HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • Planning and Zoning Commission October 7, 1982 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Miller, Bailey, Hill, Fleming and Hall (who came in late and left before the meeting ended) MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Zoning Official Kee and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: Approval of Minutes, meeting of September 16, 1982. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes; Miller seconded. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 79,790 square foot tract • division, located on the Highway 30 and Stallings trative Professional Dis and James E. Jett. • 82-136: A public hea of land, part of Tract north side of State Hi Drive, from Apartments trict A-P. Application ring on the question of rezoning a B of the Courtyard Apartments Sub- ghway 30 at the corner of State High Density District R-6 to Adminis- is in the name of Roy W. Hann, Jr. Commissioner Hall came in. Mr. Callaway explained the request and Miller asked what the density would be if it were developed as R-6, to which Callaway answered there could be 24 units per acres. Mr. Hill asked if the parking problems in the area had been taken into consideration, and Callaway said that some apartments in the vicinity do have parking problems, but that would probably not be a problem with this plan, and the Fire Department has said that Courtyard Apartments do not have a park- ing problem. Kelly asked if there was a sewer problem in this area, and Callaway replied there are no problems in this immediate area, but there is the possibility of problems downstream about which staff is not now aware. Hall asked about "open space" in the apartment complex, and asked if Callaway could give the history of the Courtyard Apartments. Callaway said that commercial zoning requests had been denied and withdrawn in the past, but that he did not recall the history of "open space". The public hearing was opened. Jim Jett, a proposed purchaser of this land spoke and said that the A-P tract on the south side of Harvey Road is owned by a group he is involved with, and would be developed in conjunction with this tract. The purchase of this tract of land will have some restrictions., namely that the last 20 ft. of the tract will be kept by the current owner for parking for the Courtyard Apartments, and the legal description of the 79,790 square foot tract is in metes and bounds at this time. Bailey asked why Mr. Hann has done a comple a turnaround in his feelings about a commercial development on this land, as in the past he had always been opposed to this. Jett said that he really could not answer this question, and Mr. Hann had not been able to attend the meeting himself. Mr. Jett indicated the possibility of a bank which would have parts on both sides of the street being developed, but would not expand on this statement except to say the proposed project would be a major addition to the City. P&Z Minutes 10-7-82 page 2 Greg Heff of the Travis House Apartments then spoke and asked what this was all about, • that he was completely in the dark, but was present because he had been informed by a note on his desk that some kind of project was planned adjacent to the apartment complex he was connected with, and that he was opposed to any more apartments being developed in that area. Mr. Behling explained just what could be developed if this rezoning request were approved. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Miller said that any development on Highway 30 would contribute to the already heavy traffic. Mr. Hill said that he had difficulty with the staff's recommendation that the Comprehensive Plan be followed in this particular instance when there really is no problem for this type of development at this location. Bailey said that although this tract is zoned R-6, the recommendation is for medium density development, and R-6 zoning came about as a result of changing R-3 to R-6 when the Zoning Ordinance was changed. Bailey made a motion to approve the request with Hill seconding. Motion to rezone this tract carried unanimously. (7-0) AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 82-808: A public hearing on the question of granting project plan approval for establishing an Office Park in a Neighborhood Commercial zoning district located on Lots .113-120, Block 9, Southwood Valley Section 5-A. Application is in the name of G. Philip Morley. Mr.Callaway explained the requested project and pointed out that the only difficulty was that the Ordinance requires a 15 foot setback with 10 feet of this free of any • obstructions, including parking. This plan does not provide for this, therefore it would have to go before the ZBA for a variance before the project could be built. Kelly asked about the lcoation of the fire hydrant and Bailey pointed it out on the plan. Callaway pointed out that any drainage problems on site will have to be handled by the City Engineer. