HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • Planning and Zoning Commission April 21, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Members Kelly, Hill, Hall ~ Miller MEMBERS ABSENT: Member Bailey (Member Fleming resigned from the Commission) STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, City Engineer Pullen,Ass't to Zoning Official Dupies, Community Development Planner Stevens and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meetin of April 7, 1983 Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes with Miller seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGEPJDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-107: A public hearin on the question of rezoning Lots 9, 10 and 35 ft. of Lot 8, Block 2 West Park Addition from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Single Family Residential District R-lA. Application is in the name of Charles F Johnson. • Mr. Mayo located the .lots on a map, explained existing zoning and platting, and also the reasons for the requested change. He further stated that staff recommends approval of this request. The public hearing was opened and proponents for the request were called. Charles Johnson, applicant of the request came forward and spoke of his plans for this land and the reasons for the request. Mr. Miller asked what his plans for the additional lot would be and Mr. Johnson replied that it would be for another structure. No other proponents spoke. Opponents were called forward and Joyce Schmitz came forward expressing opposition because she feared additional subdivisions in the area which could cause over- crowding of that neighborhood. Colleen Hinkey Worley of 307 Highland came forward ex- pressing opposition because she fears a student ghetto-type development will begin in the neighborhood. No one else spoke. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Miller asked about access to the new lot if this land is replatted and Mr. Mayo said he understood it would be off Park Place. Mr. Hall asked if this would be better handled under the variance procedures and Mr. Mayo advised against this direction. Mr. Miller asked how require- ments on R-lA lots differ from R-1 lots and Mr. Mayo explained the primary difference is rear setback requirements. Mr. Kelly then made a motion to recommend approval of this rezoning request and Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 83-702: A public hearing on the question of rantin a Conditional Use Permit for a church to be located between Arizona and Phoenix Streets, on Lots 10, 11 and 3 Block 2 McCullou h Addition. A lication is in the name of Christ Hol Missionar B~tist Church The Rev. M. E. Wells . Mr. Mayo located the lots on a map and explained the proposed site plan fora church. He further explained that the applicant is requesting a variance to an additional fire hydrant, • which the Fire Marshal opposes. The Fire Marshal has indicated that an additional fire hydrant, bringing all parts of the proposed building within 300 ft. of the hydrant, will be required. Public hearing was opened. The Rev. Wells came forward and said this church PAZ Minutes 4-21-83 page 2 would not bother anyone in the neighborhood and would only be for the benefit of humanity. • Opponents were called and Ruby Thomas came forward to express opposition to a church in the neighborhood citing parking on the street and disturbances created in the neighborhood as her reasons. She presented a petition from the neighbors who oppose this church. Mr. Kelly asked whether parking on the street or disturbance in the neighborhood was her main concern and she answered that both problems concerned her, and further feels this church is an intrusion into her privacy. No one else spoke. Public hearing was closed. The Chair called for a show of hands from the audience indicating how many people repre- sented those for, and then those against this request. • • Mr. Miller asked staff about parking requirements and Mr, Mayo indicated that 1 space per 5 seats plus one space for each employee are required, therefore the 23 spaces provided would allow a maximum of 110 seats in the structure. Mr. Hill asked if other churches normally minimally meet the ordinance requirements and Mr. Mayo replied that generally that is the case, and many churches do have spill-over parking onto the neighborhood streets. Mr. Hill asked Mr. Mayo to locate other churches in the immediate area and Mr. Mayo did. Further discussion followed concerning the proposed split type parking lot, the apparent lack of landscaping, signs, exterior lighting, choice of location for the church, number of members and attendance at services, width of street right-of-way, lack of curbing on this street and how the petitioners' signatures related to the land. The Rev. Wells spoke again, saying that if there was a sign, it would be on the structure, that the exterior lights would be regular flood lights, and that the choice of land was due to availability and expense. Mr. Hill asked if streets could be "signed" for no parking and Mr. Mayo indicated the City Manager could do this. Mr. Hall asked about plans for future expansion and The Rev. Wells answered if it became necessary, the congregation could perhaps purchase 2 adjacent vacant lots or move the church to a more desirable loca- tion. The Commission suggested the site plan be changed so the church would be located on a different lot. Mr. Hall then made a motion to deny this request because the site is too small for the project as designed and the possibility of causing traffic congestion on an already inadequate street. This motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Hill then made a motion to table this request. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Mr. Miller commented concerning what he believed to be a better site plan and stated he is primarily concerned with traffic on Arizona Street. Discussion followed concerning church membership being within walking distance, the purchase by the church of additional lots prior to coming back before the Commission. Mr. Hill then explained to the applicant that there will be 3 new members on the Commission the next time this item is heard. Votes were cast, and motion to table carried 4-1 with Mr. Hall voting against, preferring denial of the request. Applicant was advised this item would be heard at the next meeting (5-5-83), and that he should present staff with a revised site plan to review prior to that time. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-210: Final Plat - Post Oak Forest (Resubdivision of Pt. of Lot 10 Blk B ~ Pt, of Tr. 2, 2nd Install. Carter's Grove Subdivision . Mr. Mayo explained the small changes on the lots on this replat and indicated staff re- commends approval. Mr. Hall asked why the lot lines were moved and Mr. Mayo indicated he did not know, but Mr. Pullen explained the lot lines had been moved to accommodate buildings as constructed. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the replat with Mr. Hall seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-214: Final Plat - Resubdivision of Lot 1, Block B Eastmark Phase II. Mr. Mayo explained the agreements which had been reached between staff and the developer which included limitation of numbers of signs for Lots 1-6 to three, and Lots 7-10 to two. PAZ Minutes 4-21-83 page 3 He pointed out to the Commission that the Southwest Parkway overpass may cut through part of this property, but plans for that were not yet complete, and no time had been set for • them. Mr. Miller asked if the Commission had seen this plat previously and Mr. Mayo said that a Preliminary Plat had been approved, but at that time it was thought that Southwest . Parkway overpass would be directed to the south of this land. The possibility of combini Lots 7 ~ 8 was discussed, citing that access would still be available to both lots. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the plat as shown with Mr. Hall seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-304: Preliminary Plat - Southwest Village on Southwest Parkway east of Texas Avenue. ng Mr. Mayo located the land on a map and explained that staff has no basic problem with this plat other than what has been mentioned on the Presubmission Conference report enclosed with the packets, therefore staff recommends approval with the Presubmission conference report conditions. Mr. Pullen advised that the developers are planning two curb cuts on Southwest Parkway at this time, and staff would consider a third curb cut at the time site plans are presented. Discussion followed concerning location and number of curb cuts after which Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat with Presubmission Conference report conditions. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, Mr, Miller asked about the coordination of development of this property and the 4 lots on Texas Avenue, and Mr. Mayo explained that staff encourages this, but there is no way to force this on the different developers. Mr. Hall asked about #7 on the Presubmission Report, and Mr. Mayo said that this had already been done on this revised plat. Votes were cast and motion to approve carried unanimously (5-0) . AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 83-417: Parking Lot Plan - William's Lube King on Lot 5 Pooh's Park • Subdivision. Mr. Mayo explained that all P.R.C. recommendation had been done and that staff now further requests that even more landscaping be required than is shown on this revised site plan. Keith Blalock indicated from the audience that he is representing the applicant, and that additional landscaping would not be opposed by the applicant. Mr. Hill made a motion to approve the plans with the P.R.C. recommendations plus the addition of one tree on the left of the curb cut (making the total there 2); the addition of two trees to the right of the curb cut (making the total there 4); and the addition of three tress in the large island (making the total there 3); all trees being the same caliper as those shown on the site plan. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. g: Other Business. Mr. Mayo announced a workshop at 4:00 p.m. on May 4, 1983 for the carry-over commissioners, the new commissioners, the City Attorney and the staff. He further asked that the Com- mission appoint 2 members to serve on a C.I.P. committee, and was informed that Mr. Kelly and Mr. Miller had already been contacted by the City Secretary and had agreed to serve on that committee. He then passed along some information he received from the A.P.A. con- ference he had recently attended which included the fact that some cities have a tour of sites included on the PAZ agendas prior to each regular meeting and indicated that staff would recommend that this be done in College Station. He then thanked Mr. Behling and Mr. Hall for their service on the P&Z and expressed good wishes from staff to them. Mr. Behling publically thanked Planning