HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/19/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting • February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Livingston, Behling, Sears, Gardner Watson; Council Liaison Ringer. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Hazen STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Zoning Official Callaway, Planning Assis- tant Longley AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Ap royal of minutes - meeting of February 5, 1981. Commissioner Livingston moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gardner and approved with Commissioner Sears absent. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 - • Chairman Maher advised that the applicant had requested that this item be delayed until his architect arrived. The item was considered following item 9. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of granUing a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of a child care facility at 301 Cooner Street. The applic- ation is in the name of Mrs. Opal Louise Robbins. Mr. Mayo advised that the facility had been in operation for about 8 years and that no complaints had been received. He said that the owner was now seeking a permit as part of the new City permit system. He recommeded approval. The public hearing was opened. When no one spoke, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Watson moved that the use permit be granted. The motion was seconded. by Commissioner Gardner and was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 4 68 acre tract located 150 feet south of the intersection of Welsh Blvd. and San Benito Drive from Agricultural/Open District A-0 to Duplex District R-2. The application is in the name of Southwood Valley. Inc. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the property was part of Southwood Valley Section 22=C which • had been approved by the Commission at the last meeting. He advised that the other half of the subdivision would be single family. He said that the staff recommended approval of the request because it was in line with the existing pattern of develop- ment in the area. MINUTES Pa e 2 Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. • The public hearing was opened. No one spoke, and the public hearing was closed. g Commissioner Watson moved that the Commission recommend approval of the request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 14.55 acre tract located east of F.M. 2154 and 5,000 feet south of F.M. 2818 from Agricultural/Open District A-0 to General Commercial District C-1. The application is in the name of Southwood Valley, Inc. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the future extension on Deacon Drive would split the subject property into two tracts. He said that he had advised the developer to plan for a commercial tract of at least this size in this location due to the major inter- section that would be created by the extension of Deacon. He stated that the request- ed property was large enough to be well developed for commercial use. Commissioner Gardner asked what the market area for the subject tract would be. Mr. Mayo suggested that the proposed residential area surrounding the tract, as well as the existing residential area to the east would be the probable market. Commissioner Gardner asked if any provision had been made for acquisition of extra right-of-way along F.M. 2154. • Mr. Mayo advised that .additional property along F.M. 2154 would probably be needed in the form of utility easements for construction of a major water line or electrical distribution lines. He said that Mr. Fitch had agreeded to dedicate extra easements or right-of-way as needed. The public hearing was opened. Mr. W.D. Fitch, applicant, .showed the Commission a map which outlined the proposed development of the area around the subject tract. He suggested that increasing traffic on Wellborn Road and the potential developments surrounding the tract bade it a logical location for commercial development. He said that he felt the zoning to C-1 would be about three years in advance of development. Chairman Maher asked why the zoning was being requested at this time. Mr. Fitch said that this would designate the land as potential commercial development and future residents would know this in advance. He said that, if the Commission felt the rezoning was premature, they should delay action on the property. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner said. that there would probably be a need for neighborhood com- mercial development in this area in the future. He suggested that the tract might be too large for this and would be reduced as development took place. • Commissioner Livingston moved that the Commission recommend approval. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gardner and approved with Chairman Maher voting against. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. Page 3 • AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 99.19 acre tract lcoated 7,000 feet southeast of the intersection of F.M. 2154 and F.M. 2818 from Agricultural/Open District A-O to Apartment District R-5. The application is in the name of Southwood Valley, Inc. Mr. Mayo showed the location of the tract and pointed out that there was a lack of sewer line capacity in this area. He explained that the existing sewer lines had been sized on the basis of low density development in the general area and that due to the increased density. of developmen, the area would support from between 4 to 10 units per acre. He said that, if the 99 acres were developed at an R-5 density, a trunk sewer line would be required to run to the sewer treatment plant.. He suggested that an R-4 density might be more appropriate. He said that a "first come, first. serve" attitude toward development in this area would leave some adjacent tracts in difficulty. The public hearing was opened. Mr. W.D. Fitch pointed out that most of the land in the Southwood Valley area which had been zoned R-5 or R-6 had actually been developed at about R-4 density and that he would not object to R-4 zoning for the 99 acres in question. He showed a map which explained how the remainder of the development in this area would be served by sewer. Mr. Bob Banehurst, Celinda Circle, suggested that the Commission take a conservative approach now to avoid sewer capacity problems in the future. • The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner. suggested that "living with" R-4 might not be the