HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station • Planning & Zoning Commission December 3, 1981 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Behling, Vice-chairman Bailey; Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Gardner and Hazen; Council Liaison Jones. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Hall STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo; Asst. Planning Director Callaway; Capital Improvements Director, Ash; Zoning Off icial Kee; Planning Asst Longley; Zoning Inspector Keigley. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes, November 19, 1981. Commissioner Gardner requested the following corrections: 1. p. 5, par. 10: Correct "bystepped" to "bypassed." 2. p. 5, par. 11, last sentence: Correct to read - "Commissioner Gardner requested the commission to read the points in his paper and look over the map which he had prepared." • 3. p 6, par. 5, first sentence: Change "ability of" to "opportunity for." Commissioner Hazen requested the following corrections: 1. p~. 5, par. 3: Change "an out-of-joint" to "a private." 2. p. 5, par. 11, sentence l: delete "amending of the" and "not to." Upon motion by Commissioner Bailey, second by Commissioner Gardner, the minutes of November 19, 1981 were approved as corrected. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGEP7DA ITEM N0. 3: (81-711) A public hearing on the question of granting a conditional use permit for the construction of an elementary school on Lot 9, Block 6, Southwood Valley Section 11. The application is in the name of College Station Independent Crhnnl llictrirt_ Jim Callaway explained the school district has worked closely with the City in locating this proposed elementary school. This site is reflected on the Comprehensive Plan as a school site and was platted for that purpose. The school's consultants have worked close- ly with the city staff in preparing the site plan and construction drawings. The site plan has been revised after meetings with the planning, engineering, fire and public • works departments. Chairman Behling asked if a conditional use permit request required a PRC review and Al Mayo answered it was not a requirement of the ordinance. Chairman Behling asked if approval of the use permit also gave approval of the site plan. Minutes December 3, 1981 Page 2. Mr. Mayo stated the two were considered for approval together. The site plan has been reviewed by 2/3's of the Prc ; Mr. Ash and Mr. Mayo, and their recommendation is for ap= • proval. Commissioner Hazen asked for information describing bicycle parking plans and circula- tion patterns. Mr. Nye, representing C.S.I.S.D., stated plans are for bicycles traveling Deacon or Brothers not to have to cross the street or circulate in heavy traff is flow. Commissioner Bailey asked about fencing on Deacon and Brothers and Mr. Nye reported fencing is something that will be done by the District, but separate from this plan. Commissioner Gardner asked the estimated enrollment and P4r. Nye reported 650 students are expected to be enrolled when the school opens with a projected increase to 850. Commissioner Gardner expressed his understanding that the school officials do not agree with the neighborhood school concept. Mr. Nye stated as dnrollment is pulled away from College Hills, there would be student spaces to be filled there. He further stated their reviews and plans do not indicate a need for a school adjacent to the mall. Chairman Behling asked about the 45° exit from the parking lot and questioned staff to determine if a 90° angle is the usual stipulation. Mr. Nye stated the 45° angle had been used to create parking spaces and had been done in • agreement with the city staff. Mr. Mayo reported that he and Mr. Ash had worked with the school representatives on this site plan, and staff does not have any problems in recommending approval as it is presented. Mr. Ash pointed out that use of the curb cuts would not be a continuous flow. Traffic loads in these areas would take place only at certain times during the day. Commissioner Behling asked what would be done about parking on the city streets and Mr. Ash stated unless the city decides to control parking by signing, it will remain as it is. Mr. Mayo asked for specific problems the commission might have with the site plan. Chairman Behling stated bicycle parking, landscaping, fencing, parking spaces and a pedestrian circulation plan were some of the major concerns. Upon motion by Commissioner Hazen, second by Commissioner Bailey the conditional use permit was approved, subject to revision of the site plan to be presented for approval at a later date. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: (81-104) A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 22.37 acre tract on the south side of Southwest Parkway, 600 feet west of the East by-pass from District R-1 to Districts ~-lA, R-3, A-P and C-N. The application is in the name of Rnnal~l ('.rnca_ • Jim Callaway reviewed this rezoning by presenting the following information. This item is a revision to the rezonin re uest considered b the Commission on Novembe g q y r 5, 1981. At that time the Commission voted to recommend the R-5, R-3 and R-lA portion of the request. That portion of the request has been forwarded to the Council. The appli- cant has now filed a formal request for the A-P and C-N portion of the proposal. Minutes December 3, 1981 Page 3. The applicant has requested that 7.15 acres along the northern side of the tract be re- zoned to C-N. This request was discussed at the November 5th meeting, but action could not be taken until a formal request had been submitted. • The Public Hearing was opened. Mr. Ronald Cruse made the commissioners aware he was present for discussion of the proposal. Mr. Jerry Miller, 2313 Auburn, spoke to the commission in favor of the requested rezoning. Commissioner Kelly asked Mr. Cruse how many acres are in the plot of land to the east and was informed about eight acres. Mr. Cruse stated the property is owned by four people; two of whom want A-P; two of whom want C-1. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner stated he saw no need for the A-P zoning. He stated a central location for a neighborhood shopping center is favorable and C-1 will take on all the uses of A-P. He also expressed doubt that a concentration of professional buildings is preferable. After further discussion, Commissioner Hazen, seconded by Commissioner Kelly moved for approval of the C-N portion of this rezoning which was approved by the following vote: In favor: Commissioners Behling, Kelly, Hazen and Bailey. Opposed: Commissioner Gardner. • Commissioner Hazen then stated she was not convinced the strip of A-P was needed on the other side of the street. She stated her preference for R-1. She suggested townhouses or low density apartments as an alternative to A-P. Commissioner Kelly reported his feelings that this matter should be brought to a close. He stated it had been under consideration and review for several months and action should be taken. He expressed concern over the other eight acres adjacent to this property eventually being rezoned as A-P, but restated his feeling that this matter should be brought to a close. Commissioner Bailey then moved for approval of the rezoning of the 7.15 acre tract to A-P. The motion died for lack of a second. Chairman Behling stated he didn't favor a R-1 zoning recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Bailey then moved to recommend rezoning the 7.15 acre tract to R-3; second was given by Commissioner Hazen and the motion carried with a four to one vote with Chairman Behling voting nay. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 81-251: A f final plat - Woodway Village Section 2. Al Mayo presented the plat for discussion stating it is identical to the approved prelim- inary plat and gave staff recommendation for approval. • Commissioner Bailey moved for approval; second was .given by Commissioner Kelly and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 81-252: A f final plat - Chimne Hill Townhomes Phase one. Al Mayo gave staff recommendation for approval. He stated these are very large townhouse lots and there will not be access from Tarrow. Minutes December 3, 1981 Page 4. Commissioner Kelly moved for approval of the plat; second was given by Commissioner Bailey and the plat received unanimous approval. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 81-253 A final plat - Chimney Hill Business Park Mr. Mayo presented the plat as identical to the preliminary and gave staff recommendation for approval. Commissioner Kelly moved for approval; second was given by Commissioner Hazen and the plat was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: A final plat - Southwood Valley Section 23. Mr. Mayo presented this plat for reconsideration of a variance to the maximum allowable cul-de-sac length. Commissioner Kelly stated it was his understanding that a 39-foot street was the desire of the commission. Mr. Mayo stated if that was the intent, it had to be made clear. Commissioner Kelly moved for approval of the final plat, requiring a note on the plat that a 39-foot street is to be constructed in the 50-foot right-of-way; second was given by Commissioner Bailey and the plat was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 81-255 A final plat - resubdivision of Lots 6-11, Lakeview Acres. • Al Mayo presented the plat stating this would complete the rezoning of this property to A-P and C-1 and gave the staff recommendation for approval. Commissioner Hazen asked about access for interior lots and Mr. Mayo stated a require- ment of that type could not be accomplished at this time because ownership of this plot was held by multiple owners. There is no way to determine what or if there will be development of the entire area at anytime in the future. Subdivision cannot be re- qu fired . Commissioner Hazen expressed concern of future business developments in the area which might not have proper access unless something to assure that is done at this time. Mr. Mayo pointed out that future development in the area would have site plan review which gives the commission the opportunity to take access into consideration at that time. Commissioner Fleming entered the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Commissioner Gardner asked if this plat accomplished what was intended in the first place. Al Mayo stated the zoning had been approved based on a plat being approved. The plat as presented answers the Council's concerns. Commissioner Hazen asked if it is possible to require a street down the middle of the plot. Mr. Mayo replied it could be done, but until it was known what the individual owners might want to do at sometime in the future, it would be placing requirements and stipulations on • them that are unwarranted. Commissioner Gardner stated the policies of the city cannot be followed with the plat as it is and suggested it could be accomplished if the lot lines were removed. Mary Froen of Homefinder Realty addressed the commission. She explained the original re- Minutes December 3, 1981 Page 5. quest had been for five acres only. After discussion with city representatives it was agreed that rezoning of the entire area would be more suited to city requirements. We • have worked with the property owners in the area and they have agreed to this rezoning, however, most of them have no desire to sell their property now or later. Jerry Bishop, engineer for the project, informed the commission existing zoning lines are not shown on the plat. He explained it had to be platted according to what the in- dividual owners want. Commissioner Bailey moved for approval with the following plat note stipulation: An inner-circulation pattern between lots 6-B, 7-A, 8-A, 8-B, 9-A, 10-A and 11-A be shown for the common benef it of all these lots; a common easement between 10-A and 11-A on Morgan lane and a common easement between 7-A and 6-B as stipulated by the City Engineer; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and the plat was approved by the following vote. In favor: Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Bailey and Hazen. Opposed: Chairman Behling and Commissioner Gardner. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: 81-256 A final plat - Resubdivision of Lots 39A and 39B, Block 14, Southwood Section 25. Al Mayo explained the plat relocates the side lot line between Lots 39A and 39B to allow construction of a building on 39B with the proper setbacks. A building exists on 39A. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Fleming, the plat was given • unanimous approval. ~Sy AGENDA ITEM NO 11: 81~~4-A final plat - Emerald Forest Phase 5. Al Mayo stated this agrees with the preliminary plats of Phases 5, 6 and 7 and gave the staff recommendation for approval. Commissioner Bailey asked if it was possible to deny access on Emerald Parkway and Mr. Mayo answered it could be done. Upon motion by Commissioner Bailey with the stipulation that access to major thorough- fares be denied; second by Commissioner Hazen the plat was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: 81-234 A preliminar plat - Raintree Section 5. Al Mayo stated this is an area which has been rezoned for townhouses. The project is shown as described by the developer during public hearings. Chairman Behling asked about lots in the flood plain and Mr. Mayo answered that would be checked at the time of issuance of building permits. Upon motion by Commissioner Bailey, second by Commissioner Kelly the plat was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: 81-514 Consideration of Qranting a site plan permit for the • Parkway Circle Apartments. Jim Callaway presented the PRC stipulations for this site plan: 1. Submit a letter from a Prof essional Engineer insuring compliance with flood Plain ordinance prior to building permit issuance. Minutes December 3 1981 Page 6. 2. Locate dumpsters to provide for one way flow of garbage trucks. • 3. Fire lanes to be provided per Fire Marshal's directions. 4. Submit 10 copies of site plan by Monday, November 30, 1981. Commissioner Hazen moved for approval of the site plan with PRC stipulations; seconded by Commissioner Bailey, approved unanimously. AGENDA ITEM N0. 14: 81-508 Consideration of proposed amendments to the site plan permit of The Lofts Apartments located on Holleman Drive. Jim Callaway explained the mod if ications to the site plan were a result of an enlarge- ment of the proposed apartment units and a reduction in the number of units to be con- structed. The PRC is agreeable to the modification if the following conditions are met: 1. Provide an emergency vehicle turnaround or extend accessway at the termination of the proposed first phase. 2. Submit the site plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission for P & Z approval of the mod if ications. The commossioners discussed concern of the extension of Jones Butler Road. Mr. Louis Thomas, architect for the Lofts, stated there was a contract with Arapaho to com- plete the extension of Holleman within 180 days after closing. Mr. John Bynum, developer for the project, stated they would not be spending the amount of money invested in this project if they were uncertain street extensions would be met. Mr. Mayo stated their contract did not give the city assurance that the work would be completed. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly with the stipulation that CO's not be issued on this project until Holleman is completed,.a~d'Jones Butler Road completed out to Luther; seconded by Commissioner Bailey; approved by ~,~the~following vote. In Favor: Commissioners Kelly, Fleming, Bailey and Hazen. Opposed: Chairman Behling and Commissioner Gardner. AGENDA ITEM N0. 15: Other Business. Al Mayo referred to case 81-104 and explained that Mr. Andrew Phoenix, one of the owners of property in that area planned to construct his home on a one acre plot. The location was chosen based on his understanding of plans by the city. Changes have been made which have resulted in the extension of a street, crossing Krenek Tap Road, this street extension will cross through the center of the house. He has requested relocation of the street extension. After discussion, the commissioners elected to leave the relocation decision to staff . • Chairman Behling set December 16, 1981, at 3:30 p.m. as a tentative meeting date for a review of the industrial park development. AGENDA ITEM N0. lei: Adjournment. Motion for adjournment, Commissioner Gardner; second Commissioner Fleming.