HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 2, 1982 7:00 P.M. • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Members Kelly, Fleming, Hill, Bailey, Miller, Hall and Council Liaison Boughton MEMBERS ABSENT: None; Mr. Hall arrived after Agenda Item #3. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Engineer Pullen, Zoning Official Kee and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of November 18, 1982• Mr. ;Bailey made a motion to approve the minutes; Mr. Fleming seconded. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEP1 N0. #: 82-718: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a Daycare Center for 40 children located in apartments #601 and 603 of the Plantation Oaks Anarrments at 1501 Hiahwav ~0. Apolication is in the name of the Planta- AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 82-719: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a Church Sign at 2555 S. Texas Avenue. Application is in the name of the College Station Baptist Church at the same address. Mr. Callaway explained the request and indicated that if Commission approves this request, staff would recommend that C-1 District sign regulations and restrictions be imposed on this sign. The public hearing was opened. Kenneth Griffith offered to answer any ques- tions and passed a colored drawing of the proposed sign around to the Commission. Mr Fleming asked the height of this sign and was told it would be 19 ft. tall. No one else spoke; public hearing was closed. Mr. Kelly asked what conditions should be imposed, and Mr. Callaway and F1rs. Kee explained, and also informed Commission that this sign, as proposed would fa11 into compliance with C-1 District sign regulations. Mr. Bailey asked about adjacent zoning and Mr. Callaway informed him there was C-1 zoning on either side of this tract. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve this request as proposed with the condi- tion that any sign be restricted to C-1 District sign regulations. Mr. Hall seconded. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 82-141: A public hearing on the question of rezoning Block B of the reserved tract in Post Oak Forest Subdivision from Neighborhood Business District C-N to Administrative-Professional District A-P. Application is in the name of Larry Landry. Mr. Callaway presented the request and located the land on a map. He informed the Commission the area has the water and sewer capacity for either C-N or A-P development, and the proposed zoning would be in compliance with all comprehensive plans. He pointed Mr. Callaway explained the request indicating that the P.R.C. had recommended approval of the center as requested. Public hearing was opened. No one spoke. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit; Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 12-2-82 P&Z Minutes page 2 out that the existing C-N zoning would allow some retail uses whereas the requested A-P zoning would be more restrictive. The public hearing was opened. Larry Landry came • forward to offer to answer any questions. Bill Carll, owner of an adjacent lot asked what kind of brick would be used and what kind of fence would be provided. Mr. Behling informed him that this is not normally addressed in rezoning requests, but it could be discussed on the later agenda item (site plan approval). No one else spoke; public hear- ing was closed. Mr. Hill asked the history of the C-N zoning on this tract and Mr. Callaway said he was unable to answer this but that it has been C-N since he has been with the City. Mr. Hill asked if this would create a need in the area for a different C-N tract. Mr. Bailey indicated that he believes the A-P zoning would be a better entrance to the existing Planned Unit Development. Mr. Hall asked why rezoning was being sought and Mr. Landry informed him the owner of the land has requested him to have it re- zoned to insure an office type building would be developed. Mr. Carll stated he is happy to have this tract rezoned. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the rezoning request. Mr. Miller seconded; motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 82-142: A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 37.06 acre tract of land located at the southwest corner of the intersection of West Luther and Wellborn Road FM2154 from Heavy Industrial District M-2 to Planned Industrial District M-1 and Apartments Medium Density District R-5. Application is in the name of Bert Wheeler et al for Robert Hoppe. Mr. Callaway presented the request and located the land on a map. He pointed out that all plans for the City (both past and present) have reflected this land to be used for indus- trial development. He further pointed out that there are sewer constraints in the area due to problems downstream. He then reminded the Commission they had directed staff to initiate rezoning of this entire area to M-1 in the recent past, and that staff agrees that M-1 uses would be more appropriate due to the close proximity to residential areas. • He said that staff would recommend M-1 zoning for all this land in question and would recommend denial of the R-5 part of the request. Public hearing was opened. David Hilton, representative for Bob Hoppe asked if he could come forward and present site plans for the proposed uses. Mr. Behling informed him the potential layout of plans could not be considered except for parameters of the land. Mr. Hilton said that in his opinion, the sewer problems downstream should be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Edsel Jones came forward and said he had been helping Mr. Hoppe for about 6 months with this land. He said the land had been zoned for M-2 uses for over 30 years and had never been developed, and he doubted if it ever would be. He stated that he has land zoned R-1 next to the railroad which he could develop today as single family residential if he wished, and further pointed out that there is a nearby apartment complex which stays full all the time, so people must not object to living close to a railroad. He said the market will determine the use of land, and stated that in his opinion, the sewer capacity is there. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Hill asked if staff could agree that this proposal would be a better land use than M-2 or M-1 if there were no sewer problems. Mr. Callaway referred to the consultants' planned use of the land for industrial and the City Planner's recommendations, which have always been for industrial use. Mr. Hill asked if perhaps the consultants had only looked at the location of the railroad. Mr. Mayo then pointed out there had been a train derail- ment just a few blocks away recently, which could have been a disaster, but fortunately was not. He said that staff sees no need to develop any more residential areas so close to the railroad tracks. He then talked of the sewer capacity, and said that should this • R-5 be developed as proposed, it would use all or almost all of the available sewer capa- city, and staff feels this is a marginal apartment development tract and the City would be better off spending sewer money in a more desirable area. Mr. Hill asked about existing R-1 zoned tract adjacent, and Mr. Mayo said it is staff's opinion that it, too, should be changed to industrial. Mr. Miler pointed out the shallow depth of the proposed M-1 12-2-82 P&Z Minutes page 3 tract, and in his opinion this would almost guarantee non-development of the tract as industrial. He further stated that he believes the entire tract should be changed from • M-2 to M-1, rather than M-1 and R-5. Mr. Bailey said the potential is there for an incident when residential development is too close to a rail- road, and just because others have built close to a track, there is no reason to create a larger problem. Mr. Miller made a motion to recommend to the City Council that the entire 37.06 acres be zoned M-1; Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Mr. Hall asked who is the present owner of the I ~ GN railroad right of way, and no one seemed to be able to answer the question. Mr. Hall said his main concern is that perhaps the City has unzoned land, and he was informed that is indeed the case. Mr. Hall said he wondered if the City should include the right of way in the M-1 zoning request, and Mr. Hall said he believed that when the action to rezone the R-1 tract adjacent is initiated, the right of way should also be included. Mr. Hall said that in his opinion, continuous reference to a health hazard misses the point because the hazard would still exist, although lessened during the daytime if the land were developed as residential. His point was that a potential incident cannot be predicted at any particular time of day. He thinks the size of the tract would be better used as entirely M-1 rather than to be split between two uses, and he would be in favor of M-1 for the whole area. Motion was voted on and .passed 6-1 to recommend M-1 for all 37.06 acres. (Behling voted against). Discussion followed concerning the rezoning of the adjacent land and how to handle it. Mr. Behling recommended that staff advertise it and bring it back to PAZ as an agenda item. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 82-137: Reconsideration of a rezoning request of all of Block Y in • University Park Phase II from Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3 to Planned Commercial C-3. Application is in the name of J. Spencer Wendt. Mr. Callaway explained the request and gave the history of this particular tract of land and informed the Commission the applicant has now indicated that C-N zoning would suit his needs. The staff is still concerned with access to a commercial type tract through a residential area, and the fact that making this tract commercial is not in compliance with plans or proposed development of this area. The public hearing was re-opened. Spencer Wendt came forward and placed a plan on the wall which included proposed land use of tracts in the vicinity and identified the pro- jects (a motel, hotel, offices and mixed use). He pointed out that there is no neigh- borhood facility available in University Park for quite a long distance, and indicated that the City has a great deal of control over any C-N developments. Mr. Fleming asked why the applicant did not request A-P zoning and the applicant responded that he would like to put a convenience store on the site. Mr. Mayo asked about access through the residential street and Mr. Wendt pointed out that he would like access on to University Drive since there would be frontage of approximately 400 ft. Mr. Miller asked about how the store would serve University Park if there was no access directly into the neighborhood. Mr. Wendt said he would not be opposed to a footbridge or a bicycle bridge to the neighborhood. Mr. Miller and Mr. Bailey pointed out the potential dangers of the left hand turns required to get out of University Park and into the store site from University Drive. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the access from April Bloom to this tract has always been the access, rather than an access since the area was platted, and had always been a concern of staff's which was discussed thoroughly with the developer at the • time the area was platted. 