HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station • Planning and Zoning Commission February 4, 1982 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling; Vice-chairman Bailey; Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Gardner, Hazen, and Hall; Council Liaison Boughton. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo; Asst. Planning Director Callaway; Planning Asst. Longley; Zoning Official Kee; Zoning Inspector Keigley; Asst. to City Engineer Smith; Planning Technician Sexton. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - January 21, 1982. Commissioner Gardner requested the following corrections: 1. p. 2, par. 6: Change "squeezed" to "hemmed", and after "hemmed in" add "on the south side." 2. p. 2, par 6, line 4: This line should read "he felt R-6 was not a good zone anywhere it is placed." 3• p• 3, par. 6: The "In favor" vote should include Chairman Behling. • Commissioner Bailey requested the following correction: 1. p. 7: Approved by "Chairman" not "Mayor." Upon motion by Commissioner Bailey, second by Commissioner Hazen, the minutes of January 21, 1982 were approved as corrected. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. Chairman Behling reported Agenda Item No. 4 was withdrawn from the agenda by the applicant. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: (82-101) Reconsideration of rezonin a 21.98 acre tract on the north side of F M 2 1 approximately 360 feet west of the intersection of F.M. 2 1 and_Holleman Drive from Sin le Famil District R-1 to Apartment District R-4. The application is in the name of Bar " " Properties. Tabled on January 7, 19 2. Al Mayo reported the sewer capacity is more than adequate to serve the area; however, there is one area, approximately a 40 acre tract, that could not be sewered without the aid of a lift station. He felt the area should be developed as mobile home parks, four-plexes, or duplexes. He stated this would not be a good R-1 location because of the proximity to the railroad, highway, university, and airport, and there is very little vegetation. People buying homes look for vegetation and an attractive area. Renters would not be as concerned • with this. Commissioner Gardner stated perhaps a light industrial area would be good so people would not be attracted in the direction of Luther Street. Mr. Mayo explained the crossing of Luther Street could eventually be stopped and this be Minutes February 4, 1982 made a major collective street. • The public hearing was opened. Page 2 Jerry Bishop stated there are plans to construct a street through the center of the tract from Southwest Parkway to the bypass. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Fleming was absent for this rezoning request. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend .approval of R-1 to R-4; second by Commissioner Hall. Motion carried with Commissioner Gardner voting nay. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: (82-107) A ublic hearing on the uestion of rezoning a 0.81 acre tract located approximately 200 feet southwest of the intersection of Dowding Road and F.M. 2 1 from Administrative/Professional District A-P to Planned Commercial District C-3• The application is in the name of Edsel G. Jones. Jim Callaway stated this tract is adjacent to Wickes Lumber, and the zoning in the area includes A-P, M-2, with R-1 zoning across Dowling Road. Existing land uses include building material storage and sales, a dance studio, and residential uses. This area is reflected on the current land use plan as industrial. The requested C-3 area is a portion of a 3.5 acre A-P area. The requested zoning, C-3, differs from the A-P in that retail sales are per- mitted in C-3. The C-3 zone is considered to be a "low traffic generator" zone and should be compatible with the existing A-P and M-2 zoning. • The public hearing was opened. Edsel G. Jones stated this tract would be used fora convenience store. A plan for the store has been presented to the city, and a site plan has been developed. There are no immediate plans for the A-P portion. The entire tract, in and out of the city limits, is about 18 acres. Future plans to develop the remainder of the tract would probably be a light industrial park. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern about C-3 zoning because of detached sign use. Commissioner Fleming arrived. Commissioner Kelly asked if a variance could be made and go with a C-N zone. Al Mayo explained this would have to go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment if a variance was requested. The ordinance requires a minimum depth of 150 feet fora C-N zone and the depth on the property is only 140 feet. Mr. Jones asked if gas could be sold in a C-N zone. Mr. Mayo stated this would be up to the Planning and Zoning Commission. A C-N zone request would require a separate hearing. • Commissioner Hall stated he felt this was a good C-3 tract. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval of A-P to C-3. Second was given by Commissioner Hall. Motion carried with Commissioner Fleming abstaining. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: (82-108) A public hearin4 on the Question of rezoning Emerald Forest Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 3 Phases 4 ~ 5 from Agricultural Open District A-0 to Single Family District R-1. The appli- • cation is in the name of Haldec, Inc. Jim Callaway explained this 22.20 acre, R-1 request, is in compliance with the land use plan as well as plats and previous proposals submitted for the development of Emerald Forest. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. • r1 LJ The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Bailey moved to recommend approval; second by Commissioner Hazen. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO 7• (82-109) A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 39.7 acre tract located approximately 290 feet north of Rock Prairie Road and 2500 feet east of the inter- section of Rock Prairie Road and Texas Avenue from Agricultural Open District A-0 and Town- house-Rowhouse District R-3 to Planned Unit Development District P.U.D. The application is in the name of Woodcreek Joint. Venture. Jim Callaway explained the P.U.D. District provides for flexibility in the development of residential and related uses which are planned and developed as a unit. PUD's may have individual lots or common building sites. These comply with the standards set forth in Sec. 5-0, Ordinance 850. The request before the Commission is an initial submission for a PUD #1. The initial submission includes a zone change request, development plan, and prelimi- nary plat which was previously approved. The zoning will be valid for one year. The developer must submit all required final development plans and plats within a one year period, or the zoning will revert to its prior designation. No construction will be allowed in the P.U.D. until the final plats and development plans are approved. This initial sub- mission provides for a low density P.U.D. and is in accordance with the previously approved Woodcreek preliminary plat. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Behling stated if changes were going to be made or discussion on this request, now is the time to do it, because this P.U.D. request is tantamount to approving a preliminary plat, except this shows more information than what is normally seen on a preliminary plat. The public hearing was opened. Ed Schultz, Managing Partner for Woodcreek Joint Venture, stated the area would be developed with patio homes, and streets in the area would all be private and done with concrete. The public hearing was closed. Chairman Behling explained the Commission would be recommending the rezoning request for P.U.D. and then with final submission, they would be approving the final plat. The basis for this is to attempt to plat and zone at the same time. Mr. Mayo stated the Commission should be aware when City Council approves this rezoning, they will actually be approving the plan and the rezoning at the same time. Commissioner Hall moved to recommend approval; second by Commissioner Hazen. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: (82-504) construction of an apartment tion of Lincoln Avenue and N Consideration of a request for a site plan permit for the project to be located on the northeast corner of the intersec- mitz Street. Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 4 Al Mayo presented a revised site plane, and reviewed PRC recommendations for approval. He • al-so stated the fi'andscaping plan submitted was above average. Commissioner Hazen expressed concern about the additional traffic (construction traffic) on Nimitz Street. She felt access should be limited to Lincoln. Mr. Mayo said the staff could work out the construction access. Commissioner Hazen moved to recommend approval with limited access to Nimitz Street. Commissioner Bailey seconded. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. g: (82-300) A preliminary plat - First replat of Block S, University Park Phase II. Al Mayo presented the plat stating this was to be the first phase of the total parkland dedication. The staff recommends approval. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval; second by Commissioner Hall. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: (82-301) A preliminary plat - University Park Phase II. Al Mayo explained Lot 3, which is the Sheraton site, has met with site plan approval. Lots 1, 2, and 3 are zoned C-1, Block 4, 8.107 acres is zoned A-P, and Lot 13 is R-4. An office park of individual ownership is being planned for the A-P tract. Staff recommends approval. Commissioner Fleming moved to recommend approval. Second was given by Commissioner Bailey. • Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: (82-302) A master preliminary plat - Brentwood, unplatted portion. Al Mayo presented the plat and stated the items pointed out in the memo had been taken care of by the developer. Colgate has been extended, giving access to the city park. The only other point the staff would make before recommending approval, would be for the developer to get with the parks and recreation director to determine if the street will be on one side of the property line. J.W. Wood stated he has not met with Mr. Beachy, but Colgate could be pulled down so it is 100% on their property. Chairman Behling asked 11r. Wood if they planned to continue to call this Brentwood, and if they planned to further subdivide the A-P lots. Mr. Wood stated they were working on a name change, and the lots would not be subdivided out. Chairman Behling requested that on the two R-5 tracts and C-1 tract, for the final sub- mission, these be shown as reserved for future resubdivision. He stated his intention for this is to let it be known they will probably be asking for a plat in the future. Commissioner Bailey moved to recommend approval; second by Commissioner Kelly. Motion carried unanimously. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: (82-205) A final plat - Southwood Terrace Section 36. Al Mayo explained this was all single family development and identical to the preliminary. The staff recommends approval. • Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 5 Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval with Commissioner Bailey seconding the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: (82-206) A final plat - Southwood Terrace 3C. Al Mayo stated this plat was identical to the preliminary. The staff recommends approval with a name change on Clover Court, since there is a Cloverdale Street. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval; second by Commissioner Fleming. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 14: (82-207) A final plat - Resubdivision of Lots 1R, 3, and 4, Block 16 Southwood Valley Section 3. Al Mayo stated the owner of these lots wishes to build a car wash and washateria. He needs to ad-d Lot 3 and part of Lot 4 to 1R to make one lot separate from the remainder. The staff recommends approval. Commissioner Bailey moved to recommend approval. Second was given by Commissioner Gardner, and motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 15: (82-208) A final plat - The Phoenix Addition. Al Mayo explained the purpose of this plat is to divide this tract between two brothers. One wishes to build a house on Lot 1 and needs a plat for a permit. The access easement provides access to the rear property. The staff recommends approval; however, the city will need a written contract stating that at whatever point in time either Mr. Phoenix or the city decides to put a street in, the right-of-way will be dedicated. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval; second by ,commissioner Bailey. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 16: (82-209) A final plat - Raintree Section 5. Al Mayo stated this was identical to the preliminary, and the staff recommends approval. Commissioner Kelly moved to recommend approval; second by Commissioner Fleming. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 17: Consideration of number of off street parking spaces required for a veterinarian clinic. Al Mayo explained there was a question on a recent site plan as to the number of parking spaces being required. The requirments are the same as for dental and medical clinics. Councilman Jones informed the Council he had information from a number of cities that our ordinance was in excess of those city's requirements. The staff would recommend tabling until the next meeting. Chairman Behling stated this request would come before the Commission on February 18, 1982. AGENDA ITEM N0. 18: Other business. Al Mayo reported the next workshop with Snyder and Oise needed to be changed from February 16, 1982 to February 17, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. Remainder of workshops are March 9, March 30, and April 27. Al Mayo reported the staff does not have a finished plan on the 8.876 acre tract of land Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 6 south of University Drive, but it should be on the agenda February 18, 1982. He stated the • developers intend to pursue the R-3 request. Chairman Behling expressed concern about A-P versus C-3 zonings. C-N zone is restrictive as to the number of square feet per unit and to sign locations, and lot depth, as opposed to the C-3 zone where there is a little more variance. Chairman Behling stated he had found a couple of instances where power poles are running directly on easement lines. Al Mayo stated there was a process being set up where review comments would be taken con- cerning all PRC items and plats. The telephone company, gas company, parks and recreation department, director of public services, water and sewer department, etc. will all contri- bute their plans, requirements, and ideas. AGENDA ITEM N0. 19: Adjournment. Commissioner Gardner moved to adjourn; second by Commissioner Hall. Motion carried unani- mously. APPROVED .7 Chairman •