HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES r ~ L_J Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 4, 1982 7:00 P.M. c: • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Members Kelly, Fleming, Hill, Bailey, Miller and Hall; also Council Liaison Runnels. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Planner Longley and Planning Technician Volk. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of October 21, 1882 Mr. Hill requested that a change be made in the wording of the motion he made concerning the Chimney Hills Retail Plaza and to bring back this change at the 11-18-82 meeting. Wording of this motion changed to the following: "Mr. Hill made a motion to remove the condition set down by the Commission on 8-5-82 which precluded issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy until the landscaping plan was approved and the landscaping completed on the Chimney Hills Retail Plaza." Mr. Miller seconded. After discussion the Commission agreed that the C.O. was to be issued only for the bowling alley portion of the Plaza and that no other C.O.'s would be issued in the Phase I portion until that landscaping is complete. Motion carried with Mr. Fleming voting in opposition. Mr. Hall pointed out that on page 7 under Other Business, the second paragraph, "parking" should be changed to "parkland". Mr. Hill informed the Commission that also under Other Business, "Ray's Country Store" should be "Rhea's Country Store". With the above changes, Mr. Hall made a motion to approve the minutes, Mr. Hill seconded. Motion carried 5-0 with one abstention (Kelly) and one Member absent at time of voting (Fleming). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 82-140: A ublic hearin on the uestion of rezonin all of Lot 1, Block Anderson Ridge Corporation Section 2, located on the north side of Holleman approximately 650 feet west of Texas Avenue, from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Planned Commercial District C-3. Application is in the name of Anderson Ridge Corp. The public hearing was opened and J.W.Wood came forward to explain the request and the project which is planned to go on this land. He said he had not been aware at the time of filing the request that a 3 acre maximum had been set for C-3 zoning districts, but that it would not be a problem, and changes could be made around a tract of 3 acres. Mr. Mayo explained the request and located the land on a map. He informed the Commission the size of this tract is larger than the 3 acre maximum C-3 tract recently approved by the PAZ. He also pointed out the residential area which is in close proximity to this tract, and that the plan for this area is medium density residential, therefore staff does not recommend approval of this request. P&Z Minutes 11-4-82 page 2 He indicated that a proposal to expand Bud Ward's facility was the reason for this rezoning request. He gave background concerning the possibility of a trade-off of land • with the City which had fallen through, as well as pointing out that for some reason, at the initial rezoning of the original 100 or so acres 7 or 8 years ago, this tract had been left out of the request. He said that more than half of this tract is sur- rounded by commercial projects already. He also said that sewer capacity in this area had been checked into about a year ago, and that at that time, there was capacity for R-5 development. Discussion followed concerning how the remainder of the tract might be used, location of a street and uses in C-3 zoning. Commissioners agreed they would prefer to table this item until more definite plans could be formulated, and Mr. Wood agreed that more planning would be necessary because of the restriction in the size of the tract allowable in C-3 districts. L. B. Groce, a resident of the neighborhood came forward to say he was opposed to this rezoning request because of the heavy traffic already in that area which would be in- creased with the development of more commercial projects. No one else spoke. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Hall made a motion to table this request until November 18th if that gave the applicant enough time. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 82-315: A preliminary plat - Block B Lot 1 EastMark Mr. Mayo located the tract on a plat and indicated staff still has a problem with the depth of 4 of the lots facing Southwest Parkway. He said that staff would prefer a • plan which would maintain control of curb cuts (number and location) and signage, indicating that perhaps specific areas be designated as "building sites" and then signage could be controlled through the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Hill asked if the Com- mission should now designate the number of signs to be allowed on this preliminary plat, and Mr. Mayo said he didn't think that should be done tonight, but rather that the developer is aware of the Commission's feelings concerning a large number of signs, and that this should be recorded in the minutes. Mr. Behling pointed out that these were huge lots for any commercial project and thinks that a note on the plat should be included to show that re-subdivision could occur. Mr, Miller indicated that he is somewhat concerned about the access road being only one way each way, and feels that the City could not possibly allow 3 or 4 curb cuts on the access road. Mr. Mayo informed him that the Engineering Department has control of curb cuts, but further indicated there is a legal question concerning a property owner's right to access to a public street. J. W. Wood spoke and said that he had complied with all recommendations received from staff concerning this preliminary plat, including a private access easement. He said that an attempt has been made to divide this large tract into as few a number of small, usable tracts as is possible, and most tracts are about 2 acres in size, which is larger than most small businesses need, but with this plan, curb cuts would be minimal. After much discussion, Mr. Behling indicated that he would like for the Commission to approve this preliminary plat, and to work out the sign problem on the Final Plat. Mr. Kelly said that he would like to have the City Attorney rule on how signage can be controlled. Mr. Behling said that whatever the decision, it should become a matter of record on the plat itself. • Mr. Runnels mentioned the possibility of an overpass on Southwest Parkway, and how the route or location of it could affect this tract of land. Mr. Mayo said the Highway Department has presented 2 plans for consideration, and that staff will recommend to Council that it be routed into Raintree Drive. ry P&Z Minutes 11-4-82 page 3 After further discussion, Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve this preliminary plat. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Hall said that it was his understanding that • approval of a preliminary plat was a "stamp of approval" with minor changes, and that he believes there are too many problems to be resolved on this preliminary plat to get approval. He named (1) sign problems, (2) private access easement, and (3) future design of the Southwest Parkway overpass. • • Mr. Bailey pointed out that historically the Commission has approved preliminary plats, and then had received completely different Final Plats of the same property, and all concerns must be taken care of before the Final Plat is approved. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the Final Plat section of the Ordinance says the City in no way is obligated to approve a Final Plat simply because a preliminary plat has been approved. Mr. Hall still felt he would be more comfortable in denying this preliminary plat which would tell the developer that the Commission doesn't like it. Motion to approve the preliminary plat carried with 2 negative votes.(Fleming i; Hall) AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 82-316: A preliminary plat - Woodway West - 32.289 acres out of the Crawford Burnett League at the intersection of Luther St. ~ Jones Butler Road. Mr. Mayo presented this plat and indicated staff recommends approval with the Presub- mission Conference recommendations. Mr. Kelly asked who will be paving the road where I.G.i; N. is, and Mr. Mayo said the City probably would. Mr. Kelly asked about cir- culation and Mr. Mayo said the street will be extended in the future, and the plans might change to include paving from the existing Luther to the new Luther, but the Director of Capital Improvements would have to take a look at this. Mr. Behling asked why the developer doesn't make the street now, and was informed they don't own that land. Mr. Kelly said that he is concerned with blocking the existing Luther Road and who will do the paving between the existing Luther and the new Luther, and that he recommends that the City or the developer pave that short strip to the new Luther to provide access in to this new development. Mike McClure, one of the engineers involved in the development of this project, came forward and said the developers plan to include a street along the I.G. i; N. RR, which will extend to the new location of Luther Street, and it is his understanding that the City currently does not have a plan for that street to go to Holleman, but the developers do not own the property now and are platting only the property they own, and need to work out some legal problems on that short section of street. Ownership of that right-of-way was discussed, with no answers reached. Mr. Kelly asked what size street was planned, and Mr. McClure answered a 39 ft. street is planned. Mr. Miller said he wants to make sure this street is extended to the new Luther Street, and doesn't want to be put in a position of suggesting, by approval of a preliminary plat, that the City is not going to require the extension of this street. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve this preliminary plat with the understanding that the developers and engineers are aware of the situation of the City concerning extend- ing this stretch of street from the existing Luther to the proposed Luther for circu- lation. Mr. Miller seconded. Mr. Behling then read an excerpt from the minutes of the 4-15-82 meeting concerning the extension of Holleman and the directive that no future platting would be done in that area, and no future building permits issued there until Holleman is completed. He wanted it to be on record that this particular platted area falls into that area, and the Commission can only approve this Preliminary Plat, and no Final Plat can be approved until Holleman is completed. Mr. Mayo pointed out that there already had been a preliminary plat approved on this at the time of the 4-15-82 ruling. Mr. Behling reiterated there will be no Final Plats or Building Permits issued until Holleman is complete. Motion carried unanimously. PAZ Minutes 11-4-82 page 4 AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: Other Business Mr. Bailey pointed out that on Southwest Parkway and the West Access Road of the East Bypass a center lane is striped, but there is no signage and people are turning left from the right lane. Mr. Mayo recommended that he call John Black, the Traffic Engineer concerning this. Mr. Mayo then announced that a P&Z Liaison is needed for the Northgate Study Committee. Mr. Behling appointed Mr. Bailey to this committee. Mr. Behling then announced a Special Meeting or Workshop of the PAZ and City Council at 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 10th to review the infiltration study done by the consulting engineers. Mr. Mayo stressed the importance of attendance at this meeting, as it will directly affect future growth and planning. Mr. Hill made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Fleming seconding. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: (/1/i- 0 Jim hl ng, Chairman ATTEST: • Dian Jones, City Secretary • • ~: T ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~.~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ '` ~~ ~~~~ ~ 7~~4~ ~~. ~r~~ ~~_ ~~.~, ~~ ///~/