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Morley spoke as a co-developer of the project and read a prepared statement concerning the proposed project. He then handed out renderings showing the type of building proposed and said that he had met with area residents several times to keep them abreast on the proposed plans. He also handed out a topographical study which showed drainage plans. Mr. Kelly asked about the drainage flow and Mr. Morley explained. Mr. Hill referred to the letter which lists the proposed uses in the project and asked to what extent the City can bind the owner to this list. Mr. Callaway explained that the list of uses and the statement can be used as part of the project plan and can be referred to at the time of issuance of building permits. Morley explained that this list includes traditional office space usage and Miller informed him that the City can limit him to a particular rather than a general or "traditional" use. The term "financial institutions" was discussed and Behling expressed his opinion that "financial institutions" would include every type of financial office except "banks" and "savings ~ loan associations." Hill said he believed "professional office space" was too wide a category and left too much to the discretion of the staff. Fleming said that the term "professional" meant to make money. Miller asked why elm trees were proposed and Morley answered that the landscaping plan indicated the level of landscaping proposed. Opponents were called and John Lofgren, an adjacent resident to the proposed project • came forward as a representative of a group of residents. He informed the Commission that basically his group favors this kind of development but was concerned with several things, primarily the problem of potential flooding and additional noise and lights in the neighborhood. P&Z Minutes 10-7-82 page 3 Don Bugh, another resident showed slides of flooding which has occurred in the past in the southern part of College Station, but the slides were not of the particular • creek this specific project would directly affect, but rather of the larger creek downstream. Mr. Lofoten spoke again stating ti~is group believes the requested 39 foot variance is more than should be granted (referring to rear setback requirement of 10 feet of clear space). Commission asked him who did the topo studies, and Mr. Morley replied that Meyer, Lytton ~ Allen, Registered Engineers had done the study. Jack Weitsman, Professor of Civil Engineering and a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas came forward and indicated that he was concerned with the elevated road and the accelerated flow of water which could cause the beginning of erosion, the pattern of which is unpredictable in this type of soil. .Kelly expressed knowledge of and concern with flooding and erosion; Miller asked about the velocity of water where it would hit the wall and the soil, then expressed his opinion. Morley presented aerial photos of the site in question to the Commission. Gale Wagner, a resident of the neighborhood addressed the Commission and said he was a proponent of this proposed project and asked the Commission to consider attaching a Rider to this project which would make it necessary to have any use of this project be permitted, and then any tenant would have to be permitted individually. He said the next best thing would be a restricted, approved list of uses. Mr. Lofoten spoke again stating that this was the best use of this property, but expressed concern that the driveway behind the project would become another street which would become dangerous and noisey. Mr. Behling said that a 6" raised curb • across the end of this drive would help solve the problem, but Mr. Callaway pointed out that this is a City easement and is used by maintenance and utility vehicles and a curb would preclude their access from the street. Jesus H. Hindjosa of 2704 Sandy Circle spoke and expressed concern about the drainage and the driveway. The public hearing was closed. Discussion followed concerning drainage and specific or general uses for the buildings in the project. Commission discussed a list of specific approved uses for the project as opposed to having each use of a building in the project come back before P&Z for approval each time there was a change in tenants. Mr. Hill read a list of uses taken from the list of approved uses in an A-P zone which he believed would be appropriate uses to approve in this type of project at this location, and this lisle was incorporated into the motion which follows: Mr. Bailey made the following motion: (1) To grant project plan approval, (2) To exclude those uses normally found permitted in a C-N zoned district, (3) To limit the approved uses for this specific project to those listed under District A-P zoning, but excluding business, music, dance or commercial schools, financial insti- tutions of the bank/savings ~ loan variety (allowing other financial institutions), photographer's studios, public parking lots for operating vehicles and other personal service shops (which would include beauty shops, barber shops, shoe shops, and others of this nature), (4)To approve this site plan with the deletion of the northern-most curb cut, changing the word "elm'' to "native trees" on the landscaping plans, and recommending to the City staff that a 6" raised curb at the end of the easement be installed (with final approval of this given to the City engineering and public works • departments). Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-3 with Kelly, Fleming and Hall opposing. P&Z Minutes 10-7-82 page 4 AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 82-243: A final plat - The Villas of Chimney Hill - 3.674 acre Townhome Tract at the corner of Chimney Hill Drive and Arguello Drive. Mr. Callaway presented the plat and stated staff recommends approval. Mr. Hill made a motion to approve with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). Mr. Behling suggested to the developer that he check with staff concerning the distance required for "back-out" parking. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: R~-4 Lot Plan for Ira's Mr. Callaway presented the plan and explained that all P.R.C. recommendations had been met with exception of #2 and #8. Tim Keneipp, architect of the project, came forward and explained that #8 has been taken care of with the provision of and location for a dumpster, and that. the written agreement concerning crossparking with the owners of the K-Mart parking lot has been requested, but not yet received. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the plan subject to receipt of the written agree- ment referred to in item #2 of the P.R.C. report and all other P.R.C. recommendations. Mr. Kelly seconded; motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 82-440: Consideration of a Parking Lot Plan for the Pilger Tire Company commercial building at the corner of Poplar & Nimitz Streets. Mr. Callaway presented the proposed project and indicated that the proposed fire hydrant on the plan meets all requirements, but there might be a better location • for it. Mr. Kelly said that he would recommend that it be located in an island adjacent to the curb cut off Nimitz, thus gaining 72 feet of fire hose. Mike Rhodes came forward as a representative of the contractor and said the Fire Marshall has informed him that there is a new hydrant proposed at the end of Puryear Street next to the shopping center (Kelly located it on a map), and then Mr. Kelly said that since the developer is going to put it in, he should be able to put it wherever he wants it as long as it meets all requirements of the Fire Department. Mr. Behling asked about the location and shape of the island near the curb cut on Poplar. He then directed Mr. Rhodes to correct the shape of the island. He also directed Mr. Rhodes to add one parking space to those parallel spaces on the north end of the lot where the grass is located. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with the above changes. Mr. Fleming seconded. Motion carried unanimously (6-0), with voting taking place after Mr. Hall had left the meeting. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 82-441: Consideration of a Parkin Lot Plan for Sunset Gardens a nursery/greenhouse project located in Southwood Valley on Texas Avenue ACC_P_SS Read _ Mr. Callaway explained the project, referred to Item #1 on the P.R.C. report, and stated that a fenced area in a flood plain will not be allowed. Discussion followed as to whether or not this was the case, and Mr. Callaway reminded the Commission that the final decision rests with the Engineering Department after the receipt of • all reports. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the plan; Mr. Kelly seconded. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). PAZ Minutes 10-7-82 page 5 AGENDA ITEM N0. g: 82-807: Reconsideration of the question of amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 850, revising the District C-3 Planned Commercial District Regulations, Permitted '.Uses, and providing for maximum lot size. Mr. Callaway stated that after review of a list of various types of repair shops, the staff believes that a definition of repair shops might be preferable to an expanded list of repair shops. Discussion of the definition presented, various types of repair shops, the statement "noise discernable beyond the property line", filling stations with repair shops, and machine shops falling to the .repair shop category followed, with no decision reached. Staff requested direction from the Commission, but none was given. Mr. Kelly stated that he wanted to leave C-3 regulations alone. Staff was directed to again put this item on the agenda for October 21st. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: Other Business Mr. Miller asked about the date for installation of the traffic lights at Munson and Highway 30 and also at the Bypass Access roads. Mr. Callaway said that he could not answer these questions as the time schedule was governed by the State i; City, and no one from any of the departments handling this was present. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Adjourn Mr. Kelly made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Fleming seconding. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). APPROVED: ATTEST: Jim Be ling, Chairman Dian Jones, City Secretary ~i z ~~~ ~ ~_~ ~~~r Wt~t"t SN~(~h /o/~~~ ~~~ ~.. ~ ~ ~(,,~ ~ / / 1~7U ~ ~ ~RTUin ~llP/ ~~ ~J