HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/20/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • City of College Station, Texas Planning & Zoning Commission August 20, 1981 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, James Behling; Members, Roy Kelly, Mike Fleming, Jim Gardner, E. Murl Bailey, Anne Hazen and Wesley Hall; City Council Liaison, Alvin Prause. STAFF PRESENT: Asst. Director of Planning, Jim Callaway; Director of Capital Improvements, Elrey Ash; Planning Assistant, Chris Longley and Planning Technician, Joan Keigley. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1, Anuroval of minutes, meeting of August 6, 1981. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Gardner and a unanimous vote the minutes of August 6, 1981 were approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2, Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3, 81-709, A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional • Use Permit for the construction of a church to be located on Lots 22, 23 & 24, Block 1 of the Harvey Hillsides Addition; at the northeast corner of the intersection of Highway 30 and Marcy Lane. The application is in the name of the College Station United Pentecostal Church. Jim Callaway informed the commission the property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of SH 30 and Marcy Lane and includes Lots 22, 23 & 24, Block 1, of the Harvey Hillsides Subdivision. The tract has 450' frontage along SH 30 and 210' depth. The site plan has been reviewed by PRC Which requested a redesign to meet City Standards with regard to parking dimensions. The site plan has been resubmitted in accordance with this request. George Adcock, minister of the church, introduced himself, and astated the land- scaping would include additional shrubbery and plans are to clear the site and leave as many trees as possible and make the site very neat. Commissioner Kelly as~.ed if there was any dwelling within 1,000' of the location of this site and was answered aff irmatively. Commissioner Gardner asked if the lot is paved. J. Callaway reported the paving for the parking lot is supposed to be gravel. Commissioner Gardner asked about fire protection and isn't it required before develop- ment will be allowed. • J. Callaway explained there is an exclusion for pre-existing subdivisions (prior to annexation); Section 4 of the Subdivision Regulations, which exempts this applicant from the requirement. The Public Hearing was opened. No one spoke. Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission .August 20, 1981 Page 2. The Public Hearing was closed. • Upon motion by Commissioner Fleming; second by Commissioner Kelly the conditional use permit (81-709) for the College Station United Pentecostal Church was unanimous- ly approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4, 81-125, A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.466 acre tract located east of and adiacent to the East Bypass and 1,000 feet north of Sebesta Lane from Single Family District R-1 to General Commercial District C-l. The application is in the name of the Noonah Compatrg, Houston,_Texas. J. Callaway gave the location and size of the site involved in this request and explained all adjoining tracts as .being zoned C-1. The intent is to combine this tract with other C-1 tracts which would be more compatible with the zoning on ad- jacent tracts. Commissioner Hazen asked how many curb cuts would be allowed and Elrey Ash replied two. The Public Hearing was opened. No one spoke. The Public Hearing was closed. Upon motion by Commissioner Gardner; second by Commissioner Bailey rezoning request (81-125) was approved. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 5, 81-126, A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 19.027 acre tract located south of Windwood Drive and east of Appomatox Drive in the Windwood Addition from Agricultural/Open District A-0 to Single Family District R-1. The application is in the name of Windwood Joint Venture. J. Callaway explained the. location of the site and described this area as being low density residential in the Comprehensive Plan. The requested zoning is in com- pliance with the Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the existing development in the area. The Public Hearing was opened. Jim Holster, representing Windwood Joint Venture, addressed the commission in favor of the request. He stated the portion in this requested rezoning agrees with the preliminary plat which has been previously approved. Commissioner Bailey asked why not go ahead and rezone all of the tract at this time and Mr. Holster replied their .desire-might be to approach the commission for a request for a different zone in the future. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Bailey moved for approval of the rezoning request; second was given by Commissioner Hall and request No. 81-126 was given unanimous approval. L` Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission August 20, 1981 Page 3. • AGENDA ITEM NO 6, 81-127, A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 5.0 acre tract located south of and adjacent to University Drive and 1,000 feet east of the intersection of University Drive and Fed-Mart Drive from Single Family District R-1 to General Commercial District C-l. The application is in the name of Nine-Twenty Corporation, College Station, Texas. J. Callaway described the location of the property and explained that adjacent tracts are zoned R-1. The area is reflected as low density residential on the Comprehensive Plan and the Plan provides for a commercial area at University Drive and Tarrow. A multi-story hotel is proposed for construction if this site is granted C-1 zoning. He pointed out that staff research shows the following conditions to exist: 1. The request is not in compliance with the Land Use element of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The request is not in compliance with the Plan's goals for Commercial Development. 3. The need for additional commercial zoning along University Drive is not evident. There is currently a total of 88+ acres of vacant C-1 zoned property along. University Drive from Chimney Hill to the east bypass. Commissioner .Hall asked if there had been any feed back from the new people who are doing the Comprehensive Plan about the development of Fed Mart Drive. • J. Callaway replied that at this time they have only been picking up information and have not made any comments.. Commissioner Hall asked about the plans for extension of Munson and J. Callaway stated he is not aware of plans for that extension. Commissioner Hall asked if the decision to not extend Munson was because it isn't wide enough and J. Callaway replied that, and various other problems. Elrey Ash gave a description of sewer service in the area and entered into the record the fact that developers of this site would be required, at their cost, to provide sewer extension from the interceptor lnes`in the Carter Street area to this site. As future development is completed in that area, other developers can be required to pay a pro-rata portion of the cost of extension as they tie on. Commissioner Kelly asked if the developers for this site had been made aware of this fact prior to submitting their application for rezoning. Mr. Ash stated he had discussed the matter