HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/21/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MEMBERS PRESENT: MINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission January 21, 1982 7:00 P.M. Chairman Behling; Vice-chairman Bailey; Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Gardner, Hazen, and Hall; Council Liaison Jones. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo; Asst. Planning Director Callaway; Director of Capital Improvements Ash; Planning Technician Sexton. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - January 7, 1982. Commissioner Hazen requested the following corrections: p. 3, last paragraph: After "recommendation" add "on land use in the entire area as well as sewer capacity." Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly, second by Commissioner Gardner, the minutes of January 7, 1982 were approved as corrected. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: (82-102) A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 33.68 acre tract located on the south side of Harvey Road, approximately 750 feet west of the inter- section of Harvey Road and Dartmouth Drive from Apartment District R-6 and Single Family Residential District R-1 to Administrative/Professional District A-P A artment District R- and Single Family Residential District R-1. The application is in the name of James E. Jett. Jim Callaway explained this tract is located on the south side of Harvey Road, adjacent to and west of the Woodstock Subdivision and includes frontage on Richards Street as well as Harvey Road. Current zoning includes 23.2 acres of R-6 zoning along Harvey Road, 0.2g acres of R-6 zoning along Richards Street, with the remaining l0.lg acres zoned R-1. The request under consideration includes 10.88 acres of A-P along Harvey Road, 22.58 acres of R-6, with a 104' depth of R-1 zoning to remain along the Richards Street frontage. The requested zoning would result in a reduction of potential dwelling units as 10.88 acres would be removed from residential use. Overall traffic generation would increase due to the reduc- tion in R-1 zoning. Access to the area will be improved by the extension of Holleman Drive through this tract. Adequate water and sewer utilities are available. The A-P area is compatible with the existing adjacent C-1 and R-6 development. A-P traffic generation should be similar to the current R-6 zoning but would have a higher peak hour traffic generation. The A-P tract would be buffered from the proposed R-6 tract by the flood plain that crosses this property. The current Land Use Plan indicates medium density along this portion of Harvey Road. The R-6 area extends to the northern boundary of the Richards Addition. The current Land Use Plan indicates low density development in this area. The proposed R-6 area abuts the Poohs Park Subdivision, which is zoned C-1. The study and resulting land use recommendation for the Holleman-Southwest Parkway-Krenek Lane area indicates medium density development north of the extension of Holleman Drive with low density development south of the extension of Holleman Drive. Limiting R-6 zoning (or other multi-family zoning) to the north side of the proposed extension of Holleman Drive Page 2 while maintaining R-1, R-lA, R-2, or R-3 on the south side of Holleman Drive as it crosses this tract would hold to the Planning and Zoning Subcommittee recommendations for this area. Mr. Callaway stated the proposed R-6 area would access primarily onto Holleman Drive. The The public hearing was opened. Holleman-Texas Avenue and Holleman-Dartmouth intersections are expected to experience heavy traffic counts after the construction of Holleman to the Post Oak Mall. Approval of a lower density zone, such as R-5, would help limit the apartment densities and resulting traffic in this area. Chairman Behling stated the completion date for the extension of Holleman Drive would be approximately two years. James E. Jett explained in regard to the A-P zone, he is looking to a multi-building office complex. In dealing with the creek, it would probably be crossed with a foot bridge. He explained R-6 zoning was requested as opposed to R-4 or R-5 because of the availability of the property for construction. He felt the R-6 zone perhaps would not spread over the land but go up multi-story such as vertical type building structures. He requested R-6 on the balance which would but up to Richards Street. Eight lots that but Richards Street to the south of the tract will be left R-1. He feels this is a natural transition to what will be the back of a site fronting to the north on the extension of Holleman Drive. He further stated he was very much in favor of condemnation, and he was going to work closely with the city so the street could proceed right through. Condemnation procedures are 30 to 60 days away, and his time frame will fall closely behind the completion of Holleman Drive. He will begin planning this tract shortly after the Holleman extension completion. Commissioner Gardner felt this