HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • City of College Station, Texas Planning & Zoning Commission October 1, 1981 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Vice Chairman Bailey, Commissioners, Kelly, Fleming, Gardner, Hazen and Hall. Council Liaison Bob Runnels. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Capital Improvements, Elrey B. Ash II; Assistant Director of Planning, Jim Callaway; Zoning Official, Jane Kee; Planning Assistant, Chris Longley; Zoning Inspector, Joan Keigler; Planning Technician, Fran Collier. Absent: Al Mayo, Director of Planning. Chairman Behling called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval. of minutes--Meeting of September 17, 1981. Commissioner Bailey requested staff to check the minutes of June, 1973 to determine if the plat approved at that time for Case No. 81-239 was a f final or preliminary plat. Staff research reflects the following: • The minutes of August 6, 1973 reflect the originally approved plat for current Case No. 81-239 to have been a f final plat and that information is now made a part of these minutes. Commissioner Hall requested the following .rewording of paragraph 11, page 2 of the minutes of September 17, 1981 which is now made a part of these minutes. Commissioner Hall stated that the lots in this area are small and it is the position of the Development Control Review Committee that we are trying to do what we can to keep the density control low in that area. There being no further corrections to the minutes, upon motion by Commissioner Bailey; second by Commissioner Gardner, the minutes of September 17, 1981 were unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 (81-128): A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 6.63 acre tract located at the intersection of Arguello Drive and Chimney Hill Drive in the Chimney Hill Subdivision from Single Family District R-1 to Townhouse District R-3. The application is in the name of J. W. Wood, College Station. In Al Mayo's absence Jim Callaway presented the PRC report to the Committee: This tract is identif ied on the Chimney Hill final plat as being an area for PUD type . development. The area is reflected as low density residential on Land Use Plan. Adequate access and utility service to the tract is provided by the developers of the subdivision. Proposed R-3 zoning is compatible with the adjacent residential uses. Approval of request is recommended for the following reasons: Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission October 1, 1981 Page 2. 1. The tract designated for this type of development on the plat approved by the P & Z and Council. • 2. The request is compatible with the surrounding zoning and Land Uses. 3. The request is in compliance with the comprehensive plan in that the overall area would remain low density in character. The Public Hearing was opened. J. W. Wood, developer of the project explained the density of the development would be 6 units per acre. Twenty-three units will be located on the site. The tract is heavily wooded and the development is designed to leave as much of the natural screening as possible. The following persons spoke in opposition to the development: Mrs. Gardner Osborn, Mr. Edward Madeley, Mr. Bob Burstein and Mr. Lewis J. Horn. Their objections were as follows: 1. High rise, high density apartments next to a single family area will provide prof it to the builder and a lowering of the value of adjacent, established single family properties. 2. Privacy of adjacent single family areas will be invaded by a high rise development. 3. Water flow from parking lots of the proposed development will drain • across adjacent property. 4. Concern that these units will become rental property. Mr. Wood explained the development will be two-story and the units will cost $95,000 to $150,000 each. A 40' natural greenbelt to the northeast will provide a substantial physical barrier. Tennis courts will be screened between the property lines and there are no plans for lighting the courts at this time. The Public Hearing was closed. At Commissioner Gardner's request, Jim Callaway reviewed the density section of the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Gardner asked what consideration of flooding and drainage problems had there been and Jim Callaway reported that drainage or flood information would have been shown on the plans when the subdivision was submitted. There being no further comments or questions, Commissioner Bailey moved and Commissioner Kelly Seconded the motion that the recommended change from R-1 to R-3 be made. This motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 (81-710): A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional _Use Permit for the operation of a church facility to be located in the existing _structure at 313 College Main. The application is in the name of the Maranatha Christian Center, College Station, Texas. • Jim Callaway presented the report-which outlined the following conditions for approval: The site plan for this proposal was reviewed by the PRC on September 17, 1981. Approval of the request in accordance with the PRC's action is recommended: Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission October 1, 1981 Page 3. 1. Surface treatment--asphalt or concrete. 2. Edge treatment--curb needed. • 3. Add islands in parking area as recommended. 4. No dorm rooms allowed in C-1 district. 5. Need 10 copies of plan by Friday, September 18. The Public Hearing was opened. R. L. Ostersted and Hank Parkman of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church spoke in opposition to the permit with the following objections: 1. Concern over insufficient parking space as there is a parking problem now with so many churches already in the area. 2. Landscaping requirements. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioners Gardner, Hazen and Hall brought out that landscaping, parking and fire safety were to be considered and posed the question regarding the committee seeing actual site plans. On the basis of the applicant submitting drawings for proposed landscaping and repairs Commissioner Bailey moved to table this item and Commissioner Kelly seconded. The motion carried unanimously. _AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 (81-511): Consideration of a request for the site plan permit for the construction of an apartment project to be located at the northeast corner of • the intersection of Tarrow Street and Spring Loop Drive in University Park Phase One. Jim Callaway presented the PRC report which outlined the following conditions for approval: 1. Flood plain to be approved prior to building permit issuance. 2. Increase dumpster locations to meet standards (total 8-6 yd. + 1-3 yd.) 3. Landscaping--same trees are shown in drives/sidewalks. 4. Add dimensions (15' separation) as indicated. 5. Indication of landscaping needed. 6. Curb section at islands, drives, etc. to be added. 7. Designate fire lane at all curbs where no parking is designated/show on plan. 8. Add fire hydrant on Spring Loop. Relocate fire hydrants as needed on site to provide adequate coverage (30 feet as hose lays). 9. Need ten copies of site plan by Monday, September 28. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern about the drainage and the flood plain in this area. Elrey Ash called attention to the memo from Al Mayo and its request for flood plain to be approved prior to issuance of the building permit. Commissioner Hazen pointed out there are other projects in the area with like sounding names and suggested some consideration should be given in regard to a name change. • Commissioner Kelly made the motion with second by Commissioner Gardner for approval of the request subject to PRC recommendations. Commissioner Bailey voted against, Commissioner Hazen abstained. The motion carried. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission October 1, 1981 • Page 4. AGENDA ITEM NO 6 (81-413)• Consideration of a parking lot plan for a washateria to be located at the intersection of First Street and Church Street in the Boyett Addition. 5. 6" waterline to be extended to site, locate fire hydrant at northeast corner of property on Church Street. approval: 1. Move building to 7 1/2 side setback. 2. Add islands at interior parking. 3. Redesign curb as recommended. 4. Relocate dumpster. Jim Callaway presented the PRC report which outlined the following conditions for Commissioners Kelly and Bailey posed questions of afire hydrant near the washateria and a speed bump in the parking lot. Chairman Behling stated there is a 250' require- ment for the fire hydrant and that since it was not a through traffic situation there was no need for a speed bump. Commissioner Hall motioned for approval with PRC recommendations with Commissioner Bailey second. Motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM NO 7 (81-414)• Consideration of a parking lot plan for a Best Western Motel to be located west of and adjacent to Texas Avenue and approximately 500 feet south of the intersection of Texas Avenue and Southwest Parkway. The PRC report outlining the following conditions for approval was presented by Jim Callaway: 1. Minimum 14' ' 2. Screen fence between project and apartments to rear. 3. Add fire hydrants. 4. Sprinkler all units. 5. Add vicinity location map to plan. 6. Add island at front off ice. 7. Developer needs to clear water and sewer service questions and ~.lat subdivided tract for motel project. 8. Show existing and planned trees. 9. Designate fire lanes at all curbs where no parking is indicated. 10. Show drainage on plan. 11. Provide State's headwall detail at drive intersection with Texas Avenue. 12. See Jim Jett about curb cut on Texas Ave. (.combine cuts on two tracts). 13. Show detached sign location. 14. Show dumpster locations--check with G. Ford about needs and locations. 15. Need-ten copies of plan by September 28, 1981. Commissioner Hazen asked if it was in the plans to eventually open the back part of the parking lot for access to other roads. Jim Callaway stated the owner did have this in the plans. 0. T. Tilly, the General Contractor came forward and explained the plans for the area and the density. Jim Jett, the owner came forward and presented the plans for the curb cutoff on Texas Avenue and for a back road giving access to the easement behind the building. • Commissioners Kelly and Hall asked questions regarding the fire lane and if traff is control could deny the left turn from the parking lot onto Texas Avenue as well as asking if the owner planned on paving the parking lot. Elrey Ash answered that there were not any plans to refuse the left turn on to Texas Avenue and Mr. Jett said they were going to pave the parking area. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission October 1, 1981 Page 5. Motion to approve, with PRC recommendations, was made by Commissioner Kelly; seconded by Bailey, and unanimously approved. • Commissioner Gardner left the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Commissioner Fleming entered the meeting at 8:35 p.m. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 (81-319): Consideration of a preliminary plat--Emerald Forest Phases 6 and 7. Jim Callaway presented this item. The Staff recommends approval in accordance with Al Mayo's memo of September 28, 1981. The area bounded by Victoria Street, Emerald Parkway and Appomattox Drive should be redesigned so that no lots will take access on Appomattox or Emerald Parkway. Appomattox is a 70-foot right-of-way. Larry Wells spoke regarding the lots facing Appomattox and there being enough room to turn around on the lot sites. He stated there was sufficient room and explained the proposed parking area and driveway setup. Commissioner Hall expressed concern over the dead ending of Appomattox carrying traffic from Highway 30 into Emerald Forest Parkway. Elrey Ash explained the reasons for terminating Appomattox at Emerald Forest Parkway as a means of relieving congestion in the area by providing a parallel roadway. It's quite possible the planning consultants may address the possibilities of a major street such as Appomattox going on through the Rock Prairie Road, and if so, it will be necessary for the city to give its consideration at that time. Councilman Runnels stated his feeling that the commission is going to have to look into • relieving Texas Avenue and the bypass of carrying so much traffic in the future instead of trying to tie Rock Prairie into some sort of arterial that's west of Carter Creek and east of the bypass. Consideration needs to be given as to whether they want it more of a continuous street or have sort of an intersection and turn. Now is the time to think about this if we want to avoid some of the buildup on Texas Avenue South. Commissioner Hall stated his reluctance to keep putting things off until the new comprehensive plan is completed and expressed his feeling that a commitment should be made to leave ourselves open in order to give our planners room to consider the extension of Appomattox all the way from Highway 30 to Rock Prairie. Chairman Behling cautioned that any time connections are made with roadways it should be at a 90o angle rather than a curve. No matter where it intersects with Emerald Forest, it ought to be a 9flo angle. Commissioner Bailey moved to table this item on the basis of a redesign of Phase 7. Commissioner Hall seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 (81-241): Consideration of a final plat - A resubdivision of the Southwest Place Addition. Jim Callaway presented this item to the committee. The purpose of this plat is to subdivide Lot 2B for the Best Western Motel considered in agenda Item 7 earlier. Private access easements have been shown to allow a combined curb cut to both lots from Texas Avenue. The staff recommends approval. • Commissioner Kelly motioned for approval with a second by Commissioner Bailey. The motion carried with Chairman Behling opposing. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission October 1, 1981 Page 6. AGENDA ITEM NO 10 (81-242)• Consideration of a f final plat--Vacating and resubdividing lots 10. 11 and 12, Block 1 of the Tauber Addition. • Jim Callaway presented this item. This plat combines three existing lots into one. An existing building on the site has setbacks that comply with the ordinances only if this is one tract. The owner wishes to add on to the building. To do this he needs this replat or a variance. The staff recommends approval. Commissioner Bailey motioned for approval with a second by Commissioner Kelly. The plan was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM NO 11 (81-243)• Consideration of a f final plat dedicating a 60 foot right-of-way from Jersey Street, south to Luther Street. Jim Callaway presented this right-of-way plat for the street to be built by the City along the Treehouse Apartments. This will solve access problems for several tracts. The staff recommended approval. Commissioner Hazen expressed concern of this commercial area having access from the rear. Jim Callaway assured her that the commercial places were among the dedicated parties to have access. Commissioner Kelly motioned for approval with second by Commissioner Bailey. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: Planning Consultants--Weise & Snyder. • A planning workshop is scheduled next Tuesday, October 6, 1981 at 7:00 p.m. in Conf erence Room A. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: Other business Bill Fitch approached the commission to get their feeling toward his changing the approved 600 ft. cul de sac in Section 23 of Southwood Valley which was previously approved at the September 17, 1981 meeting to his alternate 700 ft. cul de sac. Chairman Behling said he favored allowing full length with Fitch's cul de sac with 38' paving preferably with 60' right-of-way. Trying to achieve the 39' street. On this basis Mr. Fitch will consider reapplication for approval. Chairman Behling asked for a rifcation of case ~~81-239 which was tabled at the September 17, 1981 meeting. Elrey Ash reiterated that the problem of inflow of the storm sewer into the sanitary sewer lines already causes problems to the developed residential area. He further explained the time period involved in being able to properly accumulate data which will locate the point of inf filtration. He explained that once the source of the inffiltration problems is determined there is not a time table, nor cost information available which allows the city to guarantee a spec if is period of time for correction of these problems. Chairman Behling stated that his instructions, by the minutes, said this item was tabled until the sewer problem was taken care of. He further said that his directions would be that when they heard back from the sewer study then they would make a decision. • Commissioner Kelly motioned to adjorn the meeting with Commissioner Bailey second and unanimous approval. ATTEST: APPROVED: ~.._. Ch irman ecre ary - ~