HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission I ~ .J January 7, 1982 7:00 p.m. i MEMBERS PRESENT; Chairman Behling, Vice-.chairman Bailey; Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Gardner, Hazen, and Halal; Council Liaison :Jones. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo; Asst. Planning Director Callaway; Capital Improvements Director Ash; Zoning Official Kee; .Planning Asst. Longley; Zoning Inspector Keigl~y; Planning Technician Sexton. AGENDA ITEM NO 1• Approval of minutes, December 17, 1981. Commissioner Bailey requested the following corrections: 1. p. 2, par. 1: Change "Before step is taken" to "Before a step is taken." Upon motion by Commissioner Bailey, second by Commissioner Hazen, the minutes of December 17, 1981 were approved as corrected. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. } No one spoke. At this time, Chairman Behling asked permission of the Commission to skip to Agenda Item No. 7 (Consideration of a re uest for permission to request rezonin prior to expiration of time limitation Mr. Behling stated the people concerned Frith this item were from San Antonio and had a long drive back. There were no objections. Chairman Behling explained if the Commission agreed to this waiver, persons making the request would come back at a future point. It has been 32 to 4 months to this point, and it would be another couple of weeks before the item could get on the agenda. The Commission would be waiving about a 60 day time limit. The request is for R-3 zoning. Commissioner Hall asked why time limit needed to be moved up. Ronald Helton, Ronald Helton and Associates, Inc., explained they .were just wanting to get on with it. This is a completely different proposal than what has been presented on this property before. Commissioner Bailey stated this area was low density residential, and that is what the . Commission had looked at. Commissioner Bailey moved to approve waiver of time limitation, and he also stated the people in the area should get word that the Commission had waived the time limit. Second ~ by Commissioner Fleming. Motion carried unanimously. i i AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: (82-100) A public hearing on the question of rezoning parts of lots 35R and 4 of Southwood Valley Section 3 from General Commercial District C-1 to Apart- ment District R-6. The application is in the name of Area Progress Corp. Page 2 Jim Callaway explained the zoning in this portion of Southwood Valley was established prior to platting and development of the subdivision. This resulted in a zoning district boundary which did not align with the property lines of lots 35R and 44. Approval of this request would align the district boundary with the platted lotlines so lots 35R and 44 would not have R-6 zoning. Commissioner Hall asked why the zoning application was not completed. Jim Callaway explained the questions on page 2 of the Application for Zone Change were for supporting information, and some of the questions were not applicable. Mr. Callaway further explained these questions were to assist the Commission in evaluating the appli- cation. The public hearing was opened. W.D. Fitch, President of Area Progress Corp., explained that until codification of the ordinances, you could build R-6 in C-1. It was with this point in mind that they asked for the zoning eleven (11) years ago, way in advance of development and drew a line approximately where they thought Brothers Boulevard would come off it. When it was platted, a small strip of land was missed. Mr. Fitch stated what they were now asking for was this to be rezoned so this small strip of land would coincide with the street as platted. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen moved for approval. Second was given by Commissioner Hall. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: (82-101) A ublic hearin on the question of rezoning a 21.98 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, located on north side of F.M. 2 1 approximately 360' west of the intersection of F.M. 2 1 and Holleman Drive from Single Family Residen- tial R-1 to Apartment/Low Density R- The application is in the name of Bar " " Properties. Jim Callaway explained this was a 21.98 acre tract located on the north side of F.M. 2818 approximately 360' west of Holleman Drive. The tract has 960' of frontage along 2818 and varies in depth from 800' to 1250'. The current zoning could accomodate a maximum of 175 dwelling units. The proposed R-4 zoning would allow up to 351 dwelling units. This area is reflected on the current Land Use Plan as low density residential. Abutting areas are zoned R-7 Mobile Home, R-5 Apartments, and R-1 Single Family. Abutting tracts are currently vacant. Mr. Callaway pointed out that lack of sewer service has been a detriment to development in this area. The applicant has prepared plans for providing gravity flow sewer service to accomodate R-4 density. Mr. Callaway also stated the proposed R-4 zoning was compatible with the abutting R-5 and R-7 zoning, but that R-1 might be more appropriate. The applicant has designed utility improvements to serve the property. Staff