area was squeezed in and could not see any reason not to leave it as it was. There would be a buffer if this should be commercial or apartments. He felt more traffic should not be encouraged; should be kept as low density as possible. As far as the R-6 to A-P request, he felt R-6 was not good anywhere, and it would be re- freshing to see an area where there is no commercial. Jim Callaway stated A-P and R-6 are similar in daily traffic flow, but peak hour traffic is slightly higher. Chairman Behling stated if it were on a bus route the number of cars would be reduced. Commissioner Hall felt the R-6 zone should be discouraged on the southern part of the tract. Anything beyond, over towards the single family residential neighborhood, should be in the area of R-2 or R-3. He felt the A-P portion along Highway 30 should be supported because it seemed to be a good location because of access to Highway 30, the Bypass, and Texas Avenue. Commissioner Gardner suggested when it came to voting, the two requests be separated. Commissioner Bailey moved to recommend rezoning 10.88 acres R-6 to A-P;~ second by Commissioner Hall. In favor: Commissioners Bailey, Fleming, Hazen, Hall, and Kelly. Opposed: Commissioner Gardner. Motion carried. Commissioner Bailey felt the balance of land should remain R-1 for the time being until the purchase of the property and the street is located. He stated rezoning will have to be done anyway, and it should be kept low density. Commissioner Hazen moved to recommend denial of the request; Commissioner Gardner seconded. i ~~'~~ Page 3 1 Chairman Behling expressed concern if this were denied, there would be a 180 day time limitation before theirequest could be brought back. The request could be tabled until a time they could ascertain where Holleman Drive would be, or the applicant could seek a waiver of time limitation and have it on the agenda at a later time. Jim Callaway stated he would discuss with the City Attorney whether or not half of an agenda item could be tabled, before the Planning and Zoning Commission forwarded the request to City Council. Commissioner Hazen withdrew motion to deny request. Chairman Behling stated there was no motion on the table after second to motion was not withdrawn. Commissioner Bailey made motion to table request. Second was given by Commissioner Fleming. In favor: Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, and Bailey. Opposed: Commissioners Gardner, Hall, and Hazen. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: (82-104) A ublic hearin on the uestion of rezonin all of Lots 1 through 1 ;Raintree Section 4 from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Single Family Residential District R-lA. The application is in the name of Raintree Development Joint Venture. Jim Callaway stated the property under consideration is located along the south side of Butler Drive and is bounded by Wilderness Drive and the existing Gulf States and Exxon utility easement. Block 4 includes 14 lots with most being 50' X 124.85' in size. Lots 1, 13, and 14 are slightly larger. Because of the location of the Gulf States and Exxon easement, Block 4 has no common boundary with any other R-1 zoned lots. The easement is 160' in width. This area is reflected as low density residential on the current Land Use Plan. The Raintree Subdivision is platted and developed as a single family subdivision. The requested zoning, R-lA, is a single family detached district and differs from R-1 in lot size, density, and setback requirements. The applicant has requested R-lA zoning so as to be able to utilize the 20' rear setback allowed in R-lA. This should not be notic- able to any area residents because of the existing 160' easement. Any attempt to increase the number of lots in this block would require a plat and have to be approved by the Commission and City Council. This is not likely to happen, as Building Permits for these lots have been applied for. Mr. Callaway explained the applicant is not asking for a variance. The Zoning Board of Adjustments would be hard pressed to grant a variance, because there are no special condi- tions caused by the land itself that would necessitate a variance. Commissioner Hall stated the slabs for these proposed structures are already there in some cases, and he wanted to know what alternatives the applicant had if the Commission denied the R-1A zone request. Jim Callaway explained there were a couple of alternatives. One would be not to erect a structure or wall in the area that would cross the setback line. Another choice might involve a replat. The public hearing was opened. Ed Schultz, Managing Partner for Raintree Development Group, explained the request is basically in order to handle a mistake, and not to increase the density. Building permits have already been issued on 14 lots. There is no intention to further subdivide the lots. They need to either rezone to R-lA and maintain the houses as they are now and have a 20' setback or they will meet the R-1 requirements by deeding five (5) additional feet to each lot. ~ ~ - ~ Page 4 Commissioner Hazen stated she felt R-lA was not appropriate for this area, and that she thought the Commission should not recommend the zoning. Everything in this area, except R-1, has been turned down before. Elrey Ash stated there were three ways the situation could be corrected. The tract could either be rezoned, replatted, or the applicant could seek a variance. The City Attorney felt it would be cleaner and easier to rezone or replat, and it is much easier to rezone. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner stated he felt it should be left R-1 zone. Commissioner Fleming stated R-1 and R-lA are practically the same zone, but in College Station they have the tendency to become rental property. Al Mayo stated more people are buying townhomes, etc., because that is alt they can afford. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval. Second was given by Commissioner Bailey. In favor: Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Bailey, and Hall. Opposed: Commissioners Gardner and Hazen. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: (82-105) A public hearing on the question of rezonin a 8.876 acre tract located on the south side of University Drive approximately 1,000 feet east of the intersection of University Drive and Fedmart Drive from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3. The application is in the name of Ronald M. Helton and Associates, Inc. Jim Callaway explained this tract, located on the south side of University Drive, was recently considered for C-1 zoning (proposed Sheraton Hotel). The current R-1 zoning would allow a maximum of 71 dwelling units. The R-3 zoning requested would allow a maximum of 124 dwelling units. This area is reflected as low density residential on the current Land Use Plan. The requested R-3 zoning would provide fora low density residential area. The tract is adjacent to an existing single family neighborhood. Prior staff plans and pro- posals for uses in this area have included a R-1 or R-lA buffer along the boundary of this existing neighborhood. Access to this tract will be improved by the extension of Lincoln Street (included in the C.I.P.). Adequate water and sewer capacity is available for the density proposed. He stated approval of the request is recommended if the Commission finds this to be a suitable location for the type of housing (Townhouse-Condominiums) proposed. The Commission might consider the provision of a lower density area along the south side of the tract adjacent to the Woodland Acres-Woodland Estates subdivisions. This tract will be separated from these subdivisions by the extension of Lincoln Street. Elrey Ash stated there would have to be an off-site sewer extension. The public hearing was opened. Ronald Helton stated the request should be for 8.126 acres. This was the amount of land purchased. This would reduce density to 113 dwelling units and leave a 70' right-of-way at the rear of the property. There will be an existing eight (8) inch sewer line and a ten (10) inch sewer line would have to be extended. He explained these units will be luxury condominiums with basically single story units. About 30i will be two story units, and the right-of-way will not go through to Lincoln Street. Elrey Ash pointed out that if the property is subdivided by ownership, a plat will have to be filed, and J.V. Henton, owner of the remainder of property, would have to join with Mr. Helton in the platting of the tract. Page 5 Commissioner Hall stated there were a couple of easements that cross this tract which would determine certain development as far as structures. Mr. Helton stated these had been taken into consideration. In front of the property, near University Drive, there is an existing 20' gas line, but the design has been engineered around this; there is an existing sewer line which cuts across theirear portion of the pro- perty, but there will not be any construction near; and there are several telephone lines which the phone company says could probably be removed. Opposition to requested zoning: John Crompton, resident at the corner of Munson and Rose Circle, stated his opposition was not to the particular plan but to the zoning change, because it was on the basis. of R-1 that he bought his home. He felt there were plenty of other sites in town currently zoned for multifamily property which is now vacant. Al Prause stated there was already an R-lA, R-2 type of buffer here, and he felt it ought to be consistent. He said his house was purchased knowing it was in an R-1 zone. Ron Samestue expressed concern about the buffer zone and stated a single dwelling buffer zone is not always what it is intended to be. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen asked if applicant had considered P.U.D. Ronald Helton stated they were not interested in P.U.D. They requested R-3 because it com- plied with the comprehensive plan, and it was the simplest and cleanest way. Commissioner Bailey stated the circulation plan had to be considered. The Commission needs to look at the whole area. Al Mayo. explained circulation has been looked at down to the level of residential streets. He stated Lincoln needs to be extended, and the piece of property which is about half way between Munson and Ashburn would abut the western edge of this property and go through a C-1 tract. He stated they would like to see a rear portion R-1 or R-lA. Commissioner Kelly moved to table the request and send back to staff to bring forth recommendation of what would be a practical use for the existing land. Commissioner Fleming seconded. Commissioner Hall pointed out that back during the discussion of the Sheraton application on this particular tract, the Commission gave the indication an R-3 type of zone in this area would be very agreeable. He feels this is a good R-3 tract. Motion to table carried unanimously. Chairman Behling stated the item above would be discussed February 4, 1982, under Other Business. He stated if persons interested in this request would leave their name and telephone number they would be contacted. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: (82-700) A ublic hearin on the uestion of rantin a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a sorority house at 1 00 Athens Drive. The application is in the name of Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority. Jim Callaway explained this request is for a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a sorority house in Greek Village. This subdivision was designed for sorority houses and several are now in operation. Approval of the request is recommended with the addition of a screen fence on west side of entrance on Dominik Drive. .' ! ` _ ~ Page 6 The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. u Commissioner Bailey moved to grant the use permit; second by Commissioner Hall; motion carried with Commissioner Kelly voting nay. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: (82-701) Review of revised site plan for the Southwood Valley Elemen- tary School. Al Mayo stated walks, bicycle parking, and landscaping have been shown as requested by the Commission on December 3, 1981. The staff recommends approval. Donald P. Ney explained there would be fences around the school -yard to protect the children from trees, etc., and gates will be used to try and keep as many vehicles off the site as possible. Commissioner Hazen asked if there would be trees or bushes around the parking lot so the people living across the street from the school will have more to look at than just a parking lot and cars. She stated she would tike to see a screen hedge of some sort in the area fronting the school. Mr. Ney stated they intended to have vegetation along area fronting school, but not bushes high enough to screen the whole parking lot. Commissioner Hall did not feel the requirements relating to parking lot vegetation had been met. He would like to see a couple of trees in the site somewhere to break up the look from the neighboring tracts. He suggested the Planning and Zoning Commission approve, subject to an acceptable landscaping plan including hedges along the parking lots which face onto Brothers Boulevard and some type of vegetation other than grass in the end islands. Commissioner Kelly moved to approve the site plan with the exception of the landscape plan which is to be presented at a later date. This plan should show a screening hedge for the area fronting the school. Commissioner Hall seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Behling stated there would be a Project Review Committee meeting held with three (3) members of the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning the landscaping. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: (82-203) A final plat - Correction plat of Lots 3-7, Block A and Lots 1-9, Block C; University Park Section I. Al Mayo explained in Block A, a private access easement has been added between Lots 3 and 4. This is to accomodate a common drive between two four-plexes. In Block C, side lot lines have been relocated at Lots 7, 8, and g to save certain trees. The staff recommends appro- val. Commissioner Fleming moved to recommend approval with denial of access to Tarrow of Lot 1, Block C. Commissioner Bailey seconded. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: (8?_-20~F) A final plat - Southwood Terrace Section 3A. Al Mayo stated this is in accordance with the approved master preliminary. The staff recommends approval. Commissioner Bailey moved to approve; second by Commissioner Kelly; motion carried unanimously. ~~ _ ~ J ~'' __ Page 7 AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: Other business. Planning and Zoning Workshop with consultants will be Tuesday, January 26, 1982, at 7:00 p.m. ~` The meeting with the Industrial Foundation will be held February 2, 1882. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Adjournment. Commissioner Bailey moved to adjourn; second by Commissioner Fleming; motion carried unanimously. APPROVED Attest Secretary I~