HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • Planning and Zoning Commission September 16, 1982 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Hatl, Miller, Bailey, Hill, Council Liaison Prause; and Commissioner Fleming (who came in late). MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley, Zoning Official Kee and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes meeting of August 2, 1982. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes; Bailey seconded. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 82-134: A public hearing on the question of rezoning an • 8.876 acre tract located on the south side of University Drive approximately 1,000 feet eastcf the intersection of Fed Mart Drive and University Drive, from Single Family Residential District R-1 and Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3 to Single Family Resi- dential District R-1, Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3 and General Commercial District C-l. .Application is in the name of Jesse Henton, Garrett Engineering, Agent. Mr. Callaway located the tract, presented background and indicated that staff could not recommend approval of this request because it is not consistant with the current compre- hensive plan, the preliminary plan from the consultants or the land use plan prepared by staff. He further indicated that rezoning of this land has previously been denied three times. Public hearing was opened. (Commissioner Fleming arrived.) Jesse Henton, owner of the tract spoke and asked the City to be as responsible as any Citizen, and to do things right, especially since it can be done at no cost. He further said there is no way to develop this land as residential. Yvonne Prause, a resident on Munson spoke, and said that nothing had changed since the City rezoned the land in February, and it is her wish that the City leave the zoning as it is. Commissioner Hall asked if there was justification for denying this request with the property across the street being zoned C-1. Mr. Callaway explained that there is a large amount of C-1 land available on University now, and that staff sees no need for rezoning more land to C-1. Mr. Miller expressed his agreement that there is a large amount of C-1 land which is undeveloped or underdeveloped in this area. Mr. Mayo re- • iterated that staff simply cannot justify the need for more commercial property at P&Z Minutes g-16-82 page 2 this time. Mr. Hall asked if there is the possibility that any currently zoned C-1 • land will be rezoned down. Mr. Mayo said that was always a possibility, and then went to a map and pointed out the availability of C-1 land in the area and told of the small number of projects being planned currently. Mr. Hill asked about Mr. Henton's statement concerning unsuitability of R-t zoning, and Mr. Mayo said that this R-1 land could be developed into residential without many problems, and that Commission would have to ask Mr. Henton why he believes this. Don Garrett, engineer and agent for Mr. Henton addressed the Commission and said that the development of single family residential in the neck portion of the area would be practically prohibitive because of the high cost of building streets in this narrow area. He also asked why the Sheraton project was turned down for this tract, and Mr. Bailey informed him that the Commission had turned down rezoning of this area rather than the Sheraton project. Mr. Bailey further stated that he believed that there was already enough C-1 zoned land in this area which is underdeveloped. Mr. Hall stated that Mr. Henton did indeed leave himself a very narrow tract of land to develop when he sold off adjacent land to the church. Mr. Bailey made a motion to deny this rezoning request. Mr. Miller seconded; motion to deny carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 82-135: A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 9.0 acre tract located a roximatel 450 feet west of the intersection of Holleman Drive and Wellborn Road F.M.2154 from Heavy Industrial District M-2 to Apartments Medium Density District R-5. Application is in the name of Bert Wheeler et al for Robert Hoppe. Mr. Callaway located the subject land on a map, pointed out current zoning and various • projects in the area. He reported that staff cannot support this rezoning request for the following reasons: (1) Current comprehensive plan, preliminary comprehensive plan by consultants and staff land use recommendations reflect area as industrial; (2) This tract is part of the only industrial-zoned area within the City with rail frontage, (3) Rezoning a small portion of the total industrial tract would eliminate the separation between M-2 and residential areas created by the abandoned railroad right-of-way, and (4) Rezoning this tract to R-5 would create a situation where the overall density of this area exceeds sewer capacity available in major trunk lines downstream of this area. Mr. Hall asked if there had been any indication that the railroad would be relocated. Mr. Callaway said that there have been numerous studies but that the cost would probably prohibit such a project. The public hearing was opened and Bob Hoppe, prospective purchaser of this property spoke and told Commission that he was looking at the property for residential use strictly because of its inherent beauty, and felt there was a need for more residential develop- ment in this area because of the proximity to the University. Pat Caporina then spoke and indicated that she and her husband own adjacent acreage and that they, too, think that this land will be needed in the future for residential development and that they further believe that industrial development would be better moved to the Industrial Park. Edsel Jones, 1110 Austin Street spoke and said that 6 years ago this whole area had been designated industrial, and that some land had been rezoned to residential. He said he feels like the citizens in College Station do not want more industrial development in that area, and further said that there would still be enough M-2 zoning with rail- . road frontage available for many projects if this were rezoned residential. He addressed the possible sewer problem, and stated that the sewer capacity in the area could handle residential development of this density, and if there is a problem downstream, then the City has a problem. PAZ Minutes 9-16-82 page 3 John Bynun, developer of Doubletree Apartments spoke, and thinks that changing this tract to residential would better fit the neighborhood than an industrial project. LJ • Jim Gardner, resident, spoke and voiced his opposition to the rezoning request because he believes the railroad crossing itself might be hazardous, and further that he believes putting more people close to the railroad would be a mistake. His concern is that this rezoning would be contrary to all plans, that perhaps M-2 zoning might be too heavy, and the problem that Mr. Callaway pointed out concerning the sewer probably would be the best reason for not adding to the density of this area. Bill Fitch spoke as an .interested citizen and said that he thinks the argument con- cerning the proximity to TAMU is probably not valid, and advises the Commission to look for places to relocate industry on a railhead if this land is rezoned. Mr. Hall asked Mr. Jones if he has M-2 land, and he replied that he does, but it is not in the City Limits, and some would need sewer. He further explained that the com- pletion of the extension of Holleman is waiting .for approval from the railroad, and that the money and land are available. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Bailey said that this might be a valid spot for rezoning in the future, but that the location of the railroad and the sewer capacity should gov- ern the decision now. Mr. Miller expressed a fear that rezoning this to residential would reduce the chance of getting industrial projects in the City. Mr. Hall said that the character of this land is not appropriate for projects listed under M-2 uses, and would suggest tabling of this request until staff can recommend a lower use for this land. Mr. Hill agreed with Mr. Hall and said that he thinks this land should be down- zoned now if there is a problem with sewer capacity. Mr. Kelly gave the history of the M-2 zoning, but stated that he thinks this is too heavy a use for this land, and that it should probably be zoned M-1. At this point, Mr. Kelly made a motion to deny the rezoning request, and to have staff study the possibility of downzoning this to M-l. Chairman Behling accepted the motion to deny, but directed the part about the study for downgrading the zoning to be left out of the motion, and then issued a directive to staff to study the area and downzone the entire M-2 area to M-l, and to put it on a future agenda as any other rezoning request would be handled. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion to deny; motion carried 6-1 with Chairman Behling voting against the motion. Mr. Jones asked more about the sewer problem, and was advised that this is a question that Commission cannot answer, and if he needed to know about this, he would have to consult with staff. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 82-242: D. A. Smith Subdivision, near the Final Plat - East Gate S uare (Part of Lots 1 ~ 2 corner of Texas Avenue ~ Lincoln . Mr. Mayo explained the plat and informed Commission that staff recommends approval. Mr. Bailey asked if this plat should indicate "Final Plat". Mr. Fitch said he would be agreeable to that. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with the words "Final Plat" included. Mr. Hall seconded; motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 82-438: Consideration of a Parking Lot Plan for the Red Lobster Restaurant located in East Gate Square at the corner of Lincoln ~ Texas Avenue. • Mr. Mayo explained the project, stating that most of the parking for this restaurant will be in the parking reserve of the shopping center. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the plan; Mr. Fleming seconded. Mr. Hall questioned what part of the parking is being approved tonight. Mr. Mayo explained. Mr. Behling pointed out that there will ~--_ -- P&Z Minutes 9-16-82 page 4 sufficient marked parking for that restaurant before issuance of the C.O. Motion • then carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 82-807: A public hearing on the question of amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 850, revising the District C-3 Planned Commercial District Regu- lations, Permitted Uses, and providing for a maximum lot size. Mr. Callaway explained the proposed amendment and Commission discussed with staff the lot size and the type of repair shops to be allowed. Mr. Mayo informed the Commission that if they want to add or delete anything, now is the time to do it, and further stated that it is up to the Commission to do it. Mr. Behling opened the public hearing. Jim Gardner spoke and asked about the 3 acre maximum lot size, indicating that he thinks this would encourage strip commercial zoning. Mr. Miller stated that he felt that in the past the public seemed more receptive to C-3 than C-1, and as a result, large tracts were going C-3, which defeated the purpose of this zoning. Commission indicated they wanted to add "nursery/plant sales" to per- mitted uses, to have "repair shops" redefined, and to have a maximum 3 acre lot size. Mr. Kelly then made a motion to table the decision on this amendment until a definition of "repair shops" is reached. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Motion to table carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: Other Business Dr. Prause said that he thought a good point had been made concerning a railroad study, and said that to his knowledge there is no statement concerning railroads in the Plan 2000, and feels that this should be included if relocation is a possibility. Mr. Mayo • said that staff has studied this, as well as other subjects, and has presented findings to the consultants for consideration and inclusion in the Plan 2000. Mr. Behling asked the status of Plan 2000, and Mr. Mayo informed him that at the Council's next meeting or workshop, several commiti:ees will be .appointed to study individual .issues befoi~ any action can be rakPn on the final plan. He further indicated that he does not know if any additional public hearings will be held. Mr. Bailey mentioned his distress at the illegally parked cars in designated handicapped spaces at the Post Oak Mall. Mr. Kelly said that he should make a request to Council to have police ticket the cars because the Commission has no power-over this. Mr. Miller asked about the replacement of the trees which have died at the Mall, and was told they are being replaced. Mr. Bailey made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Kelly seconded; motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: im eh ing, Ch irman ATTEST: • Dian Jones, City Secretary •