HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/04/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning & Zoning Commission • June 4, 1981 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, Jim Behling; Commissioners, Roy Kelly, Mike Fleming, J. P. Watson, Anne Hazen and Wes Hall. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jim Gardner STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning, Al Mayo; Asst Director of Planning, Jim Callaway; Director of Capital Improvements, Elrey Ash; Zoning Off icial, Jane Kee; Planning Assistant, Chris Longley; Planning Technician, Joan Keigley. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Behling who proceeded to the first item on the agenda. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1, Approval of Minutes - meeting of May 21, 1981. Upon motion by Commissioner Hall; second by Commissioner Hazen the minutes of May 21, 1981 were unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2, Hear Visitors. No one spoke. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 3, 81-120, A public hearing on the question of rezoning a portion of a 2.4 acre tract located south of and adjacent to Wickes Lumber Company from Adminis- trative/Professional District A-P to Industrial District M-2. The application is in tha Hama of Wirkac T.nmhar Cn_ Jim Callaway described the location of the property under consideration and explained that a contiguous portion of approximately one acre in size was outside the city limits and was not being considered in this rezoning request, but wc~+11d be used by the appli- cant for expansion and development. He made the commission aware of the fact that the M-2 zoning being requested is consistent with the existing Land Use Plan and land use in the area is a mixture of commercial, industrial and residential. The Public Hearing was opened. Commissioner Kelly asked if the approximate acre of land outside the city limits was included in the Wickes plan for expansion. Ronny Foust, manager of Wickes, addressed the commission and explained the one acre under discussion would be included in their expansion plans and there was the possibi- lity that one of the buildings would actually be partially inside the city limits and partially outside the city limits. Commissioner Kelly asked if Wickes would be agreeable to maintaining the construction codes and requirements of the City on all property outside the city limits. • Mr. Foust stated there would be no problem with agreement to such a stipulation. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Kelly moved for approval of the rezoning as requested with the stipulation P & Z Commission Minutes June 4, 1981 Page two. • that construction on the portion of land outside the city limits would adhere to the codes and requirements of the City of College Station; second was given by Commissioner Fleming and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4, 81-706, A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for the construction and operation of a sorority house to be located on the southeast corner of Dominik Drive and Olympia. The application is in the name of the Delta Zeta Sorority. Mr. Callaway described this as a request for construction of a Sorority House at 1401 Olympia which is a location within a subdivision designed spec if ically for Sorority and Fraternity houses. He pointed out PRC requirements of a screen fence along Dominik Drive and corrected plans for P & Z distribution, and stated approval of this application, sub- ject to PRC requirements is recommended. Commissioner Watson asked how many sorority members there would be, and was told by Al Mayo there would be a membership of 38 girls and one house mother. The Public Hearing was opened. No one spoke. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Watson stated his feelings are that parking requirements are too high. • Commissioner Hazen pointed out that at sorority meetings and gatherings the number of persons in attendance at the facility was greatly increased, and there is no way of knowing how many cars will be in the area at those times. Mr. Ash responded that present parking requirements assured the ability to contain the excessive number of cars at such meeting times on the lot of the facility rather than on the street, which is the goal of the city. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Hall the application for conditional use permit was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5, 81-801, A public hearing on the question of adopting an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, No. 850, establishing new front set-back requirements in residential districts where approved rear vehicular access is provided. Mr. Mayo pointed out to the commission the recommendations of staff in relation to improvements to duplex and fourplex projects provided by rear acces via public alleys or private access easements. The proposed amendment, which simply allows a reduction of the front setback requirement from 25 feet to as little as 15 feet when approved rear access is provided, should address several problems which have previously existed. Commissioner Fleming referred to a complex inspected by the commission on a recent tour and asked if the screening used in that complex was what was in mind. Mr. Mayo stated screening could be required at this time when it is deemed to be in the • interests of planning. This amendment is proposed in an effort to remove unsightly parking areas in front of duplex