best route. He advised that the request be tabled or denied until the question of utility cap- acity could be answered. Commissioner Watson said that he felt zoning the land in advance of development was a good idea because it would allow future residents to know what was planned for vacant properties. Mr. Fitch told the Commission that, when the property was platted, he would give an additional 50 feet of right-of-way on Wellborn Road for the possible widening of Wellborn Road and additional utility installation. Commissioner Gardner moved that the Commission recommend denial of the request without prejudice until the utility capacity problem was resolved. Commissioner Behling said. that he felt the R-5 zoning was too dense and that R-4 would be more appropriate. Commissioner Gardner's motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Livingston asked how the R-4 zoning would effect the sewer capacity. Mr. Mayo said that he felt the R-4 zone would allow flexibility of land use but • that, if the existing sewer lines would support less than 16 units per acre, some downzoning might be needed. MINUTES Page 4 Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Watson moved that the Commission recommend rezoning the tract to R-4. • The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling. Chairman Maher said that, in instances of downzoning, he would allow a variance of the Commission's recommendation to the applicants requested zone. Commissioner Watson';s motion was approved with Commissioner Gardner voting against. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning all of Lot 3 of the Whitley :Addition from General Commercial District C-1 to Apartment District R-5. The application is in the name of Bernath Concrete. Mr. Mayo advised that the applicant wished to subdivide the property into four lots and build an 8-plex on each. lot. He recommended that the Commission-deny the request due to the need for a unified block of commercial property at the intersection of Welsh and Southwest Parkway. He also pointed out that the proposed rezoning would leave the apartment tract surrounded by commercial land. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Jerry Bishop, representing the owner of the subject property spoke in favor of the rezoning. He pointed out existing land uses around the lot and pointed out that the owner of the C-N tract to the south would request R-5 rezoning ifi. the subject tract were rezoned. He said that the owner had considered building more storage units or a night club on the tract but had ruled these uses out. He also pointed • out that there were currently several apartment units developed in proximity to the tract in question. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Watson suggested that leaving the land zoned C-1 would only propmt strip commercial development. Mr. Mayo said that, in this case, it would be better to have this area develop as a commercial unit even if it were strip commercial in nature. Commissioner Gardner said that he agreed that there was a need for a neighborhood commercial facility in this area. He said that it was unfortunate that the land was zoned C-1 rather than C-N, but that rezoning to an apartment district would be illogical. Commissioner Behling said that the C-1 zoning in close proximity to the High School could tend to attract uses such as the Four Seasons Barn adjacent to Bryan High School. He suggested that the land could be better used as residential property. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the sewer line in the area might not support the apartment density but that the existing C-1 would be no problem. Commissioner Gardner moved that the Commission recommend denial of the request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Livingston and failed by the following vote: • For: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Gardner, Livingston Against: Commissioners Behling, Sears, Watson MINUTES Page 5 Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. • Commissioner Watson moved that the Commission recommend the request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and failed by the following vote: For: Commissioners Sears., Watson, Behling Against: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Gardner, Behling Commissioner Livingston moved that the request be tabled. The motion failed for lack of a second. Chairman Maher ruled that the request would be sent to City Council with no reommendation from the Commission. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 -- Consideration of a final plat - Resubdivision of Lot 3 of the Whitley Addition. Mr. Mayo suggested that, if the Commissioner were to approve the plat, they make the approval conditional on the property being rezoned to R-5 and the addition of access easements to reduce-the potential number of curb cuts. Commissioner Behling moved that the plat be approved conditionally with the require- ment that the property be rezoned to R-5 and that access easements be added as re- quired by the City Engineer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and failed by the following vote: • For:Commissioners Behling, Watson, Sears Against: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Livingston, Gardner Commissioner Livingston moved that the plat be tabled. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and failed. by the following vote: For: Commissioners Livingston, Watson, Sears Against: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Behling, Gardner Following some discussion, Commissioner Behling changed his vote on the motion to table and the motion was approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 40.79 acre tract on the south side of Southwest Parkway East from Single Famil District R-1 to Apartment District R-5. The application is in the name of Ron Cruse. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the tract and the surrounding land use. He said that there would be a sewer capacity problem if the land were developed at an R-5 density but that this problem might be solved if the developer could extend a sewer line to the trunk line near the mall site. He advised that a buffer of at least 2 lots depth should be left between the subject tract and the existing single family homes on Krenek Tap Road. • The public hearing was opened. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. Page 6 • Mr. Ron Cruse, applicant, expiained that the first phase of his project would be 8.5 Mr. Cruse said that he had nothing as such to show but that he felt the project was far enough from major development to have little impact. acres in size at a density of 19 d.u./acre. He said that, due to the extension of the necessary sewer line, the cost of the land would become too high to develop at a much lower density. He suggested that the second phase would be developed at around 15 d.u./acre and. that if the back portion of the tract were zoned to a lower .than R-5 density, a street would be needed through the tract to serve this portion. He said that such a street would conflict with his overall plan. Commissioner Gardner asked Mr. Cruse if any planning had been done taking into consideration the effect of the development on the overall neighborhood. Commissioner Livingston pointed out that the policy statement in the proposed Plane 2000 would require a 2 lot buffer between single and multifamily development. Mr. Cliff Young, Auburn Court, spoke in opposition to the request. He said that the project would cause traffic probelms on Southwest Parkway and that the rezoning of this tract would prompt the multi-family rezoning of the rest of the land between Texas Avenue and the East Bypass. Mr. Gerrald Miller,. 2213 Auburn Court, spoke in opposition to the request. He asked that the Commission make sure some separation between apartments and single family homes be maintained. • Mr. John Honea, Krenek Tap Road, spoke in opposition to the request. He said that he was representing the other home owners on Krenek Tap. He said that he had been informed that, if this rezoning were approved, the owner of the land to the east of .the subject tract intended to seek apartment zoning also. He contended that this rezoning would only be the first of many in the area. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner said that he felt unless some plan for the neighborhood could be determined, the area should be left as single family. He said that the City should not look at the rezoning from the economic standpoint of the applicant. Commissioner Livingston pointed out that Plan 2000 recommended locating apartment development on major streets. He asked if this was not such a situation. Chairman Maher suggested that high density development on this section of Southwest Parkway should take place nearer the east end than in the middle. He said that there was still a good potential for low density development in the area of the subject tract. Commissioner Behling suggested that one of the main problems was that R-5 zoning was needed, although the property might .not be developed to a density of much over 16 units per acre. He said that he felt some multi-family zoning was appropriate for the area, but that the back portion of the land should be zoned R-2 or R-lA. • Commissioner Gardner moved that the Commission recommend denial of the regqest. • MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. Page 7 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Livingston and approved by the following vote: For: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Livingston, Gardner Against: Commissioners Watson, Behling Abstaining: Commissioner Sears AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 -- Consideration of a revised master preliminary plat - Glenhaven Estates. Commissioner Behling moved that the item be removed from the table. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gardner and unanumously approved. Mr. Mayo showed the revised plat which indicated the changes in zoning districts made by the developer. He pointed out that the R-3 zone had been extended to a point beyond the intersection of Francis Drive and the proposed north-south street in the subject development. He then went over a memorandum prepared by the City Engineer and the Traffic Engineer which recommended against placing any 90° turns in the extension of Francis. The report included results of a 48 hour traffic count made on Francis, Munson, Ashburn, Williams, and Walton Streets and indicated that if all of the traffic generated by Glenhaven Estates were to use only Francis as an access, the traffic volume on Francis would increase by about.6%. Dr. John Painter, 1119 Merry Oaks, said that the two objections of the neighborhood to the first plat had been the increased traffic of the commercial area and the di- rect access fxom Francis to the Bypass. He said that, if the C-1 area remained R-1, • one of the objections would be removed. He said that the revised plat,-although somewhat revised, still contained a more-or-less direct connection of Francis to the Bypass. Commissioner Watson said that, although he felt he was still under the obligation of the promises he had made to the residents, the memo from the City Engineer should be considered. Commissioner Gardner suggested that the. report from the Engineer did not take into account the external influences on the traffic that would use Fh.ancis. He also pointed out that, although the Comprehensive Plan showed Francis connecting to University Drive, the Plan also showed the area as low density residential. Commissioner Livingston asked if placing two 90° jogs in Francis was really a feasible idea. Mr. Mayo said that two 90° jogs would only serve to make the street inconvenient and unsafe. He suggested that the City should not create its own traffic problems by taking such action. Mr. Steve Ardan, developer, spoke in favor of the plat. He pointed out other ex- amples of poor Street design in the City which had been the result of "pressure" from neighborhood groups on the Commission or City Council. He said that Francis would be less likely to be used as a route to bypass University Drive traffic when the extension of Licoln to University was undertaken. He noted that Lincoln would • present a much more direct .route to Texas Avenue that would Francis. He said that a number of alternate routes for Francis were considered, but that these were found to create land use problems or problems of traffic safety due to topography in the area. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. Page 8 • Mr. Ardan stated that the main. traffic generator the University, and that traffic would use Francis to go there no matter how the street was aligned. He said that the proposed plat represented sound planning practice and traffic safety. Mr. Stephen Miller, 1201 Francis, spoke in opposition to the plat. He suggested that the Engineer's report did not take the integrity of the neighborhood into account and did not respond to the wishes of the existing residents. Mrs. Janet Natowitz, 1503 Francis, spoke in opposition to the plat. She said that she did not feel the traffic study was valid because it covered only a 48 hour time period. Mr. Gary Anderson, 1105 Dominik, spoke in favor of the plat. He suggested that the City staff was doing its job in making a recommendation such as had been made. He said that he felt the proposed zoning would be attractive to the wishes and purposes of the neighborhood. Dr. Painter spoke to the Commission again. He said that the residents had not been able to meet and consider the new plat, so his comments would be his own. Dr. Painter said that he would make some professional judgements on the professional conduct of the City Planner. Chairman Maher warned Dr. Painter to keep his comments directed toward the question at hand. • Dr. Painter suggested that the Commission's previous action on the plat had left the residents feeling that Francis Street would be realigned. He said that no serious consideration had been given to any alternatives. He said that the residents did not wish to see the development killed, but only to see the traffic volume on Francis held to a minimum. He said that he would offer some reasons why the City Planner's recommendations varied from the wishes of the area residents. Chairman Maher told Dr. Painter that supposition would not be acceptable. • Commissioners Watson, Livingston, Sears, and Behling left the Council Room. Dr. Painter said that the traffic study had shown that Francis was not a major street and that that was how the residents wanted it to remain. He said that it should be made inconvenient to use. He suggested that the only purpose of the City Planner's recommendation was to increase the traffic volume on Francis. He suggested that this was being done only to relieve traffic on University Drive and Highway 30. Dr. Painter asked that a recess be called until a quorem of the Commission was present. Charrman Maher directed him to continue with his presentation. Dr. Painter suggested that the problem was the way in which the City Planner viewed his duty to the City. Mr. Bob Arbuckle, 1502 Dominik, spoke in favor of the plat. He said that he was very pleased with the proposed subdivision and that the proposed street pattern was in the best intrest of the City. Commissioners Watson, Livingston, Sears and Behling returned to the Commission table. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 19,.1981 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Gardner moved that the plat be denied. • The moiton failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Behling moved that the plat be approved. Page 9 The motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Behling said that the main reason for the realignment of Francis was that it was directly across .from a C-1 zone and that the revised request showing R-3 in this area would negate the need for the 90° jogs in the street. He also pointed out that the area originally designated for R-5 had been reduced to a request for R-4 and R-3 and that the configuration of the proposed park had been changed. He suggested that .the revised plat-was superior to the first proposal. Chairman Maher stated that the best compromise would be to change the C-1 request to an R-1 zone. Commissioner Behling again moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Livingston. Commissioner Watson asked Mr. Ardan how. the R-3 area along the extension of Francis be developed. Mr. Ardan said that the area would be developed as rear-access townhomes. • Commissioner Behling'a motion was approved by the following vote: For: Commissioners Livingston, Behling, Sears, Watson Against: Chairman Maher; Commissioner Gardner AGENDA ITEM N0. 11 - Consideration of a final plat - Resubdivision of Lot 35, Block 16, Southwood Valley Section 3. Mr. Mayo said that the subdivision would plat the existing Longmire Park and set aside the remainder of the property for residnetial development. Commissioner Gardner suggested that the park would serve no purpose. Mr. Mayo advised that the park had allready been accepted by the Parks Committee and that it could serve the adjacent apartment developments. Commissioner Behling moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Gardner voting against. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12 -- Revision of parking-plan for the addition of a Fox-Photo facility at Woodstone. Mr. Mayo explained the proposal. He pointed out that the island would remain and that • any landscaping removed would be replaced. He noted that only one parking space might be lost. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. Page 10 • A representative of Fox Photo explained the proposed addition to the Commission. Commissioner Watson moved that the plan be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Gardner and Chairman Maher voting against. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13 -- Other business. City Attorney Denton.. told the Commission about the discussions he had had with Com- missioners Watson and Hazen on the proposed C-3 ordinance. He suggested that the Commission adopt a plan whereby existing C-1 uses would continue and the C-3 zone would be added for low traffic generators. Areas considered to be traffic problem areas would then be rezoned to C-3 on a step-by-step basis. Chairman Maher appointed Commissioners Livingston, Behling and Gardner to act as a task force to investigate the rezoning of vacant C-1 property. Commissioner Gardner akked if something could be done to improve the communication between the Commission and the .Council. He asked if the Commissioners were in a position where they could go to Council meetings and express their veiws as indi- viduals. Commissioner Watson said that he felt the. members of the Commission should be able to attend Council meetings and make their opinions as citizens known. • Commissioner Gardner asked what the Commission's role in the Capital Improvements. Program was at this point. Chairman Maher said that the Mayor had asked that the Commission move away from work on Plan 2000 and make final recommendations on the C.I.P. as soon as pos- sible so that the issue could go to the voters on April 4. He called a workshop session for Monday, February 23 at 3:30 P.M. to discuss the C.I.P. AGENDA ITEM N0. 14 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Behling moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. APPROVED ATTEST • Chairman Secretary