12-2-82 PAZ Minutes page 4 Mr. Kelly asked about the C-3 request (see agenda item descripition) and Mr. Behling pointed out that the formal request (in writing) is for C-3, but the applicant has indi- • Gated verbally that he is requesting C-N zoning now. Mr. Hall said the point is whether or not University Park needs a convenience store, and he thinks this need would be questionable with current development and future development in the area. J. W. Wood came forward and said that in approximately 3000 feet of frontage on University Drive there are 8 curb cuts proposed, or 1 per 370 feet. He complimented the City on controlling this, and said there is a large area which a C-N tract would be serving. He then spoke of problems of development on this tract, and said that he had misunderstood the plans, and had thought that the rear access to April Bloom was to be a secondary access rather than the only access when the area was developed. Mr. Fleming asked what had happened to make R-3 zoning less attractive now than when it was rezoned, and Mr. Wood pointed out that the original zoning had been done in large tracts for land use, but these uses have changed. He further pointed out that this would be the only change requested in University Park from the original plans. Opponents were called and Raymond Reiser came forward and spoke of the previous agenda item which was from C-N to A-P, and said that request had been done for the purpose of preventing a convenience store in the area. Mr. Hall asked if there wasn't a difference between this tract and the one which is at the entrance to Post Oak Forest, and Mr.Reiser said it was just across the street, and the change to A-P had been requested for the purpose of protecting the environment. Mr. Hall pointed out other C-1 zoning in the area and Mr. Reiser said he was not aware of that. Mr. Behling asked Mr. Reiser if closing access to University Drive from Post Oak Forest was being considered, and Mr. Reiser said he wasn't sure. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Hill. said he was afraid of this .type of spot zoning and thought it might cause the north • side of Universit Drive from the ro osed site for this c N the C-1. the ass to become commercial. p p ~Mr. ~ai i~ey saic~the~belBiy~ves some services are needed in a neighborhood, but not necessarily in the requested loca- tion. Mr. Miller agreed and added that another traffic hazard could be the result of such development. Mr. Hall asked about the paraphrasing Mr. Wendt had presented con- cerning his meeting wifi h Mr. Ash. Mr. Ash then spoke and congratulated Mr. Wendt on his homework and presentation, but wanted to address the access to this tract of land. He reported that at no time had access to this tract been considered from University Drive. The City had worked diligently to minimize curb cuts on University Drive, and this particular tract does not have frontage on University Drive, but rather abuts University Drive and has frontage to the residential area. The City believes this tract should be zoned R-3, but if C-N or A-P is recommended, the City will work with the appli- cant to get access to University Drive because a commercial type development should not have access through a residential neighborhood. Mr. Miller asked if C-N would, in Mr. Ash's opinion, be a safe type development., and Mr. Ash replied in the negative. When asked about A-P development, Mr. Ash replied that it would probably be less of a hazard than C-N. Mr. Wood came forward again and said that Mr. Ash was correct in that the ori- ginal plans for this tract were for R-3, but that the builder who developed adjacent tracts had not seen fit to build townhouses, but rather duplexes, and consequently now townhouses on this tract would be a bad idea. Mr. Miller then made a motion to recommend denial of this rezoning request and to leave the zoning as R-3. Mr. Fleming seconded. Motion carried 6-1 with Mr. Behling voting against it. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 82-318: Preliminar Plat - Shenandoah Subdivision, located on the • Southwest corner of S.H.No. and Barron Road. Mr. Callaway explained the plat and located it on a map. He pointed out there had been a redesign of the development of this subdivision as a result of the Presubmission Con- ference meeting, the report of which is included in the Commissioner's packets. He said 12-2-82 PAZ Minutes page 5 that anv rhannac which had not peen made could be handled on the Final Plat. Mr. Mavo then spoke of the City's and County's concerns regarding the size of the subdivision and the • fact that it is not adjacent to the city limits, and there could definitely be problems with services to a development this .large. Staff's recommendation is that if the Pre- liminary Plat is approved, the condition be attached that annexation is necessary before the Final Plat is approved. Mr. Behling asked about park development, and Mr. Mayo indi- cated there is a 3 or 4 acre park planned and he has recommended to developers that they tact the City's Parks Department. Discussion of various potential problems followed including the number of major arterial streets. Then Mr.Kelly made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat with a recommendation to staff that the Final Plat not be approved until this subdivision is annexed into the City. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 82-450: Consideration of a Parking Lot Plan for a two story office building located on University Drive at Forest Drive. con- Mr. Callaway presented the site plan and pointed out that landscaping provided on the plan is not what the Commission has been recommending in the past, but the developer is making use of the existing heavily wooded tract, and cannot be sure what trees can be saved. Discussion followed concerning the access from University Drive, and Mr. Calla- way pointed out that this will be signed as "exit only". Mr. Miller asked about a screen fence, and Mr. Callaway answered that a continuous, solid 6' fence is required by Ordi- nance. Mr. Landry came forward and addressed the landscaping question, stating there would be more landscaping on this tract than there is across the street, but they wanted to wait until the building was on the lot before finalizing it. Mr. Hall asked about the "turn-around" area. Mr. Miller then made a motion to approve this plan, but to withhold the building permit until the landscaping plan is approved by the Commission. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. (Mr. Behling offered his • help to arrive at a landscaping plan). AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: 82-448: Consideration of a Parking Lot Plan for the Brazos Square Shopping Center located one block north of Brentwood Drive on the west side of Texas Avenue. Mr. Callaway presented the plan and stated the revised site plan does comply with the P.R.C. recommendations with a few exceptions which can be better handled prior to the issuance of the building permit rather than at the time of approval of the site plan. Michael Beaty, architect for the project came forward to answer questions and replied that a 6" raised curb will border the north and rear property line, allowing a 2 ft. overhang for head-in parking. Mr. Behling asked if the front of the building will be marked for a fire lane, and was answered in the affirmative. Mr. Miller asked if the driveway to the front and rear were common to the neighborhood convenience store. Mr. Beaty answer~lthat there is a 25 ft. joint access easement (12~ ft. on either side of the property line) which is already existing to the convenience store. Parking would be contiguous and there is a deed restriction for a cross easement between the 2 pieces of property. Mr. Miller asked if this went also to the rear of the building and Mr. Mayo and Mr. Kelly answered it goes all the way to the rear but there's not an easement to the rear. Mr. Miller said there is already a rear drive for the convenience store, then asked if that would continue across the rear of this building. Mr. Beaty said the rear drive to the convenience store does not come all the way to the .back of this property, but only approximately 3/4 of the way back, so that by the time their pavement stops you are in that widened portion of our plan. Discussion followed concerning the adja- cent driveways, landscaping, access, and Mr. Beaty said the developers would be happy to provide more specific landscaping notes. Mr. Ash pointed out that a great deal of • planning is still required concerning the utility site plan as well as the water and sewer and drainage plans, and that this should be discussed with David Pullen and Bennie Luedke. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the site plan with the P.R.C. recommendations and specific landscaping notes are to be shown on the plan, which must be approved by the Commission prior to the issuance of the building permit. Mr. Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 12-2-82 PAZ Minutes page 6 AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: 82-602: Consideration of the annexation of approximately 54.99 acres of land situated in the Thomas Caruthers League and the Robert Stephenson League, • and all of the right-ofi-way adjacent to the subject tract. Mr. Callaway discussed this proposed annexation and said that it does follow the com- prehensive plans and is in the direction of City growth, therefore staff recommends approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Hall made a motion to recommend approval of the annexation; Mr. Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously 6-0 with one abstention(Mr. Bailey, who was absent during the presentation and voting). • AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: 82-444: Reconsideration of a Parking Lot Plan for the Jade Garden Restaurant located at Texas Avenue ~ Brentwood. Mr. Behling explained that the City Attorney has recommended that this item not be considered because the indivisual owners are not amenable to Commission's recommendation, and the Commission should let it stand as it was approved previously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: Other business Mr. Miller brought up the problem of incomplete landscaping at the time C.O.'s are issued and cited the old Fed Mart building as an example. Mr. Wood came forward and apologized for not completing what he had promised and cited weather and irrigation as problems which had contributed to his failure to comply. Mr. Hill pointed out again that the C.O.'s will not be issued on the agenda items covered tonight until the land- scaping is in. He also stated that Mr. Wood did not make it clear that he had been in disagreement with the requirement that landscaping must be completed before the C.O. is issued at the time the requirement was made. Mr. Hall asked Mr. Wood how close the restaurant is to completion and Mr. Wood said approximately 2 weeks, and he felt sure he could meet the deadline with landscaping. Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Ash if the City could put "No Parking" signs up (referring to the south side of Harvey Road) and Mr. Ash said the City Manager could and he would point out the area in question to Mr. Barde n. Mr. Kelly then made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Bailey quickly announced a Tuesday meeting of the Northgate Committee, and then seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: irman, Jim Behling ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • ~ ~~ ~~, ~. ~ WAt7o,J ~~ a- ~ , i" , ~~~ e ,~ ~~-l~-~t ~(~e~~k~ - i~~a~~a n