HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES City of College Staiton Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting June 7, 1979 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Watson; Commissioners Sweeney, Etter, Hazen, Stover, Sears,Behling; City Planner Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Zoning Administrator Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley; Council Liaison Mayor Bravenec. MEMBERS ABSENT: None AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval of minutes, meeting of May 17, 1979. Commissioner Hazen moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Hear Visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 -- A public hearing on a request to revise a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of a sorority house in the existing residence located at 1302 Munson Avenue. Thy application is in the name of the Alpha Phi Sorority, 1302 Munson, College Station. Mr. Mayo stated that he at the first hearing on living in the house and proposed revision would spaces. He pointed out most of the large trees suit in a too intense u could not support the proposed revision. He noted that the question, it was stated that 7 or 8 girls ;would be that the approved plan showed 30 parking spaces. The have 34 girls living in the house and over 50 parking that the 50 parking spaces would require the removal of on the site. He suggested that the revision would re- se of the site. The public hearing was opened. Mrs. Frieda Kozik, 1010 Dominik, spoke in opposition to the requested revision. She stated that she was opposed to allowing the large parking lot to have access to Munson Avenue. She also objected to the plan not including a screening fence down Munson. Mr. Tim Coppinger, 1003 Dominik, spoke in opposition to the request. He stated that he would not object to the lower density proposed in the original request. Mr. Tom Kaffal, project architect, stated that the increase in residency was need- ed so that the sorority could pay for the house. He noted that the plan would add a second story to the house. Ms. Mary Newton, president of Alpha Phi, explained that the increase was due to a change in the plans of the national organization. Chairman Watson asked if the sorority could live with fewer residents and less parking. Ms. Newton stated that this would have to be taken under consideration. MINUTES Page 2 Planning and Zoning Commission June 7, 1979 7:00 P.M. Mrs. Irene Kramer, 1604 Dominik, spoke in opposition to the revision. She stated that she objected to the plan being changed from what the sorority had first prom- ised. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hazen stated that it had been understood since the sorority area was proposed that the house on the corner of Munson and Dominik would continue to look like a single family residence in keeping with the adjoining neighborhood. She noted that this had been promised to the area residents at several public hearings. Commissioner Etter stated that he had been opposed to the entire concept but that he had favored the original plan. He also pointed out that the purchase of the property had been contingent on the action of the Commission when the first use permit was granted. He stated that he was opposed to the revision and would not favor any compromise. Commissioner Stover moved that the request be denied. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hazen. Commissioner Behling asked how the property was zoned. Mr. Mayo advised that the property was zoned R-6, Apartment Building District. Mr. Mayo explained that the project could still be done according to the original plan. The motion was approved with Commissioner Behling and Chairman Watson voting against. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- Continuation of a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 33.50 acre tract and a 4.00 acre tract enerall located west of and adjacent to the East Bypass and approximatel 3000 feet south of Harve Road from Apartment Building District R-5 and Single Famil Residential District R-1 to General Com- mercial District C-1. The application is in the name of the College Station Land Company, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mr. Mayo reviewed what had transpired at the last meeting and outlined the proposed rezoning. He recommended that the entire property be rezoned to C-1. He noted that CBL, the corporation developing the mall, had agreed to build a screen fence along Sutton Place and that the City had a 30 foot utility easement along the mall prop- erty adjacent to Sutton Place which would remain undeveloped. He added that CBL had offered to add a 20 foot strip of landscape screening to provide an effective 50 foot buffer area. Mr. Mayo suggested that this would be an adequate buffer between the large estate type lots in Sutton Place and the proposed support fac- ility for the mall. He pointed out that Sutton Place was made up of only four, undeveloped and very large lots. Mr. Richard Smith, 819 S. Texas Avenue, spoke in opposition to the request. He suggested that the lack of a lower land use buffer was inconsistent with College Station's land use policies. Mr. Smith outlined the negotiations that had gone on between CBL representatives and himself. He suggested that a 50 foot vacant property strip was not an adequate buffer between sinlge family lots and a Sears regional service facility. He asked that his property be given the same type of buffer as was being suggested in the Merry Oaks area for the mall proposed there. MINUTES Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission June 7, 1979 7:00 P.M. Mr. Mayo stated that the three or four large, undeveloped lots in Sutton Place did not require the same type of buffer as the three hundred develpped and occupied lots in the Merry Oaks area. He also stated that the Sears service center would be a much less intese use than the mall itself. He suggested that a 50 foot undevelpped strip, a parking area, the service center, and Holleman Drive would be an adequate buffer. Mr. Smith stated that he understood the realities of the situation and that he was not against the mall being built but that he wanted some protiection for the invest- ment he had made in Sutton Place. Mr. Smith stated that he had attempted to sell his land to CBL but that they had not been able to agree on a price. He added that CBL had suggested that Mr. Smith's property be zoned C-1. Mr. Smith stated that he would not object to this but that he did not think the Commission would agree. Mr. Smith asked that the matter be tabled so that he could continue to work with the developers of the mall. Mr. Bucky Wolford, Vice President of CBL, stated that they had made it clear a year ago that additional C-1 property would be needed for the mall. He explained the development of the mall, the service center and the proposed buffer strip. Mr. Wolford stated that,rrather than decreasing, property values near large shop- ping malls had historicaly increased. He asked that the zoning be approved and not tabled again. Mr. Norman Whitehorn, Twin City Church of Christ, stated that he had discussed the rezoning with some of the members of the church (owners of allot in Sutton Place) and that he had found no opposition. Commissioner Sweeney asked Mr. Smith what his opinion would be of rezoning Sutton Place to C-1. Mr. Smith stated that he would prefer C-1 to allowing the property to remain R-1. Chairman Watson pointed out that if Sutton Place were rezoned to C-1, the street would have to be brought up to commercial standards. He asked Mr. Smith if he would object to this. Mr. Smith stated that he would object to having to pay for curbing and guttering the street. Commissioner Stover suggested that, if Sutton Place were rezoned to C-1, the exist- ing street would be a logical location for Holleman Drive. Mr. Wolford stated that CBL had agreed to pay for the improvement of Sutton Place Street if the land were rezoned. He pointed out that CBL would have to pay for Holleman Drive no matter where it was located. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend approval of the requested rezoning of the 33.50 and the 4.0 acre tracts. i Commissioner Stover pointed out that it was his intent that the Sutton Place pro- perty be rezoned and that Holleman Drive be located on the Sutton Place Street. Mr. Smith stated that he would be in favor of this as long as he did not have to give up any more land or pay for the improvement of the street. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission June 7, 1979 7:00 P.M. • Page 4 Mr. Wolford again stated that his company would pay for the improvement of the street. The motion to recommend approval of the request was seconded by Commissioner Hazen. Commissioner Behling asked if there was any way to enforce the agreements discussed. Chairman Watson stated that Mr. Smith would have to have his property rezoned and the mall would have to go through site plan approval. The motion was approved with Commissioner Behling voting against. Commissioner Hazen moved that the City initiate rezoning of Mr. Smith's property lo- cated north of Wolf Pen Creek and that the City Engineer determine the location of Holleman Drive. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 -- Consideration of a preliminar of and adiacent to Texas Avenue and approximately lat - Highlands Place located west fP_P_t south of Pi non Drive. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the plat had been revised according to the plans of the Highway Department for the widening of Texas Avenue. He noted that although the lots along the unnamed road had been narrowed to 25 feet, the developer had provided an access easement through the lots and that the lots were very deep. Mr. W.D.. Fitch spoke and explained the changes made in the plat and the proposed plans of the Highway Department. Commissioner Stover suggested that the owners of the 25 foot wide lots could still demand access to the main street and could not legally be denied. He also stated that the access easement would cause a curb cut on Longmire Drive very near its inter- section with the major road. Mr. Fitch stated that he did not intend to have a curb cut on Longmire and that the access easement was intended only to allow owners of all lots access to the curb cuts as approved by the City Engineer. Commissioner Stover stated that the problem of granting owners of the lots access to the main road still remained. Commissioner Etter asked what the typical frontage purchased would be in a development of 25 foot wide commercial lots. Mr. Fitch said that most buyers would buy from 150 to 175 feet of frontage. Commissioner Behling moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Stover voting against. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- Consideration of a final plat - Vacating and Resubdividing Lots 10 and 11, Block A, Carter's Grove, Second Installment. Mr. Mayo explained the proposed resubdivision. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission June 7, 1979 7 :00 P.M. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 -- Consideration of a final Tract A, Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10; Block 1 and Tra Bernadine Estates Addition, First Installment. Page 5 lat - Vacating and Resubdividing t B, Lots 8, 9, and 10; Block 2 of the Mr. Mayo explained the reason for and effect of the proposed resubdivision. He noted that a recent flood plain study had shown that none of the properties were effected by flood plains. He stated that the lots on Texas Avenue appeared low, but were of adequate size to allow development. Commissioner Sears moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and approved with Chairman Watson abstaining. Chairman Watson noted that he abstained because he lived adjacent to Tract A. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- Other business. Mr. Mayo summarized the results of the workshop session held on Teusday, June 5. Commissioner Sears asked if a meeting of the subcommittee studying the commercial sections of the Zoning Ordinance could be set up. The subcommittee determined to meet on June 12 at 3:30. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 - Adjourn. Commissioner Sears moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stover and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. c: