HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/1980 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MINUTES. Special City Council and Planning, &~ Zoning Commission Meeting ~~ September 10, I9=80 4:00. P . M:.: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayox:Halter, C'aunc~lmen Ringer, Boughton, Dozier, Jones, Runnels, Chairman M~he~, Commissioners Hazen, ='Glatso~n, Ga~xdner~ Behling, - ._ . , Sears, Bailey, City engineer Ash,:Gity„Flanner.-Maya;. City':.Secretary S~hro~d~ex, Z-orl:~.ng.Offical_ Callaway, Assistant Engineer S~ith, -Community Development Planner., Kee, Hbuis.ing Programs. Coo'rdi'~iator .,, Stiles, Assistant Gity-Manager, Finance Van Dever.' MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Ke11•}~, C~,ty Manager- Bardell C/ISL~ORS PRESENT: See guest register Agenda Item No. 1^-Coumc•l Coneerns.._ Councilman Boughton. asked":`when the light at Southwest Parkway and Texas Avenue would be completed. She .was told there had 'been trouble with parts,. acrd as soon a~s.' those came in,, the. light-would be operational. " ` Mayor Halter asked the Council's p•leaswsre concerning a meeting date and tia~- for,~a decision of- the annexation of • the ~iarvey area. -The CouneiL decided on Monday, Sept. ff 1~at6p.m. t. ~ :~. ;Agenda Item No.2--~'lann~ng & Zoning Concerns. ' - 'Chairman xfaher questioned: thy, Council concerning the direction the commissiorr.is !to take concerning, enforcement' of ordinances' relatng~to 'single family,. dwellings 'being inhabited by several unrelated persons, ambiguous~~wording in ozdinanc.es, 'strip rezoning_and several other areas-: _ '• ~Commisss~orcer Gazdner explaned his belief concerning ,~requ;ent rezoning of commercial areas, :norr=~~mpliance of the ~:andscaging'ardinan~e and. Qther co~itcernS of the "F&Z commi.s~iQn's r4l.e in .:reporting to ~Yxe Council and in suggesting ideas ,for Flan` 2000.: Discussion 'by .Lath groups centered on the . responsiblit-ies :of ' tfie P&S~`~ especially •iii interpreting ordinances and initiating' changes in drrd~nances. _ =the question of a definition .of strip .zoning wa•s raised. No concliis~oii 'was .reached. -r' Councilman Dozier asked that atiather. joint meeting. be held tc~ discuss some of the solutions to the problems raised today. `' A$enda. Item No. 3--Consideration of. Common Problems. - _ s Charman.~faher convened'-the P&Z Comiuission far consideration of a revised site plan far he Poste Oak Mall. {~ City Planner :Mayo presented and explained the proposeid changes- of the plan. He ,stated that t}re staff-recommends approval with the addition of some sort of wheel -stops at two. specific glares to prevent traffic crossing~through•the`'parking lot. MINUTES City of College Station, Texas • Planning & Zoning Commission September 17, 1981 MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman, E. Murl Bailey; Commissioners, Kelly, Fleming, Gardner, and Hall. Council Liaison, Alvin Prause. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Jim Behling; Commissioner Anne Hazen. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Capital Improvements, Elrey B. Ash II; Director of Planning, Al Mayo; Zoning Off icial, Jane Kee; Planning Assistant, Chris Longley; Zoning Inspector,. Joan Keigley; Acting Planning Technician, Julie Collins. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 - Approval of .Minutes., Meeting o_f_SeQtember 3, 1981 Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Hall, the minutes of September 3, 1981, were unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 - Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3, (81-509) - Consideration of a request for a site plan permit • for the construction of the Treehouse Apartments Phase II to be located approxi- mately 1,000 feet west of the intersection of Wellborn Road and Luther Street and south of an adjacent to Treehouse Apartments Phase I. Al Mayo explained that the staff was unable to hold a P.R.C. review of this project. There are no problems, though, except to add fire hydrants and fire lanes where necessary. We recommend approval. Chairman Bailey asked why these plans were not in the packets. Al Mayo explained they were mailed to our office on Monday and we just received them on Wednesday. Commissioner Kelly asked if they would have to have a 15' setback off the road and stated that was the general rule and on their plans they only show a 10' setback. Al Mayo stated that looking at the site plans there would be no problem with picking up the other 5'. Commissioner Hall asked if the landscaping shown was actually what they plan to do. Al Mayo stated that the-staff just automatically tells everyone that what is shown is exactly what will be checked for and hopefully the developer understood • that. Chairman Bailey asked if there were any problems other than the 5' setback and • the fire hydrants and lanes. Al Mayo stated he could see no other problems. He also stated that he had discussed the fire hydrants with the Fire Marshal and had a set of plans in his off ice showing the proper placement of fire hydrants to give to the developer. Commissioner Hall asked if the 15' applied also to the parking lot. Al Mayo said the usual requirement is 8'. Chairman Bailey asked for a representative of the Treehouse Apartments and since there was no one present, he then asked for comments from the commissioners. Commissioner Kelly recommended approval of the plans with the placement of fire hydrants and an additional 5' added into the setback for a total of 15' setback. Motioned was seconded by Commissioner Gardner and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 (81-512) - Consideration of a request for a site plan permit for the construction of a four-plex on Lot 4, Block 20 of the Boyett Addition. Al Mayo explained this is an extremely poor site plan. The P.R.C. turned it down and Mr. Foster is appealing to the P & Z. The parking is very poorly laid out and insufficient. The minimum requirement is