HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/03/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • • • City of College Station, Texas Planning & Zoning Commission September-3~, 198fi~~"~- MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman, E. Murl Bailey; Commissioners, Kelly, Fleming, Gardner, Hazen and Hall. Council Liaison, Alvin Prause. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman, Jim Behling. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning, Al Mayo; Asst. Director of Planning, Jim Cal1away;Zoning Off icial, Jane Kee; Planning Assistant, Chris Longley; Zoning Inspector, Joan Keigley. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1, Approval of minutes - meeting of August 20, 1981. Upon motion by Commissioner .Kelly; second by Commissioner Hall the minutes of August 20, 1981 were unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2, hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM NO 3, 81-508, Consideration of a request for a site plan permit for the construction of the Lofts Apartments to be located on Holleman Drive West in Woodway Village, Phase One. Al Mayo presented the PRC report which outlined the following conditions for approval: 1. Water lines and fire hydrants for adequate coverage should be indicated. 2. Fire lanes should be designated for coverage. 3. Need plans for Jones-Butler Road from Holleman to curb access. 4. Need ten copies of site plan by Monday, August 31, 1981. 5. Indicated landscaping. 6. Show drainage. Commissioner Kelly asked if the plans for Jones-Butler Road have been submitted and was informed by Al Mayo they had not been submitted at this time because it will take quite a bit of time to prepare them and it was not anticipated they would be avail- able for this meeting. Chairman Bailey asked if the plans, when submitted, would cover these requirements and was answered aff irmatively by Al Mayo who also stated the city engineer would have to work these details out with the developers. At some time in the future Jones Butler Road will be extended with curb and gutter but what is need now is the plans from the developer for this immediate area. Chairman Bailey asked about sidewalks on Holleman and Commissioner Hall asked about the specific location of sidewalks. Al Mayo reported all these items will have to be worked out between the developer and the city engineer and added that specif is location of sidewalks will be deter- Minutes • Planning & Zoning Commission September 3, 1981 Page 2. mined later. Commissioner Hall moved for approval of the site plan subject to submission by the developer of Item No. 3 requested by the PRC; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and site plan 81-508 was unanimously approved. Commissioner Gardner stated the density of this project appeared to be in the neighborhood of 25 to 26 and a larger than usual amount of open space is reflected and stated he felt this was very commendable. AGENDA ITEM NO IV, 81-510, Consideration of a reque~t~for a site plan permit for the_ construction of an off ice & storage facility to be located on Manuel Drive in the K.F.O. Addition. Al Mayo gave the recommendations of the PRC as follows: 1. Add end islands or 6" curb along outside parking spaces. Commissioner Hall expressed concern over the small amount of landscaping shown in the plan_and asked if there was a size requirement for trees listed in the ordinance. Al Mayo stated there was not a specific size requirement but the landscaping is • generally worked out with and approved by the P & Z. Commissioner Hazen asked about the drainage of the site and would it drain toward the street. Al Mayo replied that would have to be worked out with the city engineer. Commissioner Hall asked Mr. Johnson if additional landscaping other than what is shown on the plan is intended. Mr. Johnson explained he did not realize the importance of landscaping to this commission and had not taken the time to show all the landscaping intended in detail on the plan. He stated there would be planters near the buildings and other land- scaping which is not shown on the plan. Commissioner Kelly moved for approval of site plan 81-510 subject to PRC conditions; second was given by Commissioner Fleming and the plan was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. V, 81-511, Consideration of a request for a site plan permit for the construction of an apartment/condominium project to be located at the intersection of Spring Loop Drive and Tarrow Street in the University Park Subdivision. This item was withdrawn from the agenda. AGENDA ITEM N0. VI, 81-317, A preliminary plat of Southwood Terrace Section 3. • Al Mayo gave the staff recommendation for approval and stated these are all single family lots. Commissioner Bailey asked about requirements for access notations on plats and Al Mayo replied these could be stated now, but as a rule those notations appear on the final plat . _~ • • Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission September 3, 1981 Page 3. Commissioner Bailey asked specif ically about the oversized lot no. 82 and Al Mayo replied the lot could possibly be being held for a def inite buyer who wanted a lot of that proportion. Upon motion for approval of preliminary plat 81-317 by Commissioner Hazen; second by Commissioner Gardner, the plat was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. VII, 81-235, A f inal plat - Correction Plat of Woodway Vi11aEe Phase One. Al Mayo explained this plat changes the private access easement to an alley and also resubdivides Block One into duplex lots. The alley along Lot 8, Block Two should have a 10 foot utility easement along the side. All drainage easements should be designated as private unless they are underground construction. Commissioner Kelly stated he was certain easements had been discussed at the previous meeting even though he did not see it reflected in the minutes. Chairman Bailey asked if notations should be placed on the plat for utility ease- ments, and Al Mayo answered that is required on the final p1aU: Commissioner Kelly asked if there has been a decision about electrical utilities being placed underground and Al Mayo replied it is being worked out, but no decision has been made at this time. Commissioner Kelly asked if they were placed underground if the city would accept it and Al Mayo answered aff irmatively. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Hall, Correction Plat 81-235 was unanimously approved subject to easement notations on the plat. AGENDA ITEM N0. VIII, 81-236, A f anal plat - Southwood Valley Section 19. Al Mayo explained the city had approved a f final plat on this tract in March of this year-but that plat was never filed. This plat differs only in Block 14B which now has four lots instead of twelve lots as originally platted. Block 14B is zoned R-5. The remainder of the tract is C-1. He gave the staff recommendation for approval. Commissioner Kelly stated_he could not understand why they were not requesting a zone change and Al Mayo explained that the R-5 zoning would allow them to develop whatever they wished, right up to R-1. Commissioner Kelly moved for approval of final plat 81-236; second was given by Commissioner Hazen and the plat received unanimous approval. AGENDA ITEM N0. IX, Other Business. Al Mayo presented a review schedule developed. by the Planning Consultants. They had planned to be at the meeting tonight but weather must have interrupted their plans. Commissioner Gardner stated there had been a list of tasks which has been updated and requested .copies for the Commissioners to give them the opportunity to be current with the consultants.' activities. Al Mayo discussed the staff's concern over the number of itinerant vendors who are Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission September 3, 1981 Page 4. locating throughout the business area and stated conversations with the City • Attorney indicate the zoning ordinance will allow staff to exercise some control; however, some of the cases might need to be reviewed by this commission. Commissioner Kelly commented that in some cases the owners of the centers where these vendors locate are receiving payment for the space being occupied and questioned how this could be approached. Al Mayo stated parking requirements are established and approved to support the permanent merchants; itinerant vendors occupy spaces which were approved for the permanent merchants and these cases should be carefully reviewed. Chairman Bailey asked about sales .tax collection and if there is a way to determine if the city's portion of the tax is being collected. Alvin Prause stated that right now the city does not have the. opportunity to review the sales records of these vendors. Commissioner Kelly asked if the request is for a new ordinance. Al Mayo stated there might. be a necessity to amend the ordinance, but restated that conversations with the City Attorney reflect that a certain amount of control can be accomplished through the ordinance as it now stands and pointed out the staff con- cern is over itinerant vendors, not special promotions by permanent merchants. Commissioner Hall explained how Austin relegated this type sales operation to one • specif is area in order to maintain control. Commissioner Hazen expressed concern over the very large trucks which are being parked in the area of Munson, Hardwood and University Oaks and asked if staff could check into the situation and see if something could be done about the matter. AGENDA ITEM N0. X, Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the body, upon motion by Commissioner Hall; second by Commissioner Fleming the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Secretary r~ LJ