping requirements: 0 1 2 3 4 Comment? Other zoning-related problems (Specify: ) 0 1 2 3 4 Comment?" For the above list of problems, please indicate which you perceive to be the five most serious and give a possible solution to these fi ve problems if you can think of one. Most Serious Problem: Possible Solution: Second Most Serious: Possible Solution: Third Most Serious: Possible Solution: -- -_ __~ourth Most_ Serious: Possible -Solution: Fifth Most Serious: Possible Solution: Use the space below to comment on any aspects of the Northgate area not covered in this questionnaire. L_,~ Thank you! R ~Jo G~~ ~o~u ~-rr~, ~ ~~~3 ~- ~~ IN IIII J ~~~f ~ ' ~rM U S JAUI Vpa,-~-~n .7"~c~sani L= .Cov~ooT~ fC. ~avyoTcSiP. ... , ~3. • S~~ C ~~ `.`~ n ~' csf;"~~`~`~l" IBC-~~-r, c:-~-,,,~ -~ ~~ ~-~ ~~ \ Cl ~ L `~ w:1 ~ 1 ~C~ N ~ f ~ ~~v~ ,~ ~cYw~ ~~1ct-t~r~ l~ ~~ i ~ 1~11'hJ~% / ~~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~, ~~~ w~ irc% I /V ~ c ~ S ~ ./ ZISA .~oUw j s ~~a ,,~sroce .Lo~~ooT.~ ,C~ookslo.Cr . GS Cf.~: cs ~'z-f~wc /Kere R- 1~ ~-~-~-c - A ~ M f ~i~es @ y~eie~a ~ c. ~ P~~ ~~ C',~', ~ ~ ~~ %x ~-. ~.~.~ i d-l Ct~ ~~~ C.~ ,~.~ 5 `e C~~- ~~ ~--o / - ~ , ~/3,9~ (-~ ~ ~~ (c ~ ~ s Ctiys , ~ s ~~~ Sri /C ~-~~r~.~.c~; r L . S, l~ ~ ~. p ./ ~/ ~~ i i• i• i• TI`: ,~ f%, .~~ ~= ~~!,~~ s h ;^ i` ~~ ~~ ~ „i, r`t ~ ~2~z-~ ,J2 ~~~~~ ~. f=~ L r= r~~.Do ~ S k~~~-~v