HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/03/1980 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting • July 3, 1980 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Gardner, Watson, Bailey, Sears, Behling, Hazen; City Council Liaison Boughton MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Planning Assistant Longley AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval of minutes - meeting of June 19, 1980. Commissioner Watson moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Bailey abstaining and Commissioner Hazen absent. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Hear visitors. Norman Beal asked if interested persons would be allowed to speak on the item concerning annexation in the Harvey Hillsides area. • Chairman Maher advised that, although the public hearing had been held by the Commission, he would allow persons to speak again. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning the Emerald Forest Addition Phase 2, from. Agricultural/Open District A-0 to Single Family Residential District R-1. The application is in the name of Haldec, Inc. Mr. Mayo explained that the rezoning would allow the second phase of the sub- division to be developed for sinlge family homes as intended. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Watson moved that the Commission recommend approval pf the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Hazen absent. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 28; Block 1 of the Richards Addition from Single Family Residential Distr~i;ct R-1 to Admin- • istrative/Professional District A-P. The application is in the name of Jeff Parker. ~- MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission July 3, 1980 7:00 P. M. Page 2 • Mr. Mayo explained that the proposed rezoning involeved a lot which was nearly surrounded by existing single family homes. He added that the tract was located in a Community Development Neighborhood in which the City had spent over $80,000 in federal funds making improvements which would maintain the single family character of the area. He advised that the construction of an office building on this site would deter from this neighborhood character. The public hearing was opened. • Mr. Curly Green, 105 Sterling, spoke in opposition to the~.rezoning. He stated that he represented the area residents and that they would be opposed to any development on the lot in question other than residential. Mr. Sam Ford spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner stated that the tract was in a small, localized area which needed the protection that zoning could provide. Commissioner Gardner moved that the Commission recommend denial of the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and approved with Commissioner Hazen absent. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 0.25 acre tract generally located 350 feet east of Texas Avenue and 400 feet north of Brentwood Drive from Apartment Building District R-4 to General Commercial Mr. Mayo explained that this was a small tract which had been left out of pre- vious rezoning. He pointed out that the tract was far too small for apartment development, and that the C-1 rezoning would be logical. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Gerald Farrar stated that he was representing Mr. Kirkpatrick and explained why the small tract had remained zoned R-4. He said that he was trying to put five tracts of land together for development by a large variety type store. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Watson moved that the Commission recommend approval of the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Hazen absent. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- A ublic hearin on the uestion of rezoning a 1.64 acre tract generally located 900 feet east of Texas Avenue and 00 feet north of Brentwood Drive from Apartment Building District R-4 to General Commercial • District C-1. The application is in the name of Gerald W. Farrar. Mr. Mayo showed the location and surrounding land uses. He said that this tract was another part of the property which Mr. Farrar was trying to put together. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting July 3, 1980 7:00 P.M. Page 3 • Mr. Mayo also pointed out that a petition opposed to the rezoning from residents owning homes on Auburn Court in the Brentwood Addition. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Farrar explained that he needed the tract zoned C-l.so that he could:-offer the proposed retail store an adequate piece of land. He explained that the resulting tract would be the minimum needed by the store. Mr. Aylmer Thompson, Auburn Court, stated that he represented 100 of the people on Auburn Court and that they were not in favor of the rezoning. He stated that they had purchased their homes based on the surrounding residential zoning and that the residents were afraid that the commercial zoning would continue until it surrounded them. Mr. Robert Miller, Auburn Court, stated that the rezoning would devalue their property. He also stated that there was adequate vacant C-1 property very close to the proposed tract. Commissioner Watson asked if the residents would be willing to work with the developer if he could assure them of a definite plan for the tract's development. Mr. Miller said that the residents had talked to Mr. Farrar, but. that he had been unable to assure them of anything. • Mr. Farrar said that the additional space requested for rezoning would serve as a service area for the proposed store and that the store would act as a "buffer" between the residential area and the store's parking lot. He pointed out that he could not assure the residents as to what store would be located on the site because no store would commit itself unless the entire area needed was properly zoned. Mr. Miller said that this rezoning would lead to the rest of the apartment zoned area being rezoned to commercial also. Mr. David Schakel, Auburn Court, spoke in opposition to the rezoning. Mrs. Janet Davidson, Auburn Court, spoke against the rezoning. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner stated that while the last request merely corrected an om- ission and corrected the geometry of a zoned area, this request went in the other direction. He said that the Comprehensive Plan showed the area used as it was now zoned and that there was adequate property in the vacinity which was zoned commercial. and vacant. He added that the adjacent property on Brentwood, although developed as duplexes, also needed protection. Commissioner Gardner moved that the Commission recommed denial of the request. Chairman Maher stated that the request for additional space on the site was not • definite enough. Commissioner Watson stated that he had mined emotions on the question and wished that the residents had been able to work with the developers. MINUTES Page 4 Planning and Zoning Commission July 3, 1880 7:00 P.M. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey. • Commissioner Bailey said that he felt this rezoning would lead to continued commercial rezoning requests on the rest of the apartment zoned land in the area. The motion to recommed denial was approved with Commissioner Hazen absent. AGENDA ITEM NO 7 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 3.0 acre tract located east of and adjacent to Texas Avenue and 1,000 feet south of the intersection of Texas Avenue and the East Bypass from Agricultural/Open District A-0 to General Commercial District C-1. The application is in the name of Mr. Gerald W. Farrar. Mr. Mayo showed the location of the tract and pointed out the transportation plan showing a major road running through the tract to connect with the road now being built. by Mr. Fitch on the west side of Texas Avenue. He pointed out that the City Attorney had told him that it would not be legal to turn down a rezoning request based on the fact that the City might need to purchase right- of-way. Commissioner Gardner stated that the Commission could still turn down the re- quest if they felt it was bad zoning. He stated that the rezoning would just be a continuation of a strip zone allready started and that it went against the Comprehensive Plan. He added that commercial zoning in the outlying areas of • the City would detract from the compactness of the City. Commissioner Bailey stated that it might be poor zoning from the standpoint of spot zoning but that it did not go against the Comprehensive Plan just because the plan showed nothing but residential land uses in undeveloped, or fringe areas. He suggested that this was a fallacy of the Plan. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Farrar stated that the owner of the land intended to build a garden center- greenhouse facility on the site and that the owner was not aware of the location of the road. Chairman Maher asked Mr. Ash if sewer service would be extended to this site under the same agreement discussed on the adjacent property which was recently rezoned. Mr. Ash stated that this tract would not be included in this agreement and that this facility would have to be placed on its own septic system. Mr. Cliff Young stated. that he was opposed to continued commercial rezoning while the Comprehensive Plan was being undertaken. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner 6Jatson moved that the Commission recommend approval of the rezoning. • The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears. Commissioner Gardner offered_to amend the motion to state that the Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission July 3, 1880 7:00 P.M. Page 5 • deny the request "without prejudice" until Plan 2000 was completed and the final alignment of the major raod was determined. Commissioner Watson stated that he wished his motion to stand as he had stated it. The motion failed by the following vote: For: Commissioners Watson, Sears, Behling Against: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Gardner, Bailey Absent: Commissioner Hazen Chairman Maher ruled that the request would go forward to the City Council with no recommendation from the Commission. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- A public hearirn Use Permit for the construction of a the intersection of Athens Drive and in the name of Kappa Kappa Gamma sor Mr. Mayo explained that the plan had lowing changes: on the question of granting a Conditional sorority house on the southwest corner of University Oaks Blvd. The application is uritY. been approved by the P.R.C. with the fol- • 1. Designate main driving lanes in the parking lot as fire lanes. 2. Relocate the dumpster to a more appropriate location. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Preston Barton, project architect, spoke to answer questions of the Commission. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Watson moved that the permit be granted with the recommendations on the fire lanes and dumpster location. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and approved with Commissioner Hazen absent. AGENDA ITEM NO g -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Resubdivision o_f Lots lg, 20 and 21; Block 2 of the College Hills Estates Addition. Mr. Mayo advised that the P.R.C. had met and approved a four-plex project on the lots in question. He recommended that the access easement be extended to Lincoln Street. He explained that the access easement was to be located on the property in question rather that the alley so that dense vegetation in the alley could be preserved as a buffer. Commissioner Sears moved that the plat be approved with the provision that the access easement be extended to Lincoln Street. • The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and approved with Commissioner Hazen absent. MINUTES Page 6 Planning and Zoning Commission July 3, 1880 7:00 P.M. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 - Revision to .parking plan for Culpepper Plaza. This item was withdrawn at the request of the applicant. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11 -- Consideration of a recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning annexation in the Highway 30 area. Mr. Mayo went over the three areas being considered for annexation and the economic implications to the city of each proposal. Chairman Maher opened the meeting for public discussion. Several residents of the Harvey Hillsides Addition and adjoining areas spoke and stated their opposition to any annexation in the area. Chairman Maher closed the public discussion and asked for discussion from the Commission. Commissioner Gardner pointed out that this area would be included in the land use study done for Plan 2000 and if it is not annexed, this would be a futile effort. He suggested that if the Harvey Hillsides area were annexed, the residents should make their opinions known in the Plan 2000 process. Chairman Maher asked that each Commissioner give their opinion on which, if any, of the three areas under consideration should be annexed. • The three areas were identified as follows: "A" The area between the east city limits line (Texas Instruments east line), F.M. 60 extension, F.M. 158, and Highway 30 "B" A strip of between 100 to 300 feet in depth along the south side of Highway 30 from Carter's Creek to F.M. 158 including a portion of the Harvey Hillsides addition "C" The remainder of the Harvey Hillsides Addition and a tract of about 60 acres east of and adjacent to Jones Road. Commissioner Bailey said that he favored. the annexation of areas A and B only in order to gain control over land use and access to the south side of Highway 30. Commissioner Behling stated that he did not think the City would stop the area residents from keeping F.F.A. projects or other livestock but that the "leash law" would be enforced. He said that he was not convinced that the entire area needed to be annexed at this time, but that when it was, he hoped it would not be done on a piecemeal basis. He added that he f.eLt tfhat the deed restrictions in effect on area C were adequate to prevent undesirable land- uses. He said that he favored the annexation of areas A and B. Commissioner Gardner said that he thought the justification for annexing area A • was obvious and that area B should be annexed for the protection and control of access on Highway 30. He continued that area C represented a part of a larger question of the land on the east side of Carter Creek. He suggested that this area might be planned for the type of rural lifestyle described by the Harvey Hillsides residents who had spoken. He suggested that this planning be made a MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission July 3, 1980 7:00 P.M. • part of the Plan 2000 study. Page 7 Chairman Maher said that he favored the annexation of all three areas. He pointed out that the rapid expansa<on of the City would require that this area be annexed at some time and to delay the extension of utility services into the area would only increase the cost to the City due to inflation. Commissioner Watson said that he favored the annexation of only area A. He said that he felt the deed restrictions in areas B and C would protect those areas.. He suggested that if the residents began to have a problem with un- desirable land uses coming into their area, they would ask to be annexed. Commissioner Hazen suggested that the City wait and see what developmental pressures occured in the area and not annex any of the property at this time. Commissioner Sears stated that he favored the annexation of areas A and B. Commissioner Bailey moved that the Commission recommend to City Council that formal annexation procedures be started on areas A and B. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gardner and passed by the following vote: For: Commissioners Bailey, Gardner, Sears, Behling Against: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Watson, Hazen • AGENDA ITEM N0. 12 -- Other business. The Commission set a Plan 2000 workshop session for July 15, 1980 at 3:00 P.M. Commissioner Gardner suggested that the Commission might want to establish some formal guidlines or rules of order for conducting the meetings he also asked if a P.A. system could be installed in the Council Room. Mr. Ash advised that a consultant was working on a P.A. system at this time. Commissioner Gardner suggested that some member of the Commission might attend Council meetings to give a subcommittee report on agenda items from the Commis- sion. Chairman Maher requested that a joint meeting between the Commission and the City Council be set up so that the Commission could find out what the Councill expected of them and to establish some formal line of communication between the two bodies. AGENDA ITEM N0. 13 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Watson moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and unanimously approved. • The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. MINUTES Page 8 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting July 3, 1980 7:00 P.M. • APPROVED CJ Chairman Attest Secretary • •