HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission March 4, 1982 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling; Vice-chairman Bailey; Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Hazen, Hall, and Gardner; Council Liaison Boughton. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo; Asst. Planning Director Callaway; Planning Asst. Longley; Zoning Official Kee; Asst. to City Engineer Smith; Planning Technician Sexton. AGENDA ITEM NO 1: Approval of minutes - February 18, 1982. Commissioner Bailey requested the following correction: 1. p. 2, par. 17: Change Commissioner "Bailey" to Commissioner "Fleming." Commissioner Hall requested the following correction: 1. p. 2, par. 8: Should read "Commissioner Hall stated he felt the R-3 zoning would not • be detrimental to the single family neighborhood along Munson." Upon motion by Commissioner Bailey, second by Commissioner Kelly, the minutes of February 18, 1982 were approved as corrected. Commissioner Gardner abstained. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: (82-111) A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, Block 7, of the West Park Addition from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Single Family Residential District R-lA. The application is in the name of Jack E. and Jonathan R. De Muynck. Jim Callaway stated the tract includes Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, Block 7, of the West Park Addition. The area of the tract is approximately 11,960 square feet. Although the lot area meets the requirements for two single family residences, the lot dimensions do not meet the R-1 requirements for a second dwelling. The applicant has requested R-lA zoning in order to construct a separate dwelling on the property. The public hearing was opened. Jack De Muynck, joint owner of the property with his son, spoke in favor of the zoning request. He stated they have improved the existing structure and cleaned up the property. He explained they want to build another small two bedroom home. They would provide for off-street parking, some fencing, and landscaping. He feels this will improve the property • and better utilize the land, and it is within walking distance of the university. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hall expressed concern about people backing onto the street. He stated per- ~ inutes Planning and Zoning Commission -2- March 4, 1982 haps there could be a driveway through the lot. • Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval. Second was given by Commissioner Fleming. Motion carried with Commissioner Bailey abstaining. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: (82-112) A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 3.34 acre tract located on the west side of Welsh at the intersection of Welsh and Nueces from Neighborhood Business District C-N to Planned Commercial District C-3. The application is in the name of Jerry Bishop and Associates. Jim Callaway stated this 3.34 acre tract is located on the west side of Welsh Street at the intersection of Welsh and Nueces. Adjacent properties are zoned C-1 and R-1. The R-1 zoning includes the school maintenance and bus storage facility. The current zoning C-N provides a maximum amount of land use control as use of the property would be subject to Commission approval. The requested zoning would allow A-P uses as well as retail sales and services. C-3 uses are considered to be low traffic generators. The size of the tract exceeds the current C-N maximum site limit of two acres. This is due to the amend- ment to the C-N requirements which were adopted several years after the zoning was estab- lished for this tract. He stated in considering rezoning this tract the Commission should consider a number of things: 1: C-N zoning provides a maximum amount of land use control for a site which is near a school. C-3 would provide less control, but the C-3 permitted uses should be compatible with area uses, including the school. 2: C-N requirements include maximum building size of 10,000 square feet. The requirements have been identified by the applicant as the primary reasons for requesting rezoning. 3: The tract abuts a larger C-1 tract. This is not a typical C-N situation. 4: In rezoning proceedings on this tract several Commissioners cited a need for providing fora commercial area to serve • the neighborhood. This can be accomplished in C-N or C-3 zoning as well as in the adjacent C-1 area. C-N zoning would enable the Commission to control the specific uses on the tract. The public hearing was opened. Jerry Bishop spoke in favor of the zoning request. He stated in meeting with the staff, it was decided C-3 was the most suitable zone for what was proposed (office complex with warehouse facilities to the back of the property). He stated they have talked with school officials, and they feel this is compatible with their needs. These will be approximately 20,000 square feet of office space and 25,000 square feet of warehouse space. He also stated this will be a professional office complex with no retail businesses. The warehouse and office spaces will somehow be structurally connected. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen moved to recommend approval with second by Commissioner Bailey. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: (82-305) A preliminary plat - Brushy Park Subdivision. Al Mayo stated this covers an area shown on the master preliminary plat of Stewart's Mea- dow, but designated as being separate from that subdivision. The only condition for approv- al is to include the 5.0 acre tract shown on F.M. 60 as a part of the final plat. This tract was recently sold by metes and bounds and should be included on the plat. • Norman Godwin stated he felt the platting of the 5.0 acres would not be any problem. He said he was prepared to include this. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval with the condition the 5.0 acre tract on Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission -3- March 4, 1982 F.M. 60 be included on the final plat. Second was given by Commissioner Bailey. Motion carried unanimousl . y AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: (82-214) A final plat - Courtyard Apartments Subdivision. Al Mayo stated the staff recommends approval with the condition the 30' building line along Stallings should be designated as a public utility easement. Commissioner Bailey moved to recommend approval with the condition the 30' building line along Stallings be designated as a public utility easement. Second was given by Commission- er Hall. Motion carried with Commissioner Hazen and Chairman Behling voting nay. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: (82-215) A final plat - Eastmark Subdivision Phase I. Al Mayo stated the staff recommends approval with the condition the 20' utility easement at the end of Eastmark Drive should not connect directly to the right-of-way so it will be absorbed when the right-of-way is extended. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval with staff recommendations. Commissioner Hall seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: Other business. Rick Watson presented a plat on 7.17 acres directly behind Brothers Boulevard and between D.R. Cain's office and townhouses on Longmire. 2.85 acres of the 7.17 acre tract present- ly are zoned R-6. He would like to plat this for a four-plex development. He stated his • purpose for coming before the Commission was to get some idea of what the Commission would allow regarding the setbacks, because of the time limit. He stated the preliminary plat has been submitted for approval on March 18, 1982, and if there are any problems, he would like to solve them beforehand. Al Mayo explained the site plan and the plat will come before the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 18, 1982. The plat shows some 15' setbacks. In the R-6 zone, there are no setback requirements; these are set by the Commission at the time of site plan approval, and they are usually 20' to 25'. The Commission held a discussion and stated their feelings on the issue. They felt the setbacks could be worked out on this particular project, but it would be best to have 20' to 25' setbacks wherever possible. Chairman Behling appointed Commissioner Hall to serve as Chairman at the March 18, 1982 meeting. Chairman Behling and Vice-chairman Bailey will be absent. Chairman Behling stated he had received a phone call from the developers of Northgate Colony. They are wanting to be put on the March 18, 1982 agenda because of the time dead- line on a major project. Mr. Mayo stated they had missed the deadline for turning in a plat. The Commission decided not to put the item on the March 18, 1982 agenda due to the already lengthy agenda, but to wait until April 1, 1982. • Planning and Zoning Workshop to be held March 16, 1982 at 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Hall asked Chairman Behling and Vice-chairman Bailey what their feelings were on the proposed ordinance changes. • Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission -4- March 4, 1982 Vice-chairman Bailey stated he felt duplexes should either be removed from the R-3 zone or be permitted with a Conditional Use Permit. Chairman Behling felt duplexes should be permitted in the R-3 zone with a Conditional Use Permit only. Al Mayo stated an ordinance would probably be written regarding fire wall requirements ~ from four (4) hour designation to a two (2) hour designation to bring the fire wall require- ments into compliance with the building code. This would be a general note and would apply to everything. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: Adjournment. Upon motion by Commissioner Gardner, second by Commissioner Hall, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: • Chairman •