recommends approval if the Commission finds this to be a suitable location for medium density residential development. Commissioner Gardner expressed his concern about whether or not there was the sewer capacity to handle this density. • Jim Callaway stated the concern was that there had been no proposal for providing a sewer service and an access problem with the condition of there not being enough gravel. He also stated they were recommending that something other than R-1 might be appropriate in addition to R-7 and M-2, but that problems, particularly in sewer, should not have been. Page 3 The public hearing was opened. Jerry Bishop, Representative for Bar "6" Properties, stated the sewer line had been sized accordingly, and the line sizes in the area were quite capable of handling the R-4 pro- posed zoning. Mr. Bishop said they anticipate the extension of Woodway Drive through the tracts that had access from Southwest Parkway over to F.M. 2818, but nothing had been put on paper. Commissioner Bailey asked if adding eight (8) more units per acre would have any effect on the sewer; if the Commission approved R-5 instead of R-4. Mr. Bishop stated he did not feel it would have any effect. He felt there was more than I, enough capacity to develop the entire area at a high density. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen asked what was proposed on the rest of the R-1 area. She expressed concern that if this R-1 tract was let go, there would not be any of this area R-1. Mr. Mayo stated there were some doubts whether or not this area could easily be sewered. Some of the area shown as R-1 is in effect a park reserve. This area was platted in previous years to show A-P zoning, a light industrial tract, or mobile home park. Some- thing in the line of A-P would obviously have no taxing on the sewer system. This area would probably be either low density residential or a low intensity type of commercial zoning. Commissioner Hazen asked if there was any place in the area where there would be single family homes. • Mr. Mayo stated this area could be R-lA or R-4 zoning, but the plan drawn up for the area I' showed medium density or apartment type zoning with remainder being low density residential. Mr. Mayo stated M-2 zoning could be unfortunate for this area depending on how high it would be developed, because M-2 allowed almost anything, with the exception of residential. Commissioner Kelly stated M-2 probably would not start in this area, because land is locked in. Commissioner Bailey asked how many dwelling units could be sewered, but an answer could not be given. Commissioner Hazen expressed concern that everything was going to be rental property. Mr. Mayo stated there was a possibility it would not be rental property. People are buying units in duplexes and four-plexes as townhouses, etc. Commissioner Hazen stated she would like to see it in a lower density than R-4, because it was protected by vacant property. Commissioner Gardner stated the area had been butchered beyond hope, and it could not be expected to be a neighborhood. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the projected enrollment of the West Campus is 24,000 students by 1990. The area is hurting for housing, and maybe it should be zoned high density. • Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve R-1 to R-4. Motion died for a lack of second. Commissioner Hazen moved to deny R-4 zoning, asking the planning staff to look at the area and come back to the Commission with a recommendation~/on the sewer. Second by Commissioner Gardner. o~; /A~~~luse i~ ~~ e~~y~~ aye-c c%_ ='~~ ~,_ , Page 4 After Commission discussion, Commissioner Hazen withdrew motion to deny request. Commissioner Gardner withdrew second. • Commissioner Bailey moved to table request. Commissioner Kelly seconded. Carried unanimously. The request is to go back to staff for re-study. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5~ (81-130) A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 2.05 acre tract located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Stallings Drive and Harvey Road from Apartment/High Density District R- to Planned Commercial District C-3. The application is in the name of David Drapela. Jim Callaway reported this tract has about 191' of depth off Hwy. 30 and 460' frontage along Hwy. 30. The tract is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Harvey Road and Stallings Drive. The tract is a portion of Lot 4, Block 2, Univerisity Oaks. The balance of this land has been developed as an apartment project. The area under consideration would accomodate 49 dwelling units at 24 units/acre. This area is reflected as medium density residential on the current comprehensive plan. Adjacent lots have already been developed in accordance with the plan. The plan indicates that commercial development along Harvey Road should be limited to large commercial area rather than small sites along the street. The requested C-3 zoning for this tract is a low density commercial zone. The tract is located so as to allow for access to a secondary street. However, the staff is unable to support this request for the