HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station, Texas • Planning and Zoning Commission June 3, 1982 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Behlhing, Kelly, Flem~ing, Bailey, Hall, Miller, Hill; also Council Members Boughton and Jones fora portion of the meeting. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Asst. Planning Director Callaway, Zoning Inspector Keigley, Planning Technician Volk and City Attorney Denton for a portion of the meeting. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes meeting of May 20, 1982 Commissioner Miller requested a change on page 5, item.#9, next to last line from western to eastern edge of this property. With this change Commissioner Fleming made a motion to approve the minutes, Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion; motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: Consideration of action on a Petition concerning opposition to a Convenience Stop on Highway 6 and the West Feeder Road of the East Bypass Mr. Callaway presented the background of the area indicating that there had been 2 previous rezoning requests on this tract; one in 1978 for C-1 & R-3 which was denied; one in 1979 for C-1 ~ A-P which was approved by both PAZ and City Council. On the request which was approved, the developer showed a street which separated the R-1 from A-P ~ C-1, but this was never done. He cautioned that the questions tonight was not to determine the appropriate zoning classification of the property, but whether rezoning is necessary and if it should be initiated by the City. He further indicated that 3 things should be considered in determining the need for rezoning; (1)if there had been an error made in rezoning the tract, (2)if changing conditions in the neighborhood have created a need for rezoning, or (3)if rezoning would better comply with the comprehensive plan for the City. It must be decided what is the best land use for this property. Commissioner Hall asked how this would affect item #17 on the agenda. Mr. Behling answered that item #17 only covers a portion of this tract, and that the original plan was to separate the R-1 zoning with A-P offices from the C-1 commercial pro- jects. Mr. Miller advised that in considering this request for action on the Petition, item #17 ~+nuld not be considered. Mr. Hall indicated that if the Commission did not recommend rezoning of the area, item #17 could be considered; but if rezoning was recommended, the Commission would have to table #17. Mr. Behling read the petition and then paraphrased it indicating that it was a request to consider rezoning the tract to some kind of residential use. State Highway 30, approximately 1136 feet east of Linda Lane, from Agricultural-Open District A-0 to Commercial-Industrial District C-2. The application is in the name of Sherman Click. • Mr. Callaway explained the background of this item, indicating that the item had been tabled 4-15-82 for further study by staff. Mr. Mayo then presented the staff's findings, indicating the annexation of the land originally was for the purpose of land use control. He said that the water and sewer lines were having a problem in that area, in that they were carrying much more than had been original- ly planned, or than the density of the area would demand under normal circum- page 3 PAZ Minutes 6-3-82 . stances; therefore, it was the City's contention that infiltration was taking place, and therefore the staff could not recommend any kind of zoning considered high density, and C-2 zoning could well become high density. He further related that staff recommends some type of low density residential zoning, or even some small commercial zoning. Staff had based its recommendations on (1)controlling land use, (2)prevention of strip commercial development which Commission has indicated it is opposed to, and (3)the sewer problems. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to take this item from the table. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Public hearing was reopened. Sherman Click, applicant of the request asked to be heard and referred to a letter (included with these minutes) from a William G. Adkins who was one of the first owners and developers of Harvey Hillsides, which indicated that at the time the property was platted approximately 24 acres which fronted on Highway 30 was not included in the residential subdivision and was, at that time, considered extremely suitable for commercial usage. It was believed that this commercial area would serve as a buffer between Highway 30 and the residential area. He then explained that the land in question was family land in an estate, and all members agreed that what they were interested in was what they considered small commercial use, consisting of an office with a cabinet shop and storage in the back. He referred to a map he had handed out and another letter from another owner and developer of Harvey Hillsides Subdivision, Phillip B. Goode. These, also are included in the minutes. • Mr. Click requested that the Commission keep in mind 2 things when reaching its decision: (1)That the original intent was commercial use of this land, and (2)The original land purchasers knew commercial development was intended. Mayo expressed staff's recommendation that the best way to develop commercial property