HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning & Zoning Commission City of College Station, Texas August 6, 1981 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, J. Behling; Commissioners Roy Kelly, James Gardner, Anne Hazen and Wesley Hall; City Council Liaison, Alvin Prause. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners E. Murl BaileX and Mike Fleming STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning, Al Mayo; Asst. Director of Planning, James Callaway; Zoning Off icial, Jane Kee; Asst. City Engineer, Mark Smith; City Traffic Engineer, John Black; Planning Assistant, Chris Longley; Planning Technician, Joan Keigley. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Behling who introduced the first item on the agenda. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 - Approval of minutes, meeting of July 16, 1981. Upon motion by Commissioner Hazen; second by Commissioner Gardner the minutes of • July 16, 1981 were unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 - Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM NO 3, 81-123, A public hearing on-the question of rezoning a 3.50 acre tract located on the south side of Luther Street, 1,284 feet east of the in-_ tersection of West Luther Street and FM 2818 from Single Family District R-1 to Apartment District R-5. The application is in the name of Betty A. Simpson Lee, Skyline Drive, Dallas, Texas. Jim Callaway presented information from staff research of the area to the Commission for consideration. (1) Access - W. Luther is not paved at this time and higher traffic volumes should not be encouraged. (2) Utilities - there are no water or sewer mains in this area. Recent rezonings in this area have been part of a platting and development process which includes the provision of water and sewer service and street improvements. No such proposals have been submitted for this tract. Any increase in allowable densities in this area should be denied or tabled until provisions can be made for providing services and improving access. • Mr. Callaway pointed out the location of the property and gave the present zoning of adjacent parcels and described the location of university owner property in the area. Commissioner Hall asked if there are plans by the university for development of the land under its ownership. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission August 6, 1981 Page 2. • Chairman Behling explained there have been plans for extension of their veter.imary facility which would be developed probably over the next 8 to 10 year period and the land will probably stay at Agricultural Open District for a great period of time in the future. The Public Hearing was opened. Proponents: Betty Lee, applicant for the rezoning, spoke to the commission and asked why this rezoning would not be approved for her since other rezonings in the area have al- ready been approved. Chairman Behling explained there had not been a decision on this matter at this point; it is open to discussion and then a vote by this body to either recommend or not recommend approval of the rezoning to the City will be taken. Edsel Jones, owner of adjacent property, spoke favorably to the question of rezoning this parcel. He stated he wanted the commission to be aware there was no objection to this rezoning from his point of view as an adjacent owner. He also pointed out that through a master plan for the area, the existing zoning had been approved about two years ago. As development has occurred, it is obvious the land may be better utilized for other development purposes and it may become necessary to again request rezoning of some of those parcels at a later date. The Public Hearing was closed. • Commissioner Hazen remarked she felt it would be better to have a plan for the development of the overall area including access and utilities prior to this com- mission acting upon any rezoning. Commissioner Gardner asked if the staff recommendation for not rezoning this parcel was because Luther is not paved. Jim Callaway answered because of poor access and no utilities. Commissioner Gardner stated some other parcels in this area have already been rezoned and he failed to see why this one should be refused because of access. Commissioner Kelly expressed concern over access to the area. He stated he was certain plans are underway to close Luther at the intersection at Wellborn and other access, planned or proposed, for the area. has not been developed. Commissioner Gardner moved .for approval of the rezoning. request; the motion died for lack of second. Commissioner Hazen, seconded by Commissioner Kelly moved for denial of the rezoning request because of lack of access and utilities. The motion for denial was approved by the following vote: In favor: Chairman Behling; Commissioners Kelly, Hazen and Hall. • Opposed: Commissioner Gardner. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission August 6, 1981 Page 3. • AGENDA ITEM NO 4 - 81-124, A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 1, Block 2 of the Woodstock Addition; Section I, located at 900 Harvey Road from Apartment District R-6 to Planned Commercial District C-3. The application is in the name of Thomas F. Hodge, Jr. and Stephen Coslik, 1408 Fort Worth National Bank Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. Jim Callaway presented the following information to the commission for its consideration. The Commission and City Council adopted the Comprehensive Plan Revision in 1977 which indicates that commercial development along Harvey Road should be limited to large com- mercial areas rather than small sites. The Commission has twice denied a plat which would create a similar lot along the north side of Harvey Road. In January and Febru- ary of 1980 the Commission and Council reviewed a request for C-1 zoning on this lot; the request was denied. The present request for C-3 diff ers from the previous C-1 request and a workable site plan has been forwarded by the PRC to the Commission. Staff is unable to support this request for the following reasons: (1) The request for small site commercial development along Harvey Road is not in compliance with the City's plans and policies for develop- ment along this major arterial. (2) There are a number of vacant C-1 sites along Harvey Road which would accommodate this development. • Members of the commission discussed the access and traffic flow proposal which has been developed by the City Traff is Engineer and the site plan. Chairman Behling stated the question at hansi to rezone or not rezone; the site plan would be reviewed as a later agenda item depending on the vote of the commission on this question. The Public Hearing was opened. Thomas Hodge, Jr., applicant for the rezoning request, addressed the commission in favor