with several people, but he and Al Mayo had been on vacation and he was uncertain about the exact information which had been given to the developers. J. Callaway stated he had not discussed it with them and Mr. Smith, a representative of the developers, stated they would be in agreement with this requirement. • The Public Hearing was opened. Mr. Sam 0. Smith, representative for the developers; spoke to the commission and described the new development as a 10 story, 220 room Sheraton Hotel facility which Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission August 20, 1981 Page 4. • which would include a restaurant, lounge and pool. He gave a comparison which had been made of various possible locations for the facility and stated the reasons forselection of this site as being easily visible from A & M and also the bypass and off Bring good accessability. He further explained how the structure would be situated on the site in order to offer a good buffer to residential housing in the area and stated the need of such type of development in the College Station area as a location for seminars and conventions and off Bred input related to the strengthening of the tax base. Commissioner Kelly asked what the expected occupancy rate will be; Mr. Smith replied they hope for 75% occupancy during the first year of operation. Cliff Carlin, architect for the project, presented drawings of the proposed development for the audience to view and explained the type of construction which would be used which would give a low profile to the building and it would not in fact be as tall as a 10 story office type structure. Those speaking in opposition to the rezoning were: Yvonne Prause, Ron Smeusteun, Norman Gallaso, V. Rickey, Dave Aberth, John Compton, C. Pennington and Peter Hugell. The thrust of their objections were: • 1. Increased traffic in the surrounding residential areas. 2. Interruption of privacy by virtue of the fact .the structure would have an overview of the residential area because of its height. 3. Doubt was expressed that there would be a tax benef it; rather it was felt the residential. area could well have to bear the burden of the taxes. 4. Strong feeling was expressed that the residential area should be protected from commercial development. Mrs. Mildred Jones, a resident of the area, voiced approval of the development of the Sheraton and stated it was a matter of progress for a growing community and stated her feeling that it would be an asset. Mr. Jesse Henton, owner. of the property, stated he had attempted rezoning of this property from R-1 in the past and had been turned down. He expressed his desire to see the rezoning approved and asked the commission to consider his point of view as the owner of the property. The Public Hearing was closed. A general discussion by the commission of ownership and zoning of adjacent properties and the extension and expansion of certain streets within the area followed. Commissioner Gardner stated he agreed with the staff recommendation to not support this rezoning because it appeared to be strip commercial zoning and the prime con- • sideration is that if this parcel is rezoned to C-l, what type of development in the future might finally be done on the site. He stated there is always the possibility that these developers might not be able to complete their package and there might never be a hotel at that site'.. Commissioner Kelly stated this property has been zoned R-1 since 1972 and stated he Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission August 20, 1981 Page 5. Couldn't see how it would stay at R-1 from now on. • Commissioner Hazen moved to deny rezoning request 81-127;. second was given by Commissioner Gardner. Chairman Behling stated he would depart from his usual procedure at this time and would state that consideration should be given to the rezoning only and the type of facility proposed to be constructed there should have no bearing on the decision of the commission. Rezoning request 81-127 was denied by the following vote. In favor of denial: Commissioners Hall, Hazen, Bailey and Gardner. In opposition of denial: Chairman Behling; Commissioners Fleming and Kelly. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7, 81-412, Consideration of a parking lot plan for the McKean Off ice Building to be located on the east side of Texas Avenue, approximately 500 feet north of Krenek Tap Road. J. Callaway presented the following PRC recommendations: 1. The Fire Marshal says afire. lane will be required in the drive parallel to the south property line. 2. A fire hydrant will be needed for coverage. Existing hydrant on adjacent tract to south could be relocated to serve both tracts. 3. Connect drive to parallel drive to south at the east end of tract, and add parking to replace those spaces displaced. • Commissioner Gardner asked if there a.re any requirements for landscaping. Wik McKean, representative for the project, stated landscaping will be added in the islands on the parking lot. A motion for approval, subject to they recommendation of the PRC, was made by Commiss- ioner Kelly; second was given by Commissioner Bailer and the motion was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM NO 8, A Preliminary Plat.- Woodway West, located on West Luther Street and approximately 1,000 feet west of Wellborn Road. J. Callaway stated some drainage and access easements are not designated as either public or private. They should be private, unless we intend to accept them for mainten- ance. Commissioner Gardner asked if Holleman is one of the two streets which will connect all the way through between the two bypasses and ~zhat is its width. E. Ash stated it is one of.~.the'streets which will make that connection and it is 60' wide. Upon motion for approval by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Bailey the Preliminary Plat was approved with Commissioner Gardner voting in opposition. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9, 81-234, A Final Plat - Resubdivision of a portion of the K.F.O. Addition, Phase 2. • J. Callaway explained the lot line between Lots 1 and 2 needs to be adjusted so the first building on Lot 2 will meet the side setback requirements. The revised plat is required to show a 4' relocation of the lot line. Upon motion for approval by Commissioner Bailey; second by Commissioner Kelly Final Plat No. 81-234 was unanimously approved. Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission August. 20, 1981 Page 6. _AGENDA ITEM NO 10, Resubmission of Final Plat of Northpark Phase 2. • J. Callaway presented the corrected plat for Northpark Phase 2 and gave the staff recommendation for approval. Upon motion by Commissioner Hall for approval; second by Commissioner Bailey Final Plat resubmission No. 81-229 was given unanimous approval. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11, Other Business. Chairman Behling appointed Commissioner E. Murl Bailey to serve the Commission as Vice-chairman. Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. was established as the most eonvenient time for meetings with the consultants for Plan 2000. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12, Adjournment. Upon motion by Commissioner Kelly; second by Commissioner Felming the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: • ATTEST: Secretary airman •