is in larger portions at major intersections, and not along a major street which would 6e in-the form of strip commercial development. Weldon Jordan, owner of a residential lot (1 acre) to the south of this land in question, indicated that he was in favor of rezoning this tract to C-2 and that he has a request in right now to rezone his land to C-1 for a nursery. Colonel Karl Patton spoke next and indicated that there was already a large block of commercial property there (owned by Texas Instruments), and that the purchasers of the property in this 24 acres knew that it had originally been approved for commercial zoning, and thus had paid commercial prices for the land with the intent of putting it to commercial use. With-this in mind, he advised the Commission to retain legal counsel prior to taking action. Dr. Konrad Eugster then spoke and identified himself as an owner of land behind the land in questions, and he was not enthused about having C-2 industry in his backgard; that he did not buy his land from. the original developers, but that he did know when he bought his land that the strip along Highway 30 was considered commercial by the original owners. • No one else spoke. The public meeting was closed. Mr. Kelly asked the exact location of the land in question and it was pointed out. (See map included with minutes.) page 4 PAZ Minutes page 4 Mr. Miller indicated that this is low density residential now, and he would • question anything that would make it more dense in population. Mr. Hall indicated that he believed that strip zoning is archaic, but that even though this land is currently zoned Agricultural-Open, no farmer is going to farm it. Mayo indicated he believes that there is no need for any commercial property in this area, other than something that would serve the neighborhood. Mr. Fleming made a motion to approve the request for C-2 zoning. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-3 with Fleming, Hall, Hill and Bailey voting in favor; Kelly, Behling and Miller voting against. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 82-704: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit fora Ueterinar Clinic located on the East feeder road of Hwy East Bypass, approximately 1/ mile south of Highway 30. The request is in the name. of Deanna C. Fiske, DUM. Mr. Callaway explained the request. Mr. Behling was absent during the discussion. Mr. Bailey called for questions and comments. Mr. Miller asked if Dr. Fiske is currently in operation. Mr. Kelly explained that she had set up practice initially to take care of the horses at the adjacent stables, and was not aware that she needed a use permit, but when she found out she did, she voluntarily applied for one. Mr. Bailey opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Hill moved to grant a conditional use permit to this particular applicant only at this location. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Mr. Behling returned to the room in time for the vote. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: A public hearing on the question of granting Conditional • Use Permits for additions, renovations and parking lot expansions to the followi public schools: 1 public school at the northwest corner of Timber ~ Jerse St., 2 ABM Consolidated hi h school on Welch and 701 West Loo South, 3 South Knoll Elementary School at 1220 Boswell, and College Hills Elementary School at 101 Williams Street. Requests are in the name of the College Station Inde- pendent School District. (1)Mr. Mayo explained and indicated that he had met with the architect and now had a better understanding of the projects, and that the school had agreed to increase the radius of the curb cut, to close the curb cut into the front parking lot because of its close proximity to the intersection, and make parking parallel in the drive area. Staff recommends approval. (2)Mayo explained that staff's intention in making its recommendations was to get the parking off-street and on to the school's lots. However it is done, the problem must be alleviated by either adding more parking or controlling parking. Mr. Hill asked Dr. Ney if there were any school policies regarding ears on campus, to which Dr. Ney replied there are no restrictions now, and that the school board is seeking to clear up the problem of parking on the church lot next door with the owners of that property, through perhaps a reciprocal agreement. Mayo indicated staff's re- commendations would include connecting the front and rear parking lots to keep traffic from going back onto Welch Street before parking the car on the other lot. (3)Mayo explained that staff's recommendations remained as shown in the memoran- dum included in :`the packet. (4)Mayo explained that staff had no recommendations for the College Hills proposal. • Commission Chairman Behling re-set the ground rules and explained that requests for conditional use permits require a public hearing. He then opened the public hearing. PAZ Minutes 6-3-82 Jim Radcliff, nor the school • tonight. page 5 architect for the schools projects spoke and indicated that he board. had any problems. with. staff's recommendations presented Ned Wa lton, a consultant to CSISD indicated that he was in agreement with the staff's recommendations presented tonight, including obtaining a legal