HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 1, 1979 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Sweeney, Watson, Jones, Etter, Burke, Mathewson; Council Liaison Hazen; City Planner Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Community Development Planner Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley. MEMBERS ABSENT: none. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval of minutes - meeting of February 15, 1979. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and. unanimously approved, AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 ~- Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 ^- A public heaping on the quest%on of rezoning a 1.0 acre tract located east of and adjacent to Texas Avenue and approximately 500 feet north of Krenek Tap Road from Single Family Residential District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1. The application is in the name of Mrs. Irene Krenek Skidmore. City Planner Mayo pointed out the location of the tract. He explained that the Comprehensive Plan showed no commercial located in this area. He also noted that -the applicant planned to work out a joint access agreement with the church located on the property to the south. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Wik McKean spoke in favor of the request and presented a proposed development plan for the property showing an office bui;ldi:ng. He noted that present plans were to use the tract for an office building, but that in the future, some retail space might be provided thus requiring C-1 zoning. Mr. Mayo explained that if approval were recommended by the Commission, it could be made contingent on approval of a plat showing the access easement between the subject property and the church. The pastor of the church stated that he had no objection to shaping the access, but that he di'd not intend to give away any church property. The Commission explained that platting the easement would only assure the church and the subject property of access in the event that either property changed owner- ship in the future. Chairman Stover noted that the shared drive would reduce the number of curb cuts in the area of the tract and provide adequate frontage for a well designed access. Commissioner Sweeney stated that he felt the major problem was that the rezoning wou 1 d be a ''spot" zone. Chairman Stover suggested that the shared access would solve some of the problems MINUTES Page 2 Planning and Zoning Commission March 1, 1979 ~ 7:00 P.M, created by a "spot" zone. Mr. Gerrald Farrar spoke in favor of the request. He noted that he owned the property to the north of the tract and had no objections. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Mathewson noted that there was a large amount of vacant, C-1 property in the vacinity of the request and that the applicant had shown only a "conceptual" plan for the property. He suggested that if this property went C-1, that all of the land from Krenek Lane back to the Brentwood Addition be zoned C-l. Chairman Stover pointed out that this would create C-1 on all four corners of the Brentwood - Texas Avenue intersection and that this was a bad situation. He also noted that if the tract in question were suited for C~1 zoning, the proposed use should not effect that suitability. City Engineer Ash asked that it be made clear that the.Commission!s intent was that the church's existing access point be removed and reconstructed to function joint- ly with the access to the tract in question. Chairman Stover stated that this was the intent of the Commission. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the request be tabled until a site plan for both properties and a plat showing the joint access easement could be submitted to the Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and approved by the following vote: For: Stover, Sweeney, Mathewson, Etter. Against: Watson, Jones, Burke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- Consideration of a fi,naT plat - Resubdi.yi;sion of Lots 4 and 5, Block 8 of the Boyett Addition. Mr. Mayo explained that several variances would be needed to construct the proposed cafe on the site. He noted-that no parking could be provided and that neither of the lots created by the plat would 6e of legal size. He suggested that approving the plat would only worsen the parking problem in the Northgate area. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be denied. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney. The proposed purchaser of the property stated that he intended that he would do only a "walk in" business and would not need parking. He also suggested that his cafe would be vary small. The motion to deny the plat was unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 ~- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Emerald Forest 2 and 3. ses Mr. Mayo noted that the proposed Phase 2 was identical to the master preliminary, but that phase 3 varied to a large degree from the master preliminary. He pointed MINUTES Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission March 1, 1979 7:aa P.M: out the differences in the two plats. Allan Swoboda, developer, and Larry Wells, protect engineer, discussed the reasons for the changes made on Phase 3 and presented possible alternatives to the street layout. After some discussion, Commi'ssi,oner Mathewson moved to approve the preliminary plat of Phases 2 and 3 with the stipulation that the redesign of Teakwood Drive meet the approval of the City Engineer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney. Commissioner Burke asked that the motion be amended to require that the naming of all streets, and especially offset cul-de-sacs, meet with the approval of the City. Commissioners Mathewson and Sweeney accepted the amendment. The amended motion was unanimously approved. AGENDq fTEM No. 6 ^- Consi;derati,on of a preliminary plat - Parkway Plaza Phase 8. City Planner Mayo noted the location and proposed landuse of the property. He pointed out that a small piece of property would have to be rezoned from C-1 to an apartment zone to accommodate ..the proposed development. Larry Wells, protect engi;;Weer, stated that the lots west of Village Drive would be developed into four~plexes and that the property to the east of Village would be apartments at an R-5 densi'ty. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that 67 feet of frontage on the four-plex lots would provide for very little design flexibility and that he would prefer duplexes on the lots. The Commission di;scussed wi;th the developers the possible realignment of Village Drive and enlargement of the proposed four~plex lots. The Commi'ssfon and the developer agreed that changes could be made to the plat. Commissoner'Mathewson moved that the plat be tabled. The motion .was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. AGENDA fTEM N9. 7 -^ Consideration of a landscape - parking plan for Del Taco Corporation to 6e located at tf5e intersection of Texas Avenue and Park Place. Mr. Mayo reviewed the revised site plan supplied by Del Taco. He noted that the revised plan solved some of the access and circulation problems presented by the original plan. City Engi;neer.~sh stated that the revised plan. was still a very bad plan from the standpoint of circulation safety. Mr. Mayo suggested some possi;b1e solutions to the problem. He noted that the solutions would require the utilization of the 65 foot vacant area at the west end of the property and that the Del Taco Corporation did not want to use the MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission March 1, 1979 7.Q0 PAM. property at this time. Page 4 Mr. Ken Dingier of the Del Taco Corporation spoke and explained the concept of their operation. He explained that the corporation was, whenever possible, buying additional property for expansion purposes. Chairman Stover suggested that the 65 feet of vacant property could be put to better use by utilizing it to solve some of the circulation and access problems on the tract. The Commission discussed several alternative locations for buildings and drives on the property. Commissioner Burke moved that the plan be sent back to the developer for re~ visions and resubmitted to the Project. Review Committee. The motion wa's seconded by Commi;ssi;ones Mathewson and unanimously approved. AGENDA, ITEM Np. 8 -- Reconsiderati©n of parking lot requirements at Agency Records Control. City Planner Mayo related the results of the meeting held between the Mayor, himself, and officials of A.R.C.. He stated that A.R.C. had agreed to comply with all Fire Department requirements and to use wheel stops to mark ends of all parking rows rather than build islands on the last two rows only,. He sug~ gested that this would help to eliminate cars parking in the driving lanes and do someth%ng to help the si;tuation in the entire parki;ng lot. Chairman Stover stated that the wheel stops would not be vi,si,ble to drivers and could cause more problems than providing no delini,ation at all, He also pointed out that no landscaping would be provided by this plan, Commissioner Watson pointed out that the action taken. at the last meeting had released A.R.C, from provi'di'ng any landscaping because the motion had called for the construction of islands only, Chairman Stover stated that the requi;cement of landsicaping was i;mpli.ed by order finance when i;stands are specified, Councilman Hazen suggested that, since the same people parked i;n the lot every day, they would become 1'amili'ar with the location of the wheelstops< Commissioner Mathewson asked i;f any provision could be made for raised reflectors on the wheel stops to provide for better visbilty< Dr. McMath of A.R,C. stated that he di;d not think these would be needed because the employees would become farm;li;ar with the location of the wheelstops. Chai;rman Stover stated that i;n low visibility situation, even persons familiar wi;th the parking area, would have difficulty finding the wheelstops. Commissioner Jones moved that-the plan presented by Mr. Mayo showing the location of wheelstops at the ends of parking rows be approved. Tfie motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and failed by the following vote; r MINUTES Page 5 I Planning and Zoning Commission March 1, 1979 7.00 P,M. For: Watson, Sweeney, Jones Against: Stover, Etter, Burke, Mathewson Commissioner Mathewson moved thatti~e suggested plan be approved with the proyisi;Qn that the two parking lots be connected by a drive: The motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Jones moved that the proposed plan be approved with the provision of raised reflectors installed on the wheelstops. Chairman Stover stated that he would vote no on such a motion because he did not feel that the wheelstops alone would offer any solution. Commissioner Burke stated that she would vote no because, in her opinion, A.R.C. was attempting to provide as little compliance with City ordinances as possible. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that the wheelstops would create a greater problem than existed in the lot at this time. Dr. McMath pointed out that A.R.C. employed a 24 hour guard who would enforce parking in the lot. • Commissioner Jones withdrew his motion. Commissioner Jones moved that the parking lot be left as is until additional parking is added and that any additional parking would be developed under the requirements of the parking and landscaping ordinance. The motion was seconded 6y Commissioner Watson and approved by the following vote: For: Watson, Jones, Stover, Sweeney Against: Etter, Burke, Mathewson AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 -- Other business. City Planner Mayo advised the Commissioners to begin considering a possible change to the section of the Zoning Ordinance defining the number of related and un- related person making up a "family'' in single family districs. City Planner Mayo and Chairman Stover related the outcome of a subcommittee meeting held between them and County Commissioners regarding development con- trols in the E.T.J. They pointed out that, in many instances, Bryan's require- ments were more demanding than College Station's, particularly in the area of right-of-way requirements. Commissioner Sweeney asked what action the Council had taken in regard to the Culpepper Plaza parking lot. Mr. Mayo advised that the Council had told the staff to take whatever action was necessary. He stated that the matter had been turned over to the Building Official and that if Mr. Culpepper di'd not take action to comply within 180 days, the sit- uation would be turned over to the City Attorney. MINUTES Page 6 Pla,nni,n~ and Zoni;nc~ ~ Commf551;Q(1 March 1, 1979 7:00 P.M. AGENDA ITEM N0. -- Adjourn. Commissioner Jones moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. APPROVED Chairman Attest Secretary •