HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/1980 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting September 18, 1980 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Gardner, Hazen, Behling, Bailey; City Council Liaison Kelly. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Sears, Watson. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Zoning Official Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval of miutes, meeting of September 4, 1980_. Commissioner Bailey stated that he had abstained on Agenda Item No. 1, Approval of the Minutes of the August 21, 1980 meeting. Commissioner Bailey moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hazen and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 4.2 acre tract located in Woodway Village Phase One from Apartment Building District R-5 to Townhouse District R-3. The application is from Arapaho, Ltd. Mr. Mayo showed the location of the request and explained that the next agena item would resubdivide the property into the proposed townhouse lots. He said that the property should be rezoned because, if the land remained R-5 and then subdivided, an apartment project or four-plex could be built on each of the lots. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Edsel Jones spoke to answer questions of the Commission. Commissioner Gardner said that the tract's proximity to the railroad, the Bypass, the airport, and the existing M-2 industrial area made it more attractive for industrial development rather than the proposed townhouse development. Mr. Jones explained that the main reason for residential development of this area was it proximity to the University. The Commission discussed the completion of Woodway Drive and the condition of Jones Butler Road with Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones said that final plans for the portion of Woodway Drive shown on the request were soon to be completed and that the street would be built soon after completion of those plans. • Commissioner Bailey comended Mr. Jones for proceeding with the downzoning of the property. MINUTES Page 2 Planning and Zoning Commission September ~, 1980 7:00 P.M. Ig • The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Behling moved that the Commission recommend approval of the requested rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and approved.ui}ah Commissioner Gardner voting against the motion. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- Consideration of a final plat - Woodway Village Phase 2. Mr. Mayo explained that Lots 9, 10 & 11 would take access from Woodway Drive and the remainder of the lots would take access from the access easement in the rear. Commissioner Behling asked if the access easement should not be extended all the way to Jones-Butler Road. Mr. Jones said that the easement should extend to Jones-Butler Raod and that the omission was a drafting error. Commissioner Gardner asked what provision had been made for park dedication in this area. Mr. Mayo said that the Parks and Recreation Committee had discussed the location of a park in this area with Mr. Jones, but that no decision had been reached. He added that the park dedication would not be required for the townhouse project until the developers applied for a building permit. • Commissioner Gardner asked if sidewalks would be provided along Holleman Drive. Mr. Ash said that he thought that this portion of Holleman had been subdivided prior to the amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance requiring sidewalks on 60 foot rights- of ways, but that he would check this to make sure. Commissioner Behling. moved that the plat be approved with the provision that the access easement be extended to Jones-Butler Road. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and approved with Commissioner Gardner voting against the motion. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 -- Final Plat - Redbud Addition. Mr. Mayo indicated the location of the plat and explained that the Jordan & Woods office was located on one of the lots and the land was being subdivided so that the other lot could be sold. He suggested that an additional 10 feet of right-of-way be required to facilitate the widening of Krenek Tap Road. Commissioner Gardner moved that the plat be approved with the provision that an additional 10 feet of right-of-way be dedicated on the plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and unanimously approved. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- Preliminar Plat - Emerald Forest Phase 3. Mr. Mayo explained that the Director of Public Works had requested that a 15 foot MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission September 18, 1980 7:00 P.M. Page 3 • utility easement be provided along the back of all street rights-of-ways. He continuted that, according to Mr. Ford, the easement was needed for installation of underground electric service as the utility easements on the rear property lines were becoming to crowded with various utilities. Commissioner Gardner pointed out that Driftwood Street would carry a very heavy traffic load until Phase 4 of the subdivision was completed. He suggested that a 60 foot right of way might be called for. Mr. Mayo explained that wider streets were not typically requited in cases of phased construction. Commissioner Bailey moved that the plat be approved with the provision that a 15 foot utility easement be added to all street rights-of-ways. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 -- Preliminary Plat - Resubdivision Lot 35 Block 16; Southwood Valley Section 3. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the entire subdivision would be moved 20 feet to the north on the final plat so that the entire access easement on the south side would be entirely on private property and not partly on the park site. He also pointed out that the entire 20 foot access easement would be included inside the limits of the property on the final plat.. • Commissioner Hazen moved that the plat be approved with the changes as outlined by Mr. Mayo. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- Consideration of a final vlat - Southwood Vallev 14-A. Mr. Mayo explained that the final plat was identical to the preliminary. Commissioner Bailey moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 -- Provosed format for the Plan - 2000 document. Mr. Mayo presented a tentative outline for the format of the Plan - 2000 document. Commissioner Gardner asked if a summary map could be printed to be distributed to interested citizens. Mr. Mayo suggested that, in addition to such a map, a brief summary of the main points of the plan could also be done. Commissioner Gardner suggested that it would be wise to do the plan in a way by which it could be more easily amended and reviewed. He added that one of the • main things that. should be achieved in the plan should be flexibility for its use and amendment. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission September 18, 1980 7:00 P.M. Page 4 • Commissioner Gardner asked if any parts of the existing plan could not be used. Mr. Mayo said that many parts of the existing plan could either be reused or simply expanded. He added that another new feature of Plan -2000 would be to attempt to establish a coordination with the plans of other area planning agencies. Commissioner Gardner asked if the various elements of the plan could be reviewed by the Commission before they were finalized. Mr. Mayo said that each section of the plan would be brought to the Commission for its consideration. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 -- Other business. Commissioner Hazen presented the results of the deliberations of the subcommittee on revisions to the commercial sections of the zoning ordinance. She said that the basic recommendation of the committee was that a C-3 zone be established in which high traffic generating uses are to be located. She continued that the committee had suggested a list of 12 uses which might be included as permit- ted uses in the C-3 zone, but that some members had suggested that this list be reduced by from three to five uses. The Commission discussed the proposed ordinance amendment and its effects. • The Commission determined that Mr. Mayo should put the recommendations of the subcomittee into the form of a list of permitted uses in the C-3 zone, along with his proposed list of permitted uses, and that the two lists be discussed at the next meeting. Commissioner Hazen read a list of possible locations for the Commission's tour of the City. She asked that the tour be set up as soon as possible. The Commission decided to set up the tour on the first possible Tuesday afternoon. Commissioner Gardner reported that the subcommittee on revisions to the res- idential portions of the .Zoning Ordinance would be considering the number of persons making up a "family" and the mobile home park section of the Ordinance. Mr. Mayo advised the Commission that he had been approached by a person wishing to locate a funeral home in College Station, and that the Zoning Ordinance made no mention of such a use in any district. He asked that the Commission give some consideration to the appropriate manner in which to handle a funeral home. He noted that some cities allow funeral homes only in commercial districts and that. some allow them as a conditional use similar to churches and schools. He added that some of the main problems with funeral homes were neighborhood objection and traffic genration and on-street parking. The Commission determined to place the question on the next agenda. • Mr. Mayo asked that the Commission read and comment on the material which he had prepared defining strip and spot zoning and the problems associated with them. MINUTES Page 5 Planning and Zoning Commission September 18, 1980 7:00 P.M. • Chairman Maher asked if any of the other Commissioner wished to take the res- ponsibility of answering questions from the media. He said that he had been misquoted in the past and that this had caused him embarassment. Commissioner Behling suggested that the Chariman was the natural spokesman for the Commission and that the only way to avoid being missquoted was to make no statement at all. Councilman Kelly commented that the Council had decided to leave the respons- ibility of talking to the press up to the Mayor and that the Mayor would express the opinion of the Council rather than his personal opinion. AGENDA ITEM N0, 11 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Behling moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hazen and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. • APPROVED Chairman Attest Secretary •