following reasons: 1. The request for small site commercial development along Harvey Road is not in compliance with the city's plans and policies for development along this major • arterial street. - 2. There are a number of vacant C 1 zoned sites along Harvey Road which could accomodate commercial development proposed for this tract. Mr. Callaway pointed out a petition was submitted in opposition to the proposed rezoning which contained signatures of more than 20i of property owners within 200'. This places the council under a 3/4 majority vote to pass. Commissioner Hazen stated she thought this area was to serve as the Courtyard Apartments green space. Jim Callaway stated that at a public hearing in 1977, the Commission asked the applicant what the plans were for the balance of Courtyard Apartments. The developer at that time stated he intended to leave it as it was or use it as a park to the apartments. Mr. Callaway added that looking back to August 2, 1979, a subdivision plat was denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Behling explained the petitioners opposed the rezoning because they feel Court- yard Apartments is a premiere apartment project and they want it to remain that way. They do not want it subject to traffic, noise, and trash inherent with commercial develop- ment. They also feel their commercial needs are adequately served by Woodstone Shopping Center, Culpepper Shopping Center, and the new regional mall. The public hearing was opened. • J.W. Wood, agent for David Drapela, stated there were a couple of things that happened to the tract of land. 1. Within a block and a half to a two block radius, there were some 1800 units times two people. For a convenience center use, this would be a lot closer than other commercial tracts. 2. The other problem was the flood plain area. Page 5 It is rather difficult to use, until something can be done with Wolfpen Creek to drop the flood plain line back. • Mr. Wood also stated that one particular problem with this tract was that it was not subdivided. It was sold by metes and bounds. He then requested that the zoning request be tabled until alternate uses for the land could be looked into. Chairman Behling asked for persons in opposition to the zoning request. Roy Hann, owner of Courtyard Apartments, submitted the original petition. He explained the petition had 353 signatures, 322 or 70% of these being residents of Courtyard Apart- ments. The other signatures came from Travis House. He also presented a letter from the owner of Travis House expressing opposition to therrequested zone change. Commissioner Hall asked Mr. Hann what he thought would be the most appropriate use for the land, and was told for it to remain R-6. The public meeting was closed. Mr. Mayo expressed great concern about illegal subdivision by metes and bounds sales. Commissioner Gardner made motion to deny. Second was given by Commissioner Hazen. Motion to deny carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: (82-103) A public hearing on the question of rezoning three (3) tracts of land in the Woodcreek Subdivision, located east of Texas Avenue approximately 2,000 feet south of the intersection of Texas Avenue and the east Bypass from Agricul- tural Open District A-0 and Townhouse District R-3 to General Commercial District C-1 and Single Family Residential District R-1. The application is in the name of Woodcreek • Joint Venture. Jim Callaway explained this request for rezoning in the proposed Woodcreek Subdivision includes 70.02 acres of R-1 zoning and a 3.01 acre tract of C-1 zoning. The residential and commercial areas requested are as indicated on the recently approved Woodcreek master preliminary plat. The current Land Use Plan indicates low density residential development. The request represents a low density residential area with a supportative commercial area. If the Commission is concerned about the potential for high traffic generators at this location, an alternative commercial zone, such as C-3, could be considered. The public hearing was opened. Ed Schultz, Managing Partner for the Woodcreek Joint Venture, stated the two rezoning applications before the Commission correspond with the master preliminary plat which was approved a month ago. There was a small portion of the area which was not in the R-1 zoning that would come from an R-3 situation that simply straightens out the lines as far as the master preliminary design. In the C-1 situation, the extension of Research Boulevard should be shown. There is an over-pass situation that is going to be constructed. Research Boulevard will then go over and connect up in a direct line with the Rock Prairie situation. Mr. Schultz also pointed out they do plan to develop the C-1 or C-3 with high architec- tural control. Everything will be done at the highest level. He stated they are not opposed to a C-3 situation. They do not want anything that would be a high traffic type situation, but they feel they need more flexibility than what is in the C-N type situation. The public hearing was closed. Page 6 Commissioner Gardner stated he hoped approval of the preliminary plat did not imply con- sent to the zoning. He also felt the timing was all off. There is not any demand gener- ated for commercial. C-N could be warranted, but nothing has been worked up. • Commissioner Bailey moved for approval of rezoning 48.42 acres from A-0 and R-3 to R-1; 21.06 acres from A-0 to R-1; and 3.01 acres from A-0 to C-3. Second by Commissioner Hazen. Motion carried with Commissioners Hall and Gardner voting nay. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: (82-300) A preliminary plat - University Park Section 2. Al Mayo explained this was a replat of Block S, University Park Section 2. He pointed out that the staff had particular problems. with this plat, and they would recommend tabling. The information shown regarding the proposed modified 100 year flood plain could not be right. Commissioner Kelly moved to table and send back to staff. Second by Commissioner Bailey. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. g: (82-200) A final plat - Southwood Section 26. Al Mayo stated this plat subdivided Lot 2 (K-mart tract) for a fast food restaurant, and since Valley View Drive and the frontage road carried little traffic, the staff recommends approval. Commissioner Kelly made motion to approve with second by Commissioner Fleming. Commissioner Bailey stated his concern about curb cuts. • Mr. Mayo explained these would come in with the site plan permit. Motion carried with G~-nmissioner Bailey voting nay. Chairman Behling stated the plat which was just approved was a tract of land purchased by metes and bounds, and in fact, was currently owned in an illegal subdivision. Commissioner Bailey moved to reconsider approval of final plat (82-200} Southwood Section 26. Motion died for a lack of second. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: (82-201) A final plat - D.A. Smith Subdivision. Al Mayo explained this plat was indentical to the preliminary plat as approved. Right- of-way and utility easements have been added as requested on the preliminary plat. The staff recommends approval. Commissioner Bailey pointed out there was still a place for the county judge to sign. The Commission requested again that it be taken off. Commissioner Kelly made motion to approve. Commissioner Gardner seconded. Motion carried with Commissioner Bailey voting nay. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: (82-202) A final plat - Treehouse Place - Southwood Valley Section 4-B. Al Mayo stated this was just like the preliminary. The staff recommends approval. • Commissioner Hazen asked if these were four-plexes. She also expressed concern about all the different areas named "Treehouse." Page 7 Chairman Behling stated these were four-plexes, and the name could be worked out in the site plans. • Commissioner Bailey asked about denial of access, and was told it could be put on the plat. Commissioner Bailey made motion to approve with denial of access to 11A, 12A, and 14A to Longmire. Second was given by Commissioner Kelly. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: (82-500) Consideration of granting a site plan permit for Woodstock Section I, Huntington Apartments. Jim Callaway presented the PRC report which outlined the following conditions for approval: 1. That driveway design be approved by City Engineer. 2. That fire hydrants be provided in accordance with Fire Marshal's requirements. 3. Dumpster quantity and locations to be approved by Public Works Department. 4. Provide additional landscaping information. Commissioner Gardner stated the Commission had, in the past, had some success with getting cooperative agreements on access points, and if one of these could be eliminated, it would be ideal. Jim Callaway stated this had been discussed at PRC. One problem the applicant had was that it would cause a loss of parking which the apartments did not need to lose. The other discussion was to combine access. • Commissioner Hall made motion to approve with second by Commissioner Fleming. Motion carried with Commissioner Hazen voting nay. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: (82-501) Consideration of granting a site plan permit for Northgate Colony. The PRC report outlining the following conditions for approval was presented by Jim Callaway: 1. Dumpster locations to be determined by Public Works Department. 2. Provide additional landscaping information. 3. Finalize bicycle storage locations. John Temple Ligon, Project Director, Texas Development Group, presented a revised site plan showing the deck set back of 30 feet, which now adheres to set back regulations as required by Zoning Ordinance. Plans showed fire escapes for the third level. The third level is three bedroom units. To justify the cost of the fire escapes, two units will share one fire escape. Second and first level will have two bedroom units. Mr. Ligon stated the three bedroom units are 960 sq. ft., and the two bedroom units are 640 sq. ft. Units per acre is 56, and people per acre is 126. Commissioner Gardner asked how many units were in neighbor to the east. • Mr. Ligon stated there were 54 units, but that was a combination of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bed- room units. The reason this site was chosen was because of transportation and parking. The people who live here will probably be students, and they will be within walking distance to classes. There will be only one person per bedroom. ,-~ Page 8 Commissioner Gardner made motion to approve. Second by Commissioner Bailey. Motion carried unanimously. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 14: (82-502) Consideration of granting a site plan permit for the University Park Four-plexes. Al Mayo presented the PRC report which outlined the following conditions for approval: 1. Clear up access easement/drive location problem. 2. Show landscaping. 3. Relocate dumpster or contact George Ford about curb pickup. 4. Add two parking spaces minimum. 5. Add dimensions between structures. 6. Bring buildings into compliance with fire code regulations or add a fire hydrant. Mr. Mayo explained the four-plexes were located in Summer Court, Block X. The PRC report conditions have been met, and staff would recommend approval. Commissioner Hall felt the notes on landscaping were not what the staff asked for, and he made a motion to approve subf.ect=to.staff approval on~the landscaping. Second was given by Commissioner Hazen. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 15: (82-503) Consideration of granting a site plan permit for Treehouse Apartments Phase II. Al Mayo explained this was being returned for P & Z reconsideration, because a public • street might not be built. There is a possibility, but the staff would like the Commission to approve the site plan showing a private drive. When the site plan was first approved, the idea was to build a public street going from Jersey to Luther. The developer would build the private drive at his own expense, with the condition it be continued along the property line which would go to Luther. The reason for this is because all the landowners are not willing to donate the right-of-way for a public street. Condemnation could be used. Commissioner Kelly moved to approve. Commissioner Gardner seconded. Motion carried with stipulation that traditional right-of-way be obtained. AGENDA ITEM N0. 16: (82-400) Consideration of a parking area plan for a vet clinic in Southwood Valley Section 3, Lot 22, Block 16. Al Mayo presented the PRC report, and stated that PRC recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Widen walk to six feet. 2. Pave only eighteen (18) feet of parking spaces on exterior rows. 3. Add one space for additional employee parking. 4. Add note about ground cover/landscaping. Commissioner Kelly moved to approve with second by Commissioner Bailey. Motion carried with Commissioner Hall abstaining. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 17: (82-401) Consideration of a parking area plan for expansion to the Bridal Boutique. ;, Page 9 Al Mayo presented the PRC report which outlined the following conditions for approval: 1. Close Texas Avenue curb cut. • 2. Change angle parking to 90 degree. 3. Add island at front and relocate one parking space. 4. Indicate landscaping. 5. Correct dimensions in parking lot. 6. Add fire hydrant on Manuel. Commissioner Bailey moved to approve; seconded by Commissioner Hazen; carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 18: (82-402) Consideration of a parking area plan for a motel to be located in Lakeview Acres, Lot 8-B. Jim Callaway presented the PRC report on the proposed Quality Courts Motel. PRC recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Dumpster location subject to approval by Public Works Department. 2. Off-site water and sewer extension to be required of developer. 3. Provide fire lanes in accordance with Fire Marshal's requirements. 4. Provide additional landscaping information. Commissioner Hazen asked if places were required to have over-sized vehicle parking spaces, and was told no. • Commissioner Hazen moved to approve. Second by Commissioner Fleming. Carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 19: Other business. A consultants meeting will be held Tuesday, January 12, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Gardner stated he would like to see an Annual Report prepared; possibly going back a few years. Commissioner Bailey reported he had seen temporary signs on weekends in violation of sign regulations. Apparently signs are being put up after 5:00 p.m. and on weekends when the staff is off duty. Elrey Ash reported there would be a traffic signal at the main entrance of the mall when it opened. Commissioner Hall asked if there was any further word on the Bypass-Overpass development. Elrey Ash replied it was still in the discussion stage. Commissioner Hazen asked if Holleman Drive would join up with Dartmouth at any time soon. Elrey Ash stated it was under contract at the present time, and an engineer was doing the designing. Should be done within the next two years. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 20: Adjournment. Commissioner Bailey apologized for getting "on his high horse" regarding the illegal plats. Commissioner Gardner made motion to adjourn. Second by Commissioner Bailey. Motion carried unanimously. Page 10 • • Attest Secretary APPROVED