HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionC7 MINUTES City of College Station, Texas Planning & Zoning Commission November 19, 1981 7:00 p.m. • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling; Vice Chairman Bailey; Commissioners M. Fleming, R. Kelly, J. Gardner, A. Hazen and W. Hall. Council Liaison, Bob Runnels. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Capital Improvements, Elrey Ash Director of Planning, Al Mayo Assistant Director of Planning, Jim Callaway Planning Technician, Fran Collier. Chairman Behling called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes, November 5, 1981. Commissioner Kelly moved for approval of the minutes as written, seconded by Commissioner Fleming. The motion carried with the following vote: In Favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Gardner, and Hazen. Opposed: Commissioner Hall. Abstained: Commissioner Bailey. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 (81-129): Reconsideration of rezoning of a 102 acre tract on the north side of Southwest Parkway between Dartmouth Drive and the East Bypass from Single Family District R-1 to Single Family District R-lA, Apartment District R-5, Administrative-Professional District A-P, and General Commercial District C-1. The application is in the name of J.W Wood. Jim Callaway presented the staff's position on this item. This proposal was discussed at the November 11, 1981 workshop meeting of the Commission. It is expected the applicant will propose to delete the R-lA portion of the request leaving the proposed R-lA area as R-1. The City Council tabled Mr. Cruse's request along the opposite side of Southwest Parkway so they may consider the P&Z's recommendation for the entire area prior to acting on any rezoning for the area. Chairman Behling said at the next City Council meeting they will have a request from the Council. The Public hearing was opened. J. W. Wood expressed his appreciation to the people tract, especially the neighborhood representatives felt it was a good experience and the planning had workshop meeting the decision was made to leave out this works with the program. involved in the planning of this Jerry Miller and John Honea. He been carried out. After the last the R-lA and leave the R-1 since • The Public hearing was closed. Commissioner Kelly wanted it to be understood that it was 75 acres instead of 102 to be rezoned. Commissioner Gardner expressed concern over non-~hesidential use of nearly 50 acres. He would like to rezone each parcel of land separately. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission -2- November 19, 1981 Commissioner Bailey recommended approval with Commissioner Kelly seconding. • Chairman Behling said they are approving the plan as shown which is slightly different than the description in the agenda with relation to R-lA and R-1. The motion carried with the following vote: In Favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Bailey, Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Commissioner Gardner. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 (81-513): Consideration of granting a site plan permit for a revision to the North Ramparts Condominiums. Al Mayo presented the staff's recommendations to the Commission. The staff recommended approval of the carport along the east property line because the adjacent project is the rear service area of the shopping center. The area adjacent to the north, however, is a residential area, mostly rental duplexes. He also pointed out that there was a six foot masonry fence indicated on the plan. He said the question came up before the Zoning Board of Adjustments with regard to the variance because of the nearness of the structures to the property lines. The Zoning Board of Adjustments granted the variance to the North and Northeast Sides of the site. This has the approval of the planning staff. Commissioner Bailey asked if the section traversed the lot line. Mr. Mayo explained the plat lines. Chairman Behling askdd regarding the parking spaces and Mr. Mayo stated the project had • long been approved and includes parking. Chairman Behling wanted the clarif ication of what action was being taken at this meeting. Mr. Mayo explained the Hamlets Corporation wanted to put carports in two areas. The only thing the commission was to look at would be the carports in one area as a revision to the original site plan. Commissioner Kelly asked about the carport to the East abutting the shopping center, and why the request for approval of the North side. Also he asked if there caas a need for the carports. Mr. Mayo explained they simply had a certain number of spaces over which they wanted to put carports. They were not required by the staff. Commissioner Hall asked if they would remain uncovered parking spaces with a 6' wall. Mr. Mayo stated it was his understanding from the ZBA meeting that it may be an 8' brick and wood fence. Commissioner Fleming asked if the City had building codes for carports, and Mr. Mayo said it was considered a structure. Commissioner Fleming moved for approval with Staff recommendations. Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 (81-323): A preliminary plat--Chimney Hill Business Park located on the north side of Tarrow Street between Arguello Drive and Hearthstone Circle in the Chimney Hill Subdivision. • Al Mayo explained this site plan which is platted to accommodate the site plan on the next agenda item. It will permit the developer to sell individual buildings within the project. The staff recommends approval. Chairman Behling stated it was very difficult looking at the plat to see where the development was headed. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission -3- November 19, 1981 Commissioner Bailey expressed concern over the amount of curb cuts. Elrey Ash stated • there were a total of four--two on each street. Mr. Mayo further explained the site plan and stated the staff did not feel the curb cut locations would present any problems. Commissioner Hall asked if the fire lanes in the PRC report have been shown on this plat. Mr. Mayo said yes, they have been taken care of, but cautioned the Commission to be careful not to stray from one agenda item to the next. Commissioner Bailey asked why they were to approve a site plan on a preliminary instead of a f final plat and also expressed concern over curb cuts. Mr. Mayo said it was the developer's plan. Commissioner Kelly made the motion to approve this plat with a second by Commissioner Bailey. The motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 (81-416): Consideration of a parking area plan for the Chimney Hill Business Park. Mr. Mayo previously explained the staff's position on this item with the following PRC recommendations: 1. Change public access easements to private. 2. Confirm curb cut locations with City Engineer. 3. Designate fire lanes as recommended by Fire Marshal. • Chairman Behling stated it was his understanding the developer will be selling individual lots under a business park agreement. The homeowners and business associations will take care of the land. Mr. Mayo stated it was his understanding from the developer that they didn't intend selling lots individually and the area will be developed with consistency in design. Commissioner Hazen expressed concern over the C-1 zoning and the possibility of a restaurant being built. Mr. Mayo said they could put in a restaurant, but it was his understanding the developer intends to build something with tight restrictions for the area. Commissioner Kelly motioned for approval with the PRC recommendations. Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion. All approved, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Behling asked Mr. Mayo if the parking lot layout approval would only be effective on the final plat. Mr. Mayo stated that was correct. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 (81-247): A final plat--Woodway West Addition located on the south side of West Luther Street anuroximately 2.000 feet west of Wellborn Road. Al Mayo explained the only difference between this final plat and the approved preliminary plat is that Lot 1, Block 4 has now been split into Lots 1 and lA; however, this is zoned for townhouses and both 1 and lA exceed minimum standards. The staff recommends approval. • Commissioner Bailey asked regarding rear access to the lots. Mr. Mayo stated quite a few of the lots will have rear access and further explained the project. Chairman Behling stated he felt the center section should be conserved for future subdivision. The developer stated there was no intention to subdivide the center section. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission -4- November 19, 1981 • Commissioner Hall made a motion to approve the plat as shown with a second by Commissioner Fleming. The motion carried with the following vote: In favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Bailey, Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Commissioner Gardner. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 (81-248): A final plat--Resubdivision of Lots 1 & 2, Block 16; Southwood Valley Section 3. Al Mayo explained this plat is zoned C-1 and merely replats two lots into one. The access easements should be designated private. The staff recommends approval. • Commissioner Bailey asked if the replatting had to be approved by the County Judge. Mr. Mayo said it does not. Commissioner Bailey made the motion to approve this resubdivision with a second by Commissioner Kelly. The motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 (81-249): A preliminary plat--Eastgate apartments located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Pasler Street and Nimitz Street. Al Mayo presented this to the Commission stating additional rights-of-way will be needed on Nimitz Street for improvement at some future date. This will probably be a 10'-20' requirement due to the fact a total of 50 feet was needed for the right-of- way. Some of the documents show a 40' right-of-way, but a 50' right-of-way is needed. Other than that, the staff recommends approval. Commissioner Kelly asked if the lot lines on the West side of Nimitz were through, and where would the other 10-20' be if it only shows 30-40'. Would the right-of-way come from the West or East side. Mr. Mayo stated regardless of whether the plans said 30 or 40', they needed 50 feet. Elrey Ash stated single family homes were on the West side. Commissioner Kelly asked if the plat showed 40 feet going north on Nimitz. Mr. Ash said these were two separate plats and the street is not included on either one. Basically the roadway has been addressed in both subdivisions which have not been platted. None of the surveyors know the exact width, whether it is 30 ft. or 40 ft. it will have to be taken off this plat to give a 50' right-of-way. Commissioner Kelly asked about a curb cut. Mr. Mayo said whatever the right-of-way needed once they determine exactly what is there, they will then know from where to take the extra feet. Some preliminary site plans show a curb cut on Pasler. Mr. Ash stated the street at the present time is about 24' wide. Chairman Behling expressed concern over future subdivision on this site. The representative from Mr. Kling's office said it will be one