HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 17, 1979 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Watson; Commissioners Sweeney, Behling, Sears, Hazen, Stover; Council Liaison Adams; City Planner Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Zoning Official Callaway, Housing Coordinator Kee, Planning Assistant Longley. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Etter. VISITORS PRESENT: See Visitors Register. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval of minutes - meetin~_of May 3, 1979. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and approved with Commissioner Stover abstaining due to his absence at the meeting in question. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 -- Consideration of a final plat - Timber Ridge Addition Phase One. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the property and noted that the final was iden- tical to the preliminary. He advised the Commission that a note had been added to the plat stating that Lot 1, Block 3 was an unbuildable lot due to the location of the gas line. He also suggested that a note be added to the plat limiting access to lesser streets. Mr. John Mayfield, developer, stated that there would be no problem adding such a note. Commissioner Stover stated that the lot divided by the gas line should not be platted in any form. He suggested that the property might be purchased by a person who was not aware of the location of the gas line. Mr. Mayfield stated that they were trying to move the gas line if possible. He stated, however, that he would agree to plat the property as a larger lot if it could be re- platted when the gas line was moved. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the plat be approved with the following conditions: 1. That a note be added to the plat stating that Lot 17, Block 5 have its access to Bayou Woods; Lot 22, Block 3 and Lot 13, Block 2 have their access to Rhett Butler; Lot 24, Block 2 have its access to University Oaks;~~.and that Lot 1, Block 2 and Lot 24, Block 1 have their access to Hardwood. 2. That Lots 1 and 2 of Block 3 be combined. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission May 17, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 2 AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- A public hearing. on the question of rezoning a 66.33 acre tract and a 10.50 acre tract. located on the southwest corner of the intersection of the East Bypass and University Drive from Single Family Residential District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1 and Administrative/Professional. District A-P. The application is in the name of Mr. F.W. Bert Wheeler. Mr. Mayo located the tract and explained the proposal. He pointed out that the de- veloper had been meeting with the citizens in the area and that the plans had been changed within the last day. He also discussed the proposed parkland located in the area. He suggested that the City should move toward development of large commercial centers located near major intersections rather than encouraging "strip" type commercial developments. He pointed out that the other two corners of the inter- section were in deep flood plains and would be hard to develop into commercial uses. He said that commercial development at the University Drive - East Bypass inter- section would help to prevent the "strip" commercial development along University Drive. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Frank Crockett, developer, spoke and asked that the item be tabled in order to allow him to continue to work with the citizens and the City to decide upon a suit- able buffer strip and locations of streets and the proposed park.. Mr. John Pointer, 1119 Merry Oaks, read a prepared statement in opposition of the requested rezoning. The statement was made part of the permanent record. Mr. Joseph Nance, Post Oak Circle, stated that he agreed with Mr. Pointer. - Mr. Larry Christensen, 1113 Merry Oaks, asked that the Commission consider the ad equacy of sewer lines serving the development. City Engineer Ash stated that the entire tract in question would be served by the new sewer trunk line now under construction. Mr. Stephen Miller, 1201 Francis, spoke in opposition to the request. He stated that Francis and Dominik should not be continued. Mr. Stanky Krathman, 1105 Merry Oaks, stated that there were .enough :shopping fac- ilities in College Station and Bryan at this time. Dr. Raymond Reiser, 26 Forest Drive, stated that all of the residents crf Post Oak Forest P.U.D. owned the common property and thus, the Homeowner's Association should have gotten a notification. Mr. Mayo stated that he would check into the question with the Tax Office. Mr. Ralph Cobb, 1505 Francis, read a letter in opposition to the request from the principal of the College Hills Elementary School. The letter was mad part of the permanent record. Ms. Elizabeth Naugle gave the Commission an updated on enrollment in the elementary school. Mr. Nance stated that the area in question had potential to be developed as res- idential property. Mr. Crockett stated that he intended to continue to meet with the citizens and asked that the application be tabled. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission May 17, 1979 7:00 P.M. Mr. Mayo explained that if the area had been shown as commercial on the Comprehensive Plan rather thah low density residential, the owners of the tract would have been encouraged to seek C-1 zoning at that time with no intention of building a project on it. He pointed out that this would have precluded any chance of the property developing residential. He agreed that the property did have the potential to be developed in residential land uses. Mr. Elliot Bray, 1104 Merry Oaks, asked that the Commission express their feelings re- garding the extension of Francis Street. The public hearing was adjourned. Mr. Mayo .stated that he would contact Mr. Pointer when the item was to be placed on the agenda of the Commission for reconsideration. Commissioner Stover suggested that the final C-1 zone might be smaller than 66 acres. He also stated that Francis was designed as a "residential collector" and as such, should not carry as much traffic as the proposed development would put on it. He advised that Francis should be extended to University Drive. Commissioner Stover stated that the Comprehensive Plan should be changed before the zoning was accomplished. n U Commissioner Stover stated that, according to law, the Comprehensive Plan would have to be changed before the property could be rezoned. He suggested, however, that a single agenda item could cover both actions, so long as the revision to the plan preceeded the rezoning. Mr. Mayo stated that he would check with the City Attorney on the question of re- zoning property to a use different from that shown on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Painter stated that the homeowners did not wish to be forced to depend on the law, and that they were willing to work with the developer and the City. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the item be tabled. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Hazen absent. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 -- and a 4.0 acre tract n~mo n~ ~F enerall Baring on the located west Page 3 uestion of rezoning a 33.50 and adjacent to the East B ss an and e Mr. Mayo said that, due to a site plan change, the applicant would need the additional C-1 acreage for the proposed shopping center. He pointed out that the 4.0 acre tract had been dedicated to the City for parkland dedication and that, if the 33.9 acre tract were rezoned, there would be no park dedication required and the property could be returned to the developer. He also explained that the City had not yet received a 100 foot wide strip fora road to the electrical substation which the developers had agreed to dedicate. He advised that this would be taken care of by City Council. Mr. Mayo suggested that the property between the proposed extension of Holleman through the shopping center tract and the Sutton Place Addition would not be a good location for C-1 zoning as it would not provide an adequate buffer between the shopping center and the residential development proposed in Sutton Place. MINUTES Planning and May 17, 1979 7:00 P.M. Zoning Commission Page 4 Commissioner Stover suggested that Holleman Drive might be offset and end in the shopping center in order to keep the tracts in larger areas. The public hearing. was opened. Mr. John Nance stated that he was in favor of the rezoning. He said he would rather see a shopping center here than on the 66 acre tract discussed in Item No. 4. He pointed out that no homes had been built in Sutton Place yet. Mr. Don VanDergriff, representing the developers spoke in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Richard Smith, 819 South Texas Avenue, developer of Sutton Place stated that he was opposed to rezoning the 33.5 acre tract adjacent to Sutton Place to C-1. Mr. Smith stated that.. he did not believe that the College Station area could support two 60 acre plus shopping centers. He also pointed out that two major drainage ways crossed hies property from. the shopping center tract and that additional commercial development would only worsen his drainage problems. Mr. Smith stated that two of the lots in Sutton Place had been sold, and that the C-1 zoning would tend to make the remainder of the lots unsalable. Mr. VanDergriff stated that his corporation built high quality developments that would not detract from the character of a residential property. He also stated that they had methods of preventing excess drainage from going onto Mr. Smith's property. Mr. VanDergriff stated that the proposed center would have 800.,000 square feet of leasable space. • Mr. Smith suggested that the attractiveness of the center was not relevant to the discussion. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen joined the meeting. Commissioner Stover stated that the developers felt they could lease 800,000 square feet and that that type of development would not fit on the existing 66 acres. Commissioner Behling asked how the proposed zone change fit with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Mayo stated that the Plan showed a large commercial tract at the intersection of the East Bypass and Harvey Road and that this would indicated that there would be no problem in extending the commercial property beyond Holleman Drive. He also stated that a buffer should be provided between Holleman Drive and Sutton Place, no matter where Holleman Drive was finally located. Chairman Watson stated that the same type of buffer should be provided for Sutton Place as was proposed for the area. around Merry Oaks. Commissioner Behling stated that, in his opinion, the 33.5 acre tract was shown for medium density residential on the Comprehensive Plan, and any change in zoning should be preceeded by a change in the Plan. Mr. Mayo stated that the location of major throughfares on the Plan should be considered • as "corridores" so that there would be no problem with moving Holleman and the requested rezoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Watson suggested that-the developers get together with Mr. Smith to work out a suitable buffer between the center and Sutton Place. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission May 17, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 5 Commissioner Behling moved that the item be tabled to allow the developer to work out a suitable buffer with Mr. Smith. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stover and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.0 acre :tract located east of and adjacent to Texas Avenue approximately 500 feet south of Krenek Tap Road from Administrative/Professional District A-P to General Commercial District C-1. The application being in the name of Mrs. Irene Krenek Skidmore. Mr. Mayo reviewed the location and the history of the case. Mr. Mayo stated that there were about 705 acres in College Station zoned C-1 or C-2 and that only 260 of those acres were being used for commercial purposes. He also pointed out that several C-1 zoned tracts that were ready to be developed were located within one-half mile of the tract in question. He also stated that the Commission should be sure that any tract zoned C-1 should be suitable for supporting any use listed in the C-1 list of permitted uses. He stated that the tract in question could not support all of the possible uses. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Wik McKean spoke in favor of the requested rezoning. He stated that the property was not suitable for any use but commercial and that several of the C-1 tracts near the property in .question were not available for development. He stated that he needed the flexibility of retail capability. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen stated that the property was not appropriate for C-1 zoning and that she. would like to see the property remain A-P until the study of the commercial zones had been completed. Following some discussion, Commissioner Sears moved that the Commission recommend ap- proval of the requested rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Behling and failed by the following vote: For: Sears, Behling, Watson Against: Stover, Hazen, Sweeney Mr. Mayo advised that the item would be forwarded to the Council with no recommendation from the Commission. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 -- Other business. The Commission discussed. the upcoming revision to the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission determined to hold a workshop session to begin work on the 'Plan revision at 1:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 22. Mr. W.D. Fitch discussed his proposed plat of Highlands Place located south of Ponderosa. He asked if it could be taken off of the table and. acted on. Mr. Mayo advised that no information had been received from the Highway Department con- cerning the exact and final location of right-of-way to be purchased for the improve- ment of Texas Avenue in this area. MINUTE Planning and Zoning Commission May 17, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 6 Councilman Adams advised the Commission that the City and the County had asked the Highway Department to redesign the interchange to the location shown on Mr. Fitch's plat rather than at Rock Prairie Road and that this was the reason for the delay. Mr. Mayo stated that he would contact the Highway Department and attempt to determine the exact location of the proposed right of way. Mr. Fitch explained that the interchange would be better located at this location because the County road would intersect Texas Avenue at a high-point which provided very good sight distance. The Commission determined that the plat would be placed on the agenda for the workshop session and considered if the information had been obtained. Chairman Watson asked if it would be possible for the staff to keep a log of com- plaints received on the telephone. Mr. Mayo stated that he would look into the idea. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. • APPROVED Ch'ai rman Attest Secretary • ~~ + ~ r ~r ~. Ls $ a. Office of THE PRINCIPAL COLLEGE HILLS ELEMENTARY 1101 i1iLLIAMS COLLEGE STATION, T% 77840 (713) 846-8655 May 17, 1979 • Dear Sir: This letter is to express concern over the possible opening of Francis as a through street. ROBERT A. GARNER Principol DARIENE PRIESMEYER Counselor At present, College Hills Elementary School has an enrollment of 872 students (I~-5). A large percentage of these students use Francis as their only route to Williams Street and College Hills School... Increased traffic and higher rates of speed will definitely create a safety problem for students who ride a bike to school or walk to school in the morning, or as they return home in the afternoon. Sincerely, ~ G- ~~ ROBERT A. GARNER PRI~IC IPAL RAG:ltm u `~~~ .,e 7 f u,. ems, -u, a~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P„o ~ ~ ~~Gr p~ ,.a, 7 f we cow c/M-~""y t~..P.~,R ~ .:, mw,t Cie crn~~ f~ ~ '~j~' ••. ~'"'~- .3. ~ Guv~^~C~ °n s ,.~. a G. ~°n~e,., ~wy~ l"r~»~ ~~ YJorn~hiK Y~ ~~~ ~~~ C(.va Ud /l~~ ~ CK I.~ GL~LJ vr'wv~+.~.h Urr.~ L~-~ a ~aa 1-"~+.ac~dn innl~ a ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ . ~.~ qAS Gt~+vwcY+,~~ acc~i G~~ a~^y1 ~Rpg ~l~p~ f/t~i~"~~nna~^ uis or %~yfl s S w~10~.