Assistant Chris Longley for the Planning Review • of 1982 cases which was handed out. Mr. Hill asked if the City is in compliance with the site plans which had been approved at the Police Station. Mr. Mayo said that much of the construction had not yet taken place and staff considers the area in the process of construction. He further indicated that P&Z Minutes 4-21-83 page 4 when construction is further along staff will check for compliance, and that no Certificate of Occupancies had been issued because the project is not yet finished. • Mr. Behling referred to some burned out buildings in Northgate and requested that Mr. Kelly follow-up on this in the future to see that something is done. Mr. Mayo said that he has consulted with the Building Official and the City Attorney concerning these buildings, and a resolution to the problem is currently being sought. Mr. Miller asked about the status of the landscaping ordinance, and Mr. Mayo said that the Assistant to the Zoning Official, Dan Dupies is now working on this. Mr. Hill asked about the change at the Greyhound Bus Terminal and Mr. Kelly informed the Commission that the Greyhound people have been given notice that they must vacate the premises by May 15, 1983. Mr. Hill requested site plan approval for any future site for the bus terminal and Mr. Mayo said he would inform these people by letter. Mr. Hall referred to the Development Review Committee and said someone would have to be appointed to replace him. He then referred to the property around the City water tower and indicated that a cleanup of that land had not been done in the 2 years he has served as Commissioner, and expressed a desire that the new Commission follow up to see that it gets done. Mr. Hall then made a motion to adjourn and Mr. Kelly seconded. Motion to adjourn carried unanimously (5-O). APPROVED: r~ U David Hil Chairman ATTEST: Dian Jones, City Secretary • I~ • APRIL 20, 1983 CLIFFORD E PETERSON BLOCK 1 LOT 10,11,.12 1118 1120 1122 ARIZONA CS THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLLEGE STATION 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION TX 77840 INVIEW OF THE EXTRAORDINARY EFFORTS BEING MADE BY THE MEMBERS OF THE CHRISTIAN HOLY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH TO BUILD THEIR CHURCH ON LOT 10 & 11 1117 1119 ARIZONA STREET COLLEGE STATION TEXAS. WE-CONCERNED CITIZENS OF THIS COMMUNITY UNFORTUNATELY DISAPPROVE ANY EFFORT TO CONTINUE THIS PROJECT AT THIS LOCATION. I THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT A VERY LARGE SECTION OF THE REASON- ABLE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMUNITY HAVE SHOWN THEIR DISAPPROVAL OF THIS PROJECT. SOME REASON WHY WE REJECT THIS PROJECT AT THIS LOCATION. a. project location b. street too small c. traffic increase PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT WOULD BE LOCATED DIRECTLY IN THE COMMUNITY,ON ONE SMALL STREET EXCESS. STREET T00 SMALL CONGREGATING AT THIS LOCATION WOULD NOT ALLOW ADEQUATE PARKING. THIS WOULD MEAN PARKING CARS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET. WHICH WOULD CREATE A BLOCKAGE OF THIS SMALL STREETCARS PARKED IN FRONT OF RESIDENTAL HOMES, BLOCKING DRIVE WAYS. TRAFFIC INCREASE • A PRIVATE OR PUBLIC BUILDING DIRECTLY IN THE COMMUNITY WILL INCREASE TRAFFIC WHICH WOULD BE VERY DANGEROUS FOR CHILDREN HERE. MANY CHILDREN PLAY AND RIDE THEIR BICYCLES IN AND AROUND THE COMMUNITY. THERE ARE OVER (18) EIGHTEEN KIDS ON THIS STREET UNDER THE AGE OF (12) TWELVE, WHICH PLAY VERY FREELY UP AND DOWN ARIZONA S'1'RIs'ET DAILY. ALSO THTS INCREASED 'TRAFFIC WILL CAUSE STRESS ON OUS SENIOR C1'1'IZENS. WE DO NO'T NEED THIS ADDED CON- GESTION AND PRESSURE FROM THIS PROJECT DIRECT IN THIS SMALL COMMUNITY. (1) • IN~MAKING THIS DECISION WE ASKED OUR SELVES SOME QUESTIONS: 1. WILL THE INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS OF THIS COMMUNITY BENEFIT APPRECIABLY FROM SUCH A BUILDING? (NO) 2. WILL THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BENEFIT FROM SUCH A BUILDING FROM TAXES ? (NO) 3. WILL THIS FOURTH CHURCH IN THIS SMALL COMMUNITY INCREASE MY PROPERTY VALUE? (NO) 4. CAN THE COMMUNITY GROW WITH SUCH PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BUILDINGS DIRECTLY IN THEIR COMMUNITY? (NO) IN BEHALF OF THE CONCERNED CITIZENS OF THIS COMMUNITY REQUEST THAT THIS COMMUNITY REMAIN R-1 WE ARE SURE THAT THE COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WITH ALL FAIRNESS WILL REVIEW THIS MATTER IN THE INTEREST OF THE COMMUNITY ASWELL AS THE CITY. THANK YQU~~ CLI ~ORD E PETERS A CONCERNED CITIZEN (2) CONCERNED CITIZENS WE THE CONCERNED DISAPPROVAL OF THIS PROJECT AT THIS LOCATION 1117 & 1119 ARIZONA ST CS .THE BUILDING OF THIS CHURCH • THE CHRISTIAN HOLY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH. NAME ADDRESS LOT ~~ ~o ~~~ri au S-fi C ~ ~ ~~ ~~ c: • ~~~ r a r C April 18, 1983 We the property owners located within 200 feet of the proposed site (Lot 10 & 11, Block 2 McCulloch subdivision between Arizona and Phoenix Street at 1117 & 1119 Arizona) feel that another Church located in the neighborhood would not be beneficial to its growth, and would infringe upon our right to privacy as property owners. IvH~1t - _ HUUKt55 PHONE No. of Lots Owned / ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ , / r n `~(yf' f" ~D ~ ~ __ ` ~a l _ ___,___ I __ L1 o ~' ~-_- ,,. ,:, , • ~G.1~~tG~ ~~C/~tCC!'Jr~C.e~ ~~ A-rt~t s ~ ~ ,~i~/.s a rV c~~~s ~~ ~~IC~~.~ c. t~.~ a ~-~~w ~~ zy.~.... 9~,~,, (,/, ~ - ~ ~ C.._ r tt .~g ,~ a:-