six spaces but that will not be enough parking. This lot is not even large enough to meet our minimum re- quirements for a single family residence, yet a four plex is proposed. The ef- fective density is almost 40 dwelling units per acre. This is even more dense • than most of the North Gate area. We recommend either enlarging the site or building a single family residence under the R-lA restrictions. Chairman Bailey asked Al Mayo the square footage of this lot. Al Mayo replied something just over 4,000'. This is a problem that has occurred many times in this area. The lots are plotted small and were originally planned for single family dwellings and at sometime in the history of College Station, got zoned for high density apartments. Al also pointed out the Development Con- trol Review Committee-has met and one of the things discussed was minimum lot size on multi-family dwelling. Commissioner Kelly stated under those requirements it would be hard to build a duplex. Al Mayo stated that a duplex wouldn't fit because the minimum lot width is 70'. The alternative would be a small single family dwelling or combine it with other land. Commissioner Hall stated that the lots in this area are small and we're trying to do what we can to keep the density low. Commissioner Gardner stated that is the purpose of P.R.C. Commissioner Kelly agreed with staff that to put afour-plea in this small area defeats the purposes we're trying to work for. This lot is just not a four-plea • lot until combined with another lot. Commissioner Hall moved to deny this request and Commission Gardner seconded; approval was denied by a unanimous vote. `-\ -3- AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 (81-318) - A preliminary plat Southwood Valley Section 23. • Al Mayo explained these are duplex lots. The street exceeds the maximum allowable cul-de-sac length. He explained this area is zoned R-4 and pointed out the cul- de-sac is 700' deep which is 100' in excess of the 600' maximum in the ordinance. Chairman Bailey asked if 700' would make any difference for the fire engines or whatever and Mr. Mayo stated no. Commissioner Gardner stated that with all duplexes going in the area this would contribute to the conjestion of parking and traffic would be a problem unless there is a 60' wide street. Commissioner Hall asked about turning the street the other way and Mr. Mayo explained that the property is owned by someone else and might be a long time developing. He also stated that stubing or turning a street still will not eliminate the long cul-de-sac. The only other alternative suggested by Al Mayo is to simply shorten the street and isolate the property. Chairman Bailey asked Mr. Bill Fitch, property owner, what he plans for the property to the south. Mr. Fitch-has approached the other property owner for a joint venture and has repeatedly. been given a negative response. • Mr. Fitch stated the slope of the land is the reason for the drainage ditch. Al Mayo had pointed out the possibility of building a bridge and Mr. Fitch noted that a four lane bridge is being built on Welsh Blvd. He then pointed out there really is no need in building a second bridge. He also stated he could just pull that cul-de-sac out and make some really deep lots. Commissioner Hall asked how far would .you have to back that cul-de-sac off. Mr. Fitch stated 120'. But they would pull it back to comply. Commissioner Hall stated that to shorten the cul-de-sac sounds like a good com- promise and stays within compliance also. Commissioner Kelly asked if the zoning was R-4 and Al Mayo answered aff irmatively. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve this plat by shortening the cul-de- sac to 600'. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hall and passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 (81-237) - A f final plat, resubdivision of Lots 1 & 2, Block A of the University Park Addition Phase 1. Al Mayo explained this plat relocates the side lot line between Lots 1 & 2. The staff recommends approval. Commissioner Hall asked the reason and Al Mayo stated because of the type of • building they wanted to build, the trees are in the way and so the line was moved to accomodate their plan. ~~ ,~ .~; " ~~ -4- A motion was made by Commissioner Kelly and seconded by Commissioner Gardner to • approve the final plat - resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Block A of the University Park Addition, Phase I and was approved unanimously. Commissioner Mike Fleming entered the meeting at 7:50 P.M. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 (81-238) - A f inal plat of a 40 foot private access easement on Lots 29 and 30, Block 14 of the Boyett Addition. Al Mayo explained the platting of this easement is a condition of the site plan for the four-plex on Lot 29. Staff recommends approval. Commissioner Kelly asked if the original plat had utilities or something in the back part. Al Mayo stated that a four-plex had already been built and that they wanted to utilize this access for the other four-plex. Commissioner Hall made a motion; Commissioner Kelly seconed, that a final plat providing a 40 foot private access easement on Lots 29 and 30, Block 14 of the Boyett Addition be approved and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 (81-239) - A f final plat, Woodson Village Fifth Installment, Sa~tinn TT_ Al Mayo explained this as identical to the approved preliminary plat. The originally approved plat (June, 1973) showed nineteen lots as opposed to twenty- five lots on this plat. The diff erence in net density is only about one dwelling unit per acre. The lots backing up to the drainage area are comparable in size • to the lots on Pershing. Hawthorne Street will be extended on existing right-of- way to Holleman. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Bailey asked Elrey Ash to comment on the drainage/sewage problem. Elrey Ash stated the entire area is serviced with a 12" line. There have been numerous inf filtration problems over the past several years. The city is currently under contract with a group that is running an infiltration in-flow study for us. They are collecting data and probably will have something for us within the next 45 days and will be locating the source of our problem on this line as well as many others throughout the city. The problem being that when we have heavy storm rains, the storm water gets into the sanitary sewage facility and completely takes up the capacity of the line. Corrections will be made as soon as the problem is found. Commissioner Fleming, asked Mr. Ash if he estimated 90 days to find the problem. Mr. Ash answered the data would be received within 90 days but depending on the seriousness of the problem, the solution could take as little as 2 weeks or as long as 6 months. Residents of the area, which included: Mrs. Robert Knapp, Mr. Garland Cannon, Mrs. Ileene Gillisie, Mrs. Patricia Cannon and Mrs. June Triby spoke against approval of the plat for the following reasons: (1) The proposed lot size is to small and is not compatible with • other lots in the area. (2) The proposed development will lower property values. -5- (3) There are sewage problems already existing. • (4) Concerned over the square footage of the homes to be built. (5) Additional homes will increase the flooding problems on Bee Creek. (6) Lot size and construction requirements should be equal to deed re- strictions now in existence. (7) Noise factor if they type housing built was low-cost and was used as rental units. Commissioner Gardner stated he had missed the date of the update and prospects of improving the sewage. Mr. Ash stated the data could be collected in approximately 45 days. City personnel would then physically walk each line where a problem is indicated. Guaging stations will be placed in the bottom of man holes on all these lines. After they are in place and after a rainfall, we can see the percentage flow change in normal flow patterns of that sewer line based on dry weather conditions and wet weather conditions. An determination of which lines have a def finite infiltration problem can be made. A def finite date cannot be determined until we have located a def finite problem. Commissioner Gardner asked does a delay make any difference in terms of conse- quence to these people. • Mr. Ash stated there is no doubt that 25 additional homes would add a sewer load on this line. Commissioner Fleming, because we don't know what the problem is, this should be tabled until we do know. Commissioner Kelly stated the plat meets all requirements, but the sewage problem and street situation should be considered. Chairman Bailey asked if any commissioner wanted to ask Mr. Garrett, the builder, any questions. Commissioner Hall asked Mr. Garrett if there was a particular reason why he had drawn the lots at these dimensions. Mr. Garrett stated all of the lots are above R-1 zoning requirements. Commissioner Hall asked if he just put as many lots as possible on Block 2? Mr. Garret stated yes. Because of the size of the lots, the cost won't allow a low income house on it. Because it is zoned R-1, there will not be any duplex or four-plexes. Commissioner Kelly asked could he estimate that all the houses would be at least 1200 square feet or more. • Mr. Garret could not answer except to say that he doubted anyone would buy a lot like this and then build a real small house. ~ _ \'~ -6- Chairman Bailey asked about what these lots would be selling for and Mr. Garrett • answered he was not sure but because of the price of lots now, they would not be cheap. Commissioner Hall moved that the matter be tab led until the study has been com- pleted on the sewage lines. Commissioner Fleming seconded the motion. which received unanimous approval. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 (81-240) - A f final plat, resubdivision of Lot 14, Sandstone Addition and a plat of Sandy Ridge located east of and adjacent to the Sandstone Addition. Al Mayo explained the owners of the 18.45 acre tract wish to add on the small triangular-shaped tract designated as Lot 14A on the inset. This provides them, they feel, better access for their home to be built on the larger tract. It also provides access to the utility easement for the water line. The staff recommends approval. The motion was made by Commissioner Kelly and second by Commissioner Fleming to approve a final plat - resubdivision of Lot 14, Sandstone Addition and a plat of Sandy Ridge located east of and adjacent to the Sandstone Addition and was approved unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 - Discussion of Goals and Ob_1"ectives Section of Plan - 2000. Commissioner Gardner passed out a memorandum, from himself, regarding the Goals • and Objectives - Plan 2000. He stated that it was important to get on with the Plan and have something to present to the consultants. The consultants present were Sam Wiese, Wayne Snider, and Carl Crawley. The ex- pressed their feeling that the list of goals and objectives already submitted to them is workable. Chairman Bailey appointed a committee of Al Mayo, Jim Gardner, Wes Hall and Murl Bailey to meet and review the goals and objectives. Al Mayo stated he would contact the members of this committee to meet sometime next week. Then meet with the consultants. Consultant Sam Wiese suggested a workshop type meeting in an informal setting, including P&Z members, City Council, staff and appropriate neighborhood repre- sentatives. • Wayne Snider suggested this meeting to be a separate and different date than a regular P&Z Meeting. October 6th at 7:00 P.M. was set for the first workshop meeting. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11 - Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the body upon motion by Commissioner Fleming; second by Commissioner Hall and a unanimous .vote of the members the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Secretary APPROVE Chairma