HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • City of College Station, Texas Planning and Zoning Commission June 18, 1981 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, Jim Behling; Commissioners, Roy Kelly, Mike Fleming, Jim Gardner, Anne Hazen, Wes Hall. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner, J. P. Watson. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning, Al Mayo; Director of Capital Improvements, Elrey Ash; Asst. Director of Planning, Jim Callaway; Zoning Official, Jane Kee; Planning Assistant, Chris Longley; Planning Technician, Joan Keigley. Chairman Behling called the meeting to order and proceeded to Agenda Item No. 1. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1, approval of minutes - meeting of June 4, 1981. Commissioner Hall called attention to Page 7, Item No. 11, wherein he was shown to have made and seconded the motion; Commissioner Kelly stated he had given second to that motion. • Correction to the minutes is hereby entered into the record: Commissioner Hall then moved that the item be placed on the Agenda at the next meeting as a regular agenda item; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and the motion was unanimousl approved. Upon motion by Commissioner Hazen, second by Commissioner Hall the minutes of June 4, 1981, as corrected, were approved by the following vote; In Favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Hazen and Hall. Abstaining (absent from meeting of June 4, 1981): Commissioner Gardner. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2. Hear Visitors. • No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3, 81-121, A public hearing on the question of rezoning portions of a 33.7 acre tract located south of Luther Street and 500 feet west of Wellborn Road from Single Family District R-l, Apartment District R-6, and Neighborhood Business District C-N, to Single Famil District R-1A, Duplex District R-2, Townhouse District R-3, and Apartment District R-4. The application is in the name of Mohawk, Ltd. Jim Callaway explained that access to the area and utilities within the are are in- adequate to support the development proposed. The applicant is aware of these pro- blems and has stated he is prepared to improve W. Luther Street and extend Holleman in order to provide access to the area. Any development of this tract will require the extension of utilities. Utility extensions will be located and sized during the platting process. He further reported the proposed zoning, if approved, actually results in a lowering of the potential maximum number of units which could be built upon the tract; staff recommendation is for approval. ~i Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes June 18, 1981 Page 2. Commissioner Gardner asked if Jones Butler Road is a City Street, and is it up to City standards? Elrey Ash replied it is a City street but is not up to present standards because when the City Council gave approval it was for the construction of a rural street. The Public Hearing was opened. Tony Caporina, planner for the applicant, addressed the commission and outlined the type of development proposed and its merits by explaining the requested re- zoning would offer a better grading of development. He explained the R-4 zoning in the center is adaptable to condominiums and this area does not lend itself topographically to being cut up by streets. Commissioner Fleming asked if Jones Butler Road entered into the plans and Mr. Caporina answered that it does not. He stated there isn't enough right-of-way to utilize Jones Butler Road. Planning provides for connecting Holleman to Wellborn and that will be the major thoroughfare to the Bypass. Commissioner Kelly asked if Jones Butler Road would be closed. Mr. Edsel Jones, owner. of the property, answered there is a present 40 ft. right-of-way dedication for Jones Butler Road and it had been hoped that at some time in the future addi- tional right-of-way would be dedicated from the adjacent property owner to bring Jones Butler Road up to City standards. He also stated there is no way to guarantee that such a dedication will be made. Mr. Caporina stated that even though this is a rezoning request, the way it is • prepared, the plat is part of it and he would appreciate the Commission addressing itself to the issue of Jones Butler Road because it is very significant to the request. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Kelly stated he saw no problems with the rezoning other than the additional dedication for Jones Butler Road at some time in the future. Commissioner Hazen asked for staff recommendations on Jones Butler Road. Mr. Ash stated that a street was planned through from Holleman to Luther and he doubted Jones Butler Road would even be needed in that section. He further reported the City has a letter on file from the railroad stating they will entertain the thought of another crossing at Holleman provided one can be closed in another area. Chairman Behling explained the Commission is looking at a rezoning request which shows streets planned in such a way as to be compatible with the requested rezoning. Commissioner Hall asked if it would be feasible to locate the street on the other side of the R-3 land and would that not give more land to work with in the development? Mr. Caporina stated economics do not make that feasible. He explained he had access from two sides with Luther Street; but would loose that access by relocating the street. • Al Mayo explained that two or more years ago, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council reviewed a master plan for this area which showed the kinds of zoning which are being used now. Commissioner Hazen asked why the Commissioners did not have a copy of that plan in their packet. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes June 18, 1981 Page 3. Mr. Mayo answered that Mr. Caporina and staff had been working together on this • for quite sometime and had based their recommendations to the Commission on the result of their meetings and conferences, taking the master plan into consideration. Commissioner Kelly moved for approval of the application as submitted and subject to recommendations of staff; second was given by Commissioner Fleming and the motion was approved with the following vote; In Favor: Chairman Behling; Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Hazen and Hall. • • Opposed: Commissioner Gardner. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4, 81-122, A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 22.34 acre tract located on the east side of Texas Avenue between Millers Lane and Morgan Lane, and being all or parts of Ld~ts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; Lakeview Acres from Single Family District R-1 and Mobile Home District R-7 to General Commercial District C-1. The application is in the name of Phyllis Jeanne Hobson. Jim Callaway described the location of the property included in this request and explained streets and utilities in the area are inadequate to support development of the tract as commercial or residential. Water and sewer extensions can remedy utility problems; improvements to Millers Lane and Morgan Lane will provide alter- native access and minimize access to Texas Avenue. Commissioner Hazen asked how many feet would be recommended for an A-P buffer on the northeast border of the property. Mr. Callaway stated a 200 ft. (+ or -) buffer is the general rule. Commissioner Gardner asked if this rezoning request is in compliance with the Compre- hensive Plan, and Mr. Callaway pointing to the graphic of the Comprehensive Plan stated that the plan indicated low density residential. The Public Hearing was opened. Phyllis Hobson, representing the owners of the parcels included in the request addressed the Commission and stated she had personally contacted property owners in the area and had not received serious objections to the proposed rezoning and commercial development. Commissioner Gardner pointed out if rezoning to C-1 is approved, there is no way to keep one of the individual property owners from developing a small business or anything else they wanted to do. Chairman Behling suggested perhaps the condition that it be developed as a total entity could be part of the approval. Mrs. Hobson mentioned there is presently a contract with a large hotel for the corner of the property in question. She stated it will be one of the major hotels which will have a pool, restaurant and club and be a very acceptable complex. Commissioner Hall asked Mrs. Hobson if she actually owned any of this land. Mrs. Hobson stated she is part owner of 10 acres of the entire 20 acres. John Jordan, a property owner in the area, addressed the Commission by stating he lives right across the street from the location of the proposed hotel development and is concerned with the widening of the street. He is certain it will be of Planning and Zoning Commission June 18, 1981 Page 4. Minutes • benefit to the hotel development, but depending on the amount of widening done it could in fact cause him to be unable to continue residing in his present home. He also questioned rezoning the area in question to C-1 and not including his resident- ial property in the same rezoning since his property remaining as residential will be decreased in value. Chairman Behling explained as an individual property owner he is entitled to file an application to rezone his property; but Mrs. Hobson could not include his property in her rezoning request since she in no way could represent his property. Commissioner Hall asked if Mr. Jordan had built his house and what is the age of the homes in that area. Mr. Jordan stated he bought the house and it is about 30 years old as are most of the homes in the area. Commissioner Hazen asked if he had been aware that widening of the road in question had been in planning for about two years; Mr. Jordan stated he had been apprised of it by his neighbors. Mr. Mayo explained the City has nothing to do with the actual construction and widening of the road other than to cooperate with the state in purchasing right-of- way and that will be at least a 100 ft. right-of-way. • Chairman Behling stated the actual work will probably be some three or more years away. Clint Bertrand, owner of a portion of lots 5 and 6, and lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, stated about 3 years ago he was one of the strongest opponents to widening of 2818. He stated he would pref er no widening of 2818 and no commercial development in the area, however, he has agreed to place two acres of his land into this area for re- zoning with the hope that he could have some influence over the development. He stated he is neither in favor nor opposed to this rezoning. Commissioner Hazen asked what the present use of the land is at this time. Mr. Bertrand stated it is all agricultural and he hopes to keep it that way. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner passed copies of a map out to members of the Commission and called their attention to commercial rezoning which has taken place since 1980. He stated this reflected what he feels is not in the best interest of the Plan and the future Plan. Commissioner Hall asked if the plans for Dartmouth are complete. Mr. Mayo stated a recent bond issue which was passed included 2818 and Dartmouth. Commissioner Hall asked how the traff is from 2818 would be routed to the Bypass. • Mr. Mayo stated there will be an interchange to the Bypass, but is impossible to make a statement at this time how the final development will take place at sometime in the future, especially since the plans will be developed by the Highway Department. He further stated that staff had worked with Mrs. Hobson to increase this request from a 5 acre tract to a 22 acre tract in an effort to avoid the continuance of a Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes June 18, 1981 Page 5. • commercial strip in that area. Commissioner Gardner stated it appears the thinking is to avoid strip development by just creating a larger tract of C-1. Commissioner Hazen stated she would like to see a strip of A-P along the northeast boundary. Chairman Behling stated he would like to see the Commission take action on this matter at this meeting. He stated the City Council does not want a denial from this Commission and send it up to them. He suggested if anyone had an alternative solu- tion, now is the time to state it. He suggested perhaps the rezoning could be approved conditioned to a vacating plat removing all lot lines. Commissioner Gardner asked if he was referring to the entire 22 acres and Chairman Behling answered affirmatively. Commissioner Hall asked Mrs. Hobson if there was enough land on the corner C-1 tract to do the proposed development, and she answered yes. Mr. Mayo stated rezoning just that small parcel would continue the commercial strip which is what the city is attempting to avoid. Commissioner Hazen moved this Commission recommend to the City Council the rezoning to A-P of a 200 to 300 ft. strip on the northeast border of the property and that • the balance be rezoned to C-1 providing a vacating plat is filed before final re- zoning takes place; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and the motion was ap- proved by the following vote. In favor: Chairman Behling; Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, and Hazen. Opposed: Commissioners Gardner and Hall. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5, Reconsideration of rezoning a 3.34 acre tract located west of Welsh Avenue and across from the intersection of Welsh Avenue and Nueces Drive from Neighborhood Business District C-N to Apartment District R-4. The application is in the name of Enloe Construction Co. Chairman Behling stated this item had already been through public hearing before this Commission and the City Council, and it had been returned to Planning and Zoning by the City Council for further study and recommendation. The purpose tonight is to receive a report from the members of the study committee and vote in order to return it to the City Council. The item has not been readvertised and there will not be an additional public hearing tonight. Commissioner Fleming stated he had visited with some of the school board members in the area and talked with a couple of the residents of the area and had received no objections which made him feel the rezoning was proper and therefore he was ready to vote in favor of the rezoning as requested. Commissioner Hall stated he had checked the area visually as well as talking to • at least one school board member and his feeling is that the rezoning of this parcel to residential is not in the best planning interests for that area. Mr. Mayo gave a report of the surrounding zoning in the area and a comparison of existing residential zoning and commercial zoning and pointed out areas of commer- cial zoning which are most likely improperly zoned and should be rezoned to Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes June 18, 1981 Page 6. • residential by the City. He stated staff feeling is this parcel should be left at its present zoning so a supportive commercial district for a residential area could be developed which would be consistent to the planning efforts of the City. Commissioner Gardner expressed his agreement with Mr. Mayo's presentation and stated his feeling that this is one area which can be planned and developed con- sistent to the goals of the Plan. Commissioner Hall stated one thing to be concerned about is the future develop- ment of an area rather than the immediate development and he feels leaving this parcel at its present zoning is consistent with future planning for the area. Commissioner Gardner moved that after restudying the matter, this Commission reaffirm its original position to not rezone this parcel; second was given by Commissioner Hazen and the motion failed with the following vote; In Favor: Commissioners Gardner, Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Chairman Behling; Commissioners Kelly and Fleming. The motion having failed, this matter is returned to City Council without further recom- mendation from this Commission. AGENDA ITEM NO 6, 81-707, A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for an expansion of the Grace Bible Church located at 701 • Anderson Street. Jim Callaway explained the request by the applicant and stated required parking has been met and staff recommends approval with the addition of a turn-around at the end of the parking lot. The Public Hearing was opened. Matt Parker of Bryan Construction addressed .the Commission on behalf of the applicant. He stated staff recommendations have been met and there will be no problems. Commissioner Hazen stated she would like to see some kind of landscaped island in the parking area to break it up and asked if they gave up one parking space for such an island would they still meet the parking requirements. Mr. Callaway answered affirmatively. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner moved the application for Conditional Use Permit be approved subject to one parking space being eliminated and a landscaped island, preferably with a tree, being built on the parking lot; second was given by Commissioner Hazen and the motion was unanimously approved. • AGENDA ITEM NO 7, 81-225, A Final Plat - Southwood Valley Section 14-B. Al Mayo presented the plat to the Commission and stated that Blocks 52 and 53 have one more lot each than the approved preliminary due to a slight reduction in lot widths. Commissioner Kelly asked which lots the change affected. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes June 18, 1981 Page 7. Mr. Mayo stated all of them. • Commissioner Hazen moved for approval; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8, 81-226, A Final Plat - Resubdivision of Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12; Chimney Hell Addition. Al Mayo explained this plat merely resubdivides four lots into three lots with greater width. Commissioner Hazen moved for approval of the Plat; second was given by Commissioner Gardner and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9, 81-227, A Final Plat - University Park Phase 2. Al Mayo explained staff is requiring this plat to be redrawn in readable form. As- surance has been given that the plat will be redrawn with the changes as requested and be in the off ice by Monday of next week. April Bloom Drive will make a circle and come back to Spring Loop rather than to University Drive. We recommend approval on the con- dition that we get the redrawn plat with these changes. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly for approval of the plat with staff recommendations; second by Commissioner Hazen, the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10. 81-228, A Final Plat - Correction Plat of a resubdivision of Reserve Tract A, B1ock~l,Parkway Plaza Phase 8. Al Mayo explained this as a corrective plat. Errors in the original plat came about because of computer errors which involved the entire area. There are no changes in lot lines and approval is recommended. Commissioner Kelly moved for, approval of the plat; second was given by Commissioner • Fleming and the motion was approved by the following vote; In Favor: Chairman Behling; Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Commissioner Gardner AGENDA ITEM N0. 11, A Final Plat - North Park Phase 2. Al Mayo stated there are problems with this plat and the applicant has requested the item be tabled and staff agrees. Commissioner Hazen moved to table this item; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12 - Other Business. Al Mayo presented proposals received for Plan 2000. He requested the Commissioners review them and suggested a workshop for the afternoon of Monday, June 23, 1981 be scheduled. He .stated at first glance the proposals would seem overwhelming, but it actually will take a short time to go through each of them. He suggested close attention be given to the resumes in the back of each proposal which will give the educational and experience background of the people who will be assigned by that company to work on Plan 2000. Commissioner Gardner also suggested attention be given to whether the company is more oriented toward transportation, municipal development etc., and also the amount of money involved in their preparation compared to the information and detail which will be provided. • The workshop meeting was set for June 23, 1981 at 3:30 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission • Minutes June 18, 1981 Page 8. Commissioner Gardner expressed his appreciation for the graphics which are being prepared by staff for use at the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council meetings. He stated he felt staff should be commended for the ~. attention and preparation of these graphics. He also requested a brief outline of all residential zoning and a description of exactly the type of construction, density and other pertinent information allowed in each particular zone and perhaps graphics depicting various types of construction such as patio homes etc. There being no further business to come before the body, upon motion by Commissioner Hazen; second by Commissioner Hall the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: • ATTEST: Secretary •