HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 4, 1979 7:00 P.M. • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Watson; Commissioners Hazen, Stover, Etter, Sears, Behling; City Council Liaison Dozier; Zoning Official Callaway, City Eng- ineer Ash, Planning Assistant Longley. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Sweeney. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval of minutes - meeting of September 20, 1979 Commissioner Etter moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Behling absent. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 -- Hear visitors. Ms. Jackie McKee of Bryan Outdoor Advertising, Inc. asked the Commission to consider amending the portion of the Zoning Ordinance dealing with signs to allow her to sell and install 12 ft. by 24 ft. billboard structures. She asked that she be given time to make a full presentation of the installation to the Commission. Commissioner Hazen stated that a citizen's study committee had advised the City only two years ago that the citizens did not want bill boards in College Station. The Commission advised Ms. McKee to ask the City Council to allow her to make a pre- sentation to them and that, if the Council recommended any change in the Ordinance, then the Commission would consider that change. AGNEDA ITEM N0. 3 -- A public ing the Zoning Ordinance to a Apartment Zone. Baring on the question of adoptin an ordinance amend- ow townhouses as a permited use in the R-4, Low Densit Mr. Callaway explained that the ordinance would correct an error in a previous amend- ment and that it had been prepared at the direction of the City Council. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke_and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen moved that the Commission recommend adoption of the proposed amend- ment. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning Southwood Valley Section 21 from Agricultural/Open District A-0 to Single Family Residential District R-1. The application is in the name of Southwood Valle.v, Inc. Mr. Callaway pointed out the location of the subdivision and stated that the proposed MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission October 4, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 2 ~~ zoning was in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the development pattern of the Southwood Valley area. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke and the hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen moved that the Commission recommend that the proposed rezoning be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 5,200 sgaure foot tract located on the east side of Texas Avenue and approximately 1,000 feet south of Highway 30 from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Ge~reral Com- mercial District C-1. The application is in the name of Mrs. Edna Yarrow, 1911 Texas Avenue. Mr. Callaway referred to Mr. Mayo's memorandum which pointed out that, although access would be a problem on the tract, it was surrounded by commercial develop- ment and zoning and was not suitable fora residential use. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Thomas Wallace, pastor of the adjoining church, asked how the rezoning would effect the taxes on the church property. The Commission explained that churches pay no taxes and that rezoning should have no effect on the taxation of adjoining properties. Mr. Thomas asked what recourse the church would have if an objectional use were to occupy the house. Mr. Callaway explained that only a site plan permit would be required of a business having 20 or more parking spaces but that no limitation could be put on the use pf the house if it were zoned C-1. Mr. Edna Tarrow, applicant, stated that the potential buyer of the property wished to sell dolls from the existing house. Mr. Thomas stated, that while he did not oppose the stated use, he was technically opposed to the rezoning. Mr. John Robinson, member of the church, spoke in opposition. Mrs. Symara Perry, church member spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover stated that some solution would have to be found to the problem of access. He suggested that Mr. Yarrow's property be combined with the church tract. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend denial of the rezoning. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission October 4, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 3 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter. Mr. Tarrow pointed out that an error had been made in the legal description of her property which had been supplied to City Staff. She stated that her property was 75 feet by 200 feet rather than 50 feet by 104 feet as stated in the deed. The Commission discussed the possibility of combining the tract in question with the church tract with the purpose of working out joint access and parking. Chairman Watson aksed Mrs. Tarrow and Reverend Wallace if they would be willing to discuss such an agreement and suggested that the item be tabled to allow the two parties to meet. Reverend Wallace stated that he would be willing to work with Mrs. Tarrow. Mrs. Tarrow said she probably had no choice. Commissioner Stover stated that he would withdraw his motion to deny, but that he wanted it made clear that a motion to table in no way implied final approval of the request by the Commission. He also pointed out that, in his opinion, approval would be based on a workable agreement between Mrs. Tarrow and the church and the provision of adequate access to the site. Commissioner Stover withdrew his motion to recommend denial. Commissioner Etter withdrew his second. Commissioner Stover moved that the item be tabled. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.984 acre. ~. tract located on the east side of Texas Avenue and 800 feet south of Southwest Parkway from Single Family Residential. District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1. The application is in the name of Mr. Ronald Cruse. Mr. Callaway pointed out the location of the tract and referred to Mr. Mayo's mem- orandum which stated that, although the lots were small and would be difficult to develop on a major thoroughfare, the combining of the two lots and the provision of an access easement in the next agenda item helped the problem. Mr. Mayo's memorandum recommended approval of the requested rezoning. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Ronald Cruse, 2906 Brothers Boulevard, spoke in favor and presented plans for the use of the property. His plans showed a restaurant and office building to be developed on the two lots. The public hearing was closed when no one else spoke. Commissioner Hazen stated that she was concerned about the problem of access to the tract from Texas Avenue. Chairman Watson stated that the applicant was attempting to reduce the number of curb cuts by combining the two lots. MINUTES Page 4 Planning and Zoning Commission October 4, 1979 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Sears stated that he felt the proposal was sound and pointed out that Mr. Mayo had recommended approval despite his reservations. Commissioner Stover suggested that continued strip zoning of Texas Avenue and granting of multiple access points would destroy the commercial desirability of Texas Avenue. Commissioner Etter suggested that the small tracts on Texas Avenue should all be combined and developed as one large project. Commissioner Stover stated that the access point should be located farther to the north to allow room on the site for northbound traffic to deccelerate before entering the project. He said that the situation would be improved if the land were platted as one lot instead of two so that the access could be moved to the north. Following some discussion, Commissioner Behling moved that the Commission recom- mend approval of the requested rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and failed by the following tie vote: For: Sears, Watson, Behling Against: Etter, Hazen, Stover Chairman Watson advised that the request would go tb City Council with no rec- ommendation from the Commission. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 -- Consideration of a preliminar plat - Garden Square, a plat of the property described in item 6. Commissioner Behling moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears. Mr. Cruse stated that he would have no objection to moving the access point to the north or to making the tract one lot instead of two. City Engineer Ash pointed out that the ordinances of the City gave him the sole responsibility for determining number and location of curb cuts. Commissioner Behling amended his motion to state that approval be conditional on the property being platted as one lot, the access easement being removed and the curb cut location being determined by the City Engineer. Commissioner Sears accepted the amendment and the motion was approved with Com- missioner Hazen voting against. ~~ MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission October 4, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 5 AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - K.F.O. Addition Phase 2. Mr. Callaway pointed out that utility easements would need to be located by the Director of Public Services, that the title block of the plat would need to be changed to Phase 2 and that the street name in Phase 1 was Manuel Drive so one of the names would have to be changed. Commissioner Stover moved that the plat be approved with the following provisions: 1. That utility easements be located by the Director of Public Services. 2. That the title block be corrected. 3. That the street name on the plat be changed to .Manuel Drive. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 -- Other business. Mr. Callaway informed the Commission that the meeting of the Citizen's Advisory Committee on the Comprehensive Plan would be held on October 12 as scheduled, but that due to the illness and hospitilization of Mr. Mayo, the questionnaire might not be prepared and that the schedule for the project would have to be delayed. There was no other business. AGNEDA ITEM N0. 10 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Behling moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stover and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. APPROVED Chairman Attest • Secretary