developments and provide rear access to the complexes and improve the appearance of these developments. The Public Hearing was opened. P & Z Commission Minutes June 4, 1981 Page three No one spoke. • The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hall asked Mr. Mayo if this amendment would apply to any construction in R-l, or would it be restricted to duplex and fourplex developments. Mr. Mayo replied it could be used when deemed feasible in any residential area, but the primary goal of the amendment is to improve the appearance and maintenance of rear areas in the duplex and fourplex developments. Commissioner Hall asked would this interfere with any already completed developments. Mr. Ash replied this amendment would be used in multifamily developments rather than single family developments. Mr. Mayo further stated the purpose of this amendment was not to allow a development wherein the driveway went down the side of the property to the garage or carport, but rather, rear access to the site would be required. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Hazen the amendment to Ordinance No. 850 was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6, 81-506, Consideration of a request for a Site Plan Permit for the construction of the Brazos House Apartments to be located on the southeast corner of Welsh Blvd. and Balcones Drive in Southwood Valley Section 22-A. • Mr. Mayo referred to the memo from PRC which required the following: relocation of fire hydrants as recommended; designate fire lanes; provide 15 feet clearance between stairs of buildings; and, provide a landscaping plan to be approved later by staff, and recommended approval subject to these stipulations. Commissioner Kelly asked if the plan had been reviewed by the Fire Marshal and Mr. Mayo replied he had not had that opportunity since receiving the plans two days ago. Commissioner Kelly asked if the developer agreed to these four stipulations when the PRC met, and Mr. Mayo responded affirmatively. Mr. Harry Bostic, representing the applicant, stated the changes had been made on the plans as requested. Commissioner Hazen moved for approval of the request with stipulations by staff; second was given by Commissioner Fleming and the motion was unanimously approved:. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7, 81-408, Consideration of a revision to the varkine lot elan at Culpepper Plaza for an expansion of Safewa Mr. Mayo presented the revision which encompasses an addition to the Safeway store in Culpepper Plaza (an addition of approximately 9,370 square feet on the south end of the store); which will require at least 49 parking spaces but the construction of which will delete 44 existing spaces. PRC recommendations are as follows: Permanently close the curb cut on Texas Avenue which is presently barricaded; add parking spaces to the drive • area adjacent to this curb cut; .stripe the designated parking spaces in the rear of Culpepper Plaza according to the original plan; landscape the islands in the parking lot in a manner approved by the P & Z; extend the front fire lane at the addition and re- design the curbed area at the addition to cause no conflict with the entrance on Harvey Road; and, hold the certif icate of occupancy on the addition until all these conditions have been met and approved by the City. P & Z Commission Minutes June 4, 1981 Page four. Mr. Mayo also pointed out to the commission that certain areas shown for "proposed • development" (these areas being designated as A, B, C, D and E on EXHIBIT A to these minutes) were not being approved by this commission by their action at this meeting. Chairman Behling stated these were different plans than those reviewed by PRC. Mr. Mayo explained that plans of the entire area had been requested for review by the P & Z. Commissioner Watson asked if after deletion of these parking spaces would the develop- ment be in compliance with the parking requirements, and stated he could not recall that parking lot being filled to capacity even at the busiest seasons. Mr. Mayo answered that the parking would be very close, either a few spaces above or below the requirements after the deletion of these 44 existing spaces. Mr. John Culpepper, speaking on behalf of the development, stated the parking require- ments have been met by this development at a 5.66 ratio. Mr. Mayo pointed out to the commission that parking spaces available at the rear of the buildings and not available for customer parking were counted into this ratio. Mr. Culpepper stated the plan shows parking spaces as required by Ordinance. He stated their lease agreements can require ten ants to have employees park in the rear parking spaces thus releasing additional parking areas for customer parking. This has not yet been enforced, but as increased customer traffic it necessary, this portion of the lease can and will be enforced. Mr. Culpepper stated in relation to the curb cut on • Texas Avenue which is recommended by staff to be closed, this curb cut was designed by a city employee and approved and was constructed on that basis at quite a large expense. Mr. Mayo answered his remark by stating it had not been approved by the P & Z Commission and Mr. Ash stated this curb cut has been of great concern for a long period of time because of the traffic flow hazzards created by its adjacent location to the curb cut at the Exxon station and the left hand turn traffic flow which would exist if the cut was not barricaded at this time. Mr. Mayo stated he