complex. Com~issioher Bailey recommended approval with the staff recommendations. Commissioner Kelly seconded. The motion carried with a unanimous vote. • Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission -5- November 19, 1981 AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 (81-250): A final plat--Resubdivis ion of a part of Reserve Tract "C" • Block 4; University Oaks, Section 2, located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Highway 30 and Munson Avenue. Al Mayo explained that Lot 1R is the bloodstone Shopping Center. Lot 2R is the Criple Creek Apartment project. These projects now belong to different owners. Platting this area makes it legal. The staff recommends approval. All they are doing is subdividing the two projects. Commissioner Hazen expressed concern over the street in the back of the area. Chairman Behling stated it was actually an unplatted access. Mr. Mayo stated it was an access to the back of bloodstone, designated on the ground as parking. Commissioner Hazen asked if it was an out-of-joint street, Mr. Mayo said he imagined the owners would take care of it. Commissioner Bailey asked if there was anything in writing as to what the owners were to take care of. Chairman Behling stated that it did not say publia..aacess. Commissioner Kelly made the motion to approve with a second by Commissioner Hall. The motion carried with the following vote: In favor: Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Gardner, Hazen, Hall and Chairman Behling. Opposed: Commissioner Bailey. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Other Business. Chairman Behling stated that Commissioner Gardner requested an explanation of the Industrial Park planning. He visited with the Mayor and within the next two weeks they • will have a contract with the planners for the park. A possible decision will be made within that time. Then the Council and P&Z will be asked to sit in as advisors. Up until that time they are on hold. Mr. Behling asked about the workshop scheduled for Tuesday night, December 8th at 7:00 if this would be okay with the other commissioners.. He asked if anyone cared to change this date, since it is the same night at the Christmas Parade. Everyone was in favor of this date. Commissioner Gardner gave his thoughts on the Industrial Park development. He felt the P&Z should get involved early and would like to have some input. He also expressed concern over the length of time since the purchase of the property and the P&Z involvement as well as the expense of the project. Commissioner Kelly asked Commissioner Gardner where he was getting his cost information. Commissioner Gardner said he read it in the local paper. Commissioner Kelly then explained it could run into the 6 f figures with developing, not planning. Commissioner Gardner felt the City and P&Z Commission were getting bystepped. Chairman Behling said he felt it includes some type of a cross section. He explained about the citizens who put the committee together. They are working toward hiring the planner. Commissioner Gardner requested the Commission to read the points and look over the map which he prepared. Commissioner Hazen ex~xressed concern over the amending of the ordinance not to allow the • building of duplexes in an R-3 zone. Mr. Mayo said a recommendation was made to the staff. There would have to be a change in the Ordinance that duplexes could be built in R-3 zoning, but with a conditional permit. Commissioner Hazen then asked if this change could be pushed ahead. Mr. Mayo said they would rather not because they also have several other items to be included. Chairman Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission -6- November 19, 1981 Behling asked for a time limit. Mr. Mayo stated the staff did not know at this time. • They may have a def finite date by the end of the year, possibly in January. Commissioner Hall gave a report stating they were talking about some major drafting problems. Mr. Mayo didn't think all recommendations being made would go to the Board at the same time, but it was relatively organized to this point and he would like to keep it that way. Commissioner Hazen expressed concern over the cost. Mr. Mayo stated before actual recommendations will be solicited they will go back to the committee. He also stated they were h.ot only looking at the zoning ordinance, b.ut the subdivision regulations as well. They did not want a piecemeal type thing. Mr. Fitch stated they could not hear the commission because the speaker was not turned up. Chairman Behling asked the people to please let them know if they could not hear when the meeting first starts. Mr. Fitch referred to Commissioner Gardners discussion about the lack of ability of the Commission. to participate in the planning. He is a member of the Industrial Commission and felt it may have been a slight oversight not inviting the Commission to the meetings, but since they are the P&Z Commission they should invite themselves, stating they want to participate in the planning of the Industrial Park. Chairman Behling asked Mr. Fitch when the next meeting would be held. Commissioner Kelly said the meetings were scheduled every third Thursday. Chairman Behling asked Mr. Fitch to go to whoever he thought necessary and ask • them if it was appropriate for the Commissioners to invite themselves. Then tell the Commissioners if they were interested to go to that person and ask if they could attend. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: Adjourn. Commissioner Kelly made a motion for adjournment. Commissioner Bailey seconded. All approved, motion carried unanimously. APPROVED Chairman •