of the rezoning. He described this commercial development as being one which would serve retailers which do not desire to locate in the regional mall because of the cost of space, but would offer a convenient retail service to residential develop- ments in the area. He described the retailers proposed for this development as low traffic generators offering services which are not suited to large mall sites. He stated that C-1 zoned parcels in the area are not available to them from the present owners of such parcels. Commissioner Gardner asked what type of retailers are class if ied as low traffic generators. Mr. Hodge listed Wallpapers To Go; Emmon's TV; Suza~'s (ladies apparel); Pay Less Shoes and national insurance companies as possible tenants. He stated this type of retail development fits the new C-3 zoning which has been approved by the City and serves the purpose of C-3. zoning. • Chairman Behling read from the Zoning Ordinance the uses permitted in C-3 zoning. Commissioner Gardner restated his previous opposition to C-3 zoning. Commissioner Kelly asked if the entrance to the center could be moved east. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission. August 6, 1981 Page 4. • Mr. Hodge pointed out the proposed traffic flow which had been developed for the site and stated they would make whatever changes were desired by the City. Commissioner Hall asked the distance between the entrance and the Munson intersection and Mr. Hodge stated 250 '. Commissioner Hall asked what would be done to screen the residential areas from the rear of this commercial development. Mr. Hodge reported a fence was planned for the rear; landscaping or shrubs could be planted, however, it would be on the outside of the fence and he could foresee future maintenance problems. He stated theyrnuld build the fence at what ever .height was requested by the City. Chairman Behling asked what was the construction material for the rear of the building and Mr. Hodge stated it was light stucco. Commissioner Hazen asked the height of the building and Mr. Hodge reported it will be 17'. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen stated that she is not happy with expanding commercial zoning in this area, but this project seems to satisfy the intent of the C-3 zoning which has been passed. Al Mayo stated the C-3 zoning was not developed for this type use. The question at mssue • in this case is whether you wish to continue strip zoning on Hwy. 30. Commissioner Gardner stated one of the major problems with this is the traffic generated on a street that cannot handle much traffic. Commissioner Hazen stated this is a small site and traff is will be generated by any development in the area, including apartments. Commissioner Hall stated his feeling the traff is plan could be redesigned in a manner to provide acceptable traffic flow. Al Mayo stated the traffic generated by apartments will be far less than that generated by this type of project. He stated intersections in the area have and "E" and "F" rating by the highway department which is very low and not suitable to good planning. He further stated this is not a commercial project which will specifically serve a single residential area like Woodstock; this project will draw traffic from the entire customer service area. Commissioner Gardner stated he had been informed by the applicants for this project that they do not want a restaurant or drug store type retailer in this project. The only reason they want to be in this location is because of its nearness to the mall. The point to consider is, is there some better use for this property, such as apart- ments rather than commercial. Commissioner Hall stated his feeling this is the type of development C-3 zoning was • created to handle. Commissioner Hazen moved for approval of the zoning request; second was given by Com- missioner Hall and the motion for approval was passed by the following vote. In Favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Hall and Hazen. Opposed: Commissioners Kelly and Gardner. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission August 6, 1981 Page 5. • Al Mayo pointed out that in the past the P & Z Commission had recommended this land not be developed into apartments. The owner came back and requested a C-1 zoning which was turned down and Councilman Dozier and Mayor Halter were on the council at that time. It was considered to be strip zoning which is archaic in planning. We are now faced with the same situation other than C-3 is a little better situation than C-l. It is bad planning and he expressed his certainty that the new comprehensive plan will reflect the same idea. _AGENDA ITEM N0. 5, 81-411, Consideration of a Parking Area Plan for a commercial center to be located on Lot 1, Block 2, Woodstock Addition, Section I, located at 900 Harvey Road. Application is in the name is in the name of Thomas F. Hodge, Jr. and Stephen Coslik. Al Mayo stated there are no objections to the site plan other than the stipulation that parking spaces are to be 20' deep; the major entrance to the site should be increased in width; end islands to parking rows in the northeast portion of the site should be added; fire lanes are to be approved by the fire marshal. There was further discussion by Commissioner Hall about relocation of entrances into the site to provide better access and by Commissioner Hazen who expressed concern over not having good exit flow-from the site.. Commissioner Hall asked if it is possible to relocate the curb cuts in order to better align the traff is flow from and to Highway 30. • Chairman Behling refreshed the. commissions' memory by stating that curb cuts are es- tablished and approved solely by the City Engineer. His decision for location and number of curb cuts is absolute. Commissioner Hazen moved for approval of the site plan with stipulations by staff; subject to review by the City Engineer and subject to approval by the City Council of rezoning the parcel to C-3; second was given by Commissioner Hall and the motion was approved by the following vote. In favor: Chairman Behling; Commissioners Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Commissioners Gardner and Kelly. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6, 81-507, .Consideration of a Site Plan Permit request for the con- struction of a multifamily residential project, North Park Phase II to be located on the east 'side of Meadowland Street, approximately 1,000 feet north of University Dr. Application is in the name of Homef finder Realty, Inc., 1055 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Marj Freund, a representative of Homeffinder Realty, spoke in favor of the approval of the site plan. She described the parcel as a 2 1/2 acre tract which has been land- locked for a period of 4 years. It is located between Texas Avenue and the University student housing. A great amount of planning time and money for improvements has been spent during the past years. A street to the area has been constructed and the plan presented tonight has been developed to provide additional student housing in the area. The problem which has arisen is the construction of the project which, as presented, • lacks three feet in meeting the 8' separation between the parking area and public right- of-way. The amount available for this separation is 5'. She presented before and after pictures of the area which ref lect the improvements which have been made by Homeffinder. Commissioner Hall asked if there had been any consideration to redesigning the project to allow for the required 8' separation. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission August 6, 1981 Page 6. • Phylis Hobson of Homef inder stated they have about 7 different designs, and the one presented here is the best of them. They have spent approximately $3,200.00 in attempting to come. up with a design which will comply with the separation require- ments, but this particular design offers the best alternative available. Commissioner Hazen moved for .approval of the Site Plan Permit; second was given by Commissioner Kelly and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM NO 7, 81-314, A Preliminary Plat - Woodway Villate Phase II. Applica- tion is in the name of Edsel Jones. Al Mayo stated the alleys should. have utility easements on both sides; the lots shown are intended for duplexes and fourplexes and gave staff recommendation for approval. He pointed out there is some confusion in the name of the plats and in order to lessen confusion, the plat under consideration at this time is Section II, a resubdivision of a portion of Phase I, Woodway Village. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly, second by Commissioner Hazen the Preliminary Plat was unanimously approved to include staff stipulations. AGENDA ITEM NO 8, 81-315, A Master Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Plat of Phase I - Stewart's Meadow, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of College Station. Located on the north side of FM 60, approximately 2 miles_West of FM 2818 on Old • Jones Road. Application is in the name of Norman F. Godwin. Al Mayo stated this development would consist of lots in excess of 2 acres and is located approximately 1 1/2 miles from the College Station city limits. He further stated there will not be plans for anytime in the immediate future for this develop- ment to be annexed into the city limits due to the necessity of construction of a sewer plant to serve the area. Commissioner Hazen asked how sewer would be handled and Mr. Godwin replied by septic tank and the system would be developed to comply with the county regulations. He further explained the water to the development would be provided by wells which are being develop- ed by Brushy Creek at this time. Al Mayo stated that in the event this area should ever be annexed it is necessary for utility easements to be shown on the side lot lines. Mr. Godwin stated there will be 20' easements which are required by the county sub- division regulations. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly, second by Commissioner Hazen and a unanimous vote the preliminary plat was approved, subject to the stipulated utility easements. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9. 81-233, A Final Plat - The Glade Section 10-A. Al Mayo stated that after staff review there are no problems with this plat and gave the staff recommendation for approval. • Upon motion by Commissioner Hazen, second by Commissioner Kelly the final plat was unan- imously approved. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission August 6, 1981 Page 7. • AGENDA ITEM NO 10, 81-234, A Final Plat, Right-of -Way Dedication Plat for the exten- sion of Green's Prairie Road from State Highway 6 to Rock Prairie Road. Al Mayo explained this county road will provide access to the land for the City's landfill site and the 2300 acres recently purchased and gave the staff recommendation for approval. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly, second by Commissioner Hall the right-of-way dedication~~plat was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM NO 11, Consideration of parks recommendations by the Parks and Recreation r.,..,..,; t r o0 Mr. Mayo ref erred to the tour by P & Z Commissioners with Mr. Steve Beachy and the on- site review of the locations-proposed by the Parks and Recreation Committee and stated it was the hope of that group that these proposed sites could be forwarded, with a recommendation from this commission, to the City Council in the very near future. After a brief discussion which covered concerns by commissioners previously expressed in the meeting of July 17, 1981, Commissioner Kelly moved that P & Z recommend these locations for approval to the City Council; second was given by Commissioner Hazen and the motion was approved by the following vote. In favor: Chairman Behling, Commissioners Kelly, Hazen and Hall. Opposed: Commissioner Gardner. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 12, Other Business. Commissioner Hazen asked for a report on the various committees which were to have been appointed by the Chairman. Chairman Behling stated the Development Control Review Committee had been appointed and Commissioner Hall represents this commission on that committee. Meetings are held each first and third Wednesdays of the month. The meetings are not closed and all the comm- issioners are invited to attend. Chairman Behling then notified the members that a workshop for the P & Z Commission has been scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on August 11, 1981 and asked that staff give the commissioners a reminder call. Commissioner Gardner asked if there had been any changes in the contract with the con- sultants and asked for a report. Al Mayo stated the contract has been developed and is expected to be signed sometime during the week of August 10th. Commissioner Hazen asked if the consultants would be meeting with the commission prior to beginning their work. Mr. Mayo stated they will secure the information already prepared by staff and then will begin contacts and surveys for additional information. • Chairman Behling stated he would give a report on the Safeway Committee at a later date when the graphics are available. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission August 6, 1981 Page 8. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 13 - Adjournment. Upon motion by Commissioner Hazen, second by Commissioner Kelly and a unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: • ATTEST: Secretary •