HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES City of College Station, Texas Planning and Zoning Commission May 20, 1982 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Behling, Kelly, Fleming, Bailey, Hall Miller, Hill; also Council Liaison Ringer and Mayor Halter MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Asst. Planning Director Callaway, Zoning Official Kee, Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: Approval of Minutes meeting of May 6, 1982. Commissioner Bailey requested the following changes: page 2, paragraph 6 - "...asked if this type of request could go to Zoning Board of Adjustments..." (change would to could) • page 6, item #10, line 16 - "...in this proposed shopping center." page 7, paragraph 4 - "Commissioner Bailey suggested a look at the area on the west side of Bypass 2818 and north of Hwy 60 for possible disannexation." Commissioner Kelly then made a motion that the minutes be approved with the above changes. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried with one abstention. At this time Chairman Behling turned the meeting over to Mayor Halter who administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed commissioner, David Hill, who had been unable to attend the meeting on May 6, 1982. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors. Mrs. Gail J. Griffin of 1.08 Mile Drive, College Station, Texas asked to be heard and identified herself as a homeowner in an area zoned R-1 Single Family Residential which is adjacent to a tract of land which is zoned A-P Administrative-Professional and C-1 General Commercial, part of which has been designated as a "Convenience Stop" which will service large and small trucks, and which is scheduled to be heard by the P&Z Commission on June 3, 1982. Mrs. Griffin requested that the site plan for the Convenience Stop be rejected, that the City initiate rezoning of the property adjacent to the residential area, and presented a petition which had been signed by every property owner on Mile Drive • which stated: "We, the undersigned, are opposed to the proposed site plan by Haney Oil Company for a 'Convenience Stop' at the East Bypass, West Feeder Road and Texas Avenue (Highway 6). We feel that a truck stop at this location would be a detriment to our living environment, the value of our homes, current traffic problems, and the PAZ Minutes 5-20-82 page 2 City plan as a whole. We, therefore, request that this site plan be rejected and • that the city initiate rezoning of this property to a residential zone, compatible with our homes." Mrs. Griffin said she would be out of town when the site plan for the proposed convenience stop was presented to the Commission, and for that reason she was presenting the petition tonight. No one else spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: A public hearing on the Question of rezoning a 16.08 acre tract located northeast of and adjacent to the Lakeview Acre Subdivision (south of and adjacent to the extension of Miller's Lane from Sin le Family Residential Dis- trict R-1 to Single Family Residential District R-l, Townhouse/Rowhouse District R-3 and Apartments Medium Density District R-5. The application is in the name of J.W.Wood, Agent. Mr. Callaway explained the request and indicated that the staff could not support this request because of the long range proposed low density residential zoning for this area, and also because of poor access to the area at this time. Commission asked Mr. Ash what the plans were for the extension of Miller's Lane and Dartmouth Streets, and Mr. Ash indicated that an engineer was working on plans for Dartmouth Street now, and it probably would be contracted within 12 months. He also said that the acquisition of right-of-way for Miller's Lane should be within the next 3 months. The public meeting was opened. J.W.Wood identified himself as the Agent for the • Owner, Jeff Parker. He indicated the Preliminary Plat and zoning change were being presented at the same time and that the Preliminary Plat had been withdrawn to re- solve problems concerning access from Miller's Lane. Mr. Wood then requested that Commission table rezoning action now. Opponents to the request were invited to speak, and Clint Bertrand, a neighbor of the property in question identified himself and indicated that he was in opposition to this request now because he felt that a larger area than this should be planned at one time, and also that he would prefer that the entire area remain R-1 Single Family Residential. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Bailey made a motion to table this request for rezoning, Mr. Fleming seconded the motion. Commissioner Miller disagreed with tabling the request because of the length of time involved. Mr. Bailey pointed out that tabling is the thing to do if right-of-way information would be available within 60-g0 days. Chairman Behling set the ground rule covering policy for the new people on the Commission and explained that if PAZ voted in favor of a request, it would go to Council with the Commission's recommendation; if PAZ voted against a request, it would go to Council with a negative recommendation, and if City Council were to take the negative recom- mendation and they in turn vote it down, the applicant would have to wait 180 days before he could refile on that particular request. A motion to table a request would set it up so that at some time in the future the Commission could bring it back up from the table, and area residents would be notified at that particular • time, and it could be done on perhaps a more timely basis when additional informa- tion was gathered. Mr. Hall indicated that this type of zoning was not the intent of a subcommittee when a study was made, and added that staff was to study the area. Motion to table with study of area by staff passed unanimously. PAZ Minutes 5-20-82 page 3 AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 82-122: A ublic hearin on the uestion of rezonin Lots 1 2 & 3 Block 1, Cooner Addition and Lots 1, 2 ~ 3 Burkhalter Addition Pro ert on NE corner of Cooner ~ Texas Avenue from General Commercial District C-1 and Apart- ments Mdeium Density District R-5 to General Commercial District C-l. The applica- tion is in the name of Roy W. Kelly. Commissioner Kelly was excused from the commission on this agenda item only. Mr. Callaway explained the request and Mr. Miller asked