HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • City of College Station, Texas Planning & Zoning Commission November 5, 1981 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Hazen, Gardner and Hall. Council Liaison, Bob Runnels. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Bailey. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant to the City Engineer, Mark Smith; Assistant Director of Planning, Jim Callaway; Zoning Official, Jane Kee; Zoning Inspector, Joan Keigley; Planning Technician, Fran Collier. At 7:00 P.M. Chairman Behling called the meeting to order and delayed consideration of Items 1, 4 and 5 until the arrival of Commissioners Hazen and Hall. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 (81-130): A public hearing on the question of rezoning an 89,181 square foot tract located at the nortHeast corner of the intersection of Highway 30 and Stallings Drive from Apartment District R-6 to Planned Commercial District • C-3. The application is in the name of Mr. David Drapela. The applicant requested this item be withdrawn from the agenda. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 (81-415): Consideration of a parking area plan for the Westinghouse Electronics Plant to be located on the east side of the East Bypass 2,500 feet south of Raintree Drive. Jim Callaway presented this to the commission with the staff's recommendation for the approval of the site with the following conditions recommended by the PRC: 1. Right-of-way of Appomattox to be dedicated; 2. Adequate screening to be provided to adjacent single family area. 3. Firelanes must be provided in accordance with Fire Marshal's requirements. 4. Fire hydrants to be provided in accordance with Fire Marshal's requirements. Commissioner Kelly asked whether or not the whole planned area would have to be fenced on the east side by the Rain Tree Addition; Chairman Behling and Commissioner Gardner asked about the wheel stops in the parking area. Mr. Morris explained the plans for this area. Commissioner Kelly stated his feeling that the plan meets all the neighbor- hood requirements. Commissioner Fleming expressed concern over the lighting of the softball field. Mr. Dallas Morris, architect for Westinghouse approached the commission to answer . questions they had. Commissioner Gardner asked about the truck traffic flow, protective facade around the plant, and the proposed .sign for. the plant. Mr. Morris stated truck traff is would be light deliveries to the cafeteria vending machines. There would be no raw material deliveries for manufacturing. There will be one 4' sign, with the Westinghouse name on it to be placed at the entrance. The highest portion of the building will be 39'. Minutes P&Z Commission Meeting -2- November 5, 1981 Mr. Rick Hutsinger, Project Manager for Westinghouse, told the commission the plant • would manufacture pre-wiring and digital assemblies. Commissioner Hall arrived at the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Councilman Runnels expressed concern over the runoff of water from the parking lot into a pond type area and possible stagnation. Mr. Morris described the pond area as an extension of their water drainage. Water only collects during heavy rainfall and the majority of the time it will be dry land. Drainage from the parking lot will go into the Rain Tree drainage system. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern over access to the recreation facilities. Mr. Hutsinger explained the usage of the outdoor facilities and people would have to use their car for access due to security reasons. Jim Callaway stressed they were meeting with regard to approval or disapproval of the parking lot and landscaping plan which exceeds the city ordinance requirements. Commissioner Kelly moved to approve. this plan with the recommendations of the PRC and it was seconded by Commissioner Fleming. The motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO 7 (81-321)• A preliminary plat--Treehouse Place located on the east corner of the intersection of Longmire Drive and Treehouse Trail. Jim Callaway presented Al Mayo's memo on this item. This property was formerly zoned commercial and currently zoned R-5. The proposed resubdivision would accommodate • typical four-plex development. The staff recommends rear access be provided and the drainage easement be designated as private. W. D. Fitch explained the plat meets every requirement without needing rear access. Chairman Behling asked Jim Callaway if it had rear access could they reduce the size of the right-of-way on 39'. Jim Callaway said it should be feasible but he did not want to obligate Elrey Ash. The reason the staff suggested rear access was because it was easier to get parking lots approved. Commissioner Hall inquired about having driveways on the side of the lots and Jim Callaway explained the reason this would be difficult. Commissioner Hall moved for approval of this plat with the private drainage easements. Commissioner Kelly seconded the motion, all approved and motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 (81-245): A f final plat - Stewart's Meadow. Jim Callaway presented Al Mayo's memorandum on this item. This plat is identical to the approved preliminary and the staff recommends approval. Commissioner Gardner moved to approve .this item with Commissioner Hall seconding. Motion carried unanimously. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 (81-246): A final plat - vacating and resubdivision of Lots 1, 2 and 3; Block D, College Heights Addition. Jim Callaway presented Al Mayo's memo on this item. The lots are zoned A-P. The staff recommends approval. Commissioner Gardner moved for approval of the plat with the second by Commissioner Kelly. The motion carried unanimously. J Minutes P&Z Commission Meeting -3- November 5, 1981 AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 (81-129): Reconsideration of rezoning a 102 acre tract located on the • north side of Southwest Parkway between Dartmouth Drive and the East Bypass from Single Family District R-1 to Single Family District R-lA, Apartment. District R-5, Administrative Professional District A-P, and General Commercial_ District C-1. The application is in the name of J. W. Wood. Jim Callaway presented the staff's position on this reconsideration which was tabled pending a restudy and new recommendations to be presented at the November 5 meeting. An alternate plan was submitted and the staff recommended approval with the committee recommendations. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern over the A-P zoning affecting anyone's thinking and asked if there would be some overall planning of the surrounding neighborhood, number of .people accommodated and the possible location of a school. Jim Callaway explained the zoning and flood plain areas, accommodation of population, and that Mr. Al Mayo is a member of the committee looking into schooling arrangements. Commissioner Hall pointed out reasons for the alternate plan and stated it was felt the A-P zoning district would discourage residential development. The Public hearing was opened. Commissioner Hall moved to take this item off the table with Commissioner Fleming seconding the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hall asked Jim Callaway to explain the conf figuration of the roads. • Commissioner Hazen arrived at 8:10 p.m. Jerry Miller and John Honea came forward and expressed the following: 1. Commendation of staff and developers in working with residents on this alternate plan. 2. The plan was a reasonable compromise. Public hearing was closed. Chairman Behling expressed his appreciation to the residents for their attendance at meetings to compose the alternate plan. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern over the C-1 area and the increase of traffic flow. Mr. Wood stated the primary reason for C-1 and A-P zoning was the need for these areas in College Station. Commissioner Hazen asked if they had to vote on the whole package because she wanted to see the R-5 district reduced to R-3. Chairman Behling stated they did have to vote the whole package. Commissioner Fleming moved that R-l, R-lA and R-3 be changed with the balance to remain the same.: Commissioner Hazen seconded. • J. W. Wood stated he would like the entire tract to be considered as a unit. Commissioner Hall pointed out the reason for the recommendations. Chairman Behling stated he respected the Commission's opinions wholly, but would like to stay with the 102 acres as a master plan for the area. If the Commission wants to increase the R-1 zone, maybe something else could be considered. Minutes P&Z Commission Meeting -4- November 5, 1981 Commissioner Fleming stated he thought College Station was rapidly becoming a city • of apartments and multi-family dwellings.. He is concerned about College Station 10 years from now and felt the family concept was being dissuaded. Chairman Behling stated the demand was for multi-family dwellings, not single family dwellings. Mr. Ron Cruse expressed his concern over the time and effort spent by developer, staff and residents for this plan not to be passed. Chairman Behling spoke in def ense of the commissioners, such a large tract of land should not be considered without really understanding the area. Commissioner Hall felt the matter should be tabled for another two weeks in order to get it resolved at the next meeting. The motion to approve the Brentwood tract with the exception to R-lA, R-3 and R-5 was made by Commissioner Fleming and seconded by Commissioner Hazen. In Favor: Commissioners .Hazen, Hall and Fleming. Opposed: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly and Gardner. The motion failed. Commissioner Hall moved to table the matter for two more weeks and get staff recommenda- tions. Second was given by Commissioner Hazen. In Favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Fleming, Gardner, Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Commissioner Kelly. • Motion carried to table. AGENDA ITEM NO 5 (81-113)• Reconsideration of rezoning a 22.3 acre tract located south of and adjacent to Southwest Parkway and 600 feet west of the East Bypass from Single Family District R-1 to Apartment District R-4. The application