document guaranteeing access over the private property. J.W.Wood, a local resident of College Station spoke, indicating that all the site plans lack landscaping plans, and he wanted landscaping done in accordance with Ordinance requirements. Mrs. Norman of 2003 Nueces, resident in the neighborhood of the high school spoke, indicating that drainage has become a problem in the area and it had not been in years past, and there has been flooding on Guadalupe. She also spoke of noise pollution but her primary concern was the water problem due to the large amount of hard surface. She indicated further that there are traffic problems, and that she had recently heard .rumors of a stadium being built, but that when she had bought her property she had been assured there would be no stadium at that location. Mr. Ash informed the Commission and public that there were 2 signal lights scheduled by late September, one at 2818 and Texas Avenue and one at 2818 and Southwest, and that one was also planned at 2818 and Welch, but no date had been set on it. Dr. Ney indicated that there are no approved plans for the location of a stadium . in that area at this time. No one else spoke. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Kelly questioned the extra parking at College Hills Elementary school. Dr. Ney explained. Mr. Kelly then asked about landscaping in the parking lots, and indicated that at the new school off Brothers, landscaping was required. Dr. Ney indicated that landscaping was planned and explained it, but Mr. Kelly said that if this were a commercial development, a landscaping plan prior to issuance of a building permit would be required, and he believed the school should either furnish a landscape plan or be required to landscape all 4 projects in accordance with Ordinance requirements. Mr. Bailey asked how-much enlargement he was planning at the high school. Dr. Ney indicated an additional 54 spaces by the field house. Mr. Kelly and Mr. Behling questioned if this would be enough to get the cars off the street. Mr. Kelly indicated that he believed there should be No Parking on either side of Welch Street. He further indicated that he felt that these 4 site plans should be treated as new projects, but he further believed that the controls should be the same as with commercial developments. Mr. Mayo recommended some kind of approval because of the urgency in completion of the projects before school starts. He suggested approval with a condition that a landscaping plan be furnished before issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 82-705: Consideration of granting a Conditional Use Permit • for additions and renovations to the school at the northwest corner of Timber and Jersey Streets. Mr. Miller made a motion that a Conditional Use Permit be approved with staff recommendations being met, plus a landscaping plan which must be presented to page 6 • PAZ Minutes 6-3-82 PAZ at the next meeting and prior to the issuance of a building permit. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 82-706: Consideration of granting a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of the ABM Consolidated high school located on Welch and 701 West Loop South. Mr. Kelly indicated that 54 spaces for parking were not enough, and made a motion to the effect that the Conditional Use Permit be approved with staff recommenda- tions being met, plus a requirement of the same number of parking spaces being required as would be required of a commercial project (with no breaks), plus a written agreement for covering overflow parking on the church lot, plus a landscaping plan to be presented at the next P&Z meeting and prior to the issu- ance of a building permit. Mr. Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. _AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 82-707: Consideration of granting a Conditional Use Permit for renovations and expansion at the South Knoll Elementary School at 1220 Boswell. Mr. Bailey asked why it was necessary to designate both sides of the driving lane as Fire Lane. Mr. Mayo explained. Mr. Bailey expressed a desire to see some parking available at that location, and Mr. Mayo explained why this was impossible according to the Fire Marshall, and further indicated that on-street parking could handle that parking on this site. Mr. Bailey made a motion to grant the Conditional Use Permit with staff recommenda- tions being met, plus the landscaping plan to be presented at the next PAZ meet- . ing and prior to the issuance of a building permit. Mr. Kelly seconded. Motion carried unanimously. _AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: Consideration of granting a Conditional Use Permit for site work, renovations and parking lot expansion at the College Hills Elementary School ~at 101 Williams Street. Mr. Fleming made a motion to grant the Conditional Use Permit with staff recommenda- tions being met, plus the landscaping plan to be presented at the next P&Z meeting and prior to the issuance of a building permit. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: 82-228: A final plat - University Park II Lots 2 ~ 3 Block J. Mr. Mayo explained, and indicated staff's recommendation for approval. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the plat. Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: 82-229: A final plat - Southwest Crossing Phase II. Mr. Mayo explained, and indicated a note on the plat could be included to indicate on large tracts "Reserved for future subdivisions". Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the plat with a note on the final plat on larger tracts to read "Reserved for future subdivisions." Mr. Fleming seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: 82-310 - A reliminar lat - Belmont Place (south of Rock Prairie Road anal west of Texas Avenue . Mr. Mayo explained the plat and indicated staff recommends approval. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve with staff recommendations being met. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. page 7 PAZ Minutes 6-3-82 _AGENDA ITEM N0. 14: 82-311: A preliminary plat - Emerald Forest Phase 7. • Mr. Mayo explained. Mr. Hill asked about what happened to the developer's dedication to parks in all these phases. Mr. Mayo indicated that a note con- cerning this could be required on the Final Plat. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the preliminary plat, on the condition that a note about land dedicated for parks be included on the final plat. Mr. Kelly seconded. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 15: 82-312: A reliminar lat - Parkwa West (on the west side of Holleman. Drive at the intersection of F.M.2818. Mr. Mayo explained and indicated staff recommends approval. Mr. Hall asked about the area that was not to be developed until the continuation of Holleman is completed, and Mr. Mayo indicated that this was not in that area. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the plat. Mr. Fleming seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 16: 82-413: Consideration of a Parking Lot plan for the "700 East" building located at 700 University Drive. Mayo explained that all staff recommendations had been met, and that staff now recommends approval. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve, with Mr. Kelly second- ing the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 17: 82-415. Consideration of a Parking Lot plan for a Convenience Stop at the corner of South Texas Avenue and the Feeder Road of Hwy 6 Bypass. • Commissioner Miller made a motion. to table this item until study referred to under agenda item.#3 is completed. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 18: 82-416: Consideration of a Parking Lot plan for an office/ retail building on Welsh Street south of the corner of Southwest Parkway. Mr. Mayo explained that all P.R.C. recommendations had been met and staff there- fore recommends approval. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the plan. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 19: Other Business J.W.Wood spoke to the Commission from the floor to make a few comments concerning Agenda Item #17, and also referred to the petition which was submitted prior to landowners in the area knowing exactly what was planned for that site near Mile Drive. He said that he had met with these people since the petition was signed, and told them the plans for the site did not include a truck stop, but rather a convenience store and a service station. He said he had some background informa- tion for thesubcommittee working on agenda item #3 to consider and would be happy to share it with them. Mr. Mayo presented a landscaping plan. for the Lister Shopping Center and indicated that he had failed to get it on the agenda through an oversight. He also informed • the Commission that he had a meeting with one of the developers of Post Oak Mall and made a presentation concerning access between the Mall and the Shopping Center which they will consider. Staff recommends acceptance and approval of the land- scaping plan. Mr. Bailey made a motion to accept and approve the plan; Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried unanimously after discussion concerning a screen fence on the back of the grocery store. page 8 PAZ Minutes 6-3-82 Mr. Mayo asked about the subcommittee for P&Z, at which time Chairman Behling appointed a committee of 3 members of the Commission to work with staff, con- sisting of Commissioner Fleming, who will head-up the committee, along with Mr. Miller and Mr. Bailey. Mr. Behling will fill in if the study is not completed by the time any member has to be absent. Chairman Behling then appointed Commissioner Kelly as Vice Chairman of the Commission. Mr. Mayo was asked about the Development Review Committee and he replied that staff has done some work and has consulted with the City Attorney, and will soon be calling the committee back to study a list, along with recommendations that staff has com- poled. Target date for completion of this project is September 1. Mr. Mayo also reminded Commission that the Plan 2000 will be presented at the first public hearing on June 17 and at the second public hearing on June 22, Mr. Fleming was appointed a liaison to replace Ms. Hazen on the Parks ~ Recreation Board . Commissioner Bailey asked the status of the sewer study on Woodstone Village. Mayo said that the consultants have indicated the lines are carrying a capacity in wet weather of 110% and the Water ~ Sewer Department is studying the problem now to see what, if anything within reason, can be done. Mr. Kelly asked whose responsibility it is to maintain utility lines, and was answered that on City property it is the City's responsibility, but on private • property, it is the individual's responsibility. After finding out where the problems of infiltration are taking place, a decision will have to be made. The Consultants are now preparing to make some tests. AGENDA ITEM N0. 20: Adjourn Mr. Kelly made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Hill seconded the motion; motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: ATTEST: • 1820 SHADOL;1[d00D College Station, Texas 77840 June 3, 1982 ,. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:. The Harvey Hillsides Subdivision in Brazos County, Texas, was first sub- divided and platted in October of 1965. I was one of the four owners and developers. Two of the four, W. M. Sparks and M. L. Parker, are now deceased. The other was Phillip B. Goode. At the time the property was platted the approval of the City of College Station was required.by statute and was obtained. The subdivision contained three hundred thirty acres and approximately twenty-four acres which fronted on Highway 30 was considered to be extremely suitable for commercial usage and was not included in the residential sub- division or restrictions. The only property ever sold out of this twenty-four acre reservation was sold for commercial purposes to The Patton Corporation on August 22, 1974. This sale contained 2.601 acres and it:` is now the site of Jose's Restaurant and Granny's Gift Shop. The rest of the 'twenty-four acre tract was saved as the "heart of the watermelon" for commercial development. This seemed to please our residential purchasers who liked a buffer between their homes and the highway. After the death of two of our developers, this remainder of the twenty-four acre. tract was divided in kind between the original developers and their heirs. The property thus allocated to me was 6.89 acres. It is my hope and desire that I can sell or use this property as commercial property because it is the highest and best use and it is unsuitable for residential usage. Respectfully submitted, William G_ Adki s • 1201 Orr College Station, Texas 77840 June 3, 1982 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I have read the statement of William G. Adkins dated June 3, 1982, to which this is attached. I, also, was one of the owners and developers of the Harvey Hillsides Subdivision in Brazos County, Texas. The statements made by Mr. William G. Adkins are true and. correct. In the division of the remainder of the twenty-four acre commercial tract, I received S. 66 acres. I think it was clearly understood by the officials of the City of College Station at the time that City approved our plat that the reserved section of twenty-four acres would be used as commercial property. Like Mr. Adkins, it is my hope and wish that I can sell or use my property in this subdivision as commercial or industrial property and I respectfully. request the City of College Station to zone the property so that this can be accomplished. Respectfully submitted, -v i• Distance approx. 2.3 miles Flood plain & .705 mile creeks Developed area .525 mile youth of Hwy. 30 Developed area .225. mile north of Hwy. 30 To be developed 1.225 miles south of Hwy. 30 To be developed 1.5 miles north of Hwy. 30 Between Huntsville cut-off and Highway 6 access: 6 street cuts 8 business or residential cuts between 'texas Avenue and I:wy. 6 access (approx. 1.3 miles) 7 street cuts 2.9 business cuts 3 ~8 INCH = . 1 MILE ~ _------------------ CREEKS & FLOOD PLAINS -' DEVELOPED AREAS .~_: ~- 25 SARA LN . X175 ~ MARCY LN . .1 PAMELA LN. CREEK __ :075 - ~'~ HARVEY `'~''~' ILLS IDES AREA T BE 7 ; ~j REZONED !II'il .15 ` '' INDA LN . 1 I~~~ __ _- _ ____ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS .2 CREEK .1 - . 25 PBR Architects, Inc. Summit Tower 11 Greenway Plaza Suite 614 P~1ay 27 , 1982 Houston, Texas 77046 713/965-0608 ttr. Albert 0. Mayo, Jr. Director of Planning City of College Station P.O. Box. 9960 College Station, Texas 77840 Re: Post Oak Square Shopping Center College Station, Texas Lister Properties Company Dear Mr. Mayo: Please accept the following landscape design outline as a supplement to the site landscaping plan submitted to your office on Tuesday, May 25, 1982. 1. All islands occurring in the parking areas will have 6" raised curbs at their periphery. 2. All islands will have Asiatic Jasmine ground cover planted in sufficient quantities to insure continuous coverage. 3. All trees shown will be multi trunk Crepe Myrtle approximately 10 feet -to 12 feet in height. 4. All shrubs shown will be Wax Ligustrum approximately 2 feet to 3 feet in height. 5. The following areas will have St. Augustine or Bermuda grass ground cover with Wax Ligustrum shrubs and Crepe Myrtle trees placed in various locations as shown on the landscaping plan. a. Unpaved area along the north property line. b. Unpaved area along the east property line. c. Unpaved area west of Lease "D". 6. The three future building sites will have St. Augustine or Bermuda grass ground cover until future development of these areas occur. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Sincerely, G~ ~~~~ ~' ~~ G~~ Daniel L. Boggio, A.I.A. cc: Ray Lister Calvin E. Powitzky Jr. A!A Daniel L. ~c-~gio AIA Michael J. Ross