and Mr. A_sh have discussed this problem thoroughly and the greatest concern to them is the curb cut and the parking is secondary in importance. Commissioner Hall expressed his feelingthat landscaping at the site does not meet with the spirit of the Ordinance. Commissioner Hazen and Chairman Behling explained that certain trade-offs had been made to landscaping requirements in the past because of the necessity of sprinkler systems for maintenance of trees and vegetation. Mr. Culpepper stated the number of trees now exceeded the requirements of the Ordinance, and certain types of desert landscaping were being planned with the hope that an agree- ment could be reached by merchants and the landscaping could be completed. He further expressed his concern over the closing of the curb cut on Texas Avenue and restated that the present location had been approved in the past. • Chairman Behling remarked he did not believe the P & Z Commission had ever had authority over the location of curb cuts. Mr. Ash pointed out the curb cut is an item which has been under discussion many times. This center has the same frontage as Kroger and less than the regional mall but has so many curb cuts it has been used as an example of problem planning at State Short Schools. P & Z Commission Minutes June 4, 1981 Page five. He further stated part of the problem ( left hand turn) would be solved when the • highway department completes their work, but this will not address the dangerous traffic flow created by this cut being next to the cut entering the Exxon station. There are four curb cuts in that small area. Mr. Mayo pointed out that Phase I of Culpepper had never been approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission. P & Z worked with Mr. Culpepper on Phase II and everyone has always been concerned about this curb cut. Mr. Ash pointed out that when P & Z reviews a plan, it gives approval for a def finite and spec if is request, but in no way can P & Z give advance approval to anything on the plan that is shown as "proposed." Mr. Culpepper stated if this is the procedure to be followed, all developers should be made aware of it since it is their feeling that when a plan is presented, approval includes everything shown on the plan, including proposed development. Chairman Behling suggested the possibility of working with Exxon to get their curb cut closed and change the flow of traffic from the center parking area giving direct access to service at Exxon. Mr. Culpepper indicated his willingness to work with Exxon in that area. Commissioner Watson asked if staff felt that would be the answer to the problem. Mr. Mayo stated staff would prefer to see • curb cut in question has been closed for stand why it should be reopened. both curb cuts closed. He stated that the a very long time and it is difficult to under- Commissioner Watson stated his understanding that the Commission made the developer put that curb cut in. Mr. Mayo stated that was not correct, it has never been approved by P & Z because it was developed in Phase I, which has never been approved by P & Z. Commissioner Kelly expressed concern over the entrance to Culpepper Plaza being only 35 ft. in width and stated he felt it should be widened. He also expressed concern over traffic flow on the Hwy. 30 .side of the development and asked what decisions had been made in that area by the highway department. Mr. Ash reported final- decisions eve not been made at this time. He further stated this issue is going to be a problem until it is settled and he feels the main entrance should be widened to at least 44 feet or more and expressed concern over the 55 ft. opening on Highway 30. He indicated serious doubt that Mr. Culpepper would be able to work with Exxon in any way that would address the problem satisfactorily. Commissioner Hazen stated she was not going to vote in favor of this request because she felt the parking requirements have not been satisfied especially since the park- ing spaces in the rear are not accessible to the public and also because the expansion of the Safeway store will probably increase the ttaff is flow to a 24 hour service and the safe flow of ttaff is has not been addressed. • Commissioner Watson asked if it would be possible to grant approval subject to these items being worked out before construction is started; he then formed the following motion for consideration: Be it moved that the request for a revision to the parking lot plan at Culpepper Plaza for an expansion of Safeway be approved, subject to the parking problems and curb cut P & Z Commission Minutes June 4, 1981 Page six. • problems being satisfactorily worked out between the developer, staff and two or three of the commissioners; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and the motion was approved by the following vote. In favor: Behling, Kelly, Fleming, Watson, Hall. Opposed: Hazen Chairman Behling requested Mr. Culpepper to make himself available to attend the committee meetings and asked. staff to also include representatives of the Highway Department in these reviews. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8, Consideration of a Parking Area Plan for a commercial project tobe located on the west side of Texas Avenue, approximately 500 feet north of Brentwood Dr. Mr. Mayo reported that PRC had reviewed these plans and had requested to be furnished with the seating capacity of Mr. Gatti's restaurant; but otherwise saw no problem with approval at this time. Upon motion by Commissioner Fleming; second by Commissioner Kelly the request was unan- imously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9, 81-410, Consideration of a Parking Area Plan for a Taco Bell to be located on the south side of Highway 30, approximately 900 feet east of Texas Avenue. Mr. Mayo presented the PRC recommendations as follows: Add a drive at the front of the • site connecting the two drives that intersect with Harvey Road. This drive should be set back eight (8) feet from the property line; the dumpster should be relocated so that it will not conflict with parking; if the rear employee parking area is retained, islands should be raised curb, not painted; the radius of the curb cuts should not intrude onto adjacent properties; and, drainage headwalls must be by standards set by the Texas Highway Department. Commissioner Hazen asked if signing could be required which denoted "Entrance and "Exit" on the drive through area. Mr. Mayo reported that signing could be required as deemed necessary ~y the Commission. Commissioner Hazen moved for approval of the request with the stipulations of PRC and also that adequate signing be required ,at the drive through area; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10, 81-224, Final Plat - West Ridge Addition. Mr. Mayo informed the Commission that this plat is almost identical to the approved preliminary plat and recommended approval. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Fleming the motion was unan- imously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11, Other Business. • Mr. Mayo asked Chairman Behling if the committee appointed to study the rezoning re- quested by Mr. Enloe was ready to report. Commissioner Watson, Chairman of that committee, reported they had met and gone over the materials and information and he was ready to make a decision but Commissioner Hall P & Z Commission Minutes June 4, 1981 Page seven. has indicated he feels a need for more time. • Chairman Behling then polled the committee with the following results: Watson, ready to make a decision. Hall, felt at least two more weeks should be spent in studying the matter. Fleming, felt he could make a decision at this time, but because he and Hall are new members and not completely familiar with the prior actions of the commission, additional time would be an asset. Commissioner Hall stated he felt one objection to C-N zoning in the area would be from the school because of the various types of use which are allowed in that zoning which might be objectionable so near a school location. Commissioner Watson agreed; he stated he had talked to a few of the school board members and felt that would be one of their major considerations. He asked if it would be appropriate to make a motion for approval at this time, and Chairman Behling told him he could so move if he desired. Commissioner Watson then made the motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request by Carrol Enloe on a 3.34 acre tract West of Welsh @ Nueces from C-N to R-4. The motion died on the floor for lack of second. • Mr. Mayo pointed out to the Commission that staff did not request this committee but rather it was requested by the City Council to produce a recommendation to that body. Commissioner Hall then moved that the item be placed on the Agenda at the next meet- ing as a regular agenda item; second was given by Commissioner Hall and the motion was unanimously approved. At 9:20 p.m. Commissioner Watson left the meeting. Mr. Mayo asked Chairman Behling if he planned to establish a committee to study the Culpepper Plaza matter. Chairman Behling stated he would prefer to do that at the next meeting. He then asked Mr. Mayo for a report on Plan 2000. Mr. Mayo reported he had been contacted by a firm other than the ones he had previously contacted and this firm has indicated a desire to submit a proposal. Some of the other firms have visited with him and secured additional information in order to prepare proposals. Proposals are to be submitted on June 15, 1981 at 10:00 a.m. and it appears we will receive several proposals. A work shop may be needed for this review. Mr. Mayo reported to the Commission the need for re-evaluation of certain sections of the Zoning Ordinance. He suggested a committee composed of staff, selected • P & Z Commissioners and selected members of the City Council to study these items in an attempt to make amendments which will eliminate problems in the future would be desirable. Chairman Behling suggested the idea be developed and presented to the P & Z when Mr. Mayo was ready for committee member selection. P & Z Commission Minutes June 4, 1981 Page eight. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 12, Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the body, upon motion by Commissioner Hazen; second by Commissioner Hall the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Attest: Secretary • 'Z~ICK ' ' PQ~ E o V Sao ~.:`r• . ~!`~~--~ J ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ o~ ~ ~~ ~~ ^ ~0 ~' ~ p0 0 •. `~ :~ "moo ~ o -- --- PURYE,~R ~ l• Zp iti • •Z• :•.. L~ ..~•• i ~~ ,'• q • ti ~lL~n~ ~ cn / _ ~~ i ._ ~ ~ ,I '~ /1~ ~\~~`NtV~N N~~e'1t7 a')tj4~ ~ ~h ~ o.^ ^ MO p ~ tp VJ ~ BLOCl~ " /Ca /5Z/ C~- ATH ' /5/9 ~` AM k ~. , /S/7 1~ ON /307 ~ *•T ~ TEXAS l5?5 ,4! .. ~ / Q / J /7?'f / ~, SAFEWAY I EXPANSION n ~ ~ ~ ~ V ® ~ 3 ~ - ~. O Z .~ _ __ ~ ~ ~ { PARK/NG AREA PLAN -REV/S/ON SCALE /~-200 ~~~ n /~ ~ ~• ~J' PBcZ CASE N0. DATE LVi ! B/-- QOB ADO/TION TO SAFEWAY - CUL PEPPER PLAZA . - ,,,,, ._ __ - 1