is in the name of Mr. Ron Cruse. Jim Callaway presented the staff's position on this item. The original recommendation was that the front portion be rezoned and a bumper area be provided between two sections. In the study of the overall area the staff came up .with the recommended conf figuration. Chairman Behling and Commissioner Hall expressed concern over the zoning of this property. Commissioner Gardner asked regarding f easibility of putting a neighborhood business in the center of the zoning area and increased traffic flow. The Public hearing was opened. Ron Cruse the owner of the property was concerned over the fact that this tract has been on the table since May of 1981. He wanted to know at what point in time action would be taken by the Commission. Commissioner Hall asked if a motion could be made not including the CAN and A-P zoned areas and Mr. Callaway said it could be made. Chairman Behling expressed concern over considering the tract piecemeal rather than as a whole. Commissioner Kelly moved to approve the 22.3 acre tract located on Southwest Parkway as drawn and presented by the staff. There was not a second. The motion died. Minutes P&Z Commission Meeting -5- November 5, 1981 Commissioner Hall moved that the 22.3 acre tract be approved with the exception of the • A-P tract. Commissioner Fleming seconded. In Favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Commissioner Gafdner. Chairman Behling stated it would be his request of the Commission to acknowledge that they are not recommending R-1 on the tract. He requested that they leave the tract alone and come back at some later point. The meeting broke for a 5-minute recess at 9:30 p.m. Chairman Behling brought the meeting to order at 9:35 p.m. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 (81-322): A master preliminary plat - Woodcreek Addition located east of Texas Avenue, approximately 2,000 feet north of Rock Prairie Road. Jim Callaway presented this plat and explained the layout of the different housing areas. The staff recommended approval as shown. Chairman Behling asked regarding the proposed research road. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern over the 60' street right-of-way. Jim Callaway expalined the streets were more in compliance with the proposed transportation plans in the preliminary work with the 2000 Plan and the Highway Department. Commissioner Gardner then expressed concern over the park area and if it met with • requirements. Jim Callaway stated the access and position of the park was still being worked on and Chairman Behling stated that it was in excess of the requirements. Mr. Eddie Schultz explained the proposed plat to the commission stating that it would be basically composed of three types of housing. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern over the street alignment. Mr. Schultz said he would like to refer him to Elrey Ash and Al Mayo who did the job with regard to streets and their conjunction with the City's future responsibilities. Commissioner Gardner said he would vote against it because he felt they could not get by with a 60; street. Commissioner Hall moved to approve the plat with Commissioner Hazen seconding. In Favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Commissioner Gardner. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM N0. l; Approval of Minutes - Meeting of October 15, 1981. The following corrections were made to the minutes: Agenda Item No. 5, Paragraph 3 would read as follows: Mr. Mayo explained sidewalks are required only with a 60' right-of-way with a 39' street. By ordinance, a 39' street in a 50' right-of-wa or a 50' right-of-way with a 28' street would not require • sidewalks. Agenda Item No. 10, Paragraph 7: Mr. Mayo expressed concern over the City's liability in the case where a temporary C.O. is issued and later it becomes necessary to close Safeway to insure completion of the City's requirements. Mr. Arnold stated Safeway would give the City a disclaimer. Minutes P&2 Commission Meeting -6- November 5, 1981 Commissioner Hall moved to approve the minutes with the corrections noted, and was • seconded by Commissioner Kelly. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Other Bu~.iness. Jim Callaway reminded the Commission of the Workshop with the Planning Consultants to be held Tuesday, November 10, at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Behling asked the commission to meet to discuss the rezoning of the 102 acre tract located on the north side of Southwest Parkway, on Wednesday night, November 11, at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern over an article he read regarding the Industrial Park and the City not being consulted for the planning of this area. Commissioner Kelly gave a brief synopsis on the status of the Industrial Board and it was not planning to make any massive changes without consulting the City. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: Adjourn. Commissioner Kelly moved for adjournment with a second by Commissioner Fleming. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: r1 L_J Chairman ATTEST: Secretary •