about easement for access to which Mr. Callaway indicated there was access to the residential area. Public hearing was opened. Roy Kelly identified himself as the owner of the pro- perty in question, and indicated that there was no public access road; that the road is on private property which belongs to him. His intent is to add to the machine shop which already exists, and to construct an automotive repair shop. He indicated that this property had all been replatted and was now all one lot. Mr. Miller asked about the houses remaining, and Mr. Kelly said there was only 1 house left, and it would be moved. He also said that access was to be from Texas Avenue. Mr. Hall asked about a car sales lot and Mr. Kelly indicated that was not a part of this issue, but that a Conditional Use Permit for that would be forthcoming, with a Site Plan review. Nancy Crouch then came forward as an Opponent to the proposed rezoning, and identified herself as the owner of an A-P lot, and had some questions and comments. She indi- cated that when her property was rezoned the Board had suggested that they were against C-1 zoning on Cooner because of the heavy traffic which might be created. She now asked about the amount of traffic which might be created from Mr. Kelly's plans. She • related an experience she had with Bryan utility trucks using her driveway rather than the gate from Cooner because the trucks were too large to get in the gate and go around what is built inside the fence. She said that there perhaps would be another access from Rosemary which has a winding gravel driveway to get to a back gate, but they used her driveway this one time to get there. She said that if Mr. Kelly was proposing to put up a fence on the property line he would effectively block any attempt of Bryan Utility. to get back there with large trucks, and wondered if these trucks would be able to come down the road Mr. Kelly was putting there or if they would again have to use her driveway. Mr. Behling asked if there was an access easement across her property to which she indicated she would like to know, and he suggested that perhaps the direction she should take would be to retain legal counsel. Mr. Behling then said that the site plan layout for Mr. Kelly's property would be studied for access. The public hearing was closed after no one else asked to speak. Mr. Miller indicated that it would be logical to have this land zoned C-1 so it would be like the rest of the zoning there, and then made a motion to approve this request for rezoning. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 82-120: A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 1-5, Block 2, Fed Mart Development Corp. Subdivision from Single Family District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1. The application is in the name of J.W.Wood. • Mr. Callaway explained, and indicated that staff recommended approval. The public hearing was opened, and J.W.Wood came forward and explained plans for the area and identified himself as one of the purchasers of the vacant Fed Mart building. PAZ Minutes 5-20-82 page 4 • No one else asked to speak, so public hearing was closed. Mr. Bailey indicated that he would like to see a name change concerning Fed Mart Drive. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the request. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Hall agreed that this land should not be R-1 zoning, but wondered if staff had studied this and if they thought another use would. be better. Mr. Calla- way indicated that it had been studied, and that staff had no problem with the requested zoning. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 82-308: A preliminary plat; Resubdivision of Lots 1-5 Block 2, Fed Mart and Block V, University Park 2. Mr. Mayo explained the vacating plat and the new plat and pointed out the access easement on the new plat which would control the curb cuts to properties. He in- dicated that staff would recommend that Lot 4 University Park on University Drive be added to this plat and the access easement be extended across the front of this lot. He also recommended that the lot line in the creek on the vacating plat be removed because it is only now being platted on the new plat. He also said that the staff and the City Attorney would recommend that the lot line be eliminated between Lot 1 and Lot 5, making it all one lot which could be replatted at a later date if the developer wanted to subdivide it. He further indicated that staff would recommend approval of the request with the above mentioned changes. J.W.Wood, owner and developer of the land in question, asked to be heard, and indicated that he has a contract on-the front lot (Lot 1) only, which would not • include Lot 5 because the potential buyer was not interested in the extra acreage, thus he wanted Lot 5 to be separated from Lot 1, but he would agree to mark it "unplatted" or "not a part of this plat", if the Commission so recommended. Commissioner Hall made a motion to approve with the following conditions: (1) remove the lot line in the creek on the "vacating plat" because it is not now platted that way, (2)remove Lot 5 Block V from this plat; to be platted later, separately, and so noted, and (3) add Lot 4 University Park on University Drive and extend the access easement across the front. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N.O. 7: 82-523: Consideration of a re uest fora site lan ermit for the construction of an a artment pro'ect Village Green Apartments Phase 2 located at O1 University Oaks Drive in College Station. Mayo explained that this site plan has been revised to include all P.R.C. recommenda- tions, therefore staff had no problems with it, and would recommend approval. Mr. Kelly asked about access at one point, and Mayo indicated that what he was look- ing at is a turnaround. Mr. Bailey asked about dumpster locations, and it was indicated that this was to be worked out with George Ford. Mr. Behling asked about access easement between Phase I and Phase II, and it was indicated that both were owned by the same person, but it would be noted on the deed that if either of the two properties were sold in the future, access easement would be established between • the two projects. Mayo pointed out that a complete drainage study must be turned in to the City Engineer's office prior to issuance of a building permit. Mr. Hall asked about the form of a landscaping plan which was turned in, and Mayo indicated this caused no problems. Commissioner Bailey made a motion to approve the site plan with all the P.R.C. recommendations being met. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. page 5 PAZ Minutes 5-20-82 AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 82-525: Consideration of a site lan ermit/ arkin lot lan • for "The Christmas Store" located at 50 Harvey Road in College Station. Mayo explained, and indicated staff recommends approval with P.R.C. recommendations being met. Mr. Hall questioned what a Christmas Store was, and received several answers. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with P.R.C. recommendations. Mr. Fleming seconded. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 82-414: Reconsideration of a parking lot plan for a shopping center on 15.00 acres of Mor an Rector Lea ue in Brazos Count of Brazos Commonwealth No. 1 Limited by Leon W. Stansev and wife Grace Brown Stansey west of Post Oak Mail Mayo explained the proposed project, and explained that where the developer indicates access to the Post Oak Mall be made does not at this time seem to be a problem, even though there is an approximate 100 foot offset between the connecting spots on the shopping center and the mall. He also explained why the request was made to move the first intersection created on the parking lot further away from the curb cuts off Hwy. 30, and indicated staff still recommends that this be done. He further indicated that one question which needed to be resolved was exactly how many of the indicated end island are concrete curbed islands, and how much landscaping there would be. Mr. Bailey questioned the lack of landscaping. Mr. Miller questioned the • traffic circulation and wanted to provide a wider access easement along the eastern edge of this property. At this time Commissioner Bailey made a motion to remove this item from its tabled position and Mr. Kelly seconded this motion. Motion to remove from table carried unanimously. Mr. Ray Lister, developer from Houston identified himself and indicated that what the P.R.C. and staff had proposed concerning moving the intersections back toward the south and away from Hwy. 30 was unacceptable due to the results of a poll he had taken, but he also indicated he would be willing to seal off the entrance making a left turn impossible from the western most curb cut on Hwy. 30. After much discussion, Mr. Lister committed to the Commission that the intersection created close to Hwy. 30 would be moved further south (into the parking area) as recommended by staff. Mr. Hall again questioned the lack of landscaping, indicating the landscaping shown on the plan was not acceptable. Mayo indicated that staff would like to have a ruling on the site plan tonight, and then have the landscaping plan brought in at a later date, and prior to issuance of a building permit. He further indicated that it was critical that something be worked out with the Mall concerning common access and drainage. Mr. Lister questioned what would happen if he met all criteria set down here tonight, and then the Mall indicated that it would not be favorable to help meet the above • mentioned two critical criteria. Mr. Behling and Mayo both indicated they believed the Mall would be cooperative, and Mr. Behling even indicated that he had talked to engineers who had done work on the mall who indicated that they believed it would probably be just a matter of getting together and working it out. page 6 PAZ Minutes 5-20-82 Commissioner Bailey questioned the nomenclature of the shopping center, and won- • dered if there would be a problem for the Fire Department with the name being so similar to many projects around it. Mayo indicated he would check on this with the Fire Marshall. Commissioner Bailey checked the plat and asked where the sign was. Then Mr. Mayo indicated to Commission and Mr. Lister that this entire building plot would only be allowed one free standing sign. Mr. Lister indicated his desire would be for one free standing sign only which was a common sign, if individual businesses could put up signs directly on their buildings. Commission indicated this would be acceptable. After much discussion, Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the parking lot plan with the conditions of the P.R.C. being met, with special emphasis on items num- bered 4 ~ 5 of the report, the landscaping plan being submitted and approved by staff prior to issuance of a building permit, establishment of one free standing sign only to be located on or near the center of the property on Highway 30, and relocation of the first intersection on the parking lot from such close proximity to the curb cuts on Highway 30 to a location further into the parking lot (south), per recommendations of staff, with extension of the 6" raised curb along the entrance/ exit drives to the curb cuts on Highway 30, thus stopping cross traffic so close to these entrances/exits. Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion, adding that any changes to the approved site plan must be cleared through the office of the Director of Planning. Motion carried unanimously. • AGENDA ITEM #10: Other Business. Mr. Mayo announced that the public hearings for Plan 2000 would be at 7:00 p.m. on June 17th and June 22nd. He also announced a tour/workshop similar to the one PAZ had this week would be repeated for the City Council, and that any members of PAZ who wanted to take this tour should check with his office. Tour would be on Wednesday, May 26, 1982 at 2 P.M. Also, on Wednesday, at City Council workshop at 4 P.M. a Mr. Nash of "Clean Communities" would make a presentation to the Council concerning the advantages of participating in this program. He said that the City of Bryan is a part of the program. The PAZ Commission has been invited to attend, and attendance by at least some of the Commission was very desirable. Mr. Fleming asked about the new dumpsters at apartment projects being a health hazard, and Mr. Mayo indicated that these particular dumpsters were probably put out only at this particular time of the year (vacation of students) for general cleanup. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Adjourn. Commissioner Miller made a motion to adjourn which Mr. Bailey seconded. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: ~ - • it ATTEST: Secretary