HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station • Planning and Zoning Commission March 18, 1982 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Fleming, Gardner, Hall, Hazen, Kelly; also Council Liaison Boughton. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Behling and Vice-Chairman Bailey STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo; Asst. Planning Director Callaway; Planning Asst. Longley; Zoning Official Kee; Director of Capital Improvements Ash; Asst. to City Engineer Smith; Planning Technician Wilganowski AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - March 4, 1982 Commissioner Hall requested the following correction: 1. Page 3, paragraph 9 should read: Chairman Behling appointed Commissioner Kelly to serve as chairman at the March 18, 1982 meeting. Chairman Behling • and Vice-Chairman Bailey will be absent. Upon motion by Commissioner Hall, second by Commissioner Hazen, the minutes of March 4, 1982 were approved as corrected. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors Visitor Holland Wynder asked why University Park Section II, Blocks T, U, and V was not on the agenda. Mayo explained that it was an oversight and due to the lengthy agenda was overlooked. Commissioner Kelly apologized and stated that the plat of University Park Section II Blocks T, U, and V would be placed on the April 1 agenda. Visitor Constantin Barbu asked a question on'how the parking requirements for a medical clinic was arrived at in Ordinance 850. Maya explained it was in the original zoning ordinance and assumed it resulted from studies undertaken. The staff will take this into consideration and review it. • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes, March 18, 1982 Page 2 • AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 82-702 A ublic hearin on the uestion of rantin a Conditional Use Permit for a registered family home Day Care Services at 502 W: Dexter. The application is in the name of Virginia Young. Callaway explained the request. The Public Hearing was opened. Mrs. Young explained her desire to operate the day care facility. Earl Bennett (500 W. Dexter), spoke in favor of the conditional use permit. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the Use Permit for the operation of a day care center at 502 W. Dexter with the condition that it be limited to a maximum of six children. Commissioner Hazen amended the motion to approve the permit with the stipulation that the permit be in Mrs. Young's name as ,the homeowner. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: (82-304) A preliminary plat.- Ponderosa .Place Section II. • Mayo explained the plat. Tract E is of special importance to this plat. The plans for the highway 6 south improvements by the State Highway Department include an interchange overpass at Rock Prairie Road. The City will need to purchase about 300 feet of right-of-way out of Tract E. Commissioner Gardner moved that the plat be approved showing the R.O.W. Reserve required by the plans of the Highway Department. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: (82-306) A preliminary plat - Southwest Crossing Phase II. Mayo outlined the .plat and stated that the staff recommends approval as shown. Commissioner Hall asked Mr. Cruse if he was aware of the proposed ordinance changing the R-3 zone. Mr. Cruse said yes, that he was aware of the proposed ordinance. Commissioner Hazen moved to approve the plat. Commissioner Fleming seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes, March 18, 1982 • AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: (82-307) A preliminary plat - Windwood III. Page 3 Mayo outlined the plat and recommended approval with the following conditions: (1) R.O.W. widths be shown; (2) Show lot line dimensions on all lots; (3) Add a 20' utility easement along the east side of Lot 1, Block 1; (4) Change the name of Woody Lane; (5) Provide temporary turnaround on Brookway and Appomattox. Commissioner Hazen asked if a park is planned for the Windwood III area. Jim Holster, developer for the subdivision, stated that the residents are interested in a park and one is planned at the end of Appomattox if it is approved by the Parks Board, Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. Commissioner Hazen motioned to approve the Windwood III plat. Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: (82-308) A preliminary plat - Southwood Valley III - replat of lot 35R, Block 16 Mayo explained that this tract of land is zoned R-6 and is surrounded by commercial, townhouses and a city park. The front lot lines need dimensions. • The undivided tract should have a lot and block number and also a note about future resubdivisions. The staff recommended approval. Commissioner Gardner asked Rick Watson, developer for the project, about putting in a ten foot pedestrian access easement way to the park. Watson stated it depended on where the easement was placed but could probably be worked out. Commissioner Hazen moved to approve the plat of Southwood Valley III - replat of lot 35R, Block 16. Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: (820216) A final plat - Emerald Forest Phase VI. Mayo outlined the plat. The final is basically like the preliminary plat which was submitted. A 15' easement should be added at the front of lots adjacent to the right-of-way for underground electric service. The staff gives their approval for recommendation. Commissioner Hall made a motion to accept the plat with a 15' utility easement. Commissioner Hazen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. • Planning &i~Zonimg Commission Minutes, March 18, 1982 Page 4 ~, • AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: (82-300) Reconsideration of a preliminary plat - University Park, Block S. Mayo explained the plat and stated that the City Council had tabled the plat which the Planning and Zoning Commission approved for further study of the park area. On March 11, 1982 the Council approved this revised plat. Before proceeding to the final, the Commission must approve the same plat as approved by the City Council. Commissioner Hazen moved to approve University Park, Block S. Commissioner Fleming seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: (82-213) A final plat - University Park Block S Mayo stated that this plat is identical to the preliminary plat as considered i n Item No . 9. Commissioner Gardner made a motion to approve the plat. Commissioner Hazen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: (82-218) A final plat of University Park Phase II - Blocks N and P. • Mayo explained the plat and recommended approval as shown pointing out that Lot 3, Block N does not have enough depth to build a duplex, but a triplex or four-plex could be built. Also Lot 4, Block N does not have enough depth for a duplex and is zoned R-3 which will allow development to R-lA standards only. Commissioner Fleming moved to approve the plat. Commissioner Gardner seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: (82-510) Consideration of granting a site plan permit for four-plexes in University Park, Block W Mayo explained the site plan with P.R.C. recommendations: (1) Change angle parking to 90° parking; (2) Change rear setback on short side to 25'; (3) Make parking spaces 18' with 2' overhang on curb; (4) indicate landscaping. Submit plan; (5) Indicate fire lanes as per Fire Marshal's requirements; (6) Check with developer on platting of access easement along side property line. If so, Block W should take access off that private drive. A motion was made by Commissioner Fleming with the P.R.C. recommendations to grant a site plan permit for four-plexes in University Park, Block W. Commissioner Hazen seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes, March 18, 1982 C7 AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: DELETED Page 5 AGENDA ITEM NO 14• (82-513) Consideration of granting a site plan permit for the construction of a Quality Inn Motel. Mayo outlined the site plan along with the following recommendations from P.R.C.: (1) Indicate fire lane.; (2) Fully sprinkled; (3) Show change of fire hydrant location; (4) Indicate number of dumpsters as per George Ford; (5) Show fence around pool; (6) Indicate drainage; (7) Delineate flood plain; (8) Show dimensions of sign from curb and show elevation of sign; (9) Show rear of property "Reserved for Future Development"; (10) Need additional parking. Mayo stated he would approve. the site plan permit with the above recommendations. Commissioner Hall made a motion to approve the site plan permit for the Quality Inn Motel. Commissioner Hazen seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO 15• Consideration of granting a site plan permit for four- alexes in University Park, Block I - N.P.C. • Mayo explained the site plan according to the P.R.C. recommendations. He suggests approval with the following P.R.C. stipulations: (1) Check rear setback dimension on Lot 2; (2) Show 10' private utility access and private parking easement. Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the site plan permit with the P.R.C. stipulations. Commissioner Fleming seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO 16• (82-506) Consideration of granting a site plan permit for the construction of a Best Western Motel Mayo presented an explanation of the site plan on the Best LJestern Motel. He recommended approval with the following P.R.C. conditions: (1) Move first Rock Prairie Road curb cut farther from frontage road (100' minimum from property line); (2) Relocate Rock Prairie Road curb cut to line up with drive; (3) Check dumpster locations with George Ford; (4) Relocate entrance to frontage road 100' minimum from. Rock Prairie Road (5) Fully sprinkled; (6) Fire lanes at curb not designated as parking. Commissioner Hazen moved to accept the .site plan and grant the permit for the • construction of a Best Western Motel with the P.R.C. recommendations. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Planning &~~,Zoning Commission Page 6 Minutes, March 18, 1982 • AGENDA ITEM NO 17• (82-507) Consideration of granting a site plan pe for a Firestone Tire Company in Parkway Plaza Phase VII. Mr. Mayo recommended approval only with the P.R.C. recommendations: (1) Need a fire hydrant at the entrance off Brentwood; (2) Indicate drainage; (3) Indicate landscaping. One (1) tree every 30'; (4) Take quti".parallel parking spaces; extend existing drive to project site; and need additional parking south of and adjacent to the property line; (5) Sign to meet requirements. Mayo pointed out that Firestone has some problems with the P.R.C. recommendations and wishes to submit their original site plan which has some parking spaces which do not meet the Zoning .Ordinance. Furthermore, Mayo pointed out that the site plan as submitted does not have an adequate number of parallel spaces, lacks landscaping notes ,and lacks any indication~of how drainage is to be handled. Mr. George Burke, representing Firestone answered questions of the Commission and entered his opposition to the P.R.C. requirements regarding parking. Mr. Mayo explained the parking requirements as outlined in Ordinance 850 and the requirement as established by the P & Z for automobile service centers. Commissioner Kelly asked Mayo if the site plan met -~ith the parking requirements. • Mayo stated no. Commissioner Hall moved to deny the site plan permit for the Firestone Tire Co. Commissioner Fleming seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 18: (82-509 Consideration of rantin a site lan for Southwood Valley III four-plexes resub. of Lot 35R, Block 16) Mayo presented an explanation of the project and recommended approval with the the P.R.C conditions: --- (1) Need raised curb or an acceptable alternative around parking area. Wheel stops may be used at the. ends of parking spaces only; (2) Indicate "NO PARKING" around cul-de-sac and on street; (3) 15' setback on Lots 1,2,3,7,10,11. 20' rear setback on remainder of lots; (4) Show 10' utility easement on side adjoining park (also show on plat); (5) Screen fence three (3) commercial lots that abut to property. Rick Watson, the developer for the project was agreeable to putting in a 10 ft. pedestrian access easement to the park. Commissioner Hall moved to approve the site plan permit for Southwood Valley III four-plexes with the P.R.C. conditions and the addition of a 10 ft. pedestrian access easement on Lots 5 and 6 to the park. Commissioner Fleming seconded the • motion and it carried unanimously. Planning & Zoning Commissfion Minutes, March 18, 1982 • AGENDA ITEM N0. 19: (82-512) fora Hardware Store and Auto P; Page 7 Consideration of granting a site plan permit is Store in Southwood Section 25 Mayo presented the site plan. He recommended approval with the following P.R.C. conditions: (1) Show dimensions between buildings; (2) Building on property line needs fire wall as per Building Official. Need fire wall between buildings; (3) Parking spaces to be 18' with 2' overhang; (4) Add four (4) parallel parking spaces on northeast side of building and two (2) parallel parking spaces in back. Bill Fitch requested that the parking lot. be designed Tn such a way that drainage would go to the inlet box at the rear of the building. Keith Cowan agreed okay. • Commissioner Hall asked Mr. Cowan if he'd object to putting in extra trees. He said he wouldn't mind. Commissioner Hall moved to accept the site plan and grant the site plan permit for a Hardware Store and Auto Parts Store in Southwood Section 25 with the P.'R.C. conditions and also landscaping and drainage as approved. Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO 20• A public hearing on the question of amending zoning ordinance no 850, revising District R-3 townhome/rowhouse regulations, revisin District C-2 Permitted Uses, revising off .street parking requirements for veterinary clinics, and revising lot widths for duplex construction. Jim Callaway presented and explained the proposed amendment to Ordinance 850. These amendments involve revising Distric R-3 townhome/rowhouse regulations, revising District C-2 Permitted Uses, revising off street parking requirements for veterinary clinics, and revising lot widths for duplex construction. The public hearing was opened. Gary Anderson, a member of the Development Control Review Committee, stated that these proposals were an excellent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Bill Fitch spoke in favor of the proposed amendments. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen moved to recommend approval of the proposed amendment to Ordinance 850. Commissioner Fleming seconded and the motion carried unanimously. • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes, March 18, 1982 AGENDA ITEM N0. 21: Other business Page 8 Commissioner Hazen expressed concern about construction access to Lincoln Street Apartments from Nimitz. Mr. Ash stated that the staff would check into the matter. AGENDA ITEM N0. 22: Adjournment The meting was unanimously adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman •